AuthorsNo. of Publications
yip, psf 60
wong, pwc 28
fu, kw 13
chan, wsc 9
chan, clw 6
chen, eyh 6
chan, kym 5
chan, ssm 5
kwok, cl 5
law, ck 5
liu, ky 5
peng, c 5
lai, sy 4
sha, f 4
so, wk 4
zhang, y 4
chan, m 3
chang, s 3
cheng, q 3
lai, c 3
li, b 3
xu, y 3
zhang, h 3
chak, gs 2
chan, wl 2
chau, mcl 2
chau, ph 2
chiang, b 2
chiu, hfk 2
chow, s 2
fu, y 2
ip, fwl 2
lai, ccs 2
lai, cs 2
liu, ks 2
liu, pmy 2
ma, hhm 2
ng, pwl 2
ngai, k 2
shum, aky 2
wei, x 2
wong, tw 2
xiong, c 2
xu, z 2
yang, kct 2
yip, p 2
yip, paul siu fai 2
au, jsk 1
bacon-shone, j 1
beautrais, al 1
beh, psl 1
beh, sl 1
caine, e d 1
caine, eric d 1
chan, cs 1
chan, hye 1
chan, kk 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, py 1
chang, q 1
chang, ss 1
chang, ss 1
chau, yc 1
chen, f 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, jwy 1
cheng, m 1
cheng, mns 1
cheng, q 1
cheng, sh 1
cheng, tm 1
cheung, f 1
cheung, fyf 1
cheung, kr 1
cheung, yt 1
chiang, byron 1
chiu, sm 1
chow, aym 1
chow, si 1
chow, tyj 1
chu yeung, pyp 1
chui, chun wai velda 1
chung, p 1
conwell, y 1
deng, z 1
fan, s 1
fang, l 1
fung, cs 1
guo, y 1
h, sm 1
hawton, k 1
he, l 1
ho, rainbow tin hung 1
ho, rth 1
hong, q 1
hsu, sm 1
hu, d 1
huen, myj 1
ip, byt 1
ip, yt 1
kam, pm 1
kong, travis shiu ki 1
kwok, rcl 1
l, b 1
lai, carmen chui-shan 1
lai, esy 1
laidler, karen ann 1
lau, ehy 1
lau, s 1
law, sck 1
lee, dts 1
lee, est 1
lee, kmc 1
leung, aym 1
leung, s 1
leung, wg 1
li, hsh 1
li, mh 1
li, mht 1
li, ngai ling 1
li, tmh 1
liao, cwm 1
liu, k 1
lo, b 1
lok, r 1
lowe, kate frances ann 1
lung, d 1
luo, tingyu 1
miu, sm 1
morgan, pr 1
ng, wm 1
shum, ky 1
tai, yyl 1
tsang, chc 1
tsang, skm 1
tse, ml 1
tso, mk 1
tsui, s 1
wang, jsh 1
wang, w 1
watson, r 1
wong, hk 1
wong, jyh 1
wong, ky 1
wong, pw 1
woo, j 1
yau, a 1
yau, rsp 1
yau, sp 1
yeung, cheuk yui 1
yeung, tk 1
yeung, tl 1
yip, ps 1
zhang, q 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hong kong 18
suicide 14
older adults 8
suicide prevention 8
epidemiology 7
hikikomori 7
psychopathology 7
severe social withdrawal behavior 7
social communication 7
suicidal ideation 7
youth social issues 7
suicide - psychology - statistics and numerical data 6
suicide-statistics-and-numerical-data 6
temperature 6
weather 6
family - psychology 5
information retrieval 5
information seeking 5
internet search 5
pagerank 5
search behavior 5
suicide information 5
youth 5
adolescent disease 4
adult 4
carbon monoxide poisoning - mortality 4
case-control studies 4
charcoal 4
cognitive therapy 4
coping behavior 4
depression 4
double-blind method 4
elderly 4
epidemic 4
evidence based practice 4
exchange pattern 4
female 4
helium suicide 4
hong kong - epidemiology 4
incidence 4
intergenerational support 4
life satisfaction 4
logistic regression 4
mental disorders - complications - diagnosis - epidemiology 4
mobile phone survey 4
online media 4
platform screen door 4
poisson regression 4
political participation 4
population surveillance - methods 4
poverty determinants 4
poverty spectrum 4
psychiatric status rating scales 4
public health approach 4
quantile regression 4
railway suicide 4
recovery 4
restriction to means 4
risk factor 4
self-harm 4
severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) 4
severe acute respiratory syndrome - mortality - psychology 4
social isolation 4
substitution effect 4
suicide - prevention and control - statistics and numerical data 4
suicide - psychology - statistics & numerical data 4
suicide, attempted - psychology - statistics & numerical data 4
typology 4
well-being 4
adolescent 3
adolescents 3
artificial intelligence 3
children of divorced families 3
chinese 3
coroners and medical examiners - statistics & numerical data 3
court case review 3
cross-border marriages 3
culture 3
discrepancies in poverty status 3
divorce 3
economic inequality 3
education 3
family relations 3
family responsibility 3
guidelines as topic 3
health education 3
higher education 3
housing status 3
humans 3
intergenerational earnings mobility 3
interpersonal relations 3
interviews as topic 3
knowledge graph 3
mass media 3
mental disorders - diagnosis 3
mental health services - utilization 3
natural language processing 3
negative coping 3
newspaper 3
newspapers - statistics & numerical data 3
online counseling services 3
postdischarge intervention 3
psychiatric disorders 3
psychological autopsy study 3
public health 3
quasi-experimental design 3
remarriage 3
returns to education 3
risk 3
self-rated health 3
service use 3
students - psychology 3
subjective poverty 3
suicide - ethnology - trends 3
suicide - prevention & control - psychology - statistics & numerical data 3
volunteer 3
world health organization 3
age distribution 2
aged 2
bullying perpetration 2
care 2
cause of death 2
center for disease control and prevention 2
cluster analysis 2
community 2
community-based approach 2
commuting 2
commuting mode 2
commuting time 2
consumption patterns 2
coping strategy 2
cross-cultural comparison 2
deliberate self-harm 2
difference-in-difference model 2
digital game-based learning 2
discrepancy in poverty 2
economic poverty 2
effectiveness 2
emergency service, hospital 2
emotional distress 2
employment 2
empowerment 2
empowerment approach 2
evaluation study 2
follow-up studies 2
geographic information system 2
great britain - epidemiology 2
hong kong sar 2
hospital 2
hospitals, general 2
intervention 2
life change events 2
male 2
mechanism 2
mediation analysis 2
mental disorders - ethnology 2
mental distress 2
mental health 2
middle aged 2
ministry of health 2
mobile app 2
model 2
non-contact 2
obesity 2
online engagement 2
oxford 2
patient 2
priority 2
public heath approach 2
recurrence 2
recurrence/prevention & control 2
registries 2
repetition 2
retrospective studies 2
satisfaction with life 2
school-based learning 2
schools 2
service utilization 2
sex distribution 2
social withdrawal 2
social work 2
spatial mismatch 2
students 2
subjective well-being 2
suicide - statistics & numerical data 2
suicide -- prevention -- china -- hong kong. 2
suicide cluster 2
suicide, attempted - ethnology - prevention & control - psychology 2
suicide, attempted - prevention & control - statistics & numerical data 2
suicidology 2
support 2
surveillance 2
thwarted belongingness 2
transport allowance 2
treatment 2
volunteers 2
years of life lost (yll) 2
young internet users 2
dimensions and priorities 1
exposure time 1
intimate partner violence 1
left-behind children 1
meaning-focused coping 1
meta-analysis 1
near-lethal suicide 1
pathway to care 1
postpartum depression 1
psychotropic drug treatment and rehabilitation services 1
qualitative methods 1
qualitative study 1
quality of life 1
resilience 1
service providers 1
service users 1
subtype 1
suicide attempts 1
多層干預模式 1
社區介入 1
評估 1
青年自殺 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
poverty 9
chinese, climate, elderly, hong kong, mortality, suicide 6
anxiety, depression, internet addiction, online gaming, social networking 4
drug policy, drug treatment services, harm reduction, illicit drug use 3
point-of-care test, micro-elimination, prison health, outreach team, portable fibroscan 3
male internet users, masculinity, online social work, physical competency, suicidality 2
addictive behaviors, gender-specific interventions, self-harm, young people 1
adolescents, left-behind children, migrant workers, parental absence, suicidal behaviours 1
caring contact, hopelessness, post-discharge self-harm, rct, suicidal ideation 1
community-based mental health, deliberate self-harm, suicide prevention, volunteer mentorsip, youth 1
cyber identity, mental wellbeing, online disinhibition effect, social media content analysis, young adults 1
cyberbullying, group work, mental well-being, primary school students, social worker 1
deliberate self-harm, healthcare, needs assessment, psychosocial service, suicide prevention 1
e/mhealth, interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide, self-harm, social connectedness, volunteer support 1
engagement, internet users, quasi-experimental design, social work, youth 1
group-based intervention, social withdrawal behavior, social work, youth 1
health service, qualitative study, self-harm, suicide prevention 1
masculinity, online social work, self-harm, suicidal ideation, young adults 1
men, mental health, self-harm 1
online social work intervention, self-harm, suicide, youth 1
research output prize 1
social inclusion, youth employment, youth unemployment 1
chatgpt, hallucinations, large language model, social work, online detection 1
housing, competency, subdivided units, poverty 1
refer to attachments 1
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