bert |
2 |
bias |
2 |
bootstrap |
2 |
bootstrap iteration |
2 |
importance sampling |
2 |
m-estimator |
2 |
mle |
2 |
monte carlo |
2 |
mvue |
2 |
over-smoothing |
2 |
saddlepoint |
2 |
tail probability |
2 |
transformer |
2 |
adaptive |
1 |
alternative hypothesis |
1 |
ancillary |
1 |
asymptotic |
1 |
asymptotic distribution |
1 |
asymptotic normality |
1 |
asymptotics |
1 |
backwards percentile |
1 |
bandwidth |
1 |
bayes rule |
1 |
bias reduction |
1 |
block bootstrap |
1 |
boostrap iteration |
1 |
bootstrap consistency |
1 |
bootstrap-t |
1 |
calibration |
1 |
centre exponent |
1 |
centre-outward ordering |
1 |
chernoff's modal estimator |
1 |
classification |
1 |
computer engineering |
1 |
computers |
1 |
conditional inference |
1 |
confidence bound |
1 |
confidence interval |
1 |
confidence limit |
1 |
confidence region |
1 |
confidence set |
1 |
configural polysampling |
1 |
confrontation |
1 |
consistency |
1 |
constrained bootstrap |
1 |
constrained maximum likelihood estimator |
1 |
convergence rate |
1 |
cornish-fisher expansion |
1 |
coverage |
1 |
coverage calibration |
1 |
coverage error |
1 |
data depth |
1 |
density function |
1 |
depth function |
1 |
double block bootstrap |
1 |
double bootstrap |
1 |
edgeworth |
1 |
edgeworth expansion |
1 |
empirical likelihood |
1 |
equi-tailed |
1 |
estimation of distribution |
1 |
extreme percentile |
1 |
gaussian process |
1 |
global maximum likelihood estimator |
1 |
goodness-of-fit tests |
1 |
hard thresholding |
1 |
high dimensions |
1 |
hybrid confidence region |
1 |
hybrid percentile |
1 |
interpoint distance |
1 |
interpolation |
1 |
iterated bootstrap |
1 |
james–stein estimator |
1 |
kernel |
1 |
kernel density estimate |
1 |
kernel density estimator |
1 |
kernel function |
1 |
l(p) estimator |
1 |
lasso-type estimator |
1 |
least favourable family |
1 |
least squares estimator |
1 |
likelihood |
1 |
linear approximation |
1 |
linear regression |
1 |
local linear regression |
1 |
local parametric fit |
1 |
lp estimator |
1 |
m -estimation |
1 |
m out of n bootstrap |
1 |
m out of n parametric bootstrap |
1 |
m-estimation |
1 |
m/n bootstrap |
1 |
markov chain |
1 |
maximum likelihood |
1 |
minimax |
1 |
missing data |
1 |
mixture estimator |
1 |
monte carlo approximation |
1 |
monte carlo simulation |
1 |
moving-parameter |
1 |
multimodality |
1 |
nadaraya quantile estimator |
1 |
nadaraya–watson estimator |
1 |
nearest neighbour |
1 |
negativity correction |
1 |
noncoverage |
1 |
nonparametric likelihood |
1 |
nonparametric regression |
1 |
nonsmooth functional |
1 |
nuisance parameter |
1 |
null hypothesis |
1 |
omnidirectional data perturbations |
1 |
oracle property |
1 |
order-calibration |
1 |
p-value |
1 |
parametric bootstrap |
1 |
partially linear model |
1 |
percentile method |
1 |
pivot |
1 |
plug-in |
1 |
post-model-selection |
1 |
power |
1 |
prepivoting |
1 |
quantile |
1 |
r-value plot |
1 |
ratewise efficient |
1 |
recentred bootstrap |
1 |
regression |
1 |
regression. |
1 |
rejection sampling |
1 |
representativeness |
1 |
resample |
1 |
resampling |
1 |
ridge regression |
1 |
robustness |
1 |
sample quantile |
1 |
sampling error |
1 |
scad |
1 |
second-order accurate |
1 |
semiparametric estimation |
1 |
sequential bagging |
1 |
shrinkage-type |
1 |
simulation |
1 |
size |
1 |
smooth function model |
1 |
smoothed bootstrap |
1 |
standardized statistic |
1 |
stein estimator |
1 |
stochastically optimal |
1 |
strong mixing |
1 |
studentization |
1 |
studentized sample quantile |
1 |
subsampling |
1 |
undersmoothing |
1 |
uniform consistency |
1 |
uniformly correct |
1 |
variable selection |
1 |
weak sparsity |
1 |
weakly dependent |
1 |
weighted bootstrap |
1 |
weighted bootstrap iteration |
1 |