AuthorsNo. of Publications
ho, ky 39
dudgeon, d 35
lee, js 29
williams, ga 28
kwok, kwh 27
lam, pks 25
leung, ty 25
bao, vww 24
leung, pty 21
mak, ky 21
qiu, jw 21
wai, tc 20
wang, z 20
lui, gcs 18
li, xy 17
zhou, g 17
zhou, gj 17
perkins, mj 16
wong, swy 16
lam, mhw 15
tao, s 15
crane, m 14
kwok, whkp 13
lau, tce 13
morritt, d 13
wu, rss 13
xu, g 13
bao, w 12
wong, wy 12
grist, epm 11
lam, jcw 11
wang, y 11
djurisic, a 10
gray, js 10
lee, jhw 10
yung, mnm 10
bonebrake, tc 9
giesy, jp 9
lee, jhw 9
li, wk 9
ng, wc 9
sham, rct 9
shin, pks 9
yi, x 9
astudillo placencia, jc 8
bjorgesater, a 8
furness, rw 8
han, j 8
ho, kky 8
ip, ch 8
lau, dcp 8
li, aj 8
park, tj 8
rhee, js 8
yung, mnm 8
chan, km 7
chan, ky 7
li, j 7
svavarsson, j 7
yau, kcj 7
yeung, wy 7
bao, ww 6
cheung, sg 6
karraker, ne 6
kim, bm 6
kwok, kpwh 6
lau, tc 6
lui, kky 6
mak, yky 6
tao, lsr 6
wang, xh 6
warne, msj 6
yeung, kwy 6
djurisic, ab 5
lai, ws 5
leung, yh 5
lui, csg 5
morley, nj 5
morton, b 5
wong, kjh 5
wong, tl 5
yeung, jwy 5
yeung, wyk 5
zhang, aq 5
zhang, q 5
ankley, gt 4
chan, ll 4
cheng, iny 4
cheung, wwl 4
chu, jcw 4
cornish, a 4
koutsaftis, a 4
lau, cp 4
li, x 4
liu, f 4
mak, sst 4
merrington, g 4
ng, jss 4
ng, pt 4
sadovy, yj 4
wang, y 4
wenning, rj 4
wheeler, jr 4
wu, ss 4
yau, jkc 4
airoldi, l 3
au, dwt 3
carusi, a 3
chan, bkk 3
chan, wt 3
cheng, sh 3
cheung, mms 3
chu, vkh 3
de grandis, g 3
hall-spencer, jm 3
hodges, g 3
jeong, cb 3
kong, ssy 3
lai, kky 3
lam, cw 3
lam, kh 3
lauenstein, gg 3
lee, ym 3
li, y 3
lui, ky 3
ng, tpt 3
park, hg 3
raisuddin, s 3
sin, yt 3
steinberg, pd 3
tsui, cy 3
wai, tc 3
wang, h 3
whelan, m 3
wong, ckc 3
xu, xr 3
yan, zg 3
yi, ax 3
yi, axl 3
ying, gg 3
yung, mmn 3
zhang, t 3
zhang, x 3
an, yj 2
backhaus, t 2
barnthouse, l 2
batley, g 2
binet, mt 2
bjørgesæter, a 2
brooks, b 2
chak, stc 2
chan, kk 2
chang, jp 2
chapman, pm 2
cheng, cfm 2
cheung, kc 2
chow, bkc 2
chu, kh 2
davies, mr 2
de pirro, m 2
dewhurst, re 2
edmands, s 2
escher, bi 2
firth, lb 2
flahaut, e 2
foley, hb 2
fougeres, pa 2
fung, wkm 2
griffin, m 2
hawkins, sj 2
ho, sl 2
ho, vcm 2
ho, wl 2
holt, m 2
hui, tty 2
hwang, ds 2
ip, jch 2
jeong, sw 2
jin, x 2
kapustka, l 2
karraker, n 2
karraker, ne 2
kim, ic 2
ko, ph 2
kong, sy 2
kwok, kw 2
lai, ch 2
lai, rws 2
lajus, dl 2
lam, cs 2
lam, yyv 2
landis, w 2
lau, etc 2
lauenstein, g 2
lee, sj 2
lee, ys 2
leung, fcc 2
leung, hym 2
li, wk 2
linkov, i 2
liu, s 2
liu, zt 2
luo, p 2
mak, e 2
mak, epy 2
maltby, l 2
marshall, dj 2
meador, jp 2
mouneyrac, c 2
ng, amc 2
poon, wl 2
santos, jh 2
schlenk, d 2
sheng, j 2
shin, kh 2
soares-gomes, a 2
sorokin, n 2
stauber, jl 2
sun, py 2
suter, g 2
tannenbaum, l 2
toy, r 2
tsang, vwh 2
tse, ly 2
wang, x 2
wang, yz 2
whitehouse, p 2
willett, c 2
won, ej 2
wong, aol 2
wong, atl 2
wong, ck 2
wong, lc 2
wong, mh 2
yamashita, n 2
yim, jh 2
yu, rz 2
yuan, w 2
zeng, l 2
zhang, l 2
zheng, gjs 2
adams, lc 1
adams, ms 1
agius, j 1
alexander, ka 1
altenburger, r 1
amiard-triquet, c 1
andree, k 1
ang, po 1
apitz, se 1
aptiz, s 1
arias‐barreiro, c 1
astudillo, jc 1
attanasio, r 1
axtner, j 1
bagley, mj 1
baker, dm 1
banks, j 1
bao, l 1
bao, vw 1
barlow, ej 1
beebee, tjc 1
bellas, j 1
bennetzen, jl 1
bermingham, e 1
berthet, b 1
besada, v 1
birch, gf 1
bishop, mj 1
bjorgesæter, a 1
boge, j 1
boge, ja 1
boisselierdubayle, mc 1
boxall, aba 1
bozarth, ca 1
brauman, k 1
bray, s 1
brink, pjv 1
brock, tc 1
brock, tcm 1
brooks, bw 1
brooks, cp 1
brooks, p 1
brown, rp 1
bunting, m 1
burket, sr 1
burrows, mt 1
burton, ga 1
cai, z 1
cameron, m 1
catanese, g 1
cavers, s 1
ceronsouza, i 1
chak, wh 1
chan, cmn 1
chan, janet kit yan 1
chan, jky 1
chan, jky 1
chan, k-h 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, mn 1
chan, p-k 1
chan, rwy 1
chan, sn 1
chan, wk 1
chapman, p 1
chariton, aa 1
charlesdominique, p 1
chaudhry, s 1
che, cm 1
chen, cy 1
chen, h 1
chen, jd 1
chen, w 1
cheng, irene nga yee 1
cheng, j 1
cheng, mcf 1
cheung young, n 1
cheung, ms 1
cheung, ryh 1
cheung, wl 1
chinchilla, l 1
ching, tcy 1
chiu, ym 1
choi, iy 1
choi, k 1
choi, kw 1
choi, kw 1
chrispijn, j 1
chu, l-w 1
chu, sv 1
chung, sk 1
close, j 1
coleman, ra 1
coors, a 1
cordeiro, rc 1
cordell, jr 1
cornish, as 1
coughanowr, c 1
crowe, t 1
da silva, d 1
dafreville, s 1
dahms, hu 1
damon, g 1
daunt, f 1
davies, h 1
davies, sng 1
delatte, h 1
deng, y 1
deng, yu 1
diamond, j 1
djurišić, ab 1
dong, yw 1
dorge, t 1
du, b 1
dumont, cp 1
duncan, n 1
durand, jd 1
duvernell, d 1
dwyer, r 1
dyer, s 1
escher, b 1
estep, m 1
evans, aj 1
fan, s 1
fattahi, r 1
fei, y 1
fei, yh 1
feng, c 1
festenstein, r 1
flauhaut, e 1
focazio, m 1
fong, y 1
fortune, j 1
freville, h 1
funes, v 1
gallardoescarate, c 1
ganeshaiah, kn 1
genner, mj 1
ghaffari, mr 1
gibson, j 1
girod, c 1
gomezmoliner, bj 1
gonzalezporter, gp 1
goodkin, n 1
gosa, a 1
govers, f 1
grace, d 1
grioni, a 1
gu, jd 1
gudmundsdóttir, ló 1
guerin, f 1
guerra, r 1
guindo, d 1
guo, f 1
guo, m 1
gómez, ag 1
hagiwara, a 1
hailer, f 1
halldórsson, h 1
hanping fang, h 1
haye, pa 1
he, yl 1
heath, t 1
heery, ec 1
hickey, cw 1
hii, ys 1
hilscherova, k 1
ho, cm 1
ho, gwc 1
hoang, t 1
hoelmer, ka 1
hofmann, s 1
hong, y 1
hoon, ll 1
horiguchi, t 1
horii, y 1
hose, gc 1
hu, c 1
hu, y 1
huang, guangling 1
huang, qi 1
huang, sw 1
hui, jct 1
hui, jhl 1
humeau, l 1
humphrey, c 1
hwang, uk 1
ibrahim, h 1
infante, c 1
ip, hl 1
ip, j 1
ip, rhl 1
iwai, cb 1
iyaswamy, a 1
jackson, sa 1
jacobsen, e 1
jayawardena, aw 1
jian, m 1
jiang, g 1
jiao, cy 1
jin, linjie 1
jin, w 1
jing, le 1
jowkar, a 1
juhel, g 1
jung, jh 1
jung, so 1
jörundsdóttir, k 1
kafi, m 1
karami, a 1
kermani, mj 1
kidd, k 1
kim, h 1
kim, jb 1
kim, ks 1
kim, my 1
kim, rk 1
kim, ro 1
knibb, w 1
koelmans, b 1
koita, oa 1
kokora, m 1
kong, suria suet yee 1
korpelainen, h 1
kueh, csw 1
kumar durairajan, s-s 1
kwan, js-c 1
kwok, ky 1
kwong, rpy 1
kyriazi‐huber, k 1
lai, c-h 1
lai, k 1
lai, nls 1
lai, rw 1
lajus, d 1
lam, c 1
lam, ks-l 1
lam, paul k.s. 1
lam, pk 1
lam, vyy 1
lambourdiere, j 1
lao, jia yong 1
lasso, e 1
lau, e 1
lau, mc 1
lau, mhy 1
law, csw 1
leblois, r 1
lee, by 1
lee, eky 1
lee, h 1
lee, hk 1
lee, j 1
lee, jh 1
lee, kc 1
lee, s 1
lee, sy 1
lee, w 1
lei, ny 1
leung, mcc 1
leung, nh 1
leung, pty 1
lewis, jw 1
li, b 1
li, c 1
li, h 1
li, hb 1
li, l 1
li, m 1
li, ws 1
liang, wenzhao 1
lieckfeldt, d 1
lin, bl 1
lin, h 1
lin, hr 1
lin, l 1
liu, g 1
liu, h 1
liu, jh 1
lizana, m 1
lo, csc 1
loke, lhl 1
loughry, wj 1
lu, b 1
lu, x 1
luan, tg 1
lui, gs 1
luo, qiong 1
lv, y 1
ma, apy 1
ma, ll 1
ma, ok-f 1
machado, w 1
madeira, mj 1
mahmoodi, p 1
mak, st 1
maldonado, je 1
mao, yanping 1
mardi, m 1
martin, p 1
meador, j 1
mendes, o 1
miehe, g 1
mieszkowska, n 1
miller, jk 1
moore, pj 1
morgan, ij 1
morris, rl 1
morritt, dn 1
mu, y 1
mui, ls 1
munksgaard, n 1
muth, p 1
nacci, d 1
naveen kumar, l 1
newman, mc 1
ng, j.s.s. 1
ng, rc-l 1
ng, ss 1
nguyen, c 1
nillos, mg 1
oginawati, k 1
olsen, s 1
pack, k 1
pailler, t 1
park, gs 1
parzies, hk 1
perez, l 1
perkol-finkel, s 1
pfunder, m 1
pietilainen, m 1
pirro, md 1
pirseyedi, sm 1
pointing, sb 1
ponti, m 1
porta, d 1
porta, j 1
porta, jm 1
proum, s 1
puente, a 1
quilici, s 1
rakotoarivelo, fp 1
ramesha, bt 1
rao, k 1
rathnayake, ivn 1
rattikansukha, c 1
ravikanth, g 1
rella, a 1
rhodes, jr 1
richardson, b 1
riera, b 1
risjani, y 1
risterucci, am 1
roberts, da 1
roe, s 1
rogers, h 1
ruan, y 1
ruan, yf 1
ruan, yuefei 1
rudd, ma 1
russell, bd 1
sadovy de mitcheson, y 1
samadi, s 1
santelli, re 1
sarasolapuente, v 1
sarrazin, e 1
sarthou, c 1
schmidt, a 1
schneider, u 1
schuster, h 1
seager, tp 1
segovia, ni 1
senthilkumar, k 1
servos, m 1
sham, rc-t 1
sham, ronia c. 1
shan, rc-t 1
shea, wlc 1
shen, kn 1
shih, k 1
shim, wj 1
shoeb, m 1
simiand, c 1
sims, dw 1
sin, syt 1
sit, wh 1
sman, mhb 1
smith, r 1
snape, j 1
so, ym 1
solhoy, t 1
sommer, s 1
song, m 1
southward, ec 1
stauber, j 1
steinberg, p 1
sthiannopkao, s 1
strain, ema 1
sumangala, rc 1
sun, f 1
sun, my 1
suter, gw ii 1
takeuchi, i 1
tan, ch 1
tang, cf 1
tanner, e 1
tanner, el 1
tao, ls 1
taubert, r 1
taylor, ac 1
taylor, u 1
tejangkura, t 1
telford, a 1
testa, a 1
thompson, rc 1
todd, pa 1
toft, jd 1
toll, j 1
tolloncordet, c 1
tolls, j 1
tse, hm 1
tsuchiya, mc 1
tzeng, wn 1
uma shaanker, r 1
van dam, r 1
van den brink, pj 1
van mourik, ta 1
van sprang, p 1
vasudeva, r 1
vaughan, m 1
villela, of 1
viñas, l 1
wai, hy 1
wang, chunxiao 1
wang, jy 1
wang, rl 1
wang, wh 1
warne, ms 1
webb, ja 1
welch, me 1
wells, f 1
weltzien, e 1
wenning, r 1
wheeled, jr 1
whitehead, a 1
whitehead, j 1
whittington, m 1
wilett, c 1
wong, hl 1
wong, jcy 1
woodard, a 1
worboys, ma 1
wu, f 1
wu, fc 1
wu, l 1
wu, r 1
wu, rongben 1
xia, j 1
xu, egb 1
xu, shaopeng 1
yamazaki, e 1
yan, wt 1
yang, m 1
yang, ms 1
yang, ny 1
yang, r 1
yang, y 1
yau, c 1
yi, xl 1
yi, xy 1
yillia, pt 1
you, j 1
yu, s 1
yuan, dx 1
yurtseva, a 1
yurtseva, ay 1
zeinolabedini, m 1
zeng, ey 1
zhang xw, 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, k 1
zhang, kai 1
zhang, tong 1
zhang, xw 1
zhang, yh 1
zhao, zy 1
zheng, gj 1
zheng, js 1
zhong, b 1
zhou, g-j 1
zhou, jl 1
zurcher, na 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
animals 9
hong kong 8
ecotoxicity 7
toxicity 7
dissolution 6
environmental monitoring - methods 6
food chain 6
metal oxide nanoparticles 6
metal speciation 6
trophic level 6
ultrafiltrate 6
water pollutants, chemical - analysis - metabolism 6
zinc complex 6
zno-nps 6
adiponectin 5
anthropogenic nutrients 5
aquaculture 5
beta deposition 5
biodiversity 5
carbon isotopes - analysis - metabolism 5
dentate gyrus 5
ecological risk assessment 5
fish farming 5
fishes - metabolism 5
insulin-resistance 5
isotopes - analysis 5
nitrogen isotopes - analysis - metabolism 5
possible involvement 5
risk assessment 5
seafood - analysis 5
stable isotope 5
trophic dynamics 5
16s rrna gene 4
algal blooms 4
biota 4
chiloscyllium plagiosum 4
coastal engineering 4
compound-specific stable isotopes 4
conservation 4
detritus 4
distribution 4
dose-response relationship, drug 4
early warning system 4
ecological engineering 4
ecosystem disturbance 4
endocrine disrupting chemicals 4
fatty acids 4
feeding habit 4
fishery management 4
food webs 4
freshwater 4
gut microbiome 4
host taxon 4
hotspot 4
intertidal environment 4
inventory 4
limpet 4
long range dependence 4
marine fishes 4
marine predators 4
mixing model 4
monsoon 4
monsoonal climate 4
pearl river estuary 4
physiology 4
pollution 4
rain 4
red-tide 4
scoliodon laticaudus 4
sewage 4
shore protection 4
species checklist 4
species richness 4
temperature 4
time series forecasting 4
trophic subsidy 4
tropical shores 4
varx modelling 4
zooplankton 4
ammonia 3
and teleost 3
barium - toxicity 3
benchmarking 3
benthic biodiversity 3
bioinvasion 3
biomarker 3
cadmium - toxicity 3
calcium 3
calcium channels - metabolism 3
camp 3
chlorine consumption 3
comt assay 3
copepoda - drug effects 3
denitrifying degradation 3
diatom 3
diatoms - drug effects 3
disinfection - methods - standards 3
disinfection by-products 3
dissolved organic matter (dom) 3
drinking water 3
ecological modeling 3
ecological threats 3
empirical bayesian methods 3
enrichment 3
environment 3
environmental behavior 3
environmental monitoring 3
fouling communities 3
geography 3
goldfish 3
gonadotropin-ii 3
growth 3
growth hormone 3
growth hormone - secretion 3
guidelines as topic 3
invasive 3
invertebrates 3
marine environment 3
marine protected areas 3
metagenome 3
microbial community 3
monitoring 3
nahac gene 3
nanomaterials 3
neuropeptides - analysis - pharmacology 3
neuropeptides - metabolism - pharmacology - physiology 3
non-native 3
organic chemicals - analysis 3
oryzias - genetics - metabolism 3
pac1 receptor 3
pacap 3
pahs 3
perna viridis 3
pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide 3
pituitary cells 3
pituitary gland - chemistry - drug effects - physiology 3
polycyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic - toxicity 3
protein kinase a 3
protein kinase c 3
qpcr 3
receptors, pituitary hormone - chemistry - genetics 3
reclamation 3
reverse osmosis 3
seawater quality 3
sediment quality guidelines 3
sequence homology, amino acid 3
sewage treatment 3
species sensitivity distribution 3
species specificity 3
stochastic processes 3
trihalomethanes 3
tropical climate 3
vip 3
vpac1 receptor 3
vpac2 receptor 3
water pollution 3
water purification - standards 3
water supply - analysis - standards 3
yeast estrogen screen 3
zinc oxide - chemistry - toxicity 3
17 α-ethinylestradiol (ee2) 2
17 α-ethyl estradiol (ee2) 2
acidogenic fermentation 2
adductor muscle 2
adsorption 2
adverse outcome pathway 2
algae 2
allochthonous 2
alternatives risk assessment framework 2
ammonia excretion 2
amphibian 2
amphipod 2
analysis of variance 2
animal nutritional physiological phenomena - physiology 2
animal proteomics 2
antifouling agents 2
antifouling biocide 2
antifouling booster biocide 2
aquatic toxicity 2
artificial mussels 2
ascidians 2
assessment 2
assessment factor 2
assimilation efficiency 2
autochthonous 2
barnacle 2
barnacles 2
benthic fauna 2
benthos 2
bioaccumulation 2
biochemistry 2
biomass 2
bisphenol a (bpa) 2
bivalves 2
blended learning 2
blood 2
body burden 2
brachidontes variabilis 2
cadmium 2
carbon isotopes - analysis 2
carbon:nitrogen ratio 2
cd 2
chemically enhanced primary sedimentation 2
china 2
chromatography, gas 2
climate change 2
coastal ecosystem 2
combined toxicity 2
community analyses 2
competitive adsorption 2
concentration addition 2
conservation of natural resources 2
contaminants of emerging concern 2
copper 2
copper pyrithione 2
cr 2
crustacea 2
crustacea - metabolism 2
crustacean 2
cu 2
cuora trifasciata 2
cyanobacteria 2
cyp1a 2
decapoda (crustacea) - physiology 2
demersal resources 2
desorption 2
developmental instability 2
diatoms 2
dogwhelk 2
emerging contaminants 2
energy flow 2
engineered nanomaterials 2
environmental fate 2
environmental fate and behaviour 2
environmental remediation 2
environmental remediation - economics - methods - statistics and numerical data 2
environmental research 2
environmental risk assessment 2
environmental stress 2
environmental technology 2
enzyme 2
er stress 2
facebook 2
fatty acids - analysis 2
feeding behavior - physiology 2
field monitoring 2
fish proteins - genetics - metabolism 2
fisheries 2
fisheries management 2
fisheries resources 2
fluctuating asymmetry 2
food web 2
food-chain length 2
fresh water ecosystems 2
gastrointestinal fluids 2
gastropod 2
genome 2
geologic sediments - analysis 2
grouper 2
growth inhibition 2
habitat alteration 2
hats 2
heart rate 2
heat shock protein 2
heat stress 2
heavy metals 2
hepatopancreas 2
hepatopancreas - metabolism 2
higher education 2
hong kong marine sediment 2
human 2
hydrogen peroxide 2
insecticide 2
intervention analysis 2
knowledge construction 2
life cycle test 2
macroinvertebrate 2
malformation 2
marine biology 2
marine medaka 2
marine pollutant 2
marine sediment 2
medaka 2
metal monitoring 2
metallothionein 2
metallothionein isoform 2
metals 2
metals, heavy - analysis - metabolism 2
methyl ethers - analysis 2
mixture toxicity 2
models, theoretical 2
molecular pathways 2
multiple stressors 2
multistressor 2
muscles - metabolism 2
mussel 2
mussel watch 2
mytilopsis sallei 2
niche 2
nitrogen - analysis 2
nitrogen budget 2
non-native species 2
omics 2
organotins 2
oryzias melastigma 2
osmoregulation 2
pb 2
plasma 2
polychaetes 2
pre-market evaluation 2
predation 2
privacy 2
quantile regression 2
quantitative structure–activity relationship 2
ration 2
recovery 2
reference interval 2
response surface model 2
retinoids 2
riparian shading 2
risk assessment framework 2
rna 2
rotifer 2
routine oxygen consumption 2
salinity 2
saltwater ecosystems 2
seasonal effect 2
seasonality 2
seawater 2
sediment 2
sediment quality guideline 2
seemingly unrelated regression 2
sludge 2
snapper 2
social networking site 2
species sensitivity distributions (ssds) 2
stable isotopes 2
stoichiometry 2
subtropical 2
summer die-off 2
summer mortality 2
sustainability 2
synergistic effects 2
taxon-specific ssds 2
temperature-dependent chemical toxicity 2
temperature-dependent species sensitivity distribution 2
tetraclita 2
thermal tolerance 2
time series 2
toxic mechanisms 2
toxicokinetic 2
trawl ban 2
trophic niche 2
trophic position 2
tropical rocky shore 2
tube worm 2
turtle. 2
uptake route 2
waf 2
water pollution - prevention and control 2
water quality guidelines 2
water-accommodated fraction 2
xenostrobus securis 2
zinc oxide 2
zn 2
1-octanol - chemistry 1
a. tamarense 1
accidents 1
ache 1
acidification 1
acr 1
acute toxicity tests 1
acute-to-chronic ratio 1
additive 1
adverse outcomes pathways 1
aggregate size 1
alexandrium affine 1
ammonia - toxicity 1
annual input 1
antagonistic 1
anthropogenic change 1
anti-fouling biocides 1
antibiotics 1
antifoulant 1
antifoulants 1
antifouling 1
antifouling paint 1
antifouling paints 1
antifouling substances 1
antioxidant 1
aquatic environments 1
aquatic organisms - drug effects 1
asia 1
atenolol 1
ballast water 1
bayesian networks 1
benthic ecological monitoring 1
big data 1
bioassay 1
bioassays 1
biodiversity survey 1
biofiltration 1
biofouling 1
biogeography 1
biological assay - methods 1
biological markers - analysis 1
bioluminescence 1
biomagnification 1
biomarkers 1
biomonitor 1
biomonitoring 1
bootstrap regression 1
brachionus koreanus acetylcholinesterase 1
cadmium - adverse effects 1
calcium carbonate 1
cape d'aguilar marine reserve 1
causality 1
cell surface protein (csp) 1
cercariae 1
chemical industry - methods 1
chemical management 1
chemical mixtures 1
chemical regulation 1
chinese native species 1
chitin - chemistry 1
chloramphenicol 1
chlorophyll a fluorescence 1
chlorothalonil 1
chromatography, high pressure liquid 1
chronic toxicity 1
cladocera 1
classification scheme 1
climate models 1
coastal environment 1
coastal marine ecosystems 1
coastal waters 1
coefficient of variation 1
computational chemistry 1
container terminal 1
contaminant 1
control region 1
copepod 1
copepoda 1
copepods 1
copper - metabolism 1
copper - toxicity 1
cyanobacteria - drug effects 1
cyp 1
cytochrome p450 1
daiichi 1
data quality 1
data quantity 1
ddt 1
de novo transcriptome 1
decision making 1
defence response 1
degradation intermediates 1
degradation kinetics 1
degradation products 1
depuration 1
development 1
diatoms - drug effects - growth & development 1
digenea 1
dinoflagellida - drug effects - growth & development 1
disinfectants - metabolism - toxicity 1
disinfectants - toxicity 1
disorders of sex development - chemically induced - epidemiology - veterinary 1
dissolved organic matters 1
diuron 1
diuron - toxicity 1
dna repair 1
double bootstrap 1
down-the-drain 1
dpsir (driver-pressure-state-impact-response) model 1
early development 1
ecological risk 1
ecological risks 1
ecosystems 1
ecotoxicity test 1
ecotoxicology 1
effect thresholds 1
elefan 1
enantioselectivity 1
encystment 1
endocrine disrupting compound 1
endocrine disruption 1
endocrine disruption chemicals 1
energy reserve 1
environmental chemistry 1
environmental exposure 1
environmental genomics 1
environmental health 1
environmental indices 1
environmental interaction 1
environmental law 1
environmental management 1
environmental monitoring - legislation and jurisprudence - methods - statistics and numerical data 1
environmental policy 1
environmental pollutants 1
environmental pollution - legislation and jurisprudence - prevention and control 1
environmental pollution - prevention and control 1
environmental quality standard 1
environmental quality standards 1
environmental regulation 1
environmental toxicology 1
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 1
estuaries 1
eutrophication 1
evolution 1
female 1
fish 1
food procurement 1
forecasting 1
freshwater ecosystem 1
freshwater ecosystems 1
freshwater to saltwater toxicity 1
fukushima 1
gamma rays 1
gastropoda - drug effects - metabolism - physiology 1
gastropods 1
gdp 1
gene expression 1
genetic patchiness 1
genomics 1
global warming 1
glutathione s-transferase 1
gonadosomatic index 1
growth rate 1
harbours 1
harmonisation 1
hazard 1
hazard index 1
hazard quotient 1
hazard/risk assessment 1
hazardous substances - analysis 1
health risk 1
heartbeat 1
hong kong waters 1
host-parasite interactions 1
human activities 1
human health 1
hydrodynamic model 1
hydrogen peroxide - pharmacology 1
hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions 1
imposex 1
in vivo endpoints 1
industrial chemicals 1
integrated environmental risk assessment and management (ieram) 1
international collaboration 1
international convention 1
international maritime organisation 1
international maritime organization 1
intrinsic growth rate 1
intrinsic rate of increase 1
invasive species 1
ion dissolution rate 1
irgarol 1
irgarol 1051 1
irgarol-1051 1
iron - metabolism 1
japanese economy 1
kinetics 1
larvae 1
larvicidal oil 1
length-weight relationship 1
lethal concentration 1
lethal dose 50 1
life table analysis 1
lipid content 1
lipophilicity 1
littorina littorea 1
long-polymerase chain reaction 1
long-term monitoring 1
luminescent measurements 1
lymnaea 1
male 1
mariculture 1
marine 1
marine diatom 1
marine mammal 1
marine organisms 1
marine pollution 1
marine pollution monitoring 1
marine primary producers 1
marine reserve 1
mechanistic studies 1
medaka fish 1
medium chain chlorinated paraffins 1
metabolomics 1
metacercariae 1
metal 1
metal binding protein 1
metal-binding proteins 1
metallothionein - biosynthesis 1
metallothionein - chemical synthesis 1
metallothioneins 1
microalgae 1
mitochondrial genome 1
mixtures 1
model fit 1
model organism 1
models, chemical 1
mollusca - physiology 1
morphology 1
mortality 1
mosquitos 1
mrna assay 1
multi-generational 1
mussels 1
nanomaterial 1
nanotubes, carbon 1
neogastropod 1
nets mesh 1
new chemical substances 1
nordic regions 1
normalisation 1
north atlantic 1
nucella 1
nucella lapillus 1
nuclear energy 1
nuclear receptor 1
nutritional state 1
obesity 1
octanol-water partition coefficient kow 1
oil spill 1
opfrs 1
optimal temperature 1
organic chemicals 1
organic matter-water partition coefficient koc 1
organotin 1
organotin compounds 1
organotin compounds - analysis - metabolism - toxicity 1
overfishing 1
overweight 1
oxidants - pharmacology 1
oxidation-reduction 1
oxidative stress 1
p-glycoprotein 1
palm oil 1
paralytic shellfish toxin (pst) 1
parity 1
parorchis 1
particulate organic matters 1
pearl farming 1
penis - drug effects - physiology 1
periwinkles 1
persistent organic pollutants 1
pesticides - chemistry 1
pesticides - toxicity 1
ph 1
pharmaceutical 1
photodegradation 1
photosynthesis 1
physa 1
policy 1
polychaete 1
population density 1
population effect 1
population growth 1
population growth rate 1
portunus hastatoides 1
predicted no-effect concentration 1
predictive models. 1
predictive value of tests 1
primary producers 1
priority screening 1
prospective risk 1
proteomics 1
pyrithione 1
qwiklite 1
qwiklite™ 1
radiation 1
radionuclide 1
recruitment 1
regulation 1
representativeness 1
reproducibility of results 1
reproduction 1
response addition 1
retinoic acids 1
retrospective risk assessment 1
risk 1
river pollution 1
rna-seq 1
rna/dna ratio 1
rockshell 1
russian empire 1
safe extrapolation factors 1
safety extrapolation factor 1
saltwater data 1
sand elimination 1
seafood safety 1
season 1
seasons 1
sequencing 1
seston 1
sewage treatment plant 1
sex ratio 1
shenzhen 1
short chain chlorinated paraffins 1
silver 1
size 1
snails 1
snails - drug effects - metabolism 1
snails - parasitology 1
social, ethical and legal aspects 1
sodium chloride 1
south china 1
spatiotemporal trends 1
species sensitivity distributions 1
statistical methods 1
stomatopod 1
submarine outfall 1
sunscreen 1
sustainable fisheries 1
sweage effluents 1
swimming activity 1
swimming crab 1
synergistic 1
tadpole 1
tbt 1
technical system 1
temperate-to-tropic extrapolation factor 1
temporal trend 1
thais 1
thais clavigera 1
thalassiosira 1
thermal performance 1
thermal stress 1
tigriopus 1
tigriopus californicus 1
tigriopus japonicus 1
tigriopus sp. 1
tissue benchmarks 1
tissue concentration 1
tissue distribution 1
tissue specificity 1
tissue-residue approach 1
tokyo bay 1
torrey canyon oil spill 1
toxicity tests 1
toxicology 1
tpt 1
trade-off 1
transcriptome 1
transcriptomic 1
transcriptomics 1
transformation products 1
trematoda - drug effects - physiology 1
trialkyltin compounds - toxicity 1
triazines - chemistry 1
triazines - metabolism - toxicity 1
triazines - toxicity 1
tributyltin 1
tributyltin (tbt) 1
triphenyltin 1
tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate 1
trophic dilution 1
tropics 1
unionised ammonia 1
wastewater treatment 1
water - chemistry 1
water accommodated fraction 1
water pollutants - adverse effects 1
water pollutants - toxicity 1
water pollutants, chemical 1
water pollutants, chemical - analysis - metabolism - toxicity 1
water pollutants, chemical - metabolism - toxicity 1
water pollutants, chemical - toxicity 1
water quality criteria 1
water quality criteria (wqc) 1
water quality management 1
weight of evidence 1
whelk 1
yantian port 1
yeast estrogen screen assay 1
zinc 1
zinc - metabolism 1
zinc oxide nanoparticle 1
zinc pyrithione 1
β-naphthoflavone 1
β-nf 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
astrobiology, climate change, pollution, public health, stable isotopes 14
coastal marine environments, marine biodiversity and ecology, shuen wan hoi, ting kok, tolo harbour and channel 10
enhanced separation, sludge refinery, wastewater treatment 6
anthropogenic disturbance, ecosystem recovery, fisheries, marine biodiversity, trawling ban 5
environmental, marine 4
iron-enhanced sedimentation, pha and bioplastics, phosphorus recovery, sludge acidogensis, wastewater treatment 4
agonist, alzheimer’s, apelin, disease, receptor, therapeutic 3
bioremediation, contaminated marine sediment, denitrification 3
detritus, ecosystems, food webs, seasonality, trophic-flow 3
echinoderm, marine protected area, sea urchin 3
ecotoxicology, icmpe-9, marine pollution, the 9th international conference 3
assessment survey, hong kong, marine species, non-native 2
bats, dietary, dna, ecosystem services assessment, implications, metabarcoding 2
biodiversity conservation, co2 emission, freshwater carbon cycling, hong kong, human stressors 2
ecological surveys, marine biodiversity, review 2
ecotoxicology, marine pollution, multiple stressors, nanotoxicology, sunscreens 2
environmental quality standards 2
metallothioneins, mts, proteomics 2
microbial diversity 2
(eqspae – 2011), deriving environmental quality standards, international conference, protection of aquatic ecosystems 1
antifouling agents, copper, ecological risk, ecotoxicology, water quality 1
assessment (safety) factor, ecological risk assessment, species sensitivity, temperature, water quality guidelines 1
biodiversity, conservation, ecology, ecosystems, marine 1
biomonitoring, marine pollution 1
coastal environment 1
ecotoxicology, marine, pollution 1
environment, marine 1
imposex, toxic mechanism, transcriptomics, tributyltin, triphenyltin 1
marine ecosystems 1
null 1
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