AuthorsNo. of Publications
ho, ptp 20
broadhurst, t 19
diego, jm 19
white, sm 15
takakuwa, s 12
dinhvtrung 11
matsushita, s 10
muller, s 10
ohashi, n 9
ohyama, y 9
zitrin, a 9
combes, f 8
kwok, s 8
saigo, k 8
kundu, mr 7
trung, dv 7
coe, d 6
hirano, n 6
liu, sy 6
martín, el 6
matsumoto, t 6
phanbao, n 6
saito, m 6
su, yn 6
zhang, q 6
zheng, w 6
hanawa, t 5
lam, cc 5
nelson, gj 5
sridharan, tk 5
adams, nj 4
beuther, h 4
boone, f 4
conselice, cj 4
david, lp 4
duncan, ra 4
ford, h 4
ford, hc 4
forman, w 4
gary, de 4
hunter, tr 4
leon, s 4
umetsu, k 4
vrtilek, j 4
willmer, cna 4
windhorst, ra 4
yan, hj 4
zhao, jh 4
amruth, a 3
benitez, n 3
chen, c 3
cheng, c 3
chiueh, t 3
cohen, sh 3
dai, l 3
drake, sa 3
driver, sp 3
edge, a 3
feeney-johansson, a 3
ferreira, l 3
forveille, t 3
frye, b 3
furtak, lj 3
ho, p 3
jansen, ra 3
kelly, p 3
krips, m 3
kuo, cy 3
marshall, ma 3
meena, ak 3
molnar, sm 3
muthu, c 3
oguri, m 3
o’sullivan, e 3
pascale, m 3
pirzkal, n 3
robotham, a 3
sawadasatoh, s 3
shang, h 3
sollins, p 3
summers, j 3
tang, yw 3
wang, h 3
wilkins, sm 3
alcaniz, j 2
ao, y 2
bardelli, s 2
beacom, jf 2
bhatawdekar, ra 2
birkinshaw, m 2
bonoli, s 2
brighenti, f 2
broadhurst, tom 2
brown, a 2
carneiro, s 2
carrasco-gonzález, c 2
chan, bmy 2
chang, ch 2
chang, sw 2
chaves-montero, j 2
chen, kj 2
chiueh, td 2
chu, th 2
civera, t 2
dinh, vt 2
dinhvantrung 2
dole, h 2
donati, jf 2
duncan, kj 2
d’silva, jcj 2
ederoclite, a 2
eislöffel, j 2
fazio, gg 2
fernandez-soto, a 2
garcíaburillo, s 2
gastaldello, f 2
giacintucci, s 2
gim, hb 2
gopalswamy, n 2
grogin, na 2
hamer, s 2
hammel, hb 2
han, cc 2
harper, gm 2
hathi, np 2
hoare, m 2
holwerda, bw 2
hsieh, bc 2
hsieh, py 2
huang, js 2
huang, yd 2
hwang, wyp 2
hwang, yj 2
jiang, h 2
jones, c 2
kesteven, m 2
koekemoer, a 2
koekemoer, am 2
lam, d 2
lancaster, k 2
laur, j 2
leung, yc 2
li, ct 2
li, j 2
li, sk 2
liang, h 2
liao, yw 2
lin, ky 2
lin, l 2
liu, gc 2
lizano, s 2
lo, ky 2
ma, cj 2
ma, zy 2
maksym, p 2
martin, rn 2
martincocher, p 2
milam, sn 2
moles, m 2
ng, kw 2
nianias, james 2
nishioka, h 2
nonino, m 2
park, cg 2
patt, f 2
peck, ab 2
peterson, jb 2
queiroz, c 2
raffin, p 2
ray, tp 2
reylé, c 2
rutkowski, mj 2
ryan, re 2
salome, p 2
schellenberger, g 2
schive, hy 2
silk, j 2
slee, ob 2
sun, m 2
taylor, k 2
temi, p 2
tompkins, s 2
varela, j 2
wang, fc 2
wang, lf 2
wang, wh 2
willner, sp 2
wong, j 2
wong, t 2
wu, jhp 2
yen, hw 2
yeung, ch 2
yeung, kh 2
yun, m 2
abdalla, e 1
abramo, lr 1
abramo, r 1
abril ibañez, j 1
acebron, a 1
akras, s 1
alfaro, ej 1
altamirano, p 1
altimirano, p 1
alvarez-candal, a 1
andrade, u 1
angulo, re 1
aparicio resco, m 1
arendt, rg 1
arnalte-mur, p 1
arroyo-polonio, a 1
asada, k 1
ascaso, b 1
aschwanden, mj 1
austin, d 1
b. wyithe, js 1
babul, a 1
bailey, jd 1
baker, aj 1
balaguera-antolínez, a 1
ballesteros, fj 1
baqui, po 1
barbosa, ce 1
battat, j 1
bauer, fe 1
beasley, aj 1
bello ferrer, r 1
beltrán jiménez, j 1
benetti, m 1
bengaly, cap 1
benz, ao 1
benítez, n 1
bernstein, g 1
bernui, a 1
bessell, ms 1
bhatawdekar, r 1
bielsa, s 1
blanco-pillado, jj 1
bohlender, d 1
borges fernandes, m 1
borsenberger, j 1
bradley, ld 1
bregman, jn 1
brito-silva, d 1
broadhurst, tj 1
broadhurst,, t 1
bruzual, g 1
bryan, gl 1
budding, e 1
bujarrabal, v 1
buson, lm 1
calderone, g 1
cappellari, m 1
carilli, cl 1
carleton, t 1
carmen polletta, md 1
carrasco, er 1
carvano, jm 1
casarini, l 1
casino, jm 1
castillo, j 1
castro, c 1
castro, t 1
castrocarrizo, a 1
cenarro, aj 1
cenarro, j 1
cepa, j 1
cerny, c 1
chan, cc 1
chan, my 1
chang, sh 1
chen, cc 1
chen, hr 1
chen, m 1
chen, mt 1
chen, wl 1
chies-santos, al 1
chihung, y 1
chiu, pj 1
chiueh, th 1
chou, rcy 1
chow, alex 1
chueca, s 1
cid fernandes, r 1
civano, f 1
coelho, p 1
corsini, em 1
cortesi, a 1
coutinho de carvalho, g 1
crifo, f 1
cristobal-hornillos, d 1
cristóbal-hornillos, d 1
cuesta, l 1
cully, sl 1
cypriano, es 1
daflon, s 1
daikuhara, k 1
dantas, mll 1
david, l 1
davis, r j 1
de amorim, al 1
de batz, b 1
de melo, rb 1
de oliveira, cm 1
decin, l 1
delfosse, x 1
delgado, rmg 1
dempsey, rc 1
de martino, ivan 1
diaz-garcia, la 1
diego, j 1
dimauro, p 1
dinh-v-trung, dvt 1
dinhtrung, v 1
donahue, m 1
doubrawa, l 1
drake, s 1
drissen, l 1
duarte puertas, s 1
dupke, r 1
dupke, ra 1
díaz-garcía, la 1
díaz-martín, mc 1
ebeling, h 1
emami, r 1
etoka, s 1
fabian, a 1
fernandez-ontiveros, ja 1
ferrami, g 1
ferrari, f 1
figueruelo, d 1
filippenko, av 1
finkelstein, sl 1
finoguenov, a 1
flaquer, bo 1
fong, d 1
foo, n 1
frye, bl 1
fuente, a 1
fujita, y 1
fukaoawa, m 1
fukazawa, y 1
galarza, ca 1
galván-madrid('psurname',8), r 1
galván-madrid, r 1
garcía-benito, r 1
garrington, s t 1
garzarán calderaro, j 1
gendron-marsolais, ml 1
gonzalez, ah 1
gonzalez, je 1
gonzález delgado, rm 1
gonzález-serrano, ji 1
gonçalves, dr 1
gonçalves, rs 1
gray, m d 1
greene, j 1
greisel, n 1
griffiths, a 1
grogin, n 1
grunhut, j 1
guerrero, ma 1
guibert, j 1
guinan, ef 1
gurung-lópez, s 1
harper, g m 1
harrington, k 1
harrington, kc 1
hasegawa, t 1
hasegawa, ti 1
held, ev 1
henkel, c 1
hernan-caballero, a 1
hernandez-monteagudo, c 1
hernán-caballero, a 1
hernández-monteagudo, c 1
herranz, d 1
hlavacek-larrondo, j 1
ho, it 1
ho, wm 1
hoang, ct 1
honor, r 1
hsieh, cc 1
huang, cw 1
huang, cwl 1
huang, xx 1
huang, zy 1
huertas-company, m 1
hunter, t 1
hurford, gj 1
hutchison, ta 1
hyun, m 1
ibãezromano, f 1
iglesias-marzoa, r 1
iglesias-páramo, j 1
im, m 1
infante, l 1
iono, d 1
irwin, ja 1
izquierdo-villalba, d 1
jauzac, m 1
ji, ly 1
jiménez-esteban, f 1
jiménez-teja, y 1
johnskrull, cm 1
joshi, ba 1
jullo, e 1
kamieneski, p 1
kamieneski, ps 1
kanaan, a 1
karoji, h 1
kawai, h 1
kawakatu, n 1
keel, wc 1
kehrig, c 1
kelson, dd 1
kilkenny, d 1
kingsley, j 1
kino, m 1
kirkpatrick, cc 1
kitaura, fs 1
klimchuk, ja 1
koch, p 1
koch, pm 1
kohno, k 1
koning, n 1
kubo, d 1
kubo, dy 1
l antón bravo, j 1
lagattuta, d 1
lam, dcc 1
lamadrid gutierrez, jl 1
landim, rg 1
landstreet, jd 1
larson, rl 1
lazzaro, d 1
lee, cf 1
lee, ht 1
lee, ll 1
lee, s 1
lee, th 1
lemen, jr 1
leung, e 1
leung, yle 1
li, man cheung alex 1
li, sung kei 1
li, y 1
lien, ch 1
limousin, m 1
lin, lh 1
lin, syi 1
lin, ys 1
ling, cxj 1
linsky, j 1
looney, lw 1
lopes de oliveira, r 1
lopes, ar 1
lopes, paa 1
lopez-martinez, f 1
lopez-sanjuan, c 1
lozano-pérez, d 1
lucatelli, g 1
luu, hoang nhan 1
lyo, a 1
lópez-alegre, g 1
lópez-sainz, a 1
lópez-sanjuan, c 1
magris, g 1
mahler, g 1
manzoni, g 1
mao, rq 1
marcos-caballero, a 1
mariappan, cm 1
marin-franch, a 1
maroto, al 1
marra, v 1
marson, rg 1
martin, t 1
martínez, vj 1
martínez-delgado, d 1
martínez-gonzález, e 1
martínez-solaeche, g 1
martínez-somonte, g 1
marín-franch, a 1
mathews, w 1
matsushita s satoki 1
maturi, m 1
maícas sacristán, n 1
mcdonald, i 1
mcdonald, m 1
mcnamara, b 1
medezinski, e 1
mendes de oliveira, c 1
molina-ibáñez, el 1
molino, a 1
molnar, s 1
monteiro-oliveira, r 1
moreno-signes, a 1
morishita, t 1
moscadelli, l 1
moustakas, j 1
muniesa, d 1
muniesa, dj 1
muthumariappan, c 1
nagai, h 1
nakanishi, k 1
nakashima, ji 1
neff, je 1
neri, r 1
neyrinck, mark 1
niemiec, a 1
noda, h 1
o'connell, ke 1
o'gorman, e 1
ocaña flaquer, b 1
ohnaka, k 1
olivares, v 1
oliveira, n 1
onishi, k 1
orsi, aa 1
oshiro, p 1
overzier, ra 1
o’brien, r 1
o’gorman, e 1
palencia, jm 1
pan, h a 1
pan, ha 1
patel, n 1
patel, na 1
pen, ul 1
penna-lima, m 1
pereira, cb 1
petric, a 1
pierel, jdr 1
pigozzo, c 1
pizzella, a 1
placco, vm 1
porto, p 1
pozo, alvaro 1
prada, f 1
purser, sjd 1
pérez, e 1
quartin, m 1
ramio, hv 1
raychaudhury, s 1
rebouças, mj 1
redshaw, c 1
reinheimer, j 1
reis, rrr 1
remolina, j 1
rhea, cl 1
riaz, b 1
richard, j 1
richard-lafferrière, a 1
richards, a m s 1
richards, ams 1
rodriguez-espinosa, jm 1
rodríguez llano, s 1
rodríguez, l f 1
rodríguez, lf 1
rodríguez-kamenetzky, a 1
rodríguez-kamenetzky, ar 1
rodríguez-martín, je 1
roig, f 1
romano, f 1
rottgering, hja 1
rousseau-nepton, l 1
royo navarro, m 1
rueda-teruel, f 1
rueda-teruel, s 1
ryde, n 1
ryder, s 1
röttgering, hja 1
sakamoto, k 1
salomé, p 1
salzano, v 1
sanna, a 1
santos da costa, s 1
scheller, s 1
schinnerer, e 1
schmidt, kb 1
schmitt, h 1
schwartz, ra 1
sharon, k 1
shiangyu, w 1
shu, xw 1
shultz, m 1
siffert, bb 1
simon, g 1
sinclair, mm 1
smail, i 1
smoot, george f 1
smoot, gf 1
sodre, l 1
sodré, l 1
sollins, pk 1
spinoso, d 1
steinhardt, c 1
straughn, an 1
strolger, lg 1
struble, mf 1
summers, jake 1
swirbul, a 1
taam, re 1
tamm, a 1
tamura, m 1
tata, r 1
telles, e 1
tempel, e 1
tilve rua, v 1
torrelles, jm 1
trung, dvt 1
trussler, jaa 1
tsai, cw 1
tsujikawa, s 1
usero, a 1
valdivielso, l 1
van wyk, f 1
vega-ferrero, j 1
vielva, p 1
vigneron, b 1
vilchez, jm 1
vitorelli, az 1
vlemmings, wht 1
voit, gm 1
von marttens, r 1
vrtilek, jm 1
vázquez ramió, h 1
vílchez, jm 1
wade, g 1
wajima, k 1
webb, t 1
wei, rm 1
wei, t 1
welch, b 1
werner, n 1
wiedner, mc 1
wilkeneit-braun, k 1
williams, l 1
wilner, dj 1
wilson, w 1
windhorst, r 1
windhorst, rogier 1
wittkowski, m 1
wong, k 1
wong, kt 1
wong, w 1
wong, we 1
wu, pf 1
xia, jq 1
yan, h 1
yanes-díaz, a 1
yang, ch 1
yang, j 1
yen, dcc 1
yeung, mch 1
yeung, michael 1
young, k 1
yu, pl 1
yuan, hb 1
zackrisson, e 1
zhang, js 1
zhao, xr 1
íniguez, c 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
circumstellar matter 3
dark matter 3
galaxies: evolution 3
gravitational lensing: strong 3
ism: molecules 3
radio continuum: stars 3
stars: agb and post-agb 3
stars: carbon 3
stars: imaging 3
stars: individual (crl 618) 3
stars: kinematics 3
stars: winds, outflows 3
supergiants 3
binaries: close 2
cosmology: observations 2
galaxies 2
galaxies: abundances 2
galaxies: active 2
galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cd 2
galaxies: formation 2
galaxies: high-redshift 2
galaxies: highredshift 2
galaxies: individual (m51, ngc 5194) 2
galaxies: ism 2
galaxies: jets 2
galaxies: kinematics and dynamics 2
galaxies: nuclei 2
galaxies: seyfert 2
galaxies: starburst 2
infrared: galaxies 2
ism: individual objects (l1551 ne) 2
ism: jets and outflows 2
planetary nebulae: general 2
planetary nebulae: individual (ngc 7027) 2
planetary nebulae: individual (noc 6302) 2
radio lines: galaxies 2
radio lines: stars 2
stars: evolution 2
stars: formation 2
stars: individual (irc+10420) 2
stars: individual (vy canis majoris) 2
stars: individual (π gruis) 2
stars: mass loss 2
techniques: photometric 2
[gy92] 204)-ism: jets and outflows- 1
accretion 1
accretion disks 1
accretion, accretion disks 1
active - galaxies 1
active galactic nuclei 1
active galaxies 1
activegalaxies 1
astrochemistry 1
astronomical databases: miscellaneous 1
binaries: eclipsing 1
binaries: very low-mass stars 1
binaries: visual 1
binary stars - very low mass stars 1
brown dwarfs 1
brown dwarfs - individual star: denis-p j0410-1251 1
brown dwarfs stars: magnetic fields techniques: polarimetric techniques: spectroscopic 1
catalogs 1
cf tucanae 1
chemically peculiar 1
cooling flows 1
cosmic microwave background 1
cosmology 1
elliptical and lenticular, cd 1
elliptical galaxies 1
elliptical galaxy 1
galaxies: clusters: general 1
galaxies: clusters: individual (a2744) 1
galaxies: clusters: individual (macs j1149.5+2223) 1
galaxies: clusters: individual (perseus cluster) 1
galaxies: clusters: individual: a370 1
galaxies: clusters: individual: macs j0416.1-2403 1
galaxies: clusters: individual: macsj1149.5+2223 1
galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium 1
galaxies: general 1
galaxies: groups: general 1
galaxies: groups: individual (ngc 5044) 1
galaxies: individual (3c 31, 3c 264) 1
galaxies: individual (3c 84, ngc 1275, perseus a) 1
galaxies: individual (arp 302) 1
galaxies: individual (high-velocity system, ngc 1275) 1
galaxies: individual (ngc 1097) 1
galaxies: individual (ngc 1275) 1
galaxies: individual (ngc 1275, perseus a) 1
galaxies: individual (ngc 4258) 1
galaxies: individual (ngc 4945) 1
galaxies: individual (ngc 7552) 1
galaxies: individual (perseus a, 3c 84) 1
galaxies: individual: (tn j1338-1942) 1
galaxies: individual: 4c 31.04 - galaxies: ism - galaxies: kinematics and dynamics - galaxies: active - galaxies: nuclei 1
galaxies: individual: m 51 1
galaxies: individual: ngc 4569 1
galaxies: individual: ngc 4826 1
galaxies: individual: ngc 5194 1
galaxies: individual: ngc 7679 1
galaxies: interactions 1
galaxies: luminosity function, mass function 1
galaxies: peculiar 1
galaxies: spiral 1
galaxies: star formation 1
galaxies: starburst intergalactic medium 1
galaxies: structure 1
galaxy: evolution 1
globular clusters 1
gravitation 1
gravitational lensing: strong online-only material: color figure 1
h ii regions 1
individual (ngc 1275) - galaxies 1
infrared astronomy satellite 1
infrared: ism 1
instrumentation: interferometers 1
interaction -galaxies: seyfert 1
interferometry 1
ism 1
ism - galaxies 1
ism: clouds 1
ism: individual (g5.89-0.39) 1
ism: individual (iras 18089-1732) 1
ism: individual (iso-oph 102 1
line: identification 1
lp 714-37 1
mass-loss 1
methods: data analysis 1
molecular clouds 1
molecular hdrogen 1
molecular spectra 1
molecules 1
open clusters and associations: individual (per ob1) 1
open clusters and associations: individual (pleiades) 1
outflows 1
planetary nebulae 1
planetary systems: protoplanetary disks 1
polarization 1
quasars: general 1
radiation mechanisms: nonthermal 1
radiation mechanisms: thermal 1
radiative transfer 1
radio continuum 1
radio continuum: galaxies 1
radio continuum: interstellar 1
radio continuum: ism - 1
radio jets (astronomy) 1
radio lines: interstellar 1
radio lines: ism 1
radio microwave (>lmm) 1
serpens 1
sky survey 1
solar neighbourhood 1
stars : magnetic fields 1
stars: activity 1
stars: atmospheres 1
stars: chromospheres 1
stars: coronae 1
stars: early-type - stars: individual (g240.31+0.07) 1
stars: flare 1
stars: formation stars: individual (l1551 irs 5) 1
stars: formation, molecular data, submillimeter 1
stars: general 1
stars: individual 1
stars: individual (ab aur) 1
stars: individual (ab doradus) 1
stars: individual (cit 6) 1
stars: individual (crl 2688) 1
stars: individual (denis-p j0410-1251, lp 714-37) 1
stars: individual (ev lacertae, hh andromedae) 1
stars: individual (g 164-31, gl 890, lhs 473, kp tau, gl 896b, 2e 4498) stars: low-mass 1
stars: individual (irc+10216) 1
stars: individual (l1551 irs5) 1
stars: individual (proxima centauri) 1
stars: individual (v471 tauri) 1
stars: individual (v824 arae) 1
stars: individual (η carinae) 1
stars: individual: (η car) 1
stars: individual: ab doradus 1
stars: individual: au microscopii 1
stars: individual: betelgeuse 1
stars: individual: hr 1099 1
stars: individual: v824 arae 1
stars: individual: η carinae 1
stars: jets 1
stars: late-type 1
stars: low-mass 1
stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs 1
stars: luminosity function, mass function 1
stars: magnetic field 1
stars: magnetic fields 1
stars: mass-loss 1
stars: massive 1
stars: pre-main sequence 1
stars: pre-main-sequence 1
stars: protostars 1
stars: stars: abundances 1
stars: winds 1
stellar evolution 1
submillimeter 1
sun: activity 1
sun: corona 1
sun: flares 1
sun: radio radiation 1
sun: rotation 1
sun: x-rays, gamma rays 1
sunyaev-zeldovich effect 1
surveys 1
techniques: interferometric 1
techniques: miscellaneous 1
techniques: polarimetric 1
techniques: spectroscopic 1
telescopes 1
white dwarfs 1
xmm-newton telescope 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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