AuthorsNo. of Publications
liu, m 16
donaldson, tj 7
cheung, wwl 6
colin, pl 6
cornish, as 6
leung, kmy 5
lindeman, kc 5
domeier, ml 4
ho, ky 4
mak, ky 4
rasotto, mb 4
rhodes, kl 4
tao, s 4
carpenter, ke 3
cesar, h 3
dudgeon, d 3
mous, pj 3
ng, wc 3
pet, js 3
sale, pf 3
williams, ga 3
chan, ll 2
chan, ttc 2
collette, bb 2
craig, mt 2
domeier, m 2
dulvy, nk 2
fennessy, st 2
heemstra, pc 2
kritzer, jp 2
kulbicki, m 2
labrosse, p 2
lam, pks 2
lau, ppf 2
letourneur, y 2
leung, fcc 2
lokani, p 2
lui, kky 2
mitcheson, g 2
perkins, mj 2
polidoro, ba 2
roman, a 2
samoilys, ma 2
shapiro, dy 2
short, ft 2
steneck, rs 2
stuart, sn 2
suharti, s 2
tuuli, cd 2
vincent, acj 2
warrenrhodes, k 2
aburtooropeza, o 1
agardy, t 1
aguiar, jm 1
aguilar-perera, a 1
ainsworth, ch 1
akçakaya, hr 1
albins, ma 1
alder, j 1
allen, dj 1
allen, gr 1
allison, eh 1
alonso, am 1
amori, g 1
ananjeva, nb 1
andreone, f 1
andrew, p 1
angulo, a 1
baillie, jem 1
baker, d 1
baker, rr 1
baldi, r 1
balmford, a 1
bell, bd 1
bell, jd 1
bennun, l 1
bernardi, g 1
bertoncini, aa 1
biju, sd 1
bird, jp 1
blackburn, tm 1
blackdecima, p 1
blanc, jj 1
boitani, l 1
bolaños, f 1
bolivarg, w 1
bradbury, rh 1
braynen, mt 1
brooks, tm 1
burfield, ij 1
burton, ja 1
bush, pg 1
butchart, shm 1
butler, mj 1
böhm, m 1
calosso, mc 1
campagna, c 1
cao, l 1
capper, dr 1
castro, f 1
catullo, g 1
cavanagh, rd 1
cesar, hsj 1
chan, ly 1
chan, wh 1
channing, a 1
chanson, j 1
chao, nl 1
chapman, rw 1
chau, gth 1
chen, y 1
chenery, am 1
cheng, sh 1
cheung, sg 1
cheung, w 1
cheung, wl 1
chiozza, f 1
choat, jh 1
christie, p 1
chu, kh 1
chung, wy 1
claro, r 1
clausnitzer, v 1
claydon, jab 1
cole, ks 1
collar, nj 1
collen, b 1
collett, lc 1
compagna, c 1
cornish, a 1
corrin, j 1
cortez fernandez, cf 1
cowen, rk 1
cox, na 1
crosby, mj 1
cumberlidge, n 1
cuttelod, a 1
da fonseca, gab 1
danilowicz, bs 1
darwall, wrt 1
daw, tm 1
dennis, gd 1
derocher, ae 1
diesmos, ac 1
donaldson, js 1
dong, sl 1
dublin, ht 1
duckworth, jw 1
dutson, g 1
dutta, sk 1
dvornyk, v 1
edwards, aj 1
eklund, am 1
emslie, rh 1
erdmann, m 1
erisman, b 1
farjon, a 1
feary, da 1
feist, be 1
ferreira, bp 1
figuerola, m 1
foale, sj 1
fowler, s 1
fowler, sl 1
freyhof, j 1
garcia-cagide, ar 1
garciamoliner, g 1
garshelis, dl 1
gascon, c 1
gerlach, j 1
gittens, lg 1
gower, dj 1
graham, tr 1
graig, mt 1
grant, td 1
griffin, j 1
gu, jd 1
halim, a 1
hammerson, ga 1
hanson, a 1
harris, rb 1
harrison, lr 1
hastings, p 1
heaney, lr 1
hedges, sb 1
heppell, sa 1
hero, jm 1
hiltontaylor, c 1
hixon, ma 1
ho, kky 1
hoegh-guldberg, o 1
hoffmann, m 1
hooten, aj 1
hu, m 1
huang, b 1
hughes, b 1
hurd, a 1
hussain, sa 1
icochea m, j 1
ierland, e van 1
inger, rf 1
ishii, n 1
iskandar, dt 1
jackson, am 1
jenkins, rkb 1
jiang, xw 1
jin, l 1
jones, gp 1
kaneko, y 1
katariya, v 1
kottelat, m 1
kovacs, km 1
kuzmin, sl 1
la marca, e 1
lacher jr, te 1
lam, jcw 1
lam, vyy 1
lamoreux, jf 1
lau, etc 1
lau, mwn 1
lau, p 1
lau, tce 1
lavilla, eo 1
law, sw 1
leadbitte, d 1
lee, c 1
lee, sy 1
leus, k 1
levin, ps 1
lewis, ri 1
lewison, rl 1
li, x 1
li, y 1
lichtenstein, g 1
lieberman, s 1
little, d 1
liu, m 1
livingstone, sr 1
lorenzen, k 1
lui, th 1
lukoschek, v 1
ma, ky 1
mace, gm 1
mainka, sa 1
mak, yky 1
mak, yl 1
mallon, dp 1
manica, a 1
mapstone, bd 1
mascarenas, i 1
matos-caraballo, d 1
mcgehee, ma 1
mcgilvray, f 1
mcgowan, pjk 1
mcivor, a 1
mcmanus, r 1
mcneely, ja 1
meijer, s 1
melisch, r 1
mittermeier, ra 1
moehlman, pd 1
molur, s 1
muldoon, g 1
muldoon, gj 1
muljadi, ah 1
mumby, pj 1
murphy, mb 1
musick, ja 1
myers, rf 1
nemeth, rs 1
ng, st 1
nowell, k 1
nussbaum, ra 1
obura, do 1
olech, w 1
orlov, nl 1
ortiz, ala 1
papenfuss, tj 1
paredes, g 1
parraolea, g 1
pauly, d 1
perrin, wf 1
pet, j 1
pet-soede, l 1
phillips, mj 1
pikkitch, dc 1
pilcher, n 1
pilcher, nj 1
planes, s 1
pollard, da 1
pollock, cm 1
polunin, nvc 1
pomeroy, rs 1
pourkazemi, m 1
punt, ae 1
qiming, m 1
qiu, ys 1
quader, s 1
racey, pa 1
ragle, js 1
ram, m 1
ramoica, m 1
randall, je 1
rathbun, g 1
reid, gm 1
reynolds, jd 1
reynolds, rp 1
rhodin, agj 1
richards, jl 1
richards, sj 1
richman, ni 1
rimmer, ma 1
rocha, la 1
rodrigues, asl 1
rodriguez, jp 1
rodríguez, lo 1
ron, sr 1
rondinini, c 1
rosario, ar 1
rosario, r 1
rosenberg, aa 1
russ, gr 1
russell, bc 1
russell, m 1
rylands, ab 1
samways, mj 1
sanciangco, j 1
sanciangco, jc 1
sanders, kl 1
santosbarrera, g 1
saunders, mi 1
scales, h 1
scha¨rer, mt 1
schipper, j 1
schlenk, d 1
sealey, ks 1
selfsullivan, c 1
semmens, bx 1
severin, kp 1
shea, s 1
sheng, v 1
sheppard, crc 1
shi, y 1
shin, pks 1
shoemaker, a 1
sillerozubiri, c 1
silvano, dl 1
sit, wh 1
situ, yy 1
smart, j 1
smith, a 1
smith, at 1
smith, kg 1
snoeks, j 1
squire, l 1
stattersfield, aj 1
stein, ba 1
symes, aj 1
taber, ab 1
talukdar, bk 1
tam, i 1
tao, lsr 1
temple, hj 1
timmins, r 1
to, awl 1
tobias, ja 1
tognelli, mf 1
tsytsulina, k 1
tweddle, d 1
ubeda, c 1
valenti, sv 1
van dijk, pp 1
van lavieren, h 1
vasconcellos, m 1
veiga, lm 1
veloso, a 1
vincent, ac 1
vié, jc 1
wang, y 1
warren, k 1
wege, dc 1
welford, r 1
whitfort, a 1
wilkinson, m 1
williamson, ea 1
wong, tl 1
wu, jj 1
xie, f 1
yeeting, b 1
yin, x 1
young, be 1
young, l 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
conservation 4
grouper 4
fisheries 3
fishery management 3
hong kong 3
management 3
mariculture 3
reproduction 3
sexual pattern 3
spawning aggregation 3
threatened species 3
animals 2
aquarium trade 2
biodiversity 2
biomass 2
cephalopholis argus 2
cfp 2
ciguatoxin 2
circadian 2
conservation of natural resources 2
coral reef fish 2
cryptochrome 2
dna fingerprinting 2
dragonet 2
early life history 2
epinephelinae 2
fecundity benefit 2
female choice 2
fish-specific genome duplication 2
fisheries management 2
fishery 2
gymnothorax undulatus 2
hermaphroditism 2
human 2
mandarinfish 2
marine environment 2
mating success 2
overexploitation 2
overfishing 2
proteome 2
protogynous hermaphroditism 2
purifying selection 2
reciprocal gene loss 2
reef fishes 2
scorpaenids 2
selective fishing 2
serranidae 2
sex change 2
spawning 2
sperm number 2
threatened fish 2
traditional knowledge 2
viviparity 2
16s 1
accessory sex organs 1
adaptive significance 1
adult sex change 1
aggregation 1
aggregation fishing 1
anecdotes 1
anthozoa 1
artificial shelter 1
artisanal fisheries 1
aves 1
bahamas 1
behavior 1
bermuda 1
bicolor damselfish 1
biology 1
bisexual 1
callionymid 1
camouflage grouper 1
cephalopholis boenak 1
china 1
chinese characteristics 1
ciguatera 1
ciguatera poisoning - epidemiology 1
ciguatoxins - metabolism - toxicity 1
cites appendix ii 1
closure 1
coastal resource management 1
coloration 1
commerce 1
coral reef 1
croaker 1
croakers 1
cuba 1
data-limited 1
detection 1
dna barcoding 1
dorsal accessory duct 1
ecopath 1
ecosim 1
ecosystem 1
endangered species 1
endangered species - statistics and numerical data - trends 1
endangerment 1
epinephelidae 1
epinephelus guttatus 1
epinephelus polyphekadion 1
epinephelus striatus 1
extinction 1
fecundity 1
fingerling capture 1
fish and fisheries 1
fish conservation 1
fish feed 1
fish market 1
fish spawning aggregations 1
fishes 1
fishes - metabolism 1
food security 1
fry trade 1
functional gonochorism 1
global change 1
gonad histology 1
gonad structure 1
gonadal morphology 1
gonadal ontogeny 1
gonadosomatic index 1
gonads 1
gonads - cytology - growth and development 1
grouper culture 1
grouper mariculture 1
grunt 1
gulf of california 1
gulf of mexico 1
hatching success 1
high value 1
histochemistry 1
home range 1
hong kong fisheries 1
hyperstability 1
impact assessment 1
institutional reforms 1
international agreements 1
internationality 1
iucn red list 1
juvenile fish 1
juvenile fisheries 1
juvenile fishery 1
juvenile sexual differentiation 1
kandelia 1
labridae 1
life history strategy 1
live fish market 1
live fish trade 1
live reef food fish trade 1
live reef food-fish trade 1
liver - drug effects - metabolism 1
local knowledge 1
macrobenthos 1
male courtship 1
mammalia 1
mangrove 1
mangrove fishery 1
mariculture practices 1
marine aquarium fish 1
marine biodiversity 1
marine conservation 1
marine ecology. 1
marine extinction 1
marine fisheries 1
marine protected area 1
marine resources conservation. 1
marine spatial planning 1
mating system 1
maw 1
microsatellite 1
monitoring 1
moray eel 1
mouse neuroblastoma assay 1
mucus secretion 1
nassau grouper 1
nemipterids 1
oil spill 1
otoliths - growth rate 1
pacific ocean 1
palau 1
paralabrax 1
perciformes - growth and development - physiology 1
phragmites 1
phylogeny 1
pisces 1
poisons - metabolism - toxicity 1
population decline 1
population management 1
primary male 1
protandry 1
protogyny 1
puerto rico 1
recovery 1
red list 1
reed 1
reef fish 1
reef fish fisheries 1
reef fish fishery 1
reef fisheries 1
republic of kiribati 1
restocking 1
risk 1
rudimentary hermaphrodite 1
rudimentary hermaphroditism 1
sacciform cells 1
salinity 1
sciaenidae 1
seafood 1
seawater 1
sex ratio 1
sex-change 1
sexual differentiation 1
sexual maturation 1
sexual maturity 1
sharks 1
shrinking baseline 1
social control 1
social factor 1
socio-ecological management 1
southeast asia 1
sparidae 1
spatial distribution 1
spawning seasonality 1
stegastes partitus 1
stock assessment 1
survey methods 1
sustainable fishing 1
sustainable use 1
swim bladder 1
teleosts 1
threadfin bream 1
tidal shrimp pond 1
traditional ecological knowledge 1
transient spawning aggregations 1
tropical coastal fishery 1
tropical marine ornamentals 1
urogenital apparatus 1
vertebrates 1
vulnerability 1
vulnerable 1
vulnerable species 1
wildlife trade 1
zoology 1
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