Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
adaptive system and control 1
admissible observation operator 1
algorithms 1
anatomy, cross-sectional - methods 1
animals 1
artificial intelligence 1
asymptotic spectral distribution 1
asymptotic stability 1
autocorrelation 1
axons - physiology 1
axons - ultrastructure 1
behavioral finance 1
boundary damping 1
brain - anatomy & histology - cytology 1
covariance matrix 1
cumulative prospect theory 1
degree of unboundedness 1
diffusion 1
dynamic programming identity 1
eigenvalue distributions 1
euler-bernoulli beam 1
exact observability 1
exponential stability 1
fundamental solutions 1
generalized insurance layer 1
hamilton-jacobi equation 1
image analysis 1
image enhancement - methods 1
image interpretation, computer-assisted - methods 1
imaging, three-dimensional - methods 1
infinite dimensional linear system 1
ishares 1
laminated beams 1
maximum principle 1
mean shift 1
mice 1
mice, transgenic 1
microscopy - methods 1
models, statistical 1
motor neurons - physiology 1
neuronal image processing 1
neurons - physiology 1
noise removal 1
non-convex optimization 1
nonlinear diffusion 1
optical microscopy 1
optimal control 1
optimal insurance 1
original research 1
pattern recognition, automated - methods 1
pde 1
peripheral nerves - cytology 1
peripheral nervous system - cytology - physiology 1
rate of exponential decay 1
rayleight beam 1
reproducibility of results 1
riesz basis 1
riesz basis property 1
riesz system 1
segmentation 1
sensitivity and specificity 1
sharpe ratio 1
star-shaped network 1
strong regularity 1
subspace riesz basis 1
timoshenko beam 1
timoshenko beam equation 1
variable coefficient 1
vibration and modal analysis 1
viscosity solution 1
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