Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chinese literacy acquisition 3
early years context 3
pedagogical gap 3
chinese parenting 2
co-parenting differences 2
early childhood education 2
early childhood settings 2
education in china 2
hong kong 2
inclusive education 2
maternal parenting 2
parental involvement 2
parenting profile 2
paternal parenting 2
professional learning community 2
readiness for school 2
rural education development 2
rural-urban gap 2
school context 2
special educational needs 2
stakeholders’ perspectives 2
teaching and research groups 2
access 1
administrative data 1
china 1
chinese 1
chinese kindergarten 1
chinese pedagogy 1
chinese philosophy 1
compensation (工資待遇) 1
contemporary early childhood pedagogy 1
cultural ideology 1
curriculum innovation 1
dilemmas and problems (問題與困境) 1
doctrine of the mean 1
early childhood 1
early childhood curriculum 1
early childhood education voucher 1
education bureau 1
education finance 1
education policy 1
educational authority 1
financing system (財政投入機制) 1
free early childhood education 1
globalization 1
hong kong (香港) 1
hong kong kindergarten 1
hong kong special administrative region 1
implementation 1
kindergarten teacher 1
kindergarten teachers (幼兒園教師) 1
localization 1
outline of china’s national plan for medium and long-term education reform and development(2010-2020) (規劃綱要) 1
pbl2課程模式 1
policy study 1
preschool education ( 學前教育) 1
project approach 1
quality 1
school-based curriculum development 1
shenzhen 1
shenzhen (深圳) 1
taipei (臺北) 1
teaching 1
teaching methods 1
voucher 1
web 3.0 1
左侧额中回脑区 1
幼兒園教師培養與培訓 1
汉字加工 1
特异性机制 1
通用机制 1
魔燈 1
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