Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
serizawa, s | 3 |
bond, ew | 1 |
devereux, mb | 1 |
fu, y | 1 |
hsiao, c | 1 |
lai, elc | 1 |
morimoto, s | 1 |
wan, sk | 1 |
wong, cyp | 1 |
zhang, a | 1 |
zhou, l | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
accession | 1 |
auctions | 1 |
augmented median-voter solutions | 1 |
contestable markets | 1 |
counterfactual analysis | 1 |
economic profit | 1 |
event study | 1 |
hong kong labor market | 1 |
negotiation | 1 |
panel data | 1 |
single-peaked preferences | 1 |
single-peakedness | 1 |
strategy-proofness | 1 |
unemployment | 1 |
uniform rule | 1 |
urban land market | 1 |
wto | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
application list system, endogenous-supply auction | 1 |
deferred acceptance, runaway brides, stable matchings | 1 |
Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
economics (including finance) (obsolete) | 1 |