AuthorsNo. of Publications
feldman, dc 54
butts, mm 9
sorensen, kl 9
zou, yinuo 9
chen, haoyang 8
yim, fhk 7
lucianetti, l 6
hsu, dy 5
wang, m 5
eby, lt 4
lam, ssk 4
su, c 4
vandenberg, rj 4
chen, h 3
koopmann, j 3
xu, haoran 3
zhang, y 3
zou, y 3
allen, td 2
dejoy, dm 2
parker, sk 2
shao, y 2
ward, a 2
wilson, mg 2
yam, kc 2
adams, sm 1
agarwala, t 1
agle, br 1
aguinis, h 1
akbar, h 1
amason, a 1
andrews, m 1
ang, s 1
arnold, s 1
ascigil, s 1
bachrach, d 1
bacon, n 1
balkin, d 1
bartol, k 1
bauer, t 1
beauregard, a 1
bell, bs 1
berrin, e 1
bilimoria, d 1
blader, sl 1
blakbeard, s 1
blancero, dm 1
bligh, m 1
bozionelos, n 1
bridgstock, r 1
brislin, r 1
broadbent, f 1
buchanan, b 1
budhwar, p 1
burke, r 1
cabrera, e 1
capps, c 1
carmeli, a 1
carraher, s 1
caruso, d 1
cerdin, jl 1
chen haoyang 1
chi, nw 1
chiaburu, d 1
clarke, s 1
cocchiara, f 1
cohen, a 1
collins, d 1
combs, g 1
conway, n 1
cook, a 1
cox, ss 1
d'amato, a 1
dasborough, m 1
datta, d 1
de jong, b 1
delery, j 1
diamond, r 1
donaldson, l 1
drachzahavy, a 1
dubois, dl 1
eisenberg, j 1
erhardt, nl 1
evans, sc 1
ezzedeen, s 1
feldman, d 1
fentono'creevy, m 1
ferrin, d 1
fisher, s 1
flood, p 1
forret, m 1
fox, s 1
frode, h 1
fry, j 1
fuller, t 1
gabriel, y 1
game, a 1
garmon, m 1
gavin, m 1
gibson, d 1
gilson, l 1
gourlay, s 1
goštautaitė, b 1
haigh, mm 1
hanges, p 1
harden, e 1
hareli, s 1
harquail, c 1
he, hw 1
heldal, f 1
higgins, mc 1
holden, n 1
hsu, y 1
humphrey, r 1
insch, g 1
jansen, j 1
jerrram, c 1
karaevli, a 1
karatasozkan, m 1
kark, r 1
kazeroony, hh 1
king, z 1
klimoski, r 1
kraimer, m 1
kseoõlu, ma 1
lambooij, m 1
lance, c 1
lankau, mj 1
lant, t 1
lauver, k 1
lavelle, j 1
leggio, k 1
lettice, f 1
leung, k 1
lindsay, v 1
lipshitz, r 1
lipswiersma, m 1
lowrie, a 1
lucianetti, lorenzo 1
luria, g 1
mabey, c 1
mach, m 1
machin, t 1
magley, v 1
mainiero, la 1
malachpines, a 1
masterson, s 1
mayer, d 1
mayhew, m 1
mayrhofer, w 1
mcgee, j 1
mckay, pf 1
mckee, g 1
mcmillancapehart, a 1
metz, i 1
michelson, g 1
millering, g 1
millward, l 1
mitchell, m 1
mitroff, i 1
mooney, a 1
moss, g 1
moss, s 1
moustafa, k 1
neyer, ak 1
ng, ky 1
niehoff, b 1
nkomo, s 1
noe, r 1
ostroff, c 1
ozbilgin, m 1
paetzold, r 1
palma, pj 1
parker, l 1
passos, a 1
payne, t 1
perera, s 1
pierce, c 1
pillutla, ak 1
poon, jml 1
porter, g 1
price, k 1
priem, r 1
pruyn, a 1
quigley, n 1
quinntrank, c 1
rajadhyaksha, u 1
ranft, a 1
rice, j 1
richardson, j 1
roberto, m 1
rockmann, k 1
rothwell, a 1
rowlod, j 1
ruderman, m 1
sanchez, j 1
sanders, k 1
saner, r 1
schwarz, g 1
schweitzer, j 1
schyns, b 1
seers, a 1
selvarajan, r 1
shalley, c 1
shih, j 1
singh, r 1
singh, v 1
sivasubramaniam, n 1
sonnenfeld, ja 1
springg, c 1
starbuck, w 1
steelman, l 1
stenmark, d 1
sturdy, a 1
styhre, a 1
suechan, c 1
swailes, s 1
sweitzer, v 1
tahvanaine, m 1
tang, j 1
tasa, k 1
tempest, s 1
terjesen, s 1
thoms, p 1
tjosvold, d 1
tran, v 1
treadway, d 1
trevelyan, r 1
tse, h 1
tzokas, n 1
uhbien, m 1
unsworth, k 1
valcour, m 1
van den bosch, f 1
van emmerik, h 1
vandenberghe, c 1
vardi, y 1
vendelo, m 1
vigodgadot, e 1
virick, m 1
vlaar, p 1
volmer, j 1
walters, j 1
wated, g 1
webb, c 1
weibel, a 1
weisberg, y 1
wheeler, a 1
whitcomb, k 1
wilderom, c 1
williams, h 1
williams, j 1
witcher, b 1
wraybliss, e 1
yan 1
yang, sc 1
yates, d 1
ybema, s 1
yeo, kkr 1
yim, f 1
yousef, d 1
zagenczyk, t 1
zellmebruhn, m 1
zhang, y 1
zohar, d 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
coping 3
gender 3
innovation 3
meta-analysis 3
organizational commitment 3
regulatory focus 3
turnover 3
work stress 3
age 2
appraisals 2
attachment 2
career stage 2
careers 2
contagion 2
contempt 2
counterproductive behavior 2
counterproductive work behavior 2
co‐worker 2
ethical leadership 2
hurdles 2
idiosyncratic deals 2
innovative behavior 2
instrumentality 2
job mobility 2
job satisfaction 2
latent growth modeling 2
organizational citizenship behavior 2
organizational innovation 2
ostracism 2
pandemics 2
personnel loyalty 2
perspective taking 2
pride 2
proactive motivation 2
psychological contract 2
psychological contracts 2
psychological tests 2
respect 2
salary 2
self‐efficacy 2
sex 2
social perception 2
sociometer theory 2
voice 2
wishes 2
work environment 2
workplace - psychology 2
academic mentoring 1
age discrimination 1
aging 1
anger 1
anxiety 1
attitudes 1
biases 1
boundaryless careers 1
career change 1
career development 1
career management 1
career satisfaction 1
career stability 1
career success 1
change 1
changes 1
chronological age 1
citation 1
citizenship behavior 1
common method variance 1
community embeddedness 1
competitive climate 1
conservation of resources 1
construct validity 1
contract breaches 1
contract idiosyncrasy 1
core self-evaluations 1
corporate social responsibility 1
coworker exchange 1
coworker support 1
coworkers 1
creative industries 1
creativity 1
csr 1
culture 1
depression 1
deviance 1
diversity 1
embeddedness 1
emotions 1
employee relations 1
employee voice 1
envy 1
family to-work conflict 1
familyto-work conflict 1
felt obligations 1
flexible work role orientation 1
goal striving 1
health 1
human capital 1
identification 1
income 1
individualistic values 1
innovation-related behavior 1
insomnia 1
interpersonal relations 1
job attitudes 1
job change 1
job design 1
job embeddedness 1
job motivation 1
job performance 1
job stability 1
job tenure 1
job turnover 1
leader-member exchange 1
leadership 1
learning goal orientation 1
locus of control 1
longitudinal changes 1
marketing science 1
mentoring 1
meta-analyses 1
mobility 1
moderated mediation 1
moderator 1
national culture 1
negative affect 1
networking 1
obstacles 1
occupational embeddedness 1
older workers 1
organizational change 1
organizational embeddedness 1
organizational identification 1
organizational tenure 1
organizational trust 1
perceived job alternatives 1
perceived organizational support 1
performance 1
personality 1
proactive personality 1
proactivity 1
productivity 1
psychological contract breach 1
psychological detachment 1
race 1
rewards 1
role identity 1
role salience 1
scholarly impact 1
school psychology. 1
school-to-work transition 1
self-efficacy 1
self-ratings 1
seniority 1
social capital 1
social exchange 1
social exchange theory 1
social networking 1
social responsibility 1
social support 1
social- cognitive theory 1
socialization 1
status 1
stress 1
students 1
subjective age 1
subjective career success 1
supervisor 1
supervisor support 1
supervisors 1
tenure 1
transformational leadership 1
trust 1
undermining behavior 1
within-person 1
work experience 1
work-to-family conflict 1
workplace mentoring 1
youth mentoring 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
management 1
management,psychology 1
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