Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
multinationals 3
audit quality 2
auditors' liability 2
capital structure 2
conflict of interest 2
corporate strategy 2
cost-reducing r&d investment 2
cost-volume-profit analysis 2
currency hedging 2
d21 2
d81 2
default 2
double moral hazard 2
f21 2
f23 2
financial crisis 2
firm ownership 2
foreign direct investment 2
future prospect 2
futures 2
futures hedging 2
information sharing 2
intellectual capital 2
investment-cash flow sensitivities 2
liquidity constraints 2
market efficiency 2
mergers and acquisitions 2
minimum variance portfolio 2
moral hazard 2
multiple sources of uncertainty 2
optimal stopping problems 2
passive investing 2
patent-based metrics 2
portfolio management 2
production 2
r&d-based metrics 2
regret theory 2
risk aversion 2
risk factor 2
sequential borrowing 2
smart beta 2
smooth ambiguity preferences 2
soft budget constraints 2
uncertainty 2
underinvestment 2
abandonment options 1
agricultural price risk 1
ambiguity 1
ambiguity aversion 1
analyst incentives 1
background risk 1
bank interest margins 1
banking firms 1
banks 1
basis risk 1
bivariate risk apportionment 1
business and economics 1
business cycle 1
capital requirements 1
cartel defections 1
commitment 1
commodity futures 1
commodity options 1
comparative prudence 1
comparative risk aversion 1
correlated exchange rates 1
correlation 1
cost uncertainty 1
costly reversibility 1
counterfactual thinking 1
country risk 1
credit risk 1
cross hedging 1
cross-hedge 1
cross-hedging 1
currency forwards 1
currency futures 1
currency options 1
deductible insurance 1
delivery risk 1
demand uncertainty 1
dispersion effect 1
economies in transition 1
effort 1
endogeneity 1
endogenous timing 1
exchange rate risk 1
exchange rate uncertainty 1
exotic derivatives 1
exotic hedging 1
expectation dependence 1
export flexibility 1
exporting 1
exports 1
f10 1
f30 1
f31 1
fixed rate loans 1
flexibility 1
forward hedging 1
forward markets 1
forwards 1
full-hedging 1
g13 1
hedging 1
heterogeneous consumers 1
higher-degree relative risk aversion 1
inflation risk 1
institutional ownership 1
insurance 1
interest rate risk 1
international capital allocation 1
international trade 1
investment intensity 1
investment timing 1
irreversibility 1
liquidation policies 1
liquidation policy 1
managerial preferences 1
market demand volatility 1
market insurance 1
marking to market 1
mean reversion 1
mixed risk aversion 1
monopoly 1
monotone comparative statics 1
multinational firms 1
multiple sources of risk 1
nonlinear pricing 1
operating leverage 1
options 1
p20 1
precautionary saving 1
price risk 1
price uncertainty 1
production flexibility 1
progressive taxation 1
prudence 1
prudence utility premium 1
public information 1
public policies 1
put and call options 1
quantity 1
real exchange rate risk 1
real options 1
regression dependence 1
regret aversion 1
return risk 1
revenue risk 1
revenue risks 1
risk apportionment 1
risk management 1
risk sharing markets 1
risky targets 1
self-insurance 1
self-protection 1
short-sale constraint 1
skewness 1
state-dependent background risk 1
state-dependent preferences 1
state-dependent utility 1
stated choice 1
stochastic dominance 1
strategic trade policy 1
tax exemption 1
tax-subsidy programs 1
transparency 1
two-part pricing 1
uncertain risk exposure 1
utility premium 1
variable premium schemes 1
variable rate loans 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
null 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
n/a 1
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