multinationals |
3 |
conflict of interest |
2 |
cost-reducing r&d investment |
2 |
cost-volume-profit analysis |
2 |
currency hedging |
2 |
f21 |
2 |
f23 |
2 |
foreign direct investment |
2 |
information sharing |
2 |
investment-cash flow sensitivities |
2 |
liquidity constraints |
2 |
mergers and acquisitions |
2 |
moral hazard |
2 |
multiple sources of uncertainty |
2 |
risk aversion |
2 |
soft budget constraints |
2 |
uncertainty |
2 |
abandonment options |
1 |
bank interest margins |
1 |
business and economics |
1 |
capital structure |
1 |
cartel defections |
1 |
commitment |
1 |
commodity options |
1 |
credit risk |
1 |
cross-hedging |
1 |
currency forwards |
1 |
currency futures |
1 |
currency options |
1 |
d21 |
1 |
d81 |
1 |
deductible insurance |
1 |
delivery risk |
1 |
economies in transition |
1 |
exchange rate uncertainty |
1 |
exotic derivatives |
1 |
exotic hedging |
1 |
export flexibility |
1 |
exports |
1 |
f10 |
1 |
f30 |
1 |
f31 |
1 |
forward markets |
1 |
forwards |
1 |
full-hedging |
1 |
futures |
1 |
hedging |
1 |
interest rate risk |
1 |
investment intensity |
1 |
investment timing |
1 |
irreversibility |
1 |
liquidation policies |
1 |
liquidation policy |
1 |
market demand volatility |
1 |
market insurance |
1 |
mean reversion |
1 |
multiple sources of risk |
1 |
operating leverage |
1 |
options |
1 |
p20 |
1 |
production |
1 |
production flexibility |
1 |
progressive taxation |
1 |
prudence |
1 |
real exchange rate risk |
1 |
real options |
1 |
revenue risks |
1 |
risk management |
1 |
risk sharing markets |
1 |
self-insurance |
1 |
state-dependent preferences |
1 |
tax exemption |
1 |
uncertain risk exposure |
1 |
variable premium schemes |
1 |