AuthorsNo. of Publications
wong, whs 101
wong, ick 80
chow, cb 70
chan, kl 54
chua, gt 48
wong, rsm 40
rao, n 36
chan, gcf 35
lau, yl 35
tso, wyw 33
kwan, myw 29
tung, kts 26
ho, mhk 25
li, x 25
wong, rs 25
ho, fkw 24
yam, jason c. 22
chan, ew 20
fu, kw 19
ho, fk 19
chung, bhy 18
chen, li jia 17
lee, sl 17
man, kck 17
pang, chi pui 17
tham, clement c. 17
tung, keith t.s. 17
tung, ts 17
wong, ckh 17
lo, ckm 16
sou da rosa duque, j 16
to, kkw 16
wong, ian c.k. 16
zhang, xiu juan 16
coghill, d 15
ho, kwf 15
sun, j 15
tso, wwy 15
wong, rosa s. 15
jiang, f 14
lee, tmc 14
so, hk 14
yam, jc 14
chan, ekl 13
chan, ewy 13
kam, ka wai 13
wong, jsc 13
chua, gilbert t. 12
chui, csl 12
kwok, jsy 12
leung, wc 12
lum, tys 12
tsang, hw 12
wong, wilfred h.s. 12
young, alvin l. 12
zhang, y 12
chui, slc 11
lam, clk 11
zhang, yuzhou 11
leung, wh 10
man, kkc 10
tam, pkh 10
tsang, hing wai 10
yip, psf 10
chan, ko ling 9
fong, dyt 9
ho, kw 9
hon, kl 9
lau, wcy 9
leung, d 9
louie, lht 9
tso, winnie w.y. 9
tung, ts 9
wang, yu meng 9
yuen, ky 9
chan, hss 8
chen, q 8
fan, m 8
kwok, j 8
leung, lk 8
leung, m 8
yip, km 8
gao, l 7
liu, apy 7
wing, yk 7
yam, jcs 7
bacon-shone, j 6
chen, m 6
leung, mty 6
leung, wing cheong 6
li, sl 6
wong, khtw 6
wong, vcn 6
wong, wcw 6
yu, yte 6
chan, godfrey c.f. 5
chan, hei nga 5
chan, sm 5
chiu, iws 5
coghill, david 5
fan, s 5
fung, scc 5
kwan, mike y.w. 5
kwan, yw 5
lai, ttf 5
lam, th 5
lau, lkw 5
lee, ck 5
lee, ppw 5
lo, kmc 5
so, hung kwan 5
tiwari, afy 5
tsang, amc 5
tsao, ssl 5
wan, eyf 5
wang, y 5
wong, ian ck 5
wong, w 5
chan, ayl 4
chan, mcm 4
chan, poemen p. 4
chan, vky 4
chan, yla 4
chen, eyh 4
chen, p 4
cheuk, dkl 4
chi, s 4
chu, wk 4
chu, wy 4
chui, cs 4
coghill, dr 4
dokal, i 4
gao, le 4
guo, y 4
jiang, y 4
jit, m 4
knight, r 4
lau, yi han 4
lau, yu lung 4
lee, a 4
lee, d 4
lee, kp 4
leung, kky 4
lu, l 4
luk, cw 4
lum, ty 4
luo, h 4
man, kenneth k.c. 4
man, kenneth kc 4
muntoni, f 4
pang, cp 4
peiris, jsm 4
simonoff, e 4
tang, st 4
tham, cc 4
tsui, msh 4
tu, w 4
tung, jyl 4
wang, g 4
wang, x 4
wong, ghy 4
wong, tw 4
wong, wh 4
xiong, x 4
yan, e 4
yang, w 4
zhang, wei 4
becher, y 3
chan, bnk 3
chan, ckk 3
chan, kc 3
chan, kl 3
chan, kw 3
chan, p 3
chan, pkl 3
chan, vcm 3
chaothai, s 3
chen, lj 3
cheng, ms 3
cheuk, kld 3
cheung, cl 3
cheung, pt 3
cheung, yf 3
chow, cck 3
chow, ck 3
chu, wai kit 3
chung, ccy 3
cohen, ca 3
douglas, i 3
fong, daniel yee tak 3
ge, m 3
guo, m 3
ho, frederick k. 3
ho, m 3
ho, wky 3
hollis, c 3
huang, l 3
hung, ifn 3
kam, cw 3
kam, kw 3
khong, pl 3
lai, ftt 3
lam, cindy lo kuen 3
lam, hy 3
lam, ics 3
lau, jtf 3
lee, albert 3
leung, asy 3
leung, c 3
leung, gkk 3
leung, wing hang 3
li, j 3
li, k 3
li, l 3
li, lanlan 3
li, tmh 3
lu, fangcao 3
manzur, ay 3
middleton, d 3
mok, wky 3
mu, x 3
ng, amy pui pui 3
olsson, s 3
or, kl 3
pathadka, s 3
rosa duque, jaime s. 3
schuemie, mj 3
shek, cc 3
simonoff, emily 3
sincovich, a 3
sturkenboom, mcjm 3
tang, s 3
taxis, katja 3
tiwari, a 3
tong, x 3
tse, emily tsui yee 3
tse, ml 3
tu, wenwei 3
tung, keith ts 3
wan, yfe 3
wang, xiwei 3
wei, l 3
wong, cs 3
wong, ic 3
wong, ick 3
wong, kky 3
wong, rosa s 3
wong, v 3
yan, e 3
yau, fys 3
yip, benjamin h.k. 3
yip, ka man 3
young, al 3
young, me 3
yu, tc 3
yung, awy 3
zhang, h 3
zhang, yanmei 3
zhao, j 3
zhou, ls 3
zhu, q 3
achab, s 2
agyekum, sylvia 2
ambekar, a 2
au, ch 2
bahar, n 2
banaschewski, t 2
bedford, laura 2
besag, fmc 2
bowden-jones, h 2
brauer, r 2
buitelaar, j 2
carragher, n 2
carucci, s 2
chan, adrienne y.l. 2
chan, bianca n.k. 2
chan, cmv 2
chan, d 2
chan, eww 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, karl c.k. 2
chan, kcc 2
chan, kh 2
chan, ky 2
chan, lk 2
chan, n 2
chan, pc 2
chan, sau man 2
chan, shs 2
chan, wh 2
chan, wt 2
chan, wys 2
chan, ys 2
chang, dhf 2
chaothai, sara 2
cheang, cheuk hei 2
chen, e 2
chen, j 2
chen, mengtong 2
chen, mt 2
chen, qiqi 2
cheng, awf 2
cheng, ccv 2
cheng, samuel m.s. 2
cheong, kn 2
cherk, sww 2
cheung, cn 2
cheung, cy 2
cheung, hm 2
cheung, jpy 2
chi, sq 2
chiu, wk 2
choi, eph 2
chong, cy 2
chow, bc 2
chow, c 2
chow, chun bong 2
chu, pwk 2
chua, g 2
chuang, vwm 2
chung, phy 2
chung, t 2
cohen, carolyn a. 2
cowling, bj 2
darmstadt, gl 2
douglas, ij 2
emery, cr 2
fan, sys 2
fang, b 2
farrell, m 2
fu, king wa 2
fung, cw 2
fung, genevieve p.g. 2
fung, gpg 2
fung, ic 2
gale, sc 2
garas, p 2
ge, gm 2
ge, grace mengqin 2
goh, whs 2
gong, m 2
griffiths, md 2
ha, sy 2
hachim, a 2
hachim, asmaa 2
hao, w 2
higuchi, s 2
ho, acc 2
ho, dsy 2
ho, frederick k.w. 2
ho, j 2
ho, marco h.k. 2
ho, msp 2
ho, ppk 2
ho, sp 2
hon, ekl 2
huang, f 2
hui, ann 2
hui, esk 2
hung, fni 2
hung, sf 2
hung, timothy k. 2
huo, zhaohua 2
ip, dkm 2
jiang, fan 2
kavian, niloufar 2
kavian-tessler, nc 2
kelley, sj 2
king, dl 2
konrad, k 2
kovshoff, h 2
ku, dtl 2
kuss, d 2
kwan, kelvin k.h. 2
kwan, kh 2
kwan, mike yat wah 2
kwong, ns 2
lam, i 2
lam, jennifer h.y. 2
lam, lna 2
lam, mps 2
lam, sy 2
lau, cy 2
lau, gkk 2
lau, glc 2
lau, kk 2
lau, kui kai 2
lau, wallis c.y. 2
lee, acw 2
lee, dpl 2
lee, hk 2
lee, j 2
lee, pld 2
lee, v 2
leung, akc 2
leung, daniel 2
leung, k 2
leung, lp 2
leung, lp 2
li, ck 2
li, ghy 2
li, john k.c. 2
li, kc 2
li, kw 2
li, mh 2
li, w 2
liddle, e 2
liu, snk 2
liu, z 2
lo, camilla kin ming 2
lo, ck 2
lo, jyc 2
long, j 2
louie, lobo h.t. 2
luk, leo l.h. 2
lum, terry y.s. 2
luo, n 2
mak, pq 2
mann, k 2
mccarthy, s 2
mihara, s 2
mirpuri, s 2
mori, masashi 2
mu, xiaofeng 2
nagy, p 2
nelson, eas 2
neubert, a 2
ng, m 2
ng, mandy p.h. 2
ng, ytr 2
peare, sm 2
peiris, malik 2
peng, k 2
pontes, hm 2
poznyak, v 2
qin, h 2
rahimi-movaghar, a 2
rao, nirmala 2
rich, m 2
rosa duque, js 2
rosenthal, e 2
rumpf, hj 2
saunders, jb 2
sayal, k 2
scafato, e 2
shaeffer, s 2
sharma, m 2
shing, mk 2
silva, j 2
siu, bwm 2
so, kt 2
spritzer, d 2
sun, w 2
sun, x 2
tai, sm 2
tam, paul k.h. 2
tang, fangyao 2
tang, jq 2
tinsley, hm 2
tiwari, a 2
to, wk 2
tsang, a 2
tsang, ch 2
tsang, leo c.h. 2
tsang, skm 2
tse, zt 2
tsui, kw 2
tung, keith tsz suen 2
tung, kt 2
tung, kts 2
valkenburg, sophie 2
van niekerk, rl 2
van voorhees, b 2
van voorhees, bw 2
virwani, preeti dinesh 2
wang, kyr 2
wang, z 2
weber, a 2
weber, am 2
wong, carlos king ho 2
wong, csm 2
wong, ian chi kei 2
wong, jms 2
wong, k 2
wong, sc 2
wong, sy 2
wong, wilfred hing sang 2
xiong, xl 2
yam, jason c 2
yam, jason c.s. 2
yan, vkc 2
yee, bk 2
yip, sfp 2
yu, eyt 2
yu, l 2
yuan, nan 2
zhang, d 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, l 2
zhang, s 2
zhang, youjuan 2
zhou, af 2
zhu, yh 2
zoega, helga 2
zuddas, a 2
aaby, da 1
abbott, m 1
abdullah, smu 1
abraham, a 1
adjei, prince e. 1
ahmed, d 1
ahmed, md 1
allan, max 1
aricak, ot 1
assanangkornchai, sawitri 1
assangangkornchai, s 1
assink, m 1
astrup, aske 1
au yeung, sl 1
au yeung, slr 1
au, akw 1
au, dcy 1
au, eyl 1
au, yle 1
auyeung, kl 1
avelar, raquel 1
b, ch 1
b, eb 1
bacon-shone, jh 1
bacon-shone, john 1
bahmanyar, s 1
bai, y 1
banaschewski, tobias 1
basch, c 1
beardslee, w 1
becher, yb 1
bell, c 1
berard, a 1
berry, ad 1
bhatia, i 1
bilder, s 1
billieux, j 1
bock, h 1
bolotin, m 1
borges, g 1
boukhris, t 1
brand, m 1
bray, m 1
bray, tm 1
brikell, isabell 1
brinkman, sa 1
britto, pr 1
brown, ch 1
brownridge, da 1
bui, christine h.t. 1
bui, christine huyen trang 1
bushnell, g 1
but, b 1
canel, j 1
cantorna, j 1
cao, g 1
cao, gq 1
capio, catherine m 1
carleton, bruce c 1
carlos, cm 1
cesta, carolyn e. 1
chan, a 1
chan, adrienne yl 1
chan, amy hai yan 1
chan, awm 1
chan, b 1
chan, c 1
chan, c. k. 1
chan, celia, hy 1
chan, ch 1
chan, cwl 1
chan, cy 1
chan, derwin king chung 1
chan, df 1
chan, dfy 1
chan, dicky yt 1
chan, e 1
chan, e 1
chan, elaine y.n. 1
chan, eml 1
chan, esther w 1
chan, fy 1
chan, godfrey chi fung 1
chan, h 1
chan, hlh 1
chan, hn 1
chan, j 1
chan, jason t.c. 1
chan, jasper f‐w 1
chan, jmc 1
chan, jyc 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, ks 1
chan, kwok-lap 1
chan, m 1
chan, mf 1
chan, pp 1
chan, pyt 1
chan, r 1
chan, rsm 1
chan, rwy 1
chan, ryan c.f. 1
chan, shs 1
chan, skw 1
chan, sophelia h.s. 1
chan, ssc 1
chan, ssm 1
chan, vpy 1
chan, wk 1
chan, wm 1
chan, wwe 1
chan, yannis w.k. 1
chan, yi qi 1
chan, yn 1
chan, yp 1
chan, yq 1
chan, yumi yuk-ting 1
chang, q 1
chang, r 1
chang, rsk 1
chang, sh 1
chang, skr 1
chang, zheng 1
chau, j 1
chau, kf 1
chau, patsy ph 1
chau, ph 1
chau, pph 1
chau, skc 1
chee, arnold s.h. 1
chee, arnold shau hei 1
chen, bryan py 1
chen, c 1
chen, chen 1
chen, e.e. 1
chen, ee 1
chen, hkj 1
chen, julie 1
chen, julie y 1
chen, jy 1
chen, k 1
chen, kailin 1
chen, l 1
chen, peng 1
chen, qq 1
chen, wq 1
chen, xy 1
cheng, a 1
cheng, ching yu 1
cheng, fwt 1
cheng, k 1
cheng, kkf 1
cheng, my 1
cheng, ps 1
cheuk, kl 1
cheung, asy 1
cheung, calvin k.m. 1
cheung, carman nga man 1
cheung, carman nga-man 1
cheung, carol y. 1
cheung, ching lung 1
cheung, ching-lung 1
cheung, ckm 1
cheung, derek yee tak 1
cheung, ec-l 1
cheung, ecl 1
cheung, edmund c l 1
cheung, edmund cl 1
cheung, efc 1
cheung, kb 1
cheung, kkw 1
cheung, kw 1
cheung, ly 1
cheung, p 1
cheung, pwh 1
cheung, skf 1
cheung, stephanie s.l. 1
cheung, tk 1
cheung, twy 1
cheung, whp 1
cheung, wl 1
cheung, yiu-fai 1
cheung, ytd 1
chi, shuiqing 1
chiang, aks 1
chim, d 1
chim, d 1
chin, r 1
chin, rkh 1
chin, wy 1
ching, e 1
chiu, atg 1
chiu, csw 1
chiu, hyk 1
chiu, i 1
chiu, roni man ying 1
chiu, sss 1
chiu, ta 1
chiu, yung tuen 1
cho, ey 1
cho, sm 1
choe, yj 1
choi, awm 1
choi, csy 1
choi, edmond 1
choi, edmond pui hang 1
choi, eh 1
choi, jh 1
choi, syc 1
chong, kelvin kam lung 1
chong, pcy 1
chow, anthony ty 1
chow, b 1
chow, bak yue 1
chow, bik chu 1
chow, clare h.y. 1
chow, hmt 1
chow, htk 1
chow, hyc 1
chow, km 1
chow, msc 1
chow, r 1
chow, wc 1
chow, yh 1
chow, yick hin 1
chu, awh 1
chu, p 1
chu, patrick wk 1
chua, gilbert t 1
chui, celine s. 1
chui, celine s.l. 1
chui, celine sl 1
chui, wwh 1
chung, b 1
chung, cc 1
chung, cy 1
chung, fs 1
chung, j 1
chung, k 1
chung, kl 1
chung, patrick h.y. 1
chung, phy 1
chung, sookja kim 1
chung, twh 1
chung, y 1
chus, gt 1
cleland, john g.f. 1
coghill, dave 1
cohen, jacqueline m. 1
cohhill, d 1
cole, tj 1
crawford, tj 1
cross, jh 1
crystal, s 1
dalsgaard, søren 1
darmstadt, g l 1
de oliveira costa, juliana 1
delles, christian 1
demetrovics, z 1
deng, hb 1
deng, w 1
deng, yujiao 1
derevensky, j 1
derevensky, jeff 1
doak, sav 1
dong, w 1
doo, k 1
dundas, ruth 1
eder, m 1
el kashef, a 1
el-nezami, h 1
el-nezami, hani 1
el-nezami, hani 1
emery, c 1
engeland, anders 1
fabrizio, c 1
fan, fj 1
fan, heidi sl 1
fan, heidi sze lok 1
fan, j 1
fan, j. 1
fan, sy 1
fan, sze lok 1
faraone, stephen v 1
fauth-bühler, m 1
fernald, lc 1
fineberg, na 1
fitzgibbon, m 1
fleming, michael 1
fogel, j 1
fong, chy 1
fong, daniel y.t. 1
fong, jordan yh 1
fong, nc 1
fong, ted c.t. 1
fu, king-wa 1
fu, kw 1
fu, ym 1
fulu, e 1
fung, ch 1
fung, csc 1
fung, ksc 1
fung, lw 1
fung, mkk 1
fung, pg 1
fung, wy 1
furu, k 1
gandin , c 1
gao, sl 1
ge, gmq 1
ge, mq 1
gentile, da 1
gillies, malcolm b 1
gissler, mika 1
gladstone, trg 1
goggins, wb 1
goh, w 1
gong, mc 1
goudriaan, ae 1
grall-bronnec, m 1
gray, sr 1
griffiths, k 1
guo, s 1
guo, vy 1
guo, vyw 1
gurung, s 1
h, rn 1
haavik, jan 1
hagger, martin s 1
han, hh 1
han, ms 1
hanlon, p 1
harding, b 1
harrison, jeff 1
hartman, catharina 1
hastie, claire 1
hayes, jf 1
hedley, aj 1
hgoh, w 1
ho, a 1
ho, cs 1
ho, f 1
ho, f.h.k 1
ho, f.k.w.h 1
ho, frederick kw 1
ho, hfp 1
ho, jcy 1
ho, joshua wing kei 1
ho, k 1
ho, l 1
ho, ls 1
ho, macro h.k. 1
ho, msp 1
ho, p 1
ho, pwh 1
ho, r 1
ho, rainbow t.h. 1
ho, rth 1
ho, s 1
ho, scs 1
ho, sy 1
ho, sy 1
ho, tsi lok 1
ho, w 1
ho, whp 1
hodgins, dc 1
holroyd, e 1
hostrup nielsen, nina pil 1
howard, lm 1
howard, louise m. 1
hsia, y 1
hsia, yf 1
hsia, yingfen 1
hsieh, miyuki hsing chun 1
hsu, matthew s.s. 1
hu, haohan lily 1
huang, h 1
huang, sw 1
huang, y 1
huen, kf 1
hui, alison 1
hui, ky 1
hui, lai ling 1
hui, ll 1
hui, ssc 1
hui, wf 1
hung, cmw 1
hung, ivan fan ngai 1
häge, a 1
häge, t 1
inglis, s 1
inglis, sk 1
ip, hoi lam 1
ip, jd 1
ip, msm 1
jakobsdóttir smári, unnur 1
jani, bhautesh d. 1
jani, yogini h 1
jia, j 1
jiang, yanrui 1
jin, bl 1
jin, rachel r 1
jin, s 1
jo, ds 1
jo, kj 1
joe, gm 1
jue, zhenzhen 1
kam, lh 1
kan, e 1
kang, r 1
kao yang, yh 1
karlstad, ø 1
karlstad, øystein 1
karnilowicz, w 1
kashef, ae 1
katikireddi, s. vittal 1
kau, yh 1
kavian, n 1
kieler, h 1
kim, bn 1
kim, dh 1
kim, hy 1
kim, jh 1
kim, jm 1
kim, kh 1
kim, mk 1
kim, yj 1
király, o 1
kiu, ecy 1
kiu, otw 1
kjerpeseth, lars j. 1
klein, n 1
klungsøyr, kari 1
ko, jennifer k.y. 1
ko, simon t. 1
koh, yw 1
kong, jkw 1
kong, judy k.w. 1
kong, psp 1
koo, ml 1
koren, g 1
ku, d 1
ku, wh 1
kubota, k 1
kung, annie w c 1
kung, annie wc 1
kung, awc 1
kung, k 1
kung, man chun 1
kuo, wh 1
kwan, e 1
kwan, j 1
kwan, mike y.w 1
kwan, mike yat-wah 1
kwan, mike y‐w 1
kwan, ywm 1
kwok j, 1
kwok, janette s.y. 1
kwok, janette sy 1
kwok, kl 1
kwok, ssp 1
kwok, syj 1
kwong, j 1
kwong, jhy 1
kwong, km 1
lai, agnes y k 1
lai, ecc 1
lai, edward chia cheng 1
lai, francicso tt 1
lai, gwf 1
lai, hk 1
lai, rwm 1
lai, smk 1
lam, almen ln 1
lam, aln 1
lam, bhs 1
lam, christine chi oi 1
lam, cindy 1
lam, cindy l k 1
lam, ck 1
lam, cld 1
lam, csi 1
lam, cw 1
lam, dsy 1
lam, hs 1
lam, jck 1
lam, joyce 1
lam, k 1
lam, kf 1
lam, lp 1
lam, ly 1
lam, mona wai cheung 1
lam, sf 1
lam, shirley sau wing 1
lam, tai hing 1
lam, w 1
lam, yh 1
lam, yy 1
larsson, henrik 1
lau, c 1
lau, cs 1
lau, eyy 1
lau, j 1
lau, ka wing 1
lau, kei man 1
lau, kf 1
lau, kky 1
lau, kui kai 1
lau, my 1
lau, sh 1
lau, susanna kp 1
lau, t 1
lau, wallis cy 1
lau, ws 1
law, arm 1
law, cy 1
law, hkw 1
law, sl 1
lee, a 1
lee, antoinette marie 1
lee, c.k. 1
lee, crystal p.i. 1
lee, crystal pi 1
lee, cy 1
lee, ej 1
lee, h 1
lee, jcy 1
lee, jk 1
lee, lp 1
lee, lyk 1
lee, pamela 1
lee, pp 1
lee, ra 1
lee, s 1
lee, swl 1
lee, tatia m.c. 1
lee, tatia mc 1
lee, tl 1
lee, tmc 1
lee, wh 1
lee, yt 1
leinonen, maarit k. 1
lemmens, js 1
leong, ci 1
leong, cl 1
leung wing cheong 1
leung, awk 1
leung, cb 1
leung, cw 1
leung, e 1
leung, emily ty 1
leung, eys 1
leung, gilberto k.k. 1
leung, gm 1
leung, h 1
leung, he 1
leung, hugo 1
leung, j 1
leung, karen, ky 1
leung, kfs 1
leung, kin sum 1
leung, lck 1
leung, ming 1
leung, pws 1
leung, ssf 1
leung, ssl 1
leung, suet yi 1
leung, sy 1
leung, tf 1
leung, tym 1
leung, w. h. 1
leung, wk 1
levin, m 1
lewsey, jim 1
li, a.m 1
li, am 1
li, c 1
li, ff 1
li, gloria hy 1
li, h 1
li, hui 1
li, lin 1
li, ol 1
li, ph 1
li, pkt 1
li, s 1
li, s.l. 1
li, shuai 1
li, sophia ling 1
li, sx 1
li, sx 1
li, tsz tuen 1
li, wo 1
li, ws 1
li, x 1
li, x 1
li, xue 1
li, yi 1
liang, h 1
liang, r 1
liao, tzu chi 1
lin, chia chin 1
lin, hyc 1
lin, j 1
lin, yk 1
lin, chia-chin 1
ling, asc 1
ling, sc 1
ling, xiang tian 1
ling, xiangtian 1
liu, kiki 1
liu, kiki s n 1
liu, ksn 1
liu, m 1
liu, n 1
liu, roxanna k.c. 1
liu, s 1
liu, t 1
lo, chelsea c.w. 1
lo, chelsea cw 1
lo, d 1
lo, emily k.k. 1
lo, la 1
lo, r 1
lok, kris yuet wan 1
lok, kris yw 1
lok, kyw 1
lok, yuet wan 1
lopez-fernandez, olatz 1
louie, jimmy chun yu 1
louie, lobo h.t 1
lu, c 1
lu, l 1
lu, y 1
lui, mpk 1
luk, lh 1
lum, d 1
lum, terry y 1
lum, terry yat sang 1
lun, kevin w.c. 1
lung, d 1
lung, david 1
lung, dc 1
lyall, donald 1
lye, s 1
ma, exy 1
ma, f 1
ma, haixia 1
ma, j 1
ma, k 1
ma, l 1
ma, samantha y.k. 1
ma, t 1
ma, tian tian 1
ma, tt 1
ma, w 1
ma, ym 1
ma, yuanchao 1
macias saint-gerons, d 1
mackay, daniel 1
macpherson, jm 1
mahtani, s 1
mair, fs 1
mak, d 1
mak, ray t.w. 1
mak, twr 1
mak, wc 1
mak, wlt 1
man, e 1
man, kenneth k c 1
manzur, a 1
marko-holguin, m 1
martikainen, je 1
martin, k 1
matthews, sg 1
maura, g 1
mccallum, m 1
mcghee, s 1
mcghee, sm 1
minnis, h 1
minnis, helen 1
mok, tkg 1
molasiotis, a 1
montero, d 1
moore, n 1
nakamura, h 1
nelson, e. a.s. 1
nelson, ea 1
nelson, es 1
neumann, a 1
ng, ack 1
ng, carol wing-kei 1
ng, d 1
ng, dkk 1
ng, jwy 1
ng, jy 1
ng, mandy p. 1
ng, my 1
ng, s.s.n 1
ng, ssn 1
ng, vws 1
ng, wkc 1
ng, yl 1
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 1
ngan, hys 1
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 1
ngo, ulrike 1
nidetz, j 1
niu, l 1
novelli, v 1
o'hara, mw 1
ong, c 1
ooi, gc 1
or, ckl 1
or, ckl 1
or, kl 1
ou, y 1
owens, judith 1
pang, c. p. 1
pang, g 1
park, jy 1
park, se 1
pate, v 1
paulson, a 1
pearce, anna 1
pearson, sallie anne 1
pell, jill p. 1
pell, jp 1
peng, ye 1
peresz-escamilla, r 1
petry, n 1
petry, nm 1
pijarnvanit, tommy k.k.t.s. 1
pong, tc 1
poon, gwk 1
poon, kh 1
poon, ws 1
potenza, m 1
potenza, marc 1
pottegård, a 1
pratt, nl 1
proulx, k 1
qian, gordon 1
qian, sy 1
qiao, y 1
qin, huan 1
qin, xs 1
qiu, h 1
que, tl 1
quek, wt 1
raman, sr 1
ranganathan, n 1
rao, n 1
rao, nirmala 1
rehbein, f 1
rehm, j 1
reutfors, johan 1
richards, b 1
richards, bd 1
rosa duque, j 1
roughead, ee 1
s da rosa duque, j 1
salmon, daniel a 1
saroha, n 1
schiffer, l 1
schuemie, m 1
seo, jh 1
sham, pak c. 1
sham, pc 1
shan, w 1
shan, wenjie 1
shao, hui 1
shao, shih chieh 1
she, chun hing 1
shek, chi chiu 1
shen, wy 1
shen, x 1
shi, julia 1
shing, mmk 1
shiu, yk 1
sing, c 1
siu, cw 1
siu, dcw 1
siu, dcw 1
siu, kk 1
siu, ming fai parco 1
smith, rd 1
snieder, harold 1
so, chi chiu 1
so, hung-kwan 1
so, syc 1
sobolewski, c 1
sobowale, k 1
song, yq 1
sonuga-barke, e 1
sonuga‐barke, e 1
sridhar, s 1
stein, dj 1
stewart, s 1
sturkenboom, m 1
sturkenbroom, mcjm 1
stürmer, t 1
su, cc 1
suh, sb 1
sun, j. 1
sun, kai sing 1
sun, kai-sing 1
sun, ks 1
sun, wanqi 1
sun, xiaoning 1
sun, y 1
sung, r 1
suryakiran, pv 1
szeto, simon k.h. 1
tam, ar 1
tam, cc 1
tam, eyt 1
tam, k 1
tam, p 1
tam, pkh 1
tam, ysi 1
tan, kathryn choon beng 1
tang, clara s.m. 1
tang, csk 1
tang, fang yao 1
tang, fy 1
tang, h 1
tang, i 1
tang, iwh 1
tang, j 1
tang, lok kan 1
tang, lwm 1
tang, lydia wm 1
tang, m 1
tang, mhy 1
tang, oc 1
tang, rex c.y. 1
tang, shao tao 1
tang, shu min 1
tang, sm 1
tang, wh 1
tang, yijia 1
tang, ymj 1
tao, qv 1
tarrant, m 1
tarrant, marie 1
tarrant, marie, tun, hein m 1
tarrant, agnes marie 1
taxis, k 1
taylor, david 1
teng, jade ll 1
teng, jll 1
terrizzi, da 1
thach, tq 1
thomann, lo 1
tian, h 1
tian, l 1
ting, ayy 1
to, kelvin k.w. 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
to, sm 1
tolman, rm 1
tomlin, andrew 1
tong, ct 1
tsai, w. w. 1
tsang, am 1
tsang, hyh 1
tsang, joyce 1
tsang, joyce p y 1
tsang, jpy 1
tsao, sabrina 1
tsao, sabrina s.l. 1
tsao, sabrina siu ling 1
tse, cws 1
tse, dm 1
tse, ma 1
tse, pwt 1
tse, th 1
tse, w 1
tse, wyw 1
tse, yiu hei 1
tso, w 1
tso, wan yee winnie 1
tso, winnie h.y. 1
tso, winnie w‐y 1
tso, ww 1
tsui, shm 1
tucker, joseph d. 1
tung, j 1
tung, joanna y.l. 1
tung, jy 1
tung, k 1
tung, k 1
tung, yl 1
van der zanden, hgm 1
vardhanabhuti, v 1
voorhees, bwv 1
wan, c 1
wan, pt 1
wan, smy 1
wan, yf 1
wang, guanghai 1
wang, guangshuai 1
wang, m 1
wang, yl 1
wang, ym 1
wang, zijing 1
wang, zx 1
weekes, b 1
weekes, bs 1
wei, li 1
weinstein, a 1
welsh, p 1
welsh, paul 1
whitaker, e 1
wimberley, theresa 1
wittchen, hu 1
wong janet yuen-ha 1
wong, ays 1
wong, c. s. 1
wong, carlos k h 1
wong, carlos king ho 1
wong, ch 1
wong, christie h.t. 1
wong, ckh 1
wong, clive hy 1
wong, emily s. 1
wong, gh 1
wong, hl 1
wong, hs 1
wong, hsw 1
wong, ht 1
wong, ian 1
wong, ian c k 1
wong, janet yuen ha 1
wong, janet yuen ha 1
wong, joshua s.c. 1
wong, joshua sung chih 1
wong, js 1
wong, kenneth k.y. 1
wong, kh 1
wong, kht 1
wong, kirstie htw 1
wong, kl 1
wong, kw 1
wong, lyl 1
wong, mf 1
wong, ms 1
wong, msc 1
wong, msr 1
wong, mw 1
wong, mwk 1
wong, posey po yin 1
wong, rms 1
wong, sam w.s 1
wong, sam w.s. 1
wong, siew yan 1
wong, sm 1
wong, t. w. 1
wong, ts 1
wong, twl 1
wong, ty 1
wong, w 1
wong, wc 1
wong, wilfred hs 1
wong, william chi wai 1
wong, wl 1
wong, wlt 1
wong, ws 1
woo, patrick cy 1
woo, pcy 1
wright, c 1
wright, charlotte m. 1
wright, cm 1
wu, p 1
wu, peng 1
wu, saishuang 1
wu, y 1
wölfling, k 1
xian, jia wen 1
xiao, yunyu 1
xiaong, x 1
xie, qw 1
xie, sarika sy 1
xie, tian 1
xing, j 1
xiong, xiaoli 1
yam, kl 1
yan, d. 1
yan, ecw 1
yang, wanling 1
yang, xingtian 1
yao, honghui 1
yap, desmond yh 1
yap, yhd 1
yau, ft 1
yau, mm 1
yau, ty 1
yeo, va 1
yeung, a 1
yeung, ck 1
yeung, nicholas km 1
yeung, nkm 1
yeung, tmh 1
yeung, w 1
yeung, wky 1
yim, ka man 1
yin, y 1
ying, d 1
yip, benjamin h. 1
yip, benjamin hon kei 1
yip, ccy 1
yip, ka-man 1
yip, p 1
yip, p 1
yip, paul s.f. 1
yip, ps 1
yip, ps 1
yip, wilson w. 1
yip, wilson w.k. 1
yiu, kfo 1
yiu, okf 1
young, m 1
young, yme 1
yousafzai, a 1
yousafzai, ak 1
yu, c 1
yu, clement kwong-man 1
yu, cm 1
yu, eyt 1
yu, klm 1
yu, marco 1
yu, mwl 1
yu, q 1
yuan, n 1
yue, sk 1
yuen, kwok yung 1
yuen, man fung 1
yuen, vincent l. 1
yuen, wyw 1
yung, a 1
yung, patrick s h 1
zaabaar, ebenezer 1
zayts, oa 1
zee, b 1
zhan, s 1
zhang, a 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, hp 1
zhang, le 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, xiujuan 1
zhang, xj 1
zhang, yunting 1
zhang-james, yanli 1
zhao, h 1
zhao, jin 1
zhao, li 1
zhao, min 1
zhou, a 1
zhou, aifen 1
zhou, an 1
zhu, s 1
zhu, shiben 1
zhu, w 1
zoega, h 1
zullino, d 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 72
chinese 64
children 60
epidemiology 29
sars-cov-2 29
hong kong 28
adolescents 27
health-related quality of life 27
mental health 24
school closure 21
screen time 21
infants 20
coronavirus 19
physical activity 19
child psychosocial problems 16
healthcare workers 16
home confinement 16
hospital policies 16
low-income families 16
perceived stress 16
psychological wellbeing 16
child development 15
child health 15
latent class analysis 15
mediation 15
paediatrics 15
vitamin d 15
adolescence 14
complications 14
coronavirus infection 14
health outcomes 14
adolescent 13
cytokines 13
immunoglobulin 13
lymphocyte subsets 13
magnetic resonance imaging 13
pediatrics 13
pregnancy 13
sars 13
breastfeeding 12
cognition 12
convalescence 12
false positive 12
kawasaki disease 12
physical fitness 12
sars-cov-2 rbd igg 12
serology 12
t cell response 12
allergy 11
obesity 11
public health 11
statistics & research methods 11
all-cause pneumonia 10
asparaginase 10
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 10
bidirectional relationship 10
brain microstructure 10
child maltreatment 10
diffusion kurtosis imaging 10
down syndrome 10
functional outcome 10
herd immunity 10
human leukocyte antigens 10
hypersensitivity 10
interrupted time series analysis 10
intracranial germ cell tumor 10
neurotoxicity 10
parental stress 10
pneumococcal conjugate vaccines 10
population-based electronic health records 10
validation 10
age-stratified 9
asia 9
bmi 9
child 9
cohort study 9
diffusion 9
exercise 9
germ cells 9
inflammation 9
injury 9
mobile game 9
neurotoxicity syndromes 9
pharmacovigilance 9
radiation therapy 9
serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d 9
travel history 9
vaccine safety 9
abdominal pain 8
antimicrobial resistance 8
bacteria 8
bnt162b2 mrna covid-19 vaccines 8
child abuse 8
child abuse and neglect 8
chinese children 8
diarrhoea 8
drug regulatory 8
family hardship 8
health disparity 8
health equity 8
hypercytokinemia 8
inactivated vaccine 8
injury prevention 8
innate immunity 8
kir genetics 8
meningitis 8
mobile phone 8
mrna vaccine 8
neonates 8
nk cells 8
offspring 8
orphan drug policy 8
paediatric gastroenterology 8
pediatric population 8
preschooler 8
qualitative 8
rare diseases 8
sex knowledge 8
sexual risk behaviors 8
sexually transmitted infections 8
sleep duration 8
structural equation modeling 8
translation to patients 8
treatment access 8
vaccine effectiveness 8
vaccine-related myocarditis 8
young adults 8
youth sexuality 8
baby-friendly hospital initiative 7
baby-friendly initiative 7
cervical screening 7
child behaviour 7
comm child health 7
community 7
covid-19 pandemic 7
cross-sectional studies 7
depression 7
early childhood exposure 7
early-life activities 7
elder abuse 7
family financial pressure 7
family functioning 7
healthy eating 7
hpv vaccination 7
hypertension 7
immunological profiles 7
intimate partner abuse 7
intimate partner violence 7
meta-analysis 7
mortality 7
psychosocial development 7
safety 7
saliva 7
school closures 7
school-aged children 7
sexual behaviour 7
sleep 7
social support 7
stakeholders 7
telomere 7
viral load 7
25(oh)d 6
adolescent development 6
anaphylaxis 6
anxiety 6
asthma 6
autism spectrum disorder 6
blood pressure monitoring, ambulatory 6
bmi status 6
bnt162b2 vaccine 6
bone loss 6
bone mineral testing 6
cardiovascular health 6
challenge 6
child behavior 6
clustering 6
cox regression 6
drug 6
early child development 6
family breakfast 6
family dinner 6
family meal 6
family satisfaction 6
fatty acids 6
gc gene 6
genetic risk predisposition 6
health disparities 6
health empowerment 6
health inequalities 6
intellectual disability 6
low income 6
microbiota 6
motor performance 6
myocarditis 6
osteoporosis 6
peer support 6
population-based study 6
preschoolers 6
problematic behaviors 6
psychosocial health 6
randomized controlled trial 6
retrospective cohort 6
rhinitis 6
rickets 6
sex characteristics 6
snoring 6
social movement 6
systematic review 6
telomere length 6
treatment outcome 6
vaccination 6
vaccine side effect 6
vaccine-induced myocarditis 6
vdr gene 6
vitamin d-binding protein 6
adhd 5
adverse events 5
cancer survivors 5
cord blood 5
early motherhood 5
early stimulation 5
empowerment 5
family cohesion 5
food frequency questionnaire 5
home learning activities 5
hospital 5
infection control 5
interrupted time series 5
intracranial germ cell tumors 5
kap 5
medication safety 5
mother-offspring dyad 5
neurocognitive function 5
neurodevelopment 5
organ allocation 5
orphan drug designation 5
parenting styles 5
performance status 5
policy 5
postmarketing surveillance 5
pregnant women 5
preschool 5
rapid repeat pregnancy 5
reference values 5
risk factors 5
risk–benefit trade-off 5
self-care enablement 5
sex education 5
stunting 5
supplementation 5
underweight 5
young pregnancy 5
academic achievement 4
adiposity 4
adolescent conduct problems 4
adolescent girls 4
adult 4
alkaline phosphatase 4
alleles 4
alloimmune tolerance 4
atomoxetine 4
behavior 4
birth outcomes 4
bullyinginternet addiction 4
caffeine consumption 4
cell-free dna 4
chemicals and cas registry numbers 4
child behavioral problems 4
child health (paediatrics) 4
child victimisation 4
child, preschool 4
chinese juvenile victimisation questionnaire 4
circulating dna 4
clinical trials 4
cognitive development 4
conduct problems 4
controlled trial 4
controlled trials 4
cord blood transplantation 4
covid-19 vaccines 4
danger 4
early childhood 4
early childhood development 4
echocardiography 4
emergency departments 4
family socioeconomic status 4
family violence 4
frequency haplotypes 4
game 4
game-based intervention 4
games 4
gamification 4
gamified 4
gamify 4
gaming 4
gestation 4
hazard 4
hazards 4
health 4
hla antigens 4
home learning environment 4
hospitalisation 4
human leukocyte antigen 4
human papillomavirus 4
indicators 4
injuries 4
internet technology 4
isolation 4
levothyroxine 4
major histocompatibility complex (mhc) 4
matching probability 4
maternal 4
maternal substance misuse 4
methylphenidate 4
mhealth interventions 4
modified delphi research design 4
needs assessment 4
neglect 4
noninherited maternal antigen 4
online learning 4
parent-child interaction 4
parental harsh discipline 4
parental involvement 4
parent–child activities 4
parent–child interaction 4
pediatric 4
physical abuse 4
postnatal depression 4
prevalence 4
psychosocial wellbeing 4
randomized 4
rct 4
registry/registry analysis 4
regulatory t cell 4
safety education 4
safety training 4
school engagement 4
self-harm 4
serious game 4
sexuality 4
sibling 4
smartphone application 4
social disparity 4
stem cell 4
stool 4
surveillance 4
teacher-parent partnership 4
teenagers 4
thyroid 4
unintentional injuries 4
youth 4
25-hydroxyvitamin d 3
abo incompatibility 3
adults 3
aged 3
antenatal screening 3
antidepressant 3
attachment styles 3
attitudes 3
automutilation 3
barriers 3
biological aging 3
body mass index 3
breast milk expression 3
breast pumping 3
cedi chinese early development instrument 3
child physical abuse 3
childhood 3
childhood obesity 3
childhood physical abuse 3
chinese context 3
clinical pharmacology 3
congenital malformations 3
cpra 3
cyberbullying 3
data linkage 3
depressive symptoms 3
dietary patterns 3
disability 3
discrete choice experiment 3
drug safety 3
drug utilisation 3
drug-exposed infants 3
early child development scale 3
early childbearing 3
early development instrument 3
east asia-pacific early child development scales (eap-ecds) 3
efficacy 3
experiences 3
facilitators 3
family factor 3
female 3
functional independence measure for children 3
gastroenteritis 3
gene x environment interaction 3
global health 3
health care utilization 3
health problems 3
hki hong kong island 3
hla sensitization 3
holistic development 3
hong kong chinese adolescents 3
hong kong young adults 3
hpv 3
human papillomavirus vaccine 3
humans 3
immune reconstitution 3
impairment 3
incidence 3
infant 3
international child health 3
internet 3
intussusception 3
k-deleting recombination excision circles 3
kidney transplantation 3
knowledge 3
lactation 3
low-and middle- income countries 3
male 3
males 3
measurement 3
medical education 3
mendelian randomization 3
microbiome 3
neurodevelopmental disorder 3
nih national institutes of health 3
obesity consistency 3
older adults 3
optical coherence tomography 3
optics and refraction 3
oxytocin receptor gene 3
parkinson's disease 3
partner violence 3
pericarditis 3
pharmacoepidemiology 3
pharmacotherapy 3
pharmacy and pharmacology 3
physical health 3
practices 3
prevention 3
primary immunodeficiency 3
prospective cohort study 3
psychiatric disorders 3
psychoeducation 3
psychopharmacology 3
psychosocial problems 3
psychotropic drugs 3
reciprocal relationship 3
reference interval 3
references (11) view in table layout 3
retinal nerve fiber thickness 3
risky behaviors 3
risky health behaviors 3
rotavirus 3
school environment 3
school readiness 3
school survey 3
ses socioeconomic status 3
sexual minority 3
sexual orientation 3
smartphone technology 3
sociality 3
socioeconomic gradients 3
spinal muscular atrophy 3
t cell receptor excision circles 3
teenage motherhood 3
telomere shortening 3
teratology 3
treatment 3
violence 3
violence perpetration 3
violence victimization 3
virtual crossmatch 3
weight trajectory 3
willingness to pay 3
yl yuen long 3
β-thalassemia 3
儿童行为 (child behavior) 3
危险行为 (dangerous behavior) 3
吸烟 (smoking) 3
物质滥用监测 (substance abuse detection) 3
饮酒 (alcohol drinking) 3
abnormalities, multiple - pathology 2
accessibility 2
acute kidney injury - etiology - mortality - therapy 2
adolescent health 2
age correlation 2
age-related macular degeneration 2
amblyopia 2
analysis of variance 2
anemia 2
arnold-chiari malformation 2
arnold-chiari malformation - pathology 2
attention deficit disorder 2
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 2
augmented reality 2
autistic disorder - etiology 2
bayes theorem 2
benzodiazepines 2
brain diseases - pathology - radiography 2
calculated panel reactive antibody 2
cardiac surgical procedures - adverse effects - methods 2
case management 2
case study 2
central retinal arteriolar equivalent 2
central retinal venular equivalent 2
cerebellum 2
child abuse - diagnosis 2
child mortality 2
children in hong kong 2
china 2
chinese population 2
chronic health conditions 2
cognitive impairment 2
cohort studies 2
community health services 2
cost 2
cost-effectiveness analysis 2
delayed diagnosis 2
demography 2
developing countries 2
domestic violence 2
dry eye syndrome 2
duchenne muscular dystrophy 2
early childhood intervention 2
environmental exposure 2
environmental pollutants - adverse effects - analysis 2
environmental pollutants - adverse effects - blood 2
europe 2
eye diseases 2
falls 2
family impact 2
family victimization 2
firsthand tobacco smoking 2
fish 2
follow-up studies 2
gene frequency 2
glaucoma 2
haplotype frequency 2
health communication 2
health inequality 2
health utility index 2
heart defects, congenital - diagnosis - mortality - surgery 2
hla 2
human cognition 2
infant development 2
infant mortality 2
infant, newborn 2
injury severity 2
interdisciplinary communication 2
interocular symmetry 2
interrupted time-series analysis 2
length of stay 2
logistic models 2
lower socioeconomic families 2
maternal depression 2
maximum allowable concentration 2
mercury 2
mercury - adverse effects - blood 2
mercury - analysis - toxicity 2
mongoloid race 2
myopia 2
oct measurement 2
ocular disease 2
ocular health 2
ocular structure 2
optic nerve 2
optical coherence tomography (oct) 2
paediatric trauma 2
paternal depression 2
paternal-infant attachment 2
pathological myopia 2
patients 2
pediatric ophthalmology 2
peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (p-rnfl) thickness 2
peritoneal dialysis - adverse effects - methods 2
physical performance 2
picu 2
pokémon go 2
population surveillance 2
postoperative complications - therapy 2
pregnancy complications 2
preterm birth 2
probability 2
prospective studies 2
provider-to-population ratio 2
proxy report 2
public response 2
quality of life 2
questionnaire 2
refractive surgery 2
registries 2
renal transplantation 2
retinal parameters 2
retinal vessel caliber 2
retinoblastoma 2
review 2
rhombencephalon 2
rhombencephalon - abnormalities 2
risk assessment 2
rnfl thickness 2
seafood - adverse effects 2
secondhand smoke 2
self mutilation 2
sensitization 2
sleep quality 2
small for gestational age 2
social media 2
socioeconomic deprivation 2
socioeconomic gradient 2
statistics and numerical data 2
survival rate 2
therapeutics 2
threshold limit values 2
thyroid eye disease 2
trauma 2
traumatic brain injury 2
unacceptable antigen 2
uveitis 2
validity 2
virtual cross-match 2
virtual reality 2
vitamin d receptor 2
z-drugs 2
zika virus disease 2
zika virus, health communication, internet, social media 2
3–6 1
academia-community-industrial partnerships 1
acute coronary syndrome 1
addictive behavior 1
adenoma 1
adolescents at risk 1
adult attachment 1
allele frequencies 1
anger 1
antenatal 1
anxiety - complications - psychology 1
asian continental ancestry group - psychology - statistics & numerical data 1
assessment 1
attempted suicide 1
blood donors 1
bonding 1
bone marrow transplantation 1
cerebellar ataxia 1
child abuse -- china -- hong kong. 1
child abuse -- government policy -- china -- hong kong. 1
child development accounts 1
child mental health 1
child physical disabilities 1
children -- health and hygiene 1
children's rights -- china -- hong kong. 1
children’s health growth 1
clinical perspective 1
clopidogrel 1
cognitive and physical impairments 1
cognitive behavioral therapy 1
congenital heart disease 1
congenital infection 1
cross-sectional 1
cultural contexts 1
custodial grandparents 1
cyp2c19 1
cytomegalovirus 1
delayed myelination 1
demyelinating diseases - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology 1
depression, postpartum - diagnosis - psychology 1
depression, postpartum - etiology - psychology 1
detoxification 1
diagnosis 1
diagnosis, differential 1
dietary habits 1
disease burden 1
disease surveillance 1
drug metabolism 1
dyskeratosis congenita 1
dyskeratosis congenita - complications 1
early intervention 1
ecological systems theory 1
education 1
electronic patient record 1
emergency ward 1
emotional problems 1
emotions 1
family environment 1
family relations 1
family structures 1
family survey 1
fertility intention 1
first childbirth 1
gaming addiction 1
gaming disorder 1
gene frequencies 1
genetics 1
genotyping 1
geographical difference 1
grandparent caregivers 1
heroin abuse 1
high blood pressure 1
hong kong - ethnology 1
hong kong children 1
household survey 1
human 1
human neutrophil antigens 1
hyperactivity and inattention 1
hyperparathyroidism 1
hypocalcemia - complications - diagnosis 1
hypoparathyroidism - complications - diagnosis 1
icd-11 1
inclusive education 1
influenza infection 1
insufficient sleep 1
intellectual disabilities 1
internalizing disorders 1
internet addiction 1
intervention 1
learning and developmental disabilities 1
lifestyle 1
marriage - psychology 1
maternal outcomes 1
media use 1
medical outcomes 1
mental health and violence 1
mentoring 1
migrant children 1
moderate-to-vigorous physical activities 1
mother-child relations 1
mother-infant relationship 1
neonatal hypocalcemia 1
neural conduction - physiology 1
obese 1
object attachment 1
older chinese people 1
optical imaging 1
overweight 1
parathyroid neoplasms 1
parenting stress 1
peer relationship 1
peer victimization 1
peripheral nervous system diseases - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology 1
peripheral neuropathy 1
physical activities 1
postnatal 1
poverty 1
pregnancy complications, neoplastic 1
preschool children 1
psychometrics 1
quantitative synthesis 1
questionnaires 1
rejection (psychology) 1
reproducibility of results 1
school adolescents 1
school-age children 1
seizures 1
seizures - etiology 1
self-reported questionnaire 1
sensitivity and specificity 1
social capital 1
socioeconomic inequality 1
stock market 1
subsequent childbirth 1
suicidal behaviors 1
translating 1
trends 1
universal screening 1
victimization 1
weight status 1
well-being 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
wong, ian chi kei 13
rao, nirmala 11
fong, daniel yee tak 7
bacon-shone, john 6
lee, tatia mei chun 6
chan, esther wai yin 5
lam, cindy lo kuen 4
lam, tai hing 4
luo, hao 4
sham, pak chung 4
au yeung, shiu lun ryan 3
chan, edward ko ling 3
chui, sze ling celine 3
lau, yu lung 3
leung, wing hang 3
lum, terry yat sang 3
tiwari, agnes fung yee 3
tso, wan yee winnie 3
wong, carlos king ho 3
chen, julie yun 2
chua, gilbert t. 2
fu, king wa 2
hung, fan ngai ivan 2
lee, pamela pui wah 2
li, xue 2
lok, yuet wan 2
peiris, joseph sriyal malik 2
schooling, catherine mary 2
sou da rosa duque, jaime 2
tarrant, marie 2
tu, wenwei 2
wan, yuk fai eric 2
wong, rosa sze man 2
chan, celia hoi yan 1
chan, godfrey chi fung 1
chan, hoi shan sophelia 1
chan, meanne ching man 1
chan, sophia siu chee 1
chau, michael 1
chau, pui hing 1
cheung, jason pui yin 1
cheung, martin chi hang 1
cheung, pik to 1
chin, weng yee 1
chu, samuel kai wah 1
cowling, benjamin john 1
de la torre, jimmy 1
el-nezamy, hani said 1
feng, shihui 1
fung, siu cheung colman 1
ho, daniel sai yin 1
ho, pak chung 1
hu, xiao 1
hui, ka ying victoria 1
hui, lai ling 1
ip, dennis kai ming 1
ip, mary sau man 1
javed, asif 1
kwok, yu kwong 1
lam, edmund yin mun 1
lau, gary kui kai 1
lau, wallace chak sing 1
law, nancy wai ying 1
leung, wai keung 1
loh, elizabeth ka yee 1
macfarlane, duncan james 1
mak, ka fung henry 1
mcdonald, tom 1
mcghee, sarah 1
mcmanus, alison mary 1
ng, tan hung marie 1
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 1
pomfret, david martin 1
siu, david chung wah 1
stacey s. cherny 1
tam, wai leuk vincent 1
tan, cheng yong 1
tan, kathryn choon beng 1
tang, hoi yin mary 1
teng, lee lee 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
tung, tsz suen 1
vere, james patrick 1
wong, janet yuen ha 1
wong, ka wai gary 1
wong, william chi wai 1
woo, patrick chiu yat 1
yan, chau wai elsie 1
yang, wanling 1
yu, yee tak esther 1
yuen, hoi kau 1
zhang, teng grace 1
zhang, xiujuan 1
zhao, yue 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
digital citizenship 20
big data, covid-19, international study, mental health, prognosis 14
1) adhd 2) big data network 3) epidemiology 4) child cohort 5) data linkage 10
child health, child psychosocial, low income family, parental mental health, parental stress, poverty 8
coronavirus, covid-19, immunology, infectious disease, vaccine failure, vaccinology 8
covid-19, immunology, infectious disease, public health, reactogenicity, vaccinology 8
adhd, big data network, children cohort, data linkage, epidemiology 7
birth cohort, chinese, diabetes, life course, muscle mass 7
breast milk, formula, intestinal microbiome 7
children and family, covid-19, crisis support, healthcare utilization, wellbeing 7
cognitive impairment, diffusion kurtosis imaging, diffusion mri imaging, duchenne msucular dystrophy, neurodisabilities, neuropsychology 7
environmental factors, genetic factors, hypovitaminosis d, infants, toddlers 7
resilience, social disadvantage, early childhood, developmental trajectory, social-emotional development 7
adhd, methylphenidate, seizure 5
baby-friendly community, baby-friendtly initative, breastfeeding 5
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, epidemiologic transition, ischemic heart disease, sex-steroids 5
child abuse, child maltreatment, cohort study 5
child protection, children and women health, cross border families, longitudinal study, social exclusion & integration 5
children with disability, health, prevention, victimization 5
influenza vaccine, topical imiquimod, non-responsiveness, seroconversion rate, children 5
achievement gap, early child development, school readiness, socioeconomic inequality 4
adhd, behaviour, child maltreatment, parenting, prevalence 4
adhd, methylphenidate, paediatrics, pharmacoepidemiology, poisoning 4
chinese children, cognitive ability, early development, school readiness, underprivileged areas 4
eq-5d-y, health state utility, paediatric, qaly, value set 4
healthy eating, adolescents, family factors, kap, parenting style 4
adhd, blood glucose control, gestational diabetes, maternal diabetes mellitus, paediatrics 3
adolescents, barriers, facilitators, family factor, healthy eating, kap 3
adolescents, internet marketing, smoking cessation, youths 3
attirude change, behavioural change, internet intervention, internet viral marketing, risk behaviour, underage drinking 3
autism spectrum disorder, machine learning, maternal health, paediatrics, risk factors 3
children, eczema, parent, psychosocial intervention 3
china, early achievement, early childhood development, preschool quality, school readiness 3
chinese children, cognitive performance, electronic device, psychosocial development, socioeconomic background 3
development scale, early childhood development 3
disability adjusted life year, disability weights, injury, population burden, year lived with disability, year of life lost 3
early childhood intervention, reduce deficits, underprivileged children 3
feeling towards current situation, hopefulness for the future, resilience, social influences, social reconciliation 3
artificial intelligence , children, adolescents, scoliosis 3
accident & emergency, adhd, children, database, medications 2
anticipatory, effectiveness, injury, measuring, practicability, prevention 2
promotiondissemination of an innovative peer-led sexual health, social media promotion 2
myopia,covid-19, risk factors of myopia 2
burden, developing, indicators, injury, monitor, trend 1
child behavior, early child maltreatment, family cohesion, rapid repeat pregnancy, young motherhood 1
child injury in hong kong, geographical study, spatial variation among 18 districts 1
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