Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
aquaporin 5 - metabolism 5
aquaporin-5 (aqp-5) 5
dendrobium 5
dendrobium candidum 5
herb medicine 5
labial gland 5
mechanisms 5
plant extracts - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
saliva - metabolism - secretion 5
salivary glands - drug effects - metabolism 5
sjögren's syndrome (ss) 5
acupressure 3
frailty 3
older people 3
quality of life 3
traditional chinese medicine 3
acupuncture 2
case report 2
medical sciences 2
thoracic outlet syndrome 2
acupoint 1
acupuncture (针刺) 1
acupuncture points 1
arrival of qi (氣至) 1
changes 1
channel and collateral theory 1
china traditional culture 1
chinese medicine (中醫) 1
circulation of qi and blood 1
clinical chronobiology 1
concept of time and space 1
dispelling exogenous pathogen 1
emotions 1
four seas (四海) 1
gallbladder 1
holism 1
humans 1
infantile constipation 1
inner alchemy practice (內丹術) 1
language 1
literature review (综述) 1
medicine -- china -- history 1
medicine, chinese -- history 1
medicine, chinese. 1
meridian 1
meridian system (經絡系統) 1
meridians 1
meridians and collaterals (經絡) 1
midnight-noon ebb-flow acupuncture therapy 1
needle-stimulation 1
needling sensation (deqi) (得氣) 1
nine-palaces and eight-winds theory (九宫八风学说) 1
origin 1
pediatric autism 1
pediatric massage therapy 1
positioning 1
practice theory (修煉理論) 1
primary dysmenorrhea (原发性痛经) 1
pursue good fortune and avoid disaster (趋吉避凶) 1
qi 1
qi streets (氣街) 1
qigong 1
regulating qi (調氣) 1
research progress 1
running route (循行) 1
scalp needle stimulation area 1
tao of changes 1
tao of medicine 1
tcm 1
textual research (考证) 1
the book of changes (周易) 1
theories of chinese medicine 1
thinking mode of zhou yi study (易學象數思維) 1
traditional acupuncture (ta) therapy 1
traditional chinese medicine (中醫) 1
traditional time-acupuncture methodology (传统时间针法) 1
traditional time-varied acupuncture (傳統時間針法) 1
translating 1
vital channel (沖脈) 1
witch doctors 1
world health organization 1
yellow emperor’s canon of medicine《黄帝内经》 1
zhouyi 1
《傷寒論》 1
《周易》 1
《周易》the book of changes 1
《素问·痿论》(plain questions ·on atrophy) 1
《難經》 1
《黃帝內經》 1
《黄帝内经》 1
三伏天灸 1
三伏天灸 (dog days acupoints application treatment) 1
三才 1
三陰三陽辨證 1
中医 1
中医基础理论 1
中和观 harmonious 1
中國傳統文化 1
中藥 1
中醫 1
中醫理論體系 1
中風 1
临床疗效 1
临床研究 (clinical study) 1
主治 1
五臟整體觀 1
五行生克 1
五輸 1
五輸穴 1
五运六气 1
五運六氣 1
人體 (human body) 1
传统中医 1
传统中医 traditional chinese medicine 1
传统时间针法 1
傷寒論 1
六經辨證 1
冬病夏治 1
医话 1
區別 1
变易观 1
周易 1
命名 1
哲學思想 1
圜道 1
大小 1
天人合一观 1
女子胞 1
子午流注 1
孤独症行为量表(abc) 1
學術性 1
定位 1
小儿推拿 1
小兒哮喘 1
小兒多動癥 1
小兒腦病 1
小兒腦癱 1
小兒自閉癥 1
張仲景 1
心主脉 (heart dominating vessels) 1
心主血 (heart dominating blood) 1
心主血脉 (heart dominating blood and vessels) 1
戒烟 1
指屈肌腱腱鞘炎 1
推拿療法 1
撳針 1
支气管哮喘 (asthma) 1
整體觀 1
數目 1
文獻分析 1
时间治疗 1
易学思维 1
易道 1
昼夜节律 1
時間 (time) 1
時間治療 1
月经 1
气(qi) 1
气血运行 1
氣 (qi) 1
燒山火 1
理解力 (comprehension) 1
生命 (life) 1
痛症 1
痛證 1
痴呆 1
相火 1
研究思路 1
確立 1
祛邪 1
穴位 1
类风湿性关节炎 1
納子法 1
納甲法 1
素問 1
綜述 1
纳子法 1
纳甲法 1
经络 1
经络学说 1
综述 1
胃病 1
脏腑理论 “圜道观” 1
脾臟 1
臨床研究 1
自闭症 1
起源 1
足三里 1
辨证论治 1
迎隨補瀉 1
运气学说 1
运气针法 1
透天涼 1
運氣針法 1
道家 1
醫道 1
針刺時機 1
針刺補瀉 1
針灸 1
针刺 1
针刺疗法 1
针灸 1
阴阳和谐 the balance of yin and yang 1
陰陽 1
随机双盲对照 (randomized double-blind controlled) 1
靈樞 1
靈龜八法 1
頭針 1
黃帝內經 1
黄帝内经 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
chan, wai chi 1
lao, lixing 1
stacey s. cherny 1
zhang, zhang-jin 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 5
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