Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
pirls 6
medium of instruction 5
bilingual reading 4
foreign countries 4
gender differences 4
gender gap 4
language achievement 4
reading 4
reading ability 4
reading achievement 4
reading attitudes 4
role model 4
teacher gender 4
teaching of reading 4
asian continental ancestry group - statistics and numerical data 3
bujian 3
bujian sensitivity hypothesis 3
chinese characters 3
chinese children at risk for dyslexia 3
chinese language 3
dyslexia - epidemiology - rehabilitation 3
english language 3
enhancing orthographic (bujian) knowledge 3
grade 4 students 3
integrative perceptual approach 3
mental lexicon 3
orthographic 3
pattern recognition, visual 3
pedagogy 3
phenomenographic theory 3
programme 3
reading competency 3
remedial teaching - methods 3
sensitivity 3
structural awareness 3
training 3
writing 3
analysis of variance 2
auditory perception 2
chinese as foreign language 2
chinese reading comprehension impairment 2
classroom 2
comprehension 2
dyslexia - psychology 2
language 2
non-chinese speaking young children 2
onset-rime segmentation 2
pseudoword reading 2
ran 2
school-based chinese character curriculum 2
teaching materials 2
translanguaging practices 2
verbal working memory 2
(chinese) characters 1
adaptation 1
adolescence 1
chinese as a second language 1
chinese as a second language learners 1
decoding 1
developmental characteristics 1
differentiation 1
drama in education 1
ethnic minority students 1
ib dp language b 1
language learning 1
non-chinese speaking secondary school students 1
orthographic knowledge 1
second language 1
student attitudes 1
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