AuthorsNo. of Publications
lam, lcw 71
chiu, hfk 31
chang, wc 16
wong, csm 16
chan, wm 15
lee, atc 15
chen, eyh 14
tam, cwc 13
chan, ssm 12
cheng, cpw 11
cheng, pwc 11
fung, awt 11
lui, vwc 11
richards, m 11
ho, rth 10
hung, sf 10
cheung, efc 9
so, yk 9
cheng, st 8
chu, rst 8
chung, akk 8
fung, vsc 8
lam, m 8
lee, rsy 8
sham, pc 8
chan, jkn 7
chiang, tp 7
chiu, kcp 7
hon, t 7
kwan, jsk 7
lau, jtf 7
lee, kck 7
li, sw 7
lo, hky 7
bebbington, p 6
cheng, calvin pak wing 6
leung, gty 6
lewis, g 6
ma, sl 6
wong, smc 6
fong, tct 5
ho, ks 5
lam, l 5
lam, lc 5
lam, linda chiu wa 5
ng, mk 5
ng, rmk 5
van os, j 5
wong, corine sau man 5
wong, ghy 5
wong, sm 5
chan, jmt 4
dow, b 4
law, cw 4
lee, hme 4
lei, jhc 4
li, by 4
tham, mk 4
wong, ghs 4
chui, emc 3
chung, kf 3
fong, tct 3
fung, a 3
lautenschlager, n 3
lee, ehm 3
mok, ccm 3
ng, sm 3
ngan, sze ting joanna 3
wang, h 3
wong, a 3
wong, chy 3
wong, hl 3
wong, yl 3
yeung, wf 3
yu, x 3
aiello, ae 2
anstey, kj 2
au, a 2
brayne, c 2
brodaty, h 2
burns, t 2
carles, s 2
carriere, i 2
castro-costa, e 2
chan, cc 2
chan, lk 2
chen, eric yu hai 2
cheng, sheung tak 2
cherbuin, n 2
cheung, t 2
chiu, hf 2
chiu, pkc 2
chiu, py 2
chung, kka 2
crawford, jd 2
dang, k 2
davin, a 2
diniz, bs 2
fuh, jl 2
fung, ada wt 2
fung, hh 2
ganguli, m 2
gao, q 2
guaita, a 2
haan, mn 2
han, jw 2
ho, lm 2
hu, cj 2
hughes, tf 2
hui, lyf 2
katz, mj 2
kim, kw 2
kochan, na 2
kosmidis, m 2
kwan, skj 2
lai, dmc 2
lai, frank hy 2
lai, tts 2
lam, cl 2
lam, cwl 2
lao, l 2
law, wy 2
lee, allen tc 2
lee, jsw 2
leung, kyd 2
leung, t 2
leung, y 2
li, t 2
lima-costa, mf 2
lin, yt 2
lipnicki, dm 2
lipton, rb 2
llibre-guerra, jj 2
llibre-rodriguez, jj 2
lo, jw 2
lobo, a 2
lou, vw 2
louie, llc 2
lu, h 2
lum, tys 2
ma, suk ling 2
makkar, sr 2
matthews, f 2
meguro, k 2
ng, siu man 2
ng, sps 2
pabst, a 2
poon, tk 2
riedel-heller, sg 2
ritchie, k 2
roehr, s 2
sachdev, p 2
scarmeas, n 2
siu, bwm 2
stephan, b 2
suh, sw 2
trollor, jn 2
vaccaro, r 2
valhuerdi-cepero, aj 2
wang, wf 2
wong, pwc 2
wong, s 2
wong, samuel ys 2
wong, sn 2
yang, yh 2
yannakoulia, m 2
yau, jcy 2
zhang, sp 2
zhang, z 2
amin, h 1
au, dcw 1
ayinde, oo 1
bai, x 1
balaratnasingam, s 1
beck, c 1
burns, a 1
camp, cj 1
chan, alfred pui kam 1
chan, apk 1
chan, cf 1
chan, ching man 1
chan, cl 1
chan, jzy 1
chan, k 1
chan, kit wa sherry 1
chan, knj 1
chan, kw 1
chan, kwun nam 1
chan, lck 1
chan, lwc 1
chan, phm 1
chan, s 1
chan, sandra s.m. 1
chan, skw 1
chan, sm 1
chan, ss 1
chan, sunny ho wan 1
chan, ty 1
chan, vhy 1
chan, yh 1
chang, dhh 1
chau, jcs 1
chen, clh 1
chen, hy 1
chen, s 1
chen, sc 1
chen, sl 1
chen, x 1
cheng, calvin p.w. 1
cheng, cw 1
cheng, sp 1
cheng, y 1
cheung, cl 1
cheung, cya 1
cheung, eyn 1
cheung, jkk 1
cheung, kkj 1
cheung, km 1
cheung, teris 1
ching, chui em 1
chiu, fkh 1
chiu, h 1
chiu, hts 1
chiu, j 1
chow, kkw 1
chow, ppl 1
choy, cn 1
choy, cnp 1
chu, natalie wing tung 1
chu, nwt 1
chu, str 1
chu, wcw 1
chui, wwh 1
chumbler, nr 1
chung, gkk 1
chung, ryn 1
cody, m 1
cohort studies of memory in an international consortium (cosmic) 1
david, r 1
de la cámara, c 1
dejanovic, sd 1
djokic, g 1
dominguez, j 1
dunn, elw 1
easteal, s 1
elder, h 1
eraslan, d 1
fischer, gal 1
fong, kh 1
fong, tommy kwan hin 1
fu, jck 1
fung, scv 1
fung, wta 1
gallagher-thompson, d 1
gao, j 1
gracia‐garcía, p 1
hai, shjj 1
hamdani, su 1
han, c 1
ho, fyy 1
ho, jys 1
huang, d 1
hui, clm 1
hui, ly 1
ingersolldayton, b 1
ishii, h 1
jacobsen, ep 1
jafri, h 1
janca, a 1
jang, jw 1
kallivayalil, ra 1
khouzam, hr 1
kim, sy 1
knapp, m 1
knapp, martin 1
kng, cpl 1
kong, hl 1
kong, r 1
kriekaart, rl 1
kua, eh 1
kumagai, s 1
kwok, ricky yu kwong 1
kwok, ryk 1
kwok, tcy 1
kwok, wai wai 1
kwok, ww 1
lai, cs 1
lai, csy 1
lai, fhy 1
lai, mk 1
lam, mhb 1
lau, gkw 1
lau, kh 1
lau, kk 1
lau, kui kai 1
lau, ncl 1
lautenschlager, nt 1
law, acb 1
law, ack 1
law, cb 1
law, wing yan 1
le couteur, d 1
lecic‐tosevski, d 1
lee, at 1
lee, ckk 1
lee, kelsey kimyin 1
lee, kkw 1
lee, kyc 1
lee, mm 1
lee, rwy 1
lee, s 1
lee, syr 1
lee, tca 1
lei, hcj 1
leroi, i 1
leung, dara kiu yi 1
leung, emf 1
leung, hcm 1
leung, hkh 1
leung, j 1
leung, jlm 1
leung, syj 1
leung, tyg 1
leung, vpy 1
leung, wy 1
leónandrade, c 1
li, ghy 1
li, hj 1
li, q 1
li, wk 1
li, wl 1
liang, jg 1
lim, k 1
lim, vwm 1
lin, c 1
lin, cuichan cw 1
lin, kl 1
lin, pwk 1
ling, r 1
liu, t 1
liu, tianyin 1
liu, w 1
liu, wenlong 1
lo, kristen wing yan 1
lo, kyh 1
lobo escolar, e 1
lou, h 1
lou, vivian wei qun 1
lu, hj 1
lu, py 1
lu, s 1
lu, shiyu 1
lui, wai yan vivian 1
luk, dny 1
luk, jkh 1
lum, terry yat sang 1
luo, h 1
luo, hao 1
ma, dy 1
ma, s 1
mak, arthur d.p. 1
mak, hkf 1
mak, yw 1
mao, hj 1
marcus, r 1
marston, dc 1
mellsop, g 1
mihai, a 1
minhas, fa 1
mistry, h 1
morris, jc 1
narazaki, k 1
ng, bfl 1
ng, c 1
ng, rm 1
ng, s 1
ng, sp 1
ng, tp 1
ngan, stj 1
ni, x 1
nitsche, ma 1
nyunt, msz 1
ogundele, at 1
olde rikkert, mgm 1
olivera, j 1
or, e 1
os, jv 1
palumbo, c 1
pan, pc 1
pang, hh 1
pang, pf 1
pang, sl 1
parker, a 1
pejuskovic, b 1
pin ng, t 1
riese, f 1
robert, p 1
ruan, jy 1
sartorius, n 1
semrau, m 1
senanarong, v 1
sezto, nw 1
shi, lin 1
shih, vwy 1
shim, ys 1
shinfuku, n 1
sik, hh 1
situmeang, rfv 1
siu, amh 1
siu, cw 1
snitz, b 1
spector, a 1
stoppe, g 1
sudhakar, s 1
sun, l 1
sze, cy 1
sze, lesley cai yin 1
szelesszecsei, h 1
tai, ok 1
tam, ccw 1
tan, kcb 1
tang, harriet wing yu 1
tang, jennifer yee man 1
tang, jhy 1
tang, jym 1
tang, nls 1
tang, sh 1
tang, vwk 1
tang, wy 1
tang, ymj 1
tapsell, r 1
thach, tq 1
the hong kong mental morbidity survey team 1
tirintica, ar 1
tofique, s 1
tong, kelvin 1
tracy schroepfer, tlb 1
tse, s 1
tse, samson shu ki 1
tse, ssk 1
tsien, t 1
tsoi, c 1
tsui, kam hung harry 1
tung, ck 1
volpe, u 1
wahab, s 1
wang, c 1
wang, defeng 1
wang, mj 1
wang, mw 1
wang, s 1
wang, shu mei 1
wat, khy 1
wolski, l 1
wong, c 1
wong, csm 1
wong, daniel fu keung 1
wong, fkd 1
wong, flf 1
wong, gloria hoi yan 1
wong, gloria hy 1
wong, h 1
wong, hsg 1
wong, hyc 1
wong, ian ck 1
wong, ick 1
wong, mcm 1
wong, mk 1
wong, paul wai ching 1
wong, sau man corine 1
wong, shu ting 1
wong, sys 1
wong, ting yat 1
wong, ty 1
woo, j 1
wu, wyb 1
wu, yka 1
yalug, i 1
yamaguchi, s 1
yau, cyj 1
ye, m 1
yeoh, ek 1
yeong, yl 1
yeung, jerry wing fai 1
yeung, jwf 1
yeung, km 1
yeung, wf 1
yim, lcl 1
yip, benjamin hk 1
yip, bhk 1
yip, ewc 1
yip, hm 1
yu, bc 1
yu, bml 1
yu, bym 1
yu, cha 1
yu, chong ho 1
yu, ym 1
yung, hy 1
zammit, a 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, q 1
zhang, qingpeng 1
zhou, huiquan 1
zhou, jiayi 1
zhou, yy 1
zin nyunt, ms 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
dementia 22
depression 18
anxiety 15
older adults 14
prevention 14
collaborative stepped care 13
cost-effectiveness 13
depressive symptoms 13
early intervention 13
effectiveness 13
peer support 13
covid-19 12
epidemiology 12
network analysis 12
memory 11
mental disorders 10
dose-dependent effect 8
hallucination 8
latent class analysis 8
persistent psychotic experience 8
schizophrenia 8
coping strategies 7
correlates 7
loneliness 7
mental health 7
post-traumatic stress disorder 7
pre-existing mental disorders 7
psychiatric patients 7
psychopathology 7
public health 7
social support 7
suicidal ideation 7
survey 7
adults 6
affective psychoses 6
aged 6
anxiety disorders 6
asian continental ancestry group 6
communityolder 6
coping styles 6
exercise 6
health surveys 6
interview, psychological 6
late-life depression 6
lifetime prevalence 6
mental disorders / epidemiology 6
meta-analysis 6
population surveys 6
prevalence 6
self-reported cognitive complaints 6
systematic review 6
traumatic stress symptoms 6
accident prevention 5
accidental falls 5
acupuncture 5
benzodiazepine discontinuation 5
cognitive disorders 5
cognitive footprints 5
electronic medical records 5
housing 5
machine learning 5
mild cognitive impairment 5
rct 5
sham 5
transcranial direct current stimulation 5
withdrawal 5
biomarkers 4
brain stimulation 4
classification 4
cognitive impairment 4
diurnal cortisol rhythm 4
early dementia 4
early detection 4
episodic memory 4
gaze perception 4
health service utilization 4
instrumental activities of daily living 4
longitudinal change 4
mentalisation 4
methamphetamine 4
psychophysiology 4
pulmonary hypertension 4
randomized controlled trial 4
screening 4
social cognition 4
subjective mood 4
alzheimer's disease 3
anhedonia 3
cognitive dysfunction 3
cognitive function 3
episodic 3
learning 3
living environment 3
mindfulness 3
neighbourhood 3
psychological distress 3
reward 3
transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs) 3
transcranial magnetic stimulation 3
affect 2
anodal transcranial 2
antipsychotic agents - therapeutic use 2
augmentation therapy 2
brain 2
caregivers 2
chinese 2
community-dwelling elderly 2
cortical thickness 2
dance movement 2
delirium - psychology 2
dementia - psychology 2
elderly 2
environmental stress 2
experience sampling 2
high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation 2
home-based exercise 2
humans 2
magnetic resonance imaging 2
mind-body interventions 2
mindfulness-based tai chi chuan 2
momentary assessment 2
neighborhood 2
neurocognitive disorder 2
neuropsychological performance 2
old age 2
parkinson disease - psychology 2
prefrontal cortex 2
psychotic disorders - drug therapy 2
randomised controlled trial 2
randomized clinical trial 2
salivary cortisol 2
schizophrenia - drug therapy 2
sleep disturbance 2
suicide 2
tai chi 2
urban environment 2
working memory 2
accessibility 1
activities of daily living - classification - psychology 1
adaptation, psychological 1
adolescent 1
adult 1
aerobic exercise 1
age 1
age distribution 1
age factors 1
aged - statistics & numerical data 1
aged, 80 and over 1
ageing 1
aging 1
aging - psychology 1
agitation 1
alzheimer disease 1
alzheimer disease - diagnosis - drug therapy - psychology 1
alzheimer disease - ethnology - psychology - therapy 1
alzheimer’s disease 1
analysis of variance 1
antenatal intervention 1
apoe genotype 1
area under curve 1
aromatherapy 1
asia 1
asian continental ancestry group - psychology 1
asian continental ancestry group - psychology - statistics & numerical data 1
attitude of health personnel 1
attitude to health 1
behavior 1
behavioral symptoms 1
behavioural and psychological symptoms 1
beijing 1
body mass index 1
bpsd 1
burden 1
cardiovascular diseases - etiology 1
caregivers - psychology 1
challenging behaviour 1
china 1
chinese abbreviated mild cognitive impairment test 1
cholinesterase inhibitors 1
clinical dementia rating 1
cluster-randomized controlled trial 1
cognition - physiology 1
cognition disorders 1
cognition disorders - complications 1
cognition disorders - complications - diagnosis - ethnology 1
cognition disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
cognition disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
cognition disorders - epidemiology - etiology 1
cognition disorders - etiology 1
cognitive decline 1
cognitive predictors 1
community 1
community screening 1
complementary therapies 1
control groups 1
cost of illness 1
cross-over studies 1
cross-sectional studies 1
data collection 1
data collection - statistics & numerical data 1
dementia - complications 1
dementia - diagnosis - epidemiology 1
dementia - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
dementia - diagnosis - psychology 1
dementia - epidemiology 1
dementia caregiving 1
dementia, vascular - diagnosis - drug therapy - psychology 1
depression - complications - diagnosis - ethnology 1
depression - epidemiology - etiology 1
diagnosis, differential 1
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 1
disability assessment for dementia 1
disability evaluation 1
disease progression 1
donepezil 1
double-blind method 1
education 1
educational status 1
efficacy 1
epidemiologic methods 1
ethnicity 1
exercise - physiology 1
extrapyramidal symptoms 1
family - psychology 1
female 1
follow-up studies 1
fruits 1
functional disabilities 1
functional performance 1
functioning 1
geriatric assessment 1
geriatric assessment - methods 1
geriatric assessment - methods - statistics & numerical data 1
geriatric assessment - methods - statistics and numerical data 1
geriatric assessment - statistics & numerical data 1
geriatric psychiatry 1
glycemic changes 1
haloperidol 1
haloperidol - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
health care policy 1
healthy diet 1
homes for the aged 1
hong kong 1
hong kong - epidemiology 1
hypertension 1
incidence 1
indonesia 1
informant 1
japan 1
korea 1
lavandula 1
lifestyle modifiers 1
logistic models 1
longitudinal studies 1
male 1
mass screening - methods 1
memory disorders - diagnosis - epidemiology - psychology 1
mental disorders - complications - epidemiology 1
mental disorders - epidemiology - psychology 1
mental health services - standards 1
mental recall 1
mental status schedule 1
middle aged 1
mild cognitive impairment - diagnosis 1
mild dementia 1
mind-body exercise 1
mind-body therapies 1
nerve degeneration - complications - diagnosis - ethnology 1
neuropsychiatric symptoms 1
neuropsychological tests 1
neuropsychological tests - standards - statistics & numerical data 1
neuropsychological tests - statistics & numerical data 1
nursing care 1
nursing home 1
nursing homes 1
nutrition 1
obesity 1
obsessive-compulsive disorder 1
obsessive-compulsive disorder - psychology 1
older adult 1
older people 1
outcome 1
paraprofessional 1
parkinson disease, secondary - etiology - psychology 1
parkinsonian disorders 1
parkinsonian disorders - diagnosis - psychology 1
parkinsonian signs 1
pathways to care 1
pharmacogenetics 1
philippines 1
physical exercise 1
physical fitness 1
poor vision 1
population-based study 1
positive aspects of caregiving 1
postnatal depression 1
predictive value of tests 1
prodrome 1
prognosis 1
progression 1
prospective studies 1
psychiatric status rating scales 1
psychiatric status rating scales - statistics & numerical data 1
psychomotor agitation - ethnology - psychology - therapy 1
public education 1
public opinion 1
pulse pressure 1
qualitative research 1
regression analysis 1
reproducibility of results 1
residence characteristics 1
risk factor 1
risk factors 1
risperidone 1
risperidone - adverse effects - therapeutic use 1
roc curve 1
sampling studies 1
sensitivity and specificity 1
severity of illness index 1
sex 1
sex factors 1
singapore 1
social behavior disorders - diagnosis 1
social behavior disorders - diagnosis - drug therapy - psychology 1
social stigma 1
statistics, nonparametric 1
stigma 1
sustainability 1
taiwan 1
task performance and analysis 1
telephone-assisted 1
thailand 1
time factors 1
tolerability 1
treatment outcome 1
type 2 diabetes 1
uniform data set 1
vascular risk factors 1
vegetables 1
visual impairment 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
mental health for older people 11
elderly mental wellness, jc joyage, jockey club holistic support project, phase 2 8
cognitive functions, environmental risks, general population, psychotic-like 7
self-harm, suicide, post-discharge risk, risk prediction models, mental disorders 7
depression, family cohort, hypertension, light pollution, mental health, physcial activity 6
chair-based exercises, cognitve training, congitive function, dual-tasks, older adults, physical training 5
multimorbidity clusters, dementia, mortatlity , electronic health records, multinational cohort study 5
severe mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, diabetes mellitus, risk prediction model 5
social frailty, depression, service utilisation , older adults, mediator 5
ageing population, dementia, dementia community support scheme, medical-social collaboration, primary healthcare 4
dual-tasks, congitive function, cognitve training, physical training, chair-based exercises 4
marginal structural modeling, mental health disorders, social movement, social support deterioration, sociopolitical conflicts 4
acupressure, acupuncture, cognitive impairment, community dwellings, dementia, elderly people 3
mortality, older adults, schizophrenia 3
age-related visual impairment, psychosocial wellbeing, expressive arts therapy, macular degeneration, randomized controlled trial 3
augmentation therapy, late-life depression, randomized controlled trial, transcranial direct current stimulation 2
dance-movement intervention, dementia, elderly, randomized controlled trial, salivary cortisol 2
transcranial pulse, neurocognitive disorder, mild cognitive impairment 2
caregiver, depression, physical exercise, rct, tai chi 1
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