Nunes Lourenco, SD


AuthorsNo. of Publications
toll, dg 17
gallipoli, d 16
evans, fd 13
saulick, y 12
augarde, ce 11
baudet, ba 10
zheng, s 9
lin, h 8
xing, x 7
liu, d 6
yao, t 6
cleall, pj 5
medero, gm 5
jones, n 4
kamai, t 4
mendes, j 4
ng, aky 4
qi, rui 4
wang, gh 4
bryant, r 3
chen, ke 3
chui, tfm 3
congreve, a 3
doerr, sh 3
fukuoka, h 3
hu, xiangyu 3
kang, h 3
lin, hongjie 3
nardelli, v 3
qi, r 3
sassa, k 3
wang, g 3
yang, h 3
yang, hw 3
zhang, shuaihao 3
alves, tm 2
choi, ce 2
cui, y-j 2
cui, yj 2
delage, p 2
fisher, pc 2
ghabezloo, s 2
hallett, p 2
hau, ch 2
huang, r 2
jommi, c 2
kanellopoulos, a 2
kanellopoulos, antonios 2
leung, anthony kwan 2
lin, h 2
liu, d 2
millis, sw 2
morley, c 2
morley, cp 2
ng, cww 2
osinski, p 2
paton, g 2
pereira, j-m 2
sandeep, cs 2
stirling, r 2
tang, a-m 2
tang, am 2
toll, d 2
woche, sk 2
xing, xin 2
yan, rwm 2
yang, j 2
zhang, chi 2
zhou, z 2
askarinejad, a 1
asquith, jd 1
bachmann, j 1
bachmann, y 1
bardet, jp 1
baudet, b 1
baudet, ba 1
beckett, christopher t.s. 1
beckett, cts 1
brencic, m 1
bryant, r 1
cardoso, r 1
caruso, m 1
chan, csh 1
chen, k 1
chen, rui 1
cheuk, j 1
chigira, m 1
chu, j 1
coop, mr 1
cui, y 1
diez, jj 1
dijkstra, ta 1
doerr, s 1
dong, huan 1
dong, s 1
evans, f 1
firgi, t 1
fraser, a 1
gajewska, b 1
gentile, f 1
grossi, g 1
hales, t 1
harbottle, m 1
hassan, aa 1
holohan, da 1
huang, gege 1
hughes, pn 1
jabbari, n 1
jaquin, p 1
jesmani, m 1
jiang, y 1
kamchoom, viroon 1
kanellopoulos, a 1
kehagia, f 1
koda, e 1
korup, o 1
kwok, cy 1
lai, j 1
lenart, s 1
leung, ak 1
li, km 1
liu, deyun 1
liu, fy 1
liu, g 1
liu, jiankun 1
liu, lhd 1
lu, z 1
maat, hw 1
mancuso, c 1
medero, g 1
millis, s 1
ng, shy 1
noguchi, t 1
norambuena-contreras, j 1
oliveira, m 1
pagano, l 1
paul, a 1
paul, a 1
ramon-tarragona, a 1
rodrigues, dmm 1
rojas, jc 1
schwantes, g 1
senetakis, k 1
senetakis, k. 1
shih, k 1
smart, t 1
springman, sm 1
sufian, adnan 1
tarantino, a 1
theodoridou, m 1
todisco, mc 1
trumpf, se 1
van beek, v 1
wakefield, c 1
wakefield, cf 1
wang, g-h 1
weidinger, j 1
weitz, h 1
wu, dong 1
wu, x 1
yan, cs 1
yang, q 1
yeung, atc 1
zhang, f 1
zhao, c 1
zingariello, c 1
zuo, l 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
sands 7
laboratory tests 5
water repellency 5
chemical properties 4
completely decomposed granite 4
ground improvement 4
microscopy 4
partial saturation 4
shear strength 4
soils 4
tung-oil 4
3d particle morphology 3
debris avalanches 3
fractal dimension 3
geosynthetics 3
gravel 3
landslides 3
particle-scale behavior 3
particle-scale behaviour 3
pore fluid 3
power spectrum 3
soil wettability 3
surface texture 3
water-repellent soils 3
coarse soils 2
coatings 2
droplet dynamics 2
flume tests 2
fractals 2
granular materials 2
hong kong 2
hydrological behavior 2
hydrophobicity 2
laboratory equipment 2
lattice boltzmann 2
liquefaction 2
microcapsules 2
model tests 2
optical interferometry 2
particle-scale studies 2
polydimethylsiloxane 2
quantification 2
rammed earth 2
root mean square 2
sand 2
soil water repellency 2
soil/structure interaction 2
surface roughness 2
synthetic water repellent soils 2
unsaturated soils 2
wenchuan earthquake 2
basal slip planes 1
calcium alginate 1
catastrophic landslide 1
colluvium deposits 1
compacted soil 1
completely decomposed tuff granules 1
completely decomposed volcanic rocks 1
constant shear drained tests 1
constriction size 1
debris flows 1
dry soils 1
dry-wet cycles 1
durability 1
durability assessment 1
eastern mediterranean 1
elastic dynamics 1
emplacement 1
environment 1
failure mode 1
fatty acids 1
field measurement 1
fill materials 1
flow-type landslide 1
flume experiments 1
flume test 1
geology 1
granular flows 1
high suction tensiometer 1
high suction tensiometers 1
high-suction tensiometers 1
hourglass modes 1
hydraulic conductivity 1
hydrochar 1
hydrophobic coatings 1
hydrophobic soils 1
infrastructure 1
inter-particle friction angle 1
internal structure 1
laboratory test 1
laboratory testing 1
large deformation 1
lateral spreading 1
lifetime prediction 1
loess 1
mechanical behavior 1
micro-deval test 1
micromechanics 1
numerical instability 1
oil coated soils 1
oil spills 1
optical interferometer 1
outdoor weathering 1
particle coverage 1
particle mechanics 1
particle morphology 1
particle shape 1
particle size 1
particle size selectivity 1
pdms coatings 1
permeability 1
physical nature 1
physical state 1
polydimethysiloxane 1
polymer degradation 1
pore size distribution (psd) 1
pore water pressure 1
porous media 1
power spectral density 1
rainfall-induced landslides 1
release behavior 1
riemann solver 1
ring shear test 1
rough surface 1
roughness 1
salt solution 1
sand degradation 1
sand hydrophobicity 1
se japan 1
self-healing 1
silane coating 1
silica sand 1
smoothed particle hydrodynamic 1
smoothed particle hydrodynamics 1
soft coating layer coating thickness 1
soil erosion 1
soil grain 1
soil hydrophobicity 1
soil particle wettability 1
soil water retention curve 1
soil-water retention curve 1
soil–water retention curve 1
splash erosion 1
stress-dilatancy 1
subgrade 1
submarine landslides 1
submarine landsliding 1
suction 1
surfactants 1
synthetic soil water repellency 1
tangential stiffness 1
tensiometers 1
time-dependence 1
toe thrusting 1
triggering 1
tung oil 1
undrained shear tests 1
unsaturated soil 1
updated lagrangian formulation 1
washout tests 1
water entry pressure 1
weathering 1
weathering of slate 1
wettability 1
wetting 1
wildfires 1
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