Rex K.H. Au-Yeung


AuthorsNo. of Publications
kwong, yl 18
yuen, ky 11
tse, ewc 10
klapper, w 9
burkhardt, b 8
hsi, ed 8
ondrejka, sl 8
iqbal, j 7
loong, f 7
srivastava, g 7
woessmann, w 7
chadburn, a 6
dave, ss 6
lau, skp 6
ong, ck 6
oschlies, i 6
woo, pcy 6
chan, jfw 5
dave, t 5
fedoriw, y 5
love, c 5
cai, j 4
cheng, cl 4
choi, wl 4
dunson, db 4
evens, am 4
flowers, cr 4
gang, ao 4
gascoyne, rd 4
hwang, yyg 4
koff, jl 4
kok, kh 4
kwong, y-l 4
leppa, s 4
levy, s 4
rajagopalan, d 4
reinke, s 4
richards, kl 4
tse, e 4
behdad, a 3
chan, kh 3
chan, tsy 3
chapman-fredricks, jr 3
chen, wyw 3
chu, h 3
czader, m 3
czader, mb 3
datta, j 3
davis, ns 3
evans, ag 3
goodlad, jr 3
guo, t 3
jaffe, es 3
jaye, dl 3
jin, d 3
li, c 3
li, g 3
li, s 3
lim, st 3
lossos, is 3
louissaint, a 3
mckinney, m 3
moffitt, ab 3
naresh, kn 3
poon, km 3
poon, lm 3
reddy, a 3
shimizu, n 3
siebert, r 3
sze, kh 3
wang, y 3
wong, ky 3
yan, j 3
yang, d 3
zhao, x 3
zhou, j 3
zhuang, y 3
zimmermann, m 3
ban, khk 2
bernal-mizrachi, l 2
bhagat, g 2
chan, cs 2
chan, syt 2
chan, yp 2
chen, s 2
chiang, aks 2
chik, kkh 2
chim, jcs 2
chng, wj 2
chuang, ss 2
chung, th 2
cohen, jb 2
escherich, g 2
hao, q 2
ho, yh 2
hou, y 2
iaccarino, i 2
juskevicius, r 2
kao, ryt 2
karjalainen-lindsberg, m 2
karjalainen-lindsberg, ml 2
kato, s 2
khoury, jd 2
kim, sj 2
kim, sy 2
koch, k 2
lau, cy 2
leeman-neill, rj 2
leong, sm 2
leung, ryy 2
leung, sy 2
lim, jq 2
liu, apy 2
loeffler, m 2
love, cl 2
mak, wn 2
martin, h 2
mow, b 2
nakamura, s 2
ng, sb 2
ott, g 2
padilla, la 2
palus, bc 2
pedersen, mo 2
phipps, c 2
pilichowska, m 2
poon, vkm 2
reddy, n 2
richter, j 2
rymkiewicz, g 2
shuai, h 2
takahashi, e 2
tan, d 2
tan, sy 2
tang, khk 2
tee, km 2
thakkar, d 2
tripodo, c 2
tsang, ol 2
tse, h 2
waldrop, a 2
wong, kky 2
wong, mly 2
xu, j 2
yeung, ml 2
yin, cc 2
yin, f 2
yip, cy 2
yuan, s 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, x 2
zhu, z 2
abramov, d 1
agajanian, m 1
ahmed, ss 1
alderuccio, jp 1
alobeid, b 1
altmann, b 1
altmüller, j 1
amador, c 1
arias padilla, l 1
arildsen, ma 1
aurer, i 1
bacon, cm 1
bailey, ja 1
baird, k 1
balagué, o 1
baseggio, l 1
basic-kinda, s 1
beaven, aw 1
bei, jx 1
belhadj, k 1
bens, s 1
bogusz, am 1
braumann, ud 1
cai, jian pao 1
cai, jp 1
cai, qc 1
cai, qq 1
calaminici, m 1
calin, g 1
chan, aok 1
chan, cm 1
chan, cyk 1
chan, elaine 1
chan, gcf 1
chan, ihy 1
chan, jy 1
chan, s 1
chan, sy 1
chan, wc 1
chan, wyk 1
chang, ko 1
chao, nj 1
chapman, jr 1
chau, hwd 1
cheah, dmz 1
chen, chen 1
cheu, jws 1
cheung, ety 1
chia, bkh 1
chiang, a 1
chiu, dkc 1
chiu, kh 1
chiu, mc 1
cho, j 1
choi, w 1
choi, wwl 1
chok, ksh 1
chong, ken tk 1
chong, tk 1
choo, sn 1
chow, c 1
chow, ttw 1
chung, hy 1
churnetski, mc 1
clear, a 1
collie, a 1
corman, vm 1
croci, ga 1
crump, m 1
d'amore, esg 1
dave, s 1
davé, ss 1
de leval, l 1
de mel, s 1
delfau-larue, mh 1
deng, m 1
drosten, c 1
fan, ryy 1
fan, s 1
fataccioli, v 1
fok, fch 1
fong, jordan yik hei 1
fung, amy 1
fung, j 1
galvez, c 1
gao, gf 1
gaulard, p 1
ghosh, s 1
gill, h 1
goh, cc 1
goh, yt 1
goldschmidt, n 1
gordon, li 1
gribben, j 1
grigoropoulos, nf 1
ha, jch 1
happ, l 1
happ, le 1
hartmann, w 1
he, z 1
healy, j 1
healy, ja 1
heavican, t 1
heavican, tb 1
hebeda, k 1
held, g 1
ho, rcw 1
hong, h 1
horn, h 1
horwitz, s 1
hu, bj 1
huang, d 1
huang, x 1
hung, fni 1
hwang, w 1
høgdall, e 1
hübschmann, d 1
iannelli, f 1
ip, ahw 1
ip, hw 1
jeyasekharan, ad 1
jin, dy 1
khong, p-l 1
khong, pl 1
khoo, lp 1
kim, ws 1
klapper, w 1
kleinheinz, k 1
ko, yh 1
kohler, cw 1
kontny, u 1
kositsky, r 1
kovanen, pe 1
lam, acs 1
lam, csf 1
lam, wh 1
lau, hp 1
lau, hyh 1
lau, susanna kar pui 1
lau, terrence chi kong 1
lau, vwh 1
lau, yl 1
laurensia, y 1
law, ct 1
lee, b 1
lee, ck 1
lee, dr 1
lee, ra 1
lee, yyc 1
lenz, g 1
leoncini, l 1
leung, sp 1
li, ch 1
li, ck 1
li, gd 1
li, j 1
li, ksm 1
li, z 1
lie, s 1
lim, eh 1
lim, jx 1
lin, t 1
lin, y-y 1
liu, wp 1
lo, cm 1
lo, gcs 1
lo, kc 1
loh, ysm 1
lone, w 1
low, l 1
low, lcy 1
lu, g 1
luftig, ma 1
lugar, pl 1
luk, hkh 1
major, mb 1
man, c 1
mannisto, s 1
mark, h 1
masalu, n 1
mason, ef 1
mccall, cm 1
mehta-shah, n 1
memish, za 1
meriranta, l 1
meyerson, h 1
miles, rr 1
moffittt, ab 1
moormann, am 1
moreau, a 1
mukhopadyay, m 1
mulvey, ec 1
nagel, i 1
nairismägi, ml 1
nakazawa, a 1
naresh, k 1
naushad, h 1
ng, ccy 1
ng, wf 1
nguyen, e 1
nicolae, a 1
norgaard, ph 1
nørgaard, p 1
nürnberg, p 1
o'leary, cb 1
oduor, ci 1
ong’echa, jm 1
oon, ml 1
otieno, ja 1
otto, f 1
padilla, l 1
paltiel, o 1
panea, ri 1
pang, a 1
pang, awk 1
pang, gkh 1
pang, kky 1
parihar, m 1
parker, c 1
parrens, m 1
pasanen, a 1
paulson, n 1
pedersen, m 1
peng, rj 1
perlman, s 1
phyu, t 1
pillai, r 1
pitt, jj 1
pittaluga, s 1
poeschel, v 1
qin, q 1
que, tl 1
quintanilla-martinez, l 1
qureishi, hn 1
raffeld, m 1
raimondi, f 1
rajasegaran, v 1
reiner, ne 1
rempel, r 1
rempel, re 1
rosenwald, a 1
rotzchke, o 1
russel, v 1
russell, rb 1
rutherford, sc 1
rötzschke, o 1
sahay, h 1
said, j 1
sarno, v 1
schlesner, m 1
schnotalle, p 1
schroeder, kms 1
sengar, m 1
seshadri, v 1
seufert, j 1
shen, l 1
shingleton, jr 1
sim, jpy 1
simonitsch‐klupp, i 1
singh, ghh 1
smith, ec 1
so, ly 1
sojitra, p 1
soliman, ds 1
soon, gst 1
spang, r 1
staiger, am 1
staton, ad 1
sujobert, p 1
sun, s 1
tam, k 1
tam, kp 1
tan, j 1
tang, jco 1
tang, t 1
tang, ying 1
tao, q 1
teh, ch 1
teng, jade lee lee 1
teng, jll 1
thiele, h 1
ting, sh 1
to, kf 1
to, kkw 1
travert, m 1
trümper, l 1
tsang, cc 1
tsang, js 1
tse, apw 1
tse, mk 1
tsuchiyama, j 1
tsui, l 1
tung, etk 1
tung, tk 1
tzeng, t 1
tzeng, tj 1
villa, d 1
wagener, r 1
wai, cmm 1
wang, d 1
wang, l 1
weisenburger, d 1
wen, l 1
wen, lr 1
wernery, u 1
winter, k 1
wong, a 1
wong, acp 1
wong, bhy 1
wong, bpy 1
wong, ccl 1
wong, cm 1
wong, cy 1
wong, eky 1
wong, eym 1
wong, hyb 1
wong, samson sai yin 1
wong, ssy 1
wong, ym 1
wong, zw 1
woo, patrick chiu yat 1
wu, h 1
xi, l 1
xiong, lifeng 1
xu, ml 1
xu, s 1
xue, hdg 1
yan, hhn 1
yang, f 1
yang, l 1
yeoh, aej 1
yeung, eyh 1
yeung, man lung 1
yeung, my 1
yip, ccy 1
yoon, c 1
yu, j 1
yue, g 1
yuen, vwh 1
zanardi, f 1
zandi, s 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, m 1
zhang, ms 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, g 1
zheng, w 1
zhou, b 1
zhou, y 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, l 1
ziepert, m 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
virulence 13
animal 9
flavivirus 9
interferon 9
model 9
mouse 9
orchitis 9
steroid 9
testis 9
treatment 9
zika 9
aspergillus fumigatus 7
bocavirus - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 7
diffuse large b cell lymphoma 7
epidemiology, molecular 7
fungus protein 7
gastroenteritis - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 7
gene 7
parvoviridae infections - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 7
respiratory tract infections - epidemiology - virology 7
bacteria, aerobic - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 6
bacteriological techniques - methods 6
computational biology - methods 6
conjunctivitis 6
dlbcl 6
gram-negative bacteria - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 6
gram-negative bacterial infections - diagnosis - microbiology 6
keratitis 6
koch's postulates 6
mycolyltransferase 6
tsukamurella 6
coronavirus 5
deltacoronavirus 5
exome sequencing 5
falcon 5
genetic mutations 5
houbara bustard 5
interspecies jumping 5
tcga 5
the cancer genome atlas 5
aged 4
basal ganglion 4
case report 4
clinical article 4
corpus callosum 4
epstein barr virus 3
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 3
hepatocellular carcinoma 3
human 3
hydrodynamic tail vein injection 3
immunotherapy 3
l-asparaginase 3
nk/t-cell lymphoma 3
preclinical models 3
programmed cell death protein 1 3
acute myeloid leukemia 2
adult 2
body weight loss 2
bone marrow examination 2
burkitt's lymphoma 2
cancer regression 2
crispr 2
genes 2
genetics 2
genome 2
leg 2
male 2
anaplastic large cell lymphoma 1
antigen expression 1
b cells 1
biomarker 1
chromosome 11q 1
clonality 1
copy number variation analysis 1
follicular lymphoma 1
image analysis 1
immunohistochemistry 1
kimura’s disease 1
letter 1
lymphoma 1
microenvironment 1
musculoskeletal 1
non‐hodgkin lymphoma 1
paediatric haematology 1
paediatric oncology 1
pathology 1
point pattern analysis; pd1 1
sparc 1
t-cell lymphoma 1
t-cell receptor 1
tumor microenvironment 1
upper limb 1
whole genome sequencing 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
tse, eric wai choi 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
dehydrogenase, extranodal, lactate, lymphoma, nk/t-cell, targeting 2
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 2
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