Vince Vardhanabhuti


AuthorsNo. of Publications
khong, pl 20
du, r 16
lee, eyp 16
roobottom, ca 15
lee, vhf 13
cao, p 12
chiu, whk 12
xie, c 11
huang, f 9
kwong, dlw 9
lam, ko 9
nensey, r 8
ng, my 8
ninan, t 8
yuan, h 8
chiu, kwh 7
lian, j 7
perucho, jau 7
wu, w 7
bhatnagar, g 6
ho, jwk 6
ng, ks 6
pang, cl 6
yu, h 6
dou, q 5
ilyas, s 5
law, syk 5
roobottom, c 5
chan, hss 4
cui, d 4
ding, j 4
gao, y 4
han, l 4
hui, sk 4
hyde, c 4
kuo, md 4
lee, awm 4
leung, st 4
lo, csy 4
ng, wt 4
olubaniyi, bo 4
riordan, rd 4
tenant, s 4
wang, m 4
yang, h 4
chan, sk 3
fang, bxh 3
foulkes, ns 3
fu, j 3
fung, sy 3
gutteridge, c 3
hu, y 3
james, j 3
kakani, n 3
ko, jmy 3
kwok, kw 3
lee, wma 3
leung, tw 3
liu, f 3
lloyd, s 3
loader, r 3
lung, ml 3
mitchell, gr 3
pang, hmh 3
sidhu, hs 3
so, ty 3
tamai, tk 3
taylor, j 3
tong, cc 3
tong, dkh 3
tsougenis, e 3
venkatanarasimha, n 3
wang, s 3
wen, j 3
whitmore, d 3
wong, hyf 3
xie, cy 3
yeung, fk 3
yiu, kh 3
adams, wm 2
alam, ms 2
bhattarai, a 2
chan, b 2
chan, sy 2
chang, hc 2
chang, hcc 2
chen, c 2
chen, h 2
chen, p 2
chen, y 2
chin, twy 2
choi, ssa 2
chow, yhp 2
chung, bhy 2
cong, wenxiang 2
dai, w 2
deng, j 2
dissanayake, p 2
fong, aht 2
fong, dyt 2
fong, hta 2
fu, jh 2
fu, jianhua 2
guan, xy 2
guo, c 2
han, lj 2
han, lujun 2
hu, dianlin 2
hu, yh 2
hu, yihuai 2
hui, kf 2
hyde, cj 2
ip, wyv 2
khong, pek lan 2
king, ad 2
kwan, ck 2
kwan, cnf 2
kwan, ct 2
kwong, tsp 2
lam, cld 2
lam, eym 2
lam, hys 2
lam, tpw 2
lau, gkk 2
lau, wy 2
lee, jcy 2
lee, kck 2
lee, kh 2
lee, victor ho fun 2
lee, vkh 2
lee, yp 2
leung, cy 2
li, andrew 2
li, ws 2
lo, fmi 2
lui, mms 2
lui, yh 2
luk, hm 2
luk, my 2
mak, hkf 2
man, ssy 2
mohiaddin, r 2
morgan-hughes, g 2
mui, awl 2
ngan, kcr 2
ngu, sf 2
niu, chuang 2
olubaniyi, b 2
onder, of 2
pang, hh 2
pennell, dj 2
senior, r 2
shan, hongming 2
she, y 2
shih, kc 2
shuen, v 2
siu, cw 2
so, th 2
suresh, p 2
tang, hs 2
tripathi, v 2
tse, wwv 2
van lunenburg, jtj 2
wan, eyf 2
wang, ge 2
wang, shaoyu 2
wong, iyh 2
wu, m 2
wu, weiwen 2
xia, p 2
yang, hong 2
yap, pm 2
yau, cc 2
yau, s 2
yiu, nc 2
yu, hengyong 2
yu, k 2
yuan, hui 2
agarwal sharma, r 1
ai, q 1
ai, qi yong h 1
ai, qy 1
an, h 1
andarini, s 1
apsey, j 1
arthur, s 1
ashizawa, k 1
atkar-khattra, s 1
au, ht 1
au, ky 1
becker, as 1
bedard, e 1
berg, cd 1
bhattarai, ad 1
bowman, r 1
braren, r 1
brims, f 1
brown, s 1
brown, se 1
bull, rk 1
burian, e 1
burrowes, p 1
bury, r 1
cai, a 1
cantin, p 1
cao, peng 1
chaganti, s 1
chan, acy 1
chan, ckc 1
chan, cm 1
chan, eht 1
chan, gcf 1
chan, hn 1
chan, jky 1
chan, jwm 1
chan, jy 1
chan, jyw 1
chan, k 1
chan, kc 1
chan, kch 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, lk 1
chan, pl 1
chan, q 1
chan, see ching 1
chan, shv 1
chan, sl 1
chan, sya 1
chan, vsh 1
chan, wy 1
chang, ckc 1
chang, dhf 1
chang, yc 1
chau, mt 1
chau, sc 1
chau, tc 1
chen, h 1
cheng, akc 1
cheng, kkf 1
cheuk, dkl 1
cheung, c 1
cheung, cl 1
cheung, ksm 1
cheung, nt 1
cheung, tt 1
cheung, yf 1
cheung, yf 1
chiang, cl 1
chik, t 1
ching, oh 1
ching, on hang samuel 1
chittal, r 1
chiu, atg 1
chiu, jlf 1
chiu, keith w.h. 1
chiu, keith wan hang 1
chiu, lfj 1
chiu, pw 1
chiu, ta 1
choi, cw 1
choi, hcw 1
choi, horace cheuk wai 1
choi, kwok fung 1
chong, co 1
chopra, ss 1
chow, yin hay phoebe 1
chu, cf 1
chua, dt 1
chua, dtt 1
chua, dyy 1
chung, twh 1
coiffier, bca 1
cressman, s 1
dai, jing 1
dai, lx 1
davies, lc 1
ding, ye 1
dong, l 1
dou, qi 1
dubbins, p 1
english, j 1
fan, joe king man 1
fang, b 1
feng, z 1
fogarty, p 1
fong, ambrose ho tung 1
fong, k 1
fong, zfw 1
foster, j 1
fox, b 1
fox, bm 1
freeman, sj 1
fung, elw 1
fung, jlf 1
fung, lwe 1
fung, sau yung 1
gafoor, a 1
gafoor, nf 1
glocker, b 1
gray, r 1
grillon, m 1
guan, x 1
guo, qj 1
hai, j 1
hai, jojo siu han 1
hai, shjj 1
hamilton, mc 1
harden, s 1
he, j 1
he, l 1
heng, pa 1
ho, fkw 1
ho, jdl 1
ho, patty pui ying 1
ho, wy 1
ho, yc 1
homayounfar, m 1
hu, d 1
huang, fan 1
huang, sh 1
hui, edwin p 1
hui, es 1
hui, es 1
hui, esk 1
hui, esk 1
hui, h 1
hung, ifn 1
hung, kuo feng 1
hung, rj 1
hwang, subin 1
ip, msm 1
ip, p 1
ip, pcp 1
ip, t-p 1
ip, wy 1
irving, l 1
iyengar, s 1
janes, sm 1
jang, sh 1
jiang, f 1
jiang, m 1
jiang, w 1
jiang, wenting 1
jin, l 1
jungmann, f 1
kainz, b 1
kaissis, g 1
king, ann d 1
konala, p 1
kong, fp 1
koohi-moghadam, m 1
koohimoghadam, m 1
ku, dtl 1
kuok, y 1
kwan, cheuk nam felix 1
kwan, chi ting 1
kwok, ka wai 1
kwong, dora lai wan 1
lai, c 1
lai, ctm 1
lai, e 1
lai, yh 1
lai, yta 1
lam, ccs 1
lam, csc 1
lam, cw 1
lam, dc 1
lam, james 1
lam, ka on 1
lam, s 1
lam, wc 1
lam, wc 1
lam, wwm 1
lam, wwt 1
lam, wy 1
lao, l 1
lau, a 1
lau, cs 1
lau, gary k. k. 1
lau, jessica wing ka 1
lau, kyy 1
lau, vick man hin 1
lau, vwh 1
law, gl 1
law, mwm 1
law, sck 1
law, simon y.k. 1
lee aw 1
lee, c 1
lee, c-h 1
lee, ck 1
lee, ey 1
lee, fmy 1
lee, hhc 1
lee, ka chun kevin 1
lee, p 1
lee, sw 1
lee, tmc 1
lee, vh 1
lee, yung pok 1
lei, cl 1
lei, lc 1
leong, alex t. l. 1
leong, ht 1
leung, chun yu 1
leung, dennis kwok chuen 1
leung, gilberto k. k. 1
leung, lk 1
leung, to wai 1
leung, wk 1
leung, ws 1
leung, wy 1
leung, wyc 1
li, a 1
li, jtc 1
li, tcj 1
li, yingqi 1
li, yl 1
li, yys 1
li, z 1
liam, ck 1
lim, kp 1
lim, lw 1
lin, c 1
lin, l 1
lin, yingying 1
liu, apy 1
liu, q 1
liu, rwt 1
liu, z 1
liu, zhiyu 1
lo, chung mau 1
lo, hy 1
lo, wia 1
lo, yl 1
loader, rj 1
lok, jg 1
long, f 1
long, y 1
luk, cw 1
lung, kc 1
ma, brigette by 1
maceachern, p 1
mahajan, v 1
mahaveer, n 1
mak, kc 1
mak, sk 1
makowski, m 1
man, s 1
manser, r 1
marshall, h 1
maviki, m 1
mayo, j 1
mayr, na 1
mccusker, m 1
mcwilliams, a 1
melsom, s 1
miles, r 1
ming, y 1
ming, yanzhen 1
mo, frankie kf 1
mo, l 1
mohammed shah alam, 1
mohiaddin, raad 1
montero barril, d 1
montero, d 1
montero, david 1
mui, aw 1
myers, r 1
nakayama, t 1
nensey, rr 1
ng, bfl 1
ng, cy 1
ng, kc 1
ng, m-y 1
ng, ming yen 1
ng, w 1
ng, wt 1
ng, yl 1
ng, yui lun 1
ng, yw 1
ngan, hys 1
ngan, rkc 1
nhung, nv 1
nicol, e 1
ninan, tm 1
niu, c 1
nizami, h 1
o'sullivan, b 1
padley, s 1
pan, jj 1
pandher, b 1
pang, c 1
pang, jwk 1
park, s 1
pascoe, d 1
passmore, l 1
pearson, sa 1
pelekos, g 1
pennell, dudley john 1
poplavskiy, d 1
pugliese, f 1
purayil, t 1
quaife, sl 1
raju, v 1
ramos, ab 1
ren, q 1
ren, qing-wen 1
ren, qw 1
roditi, g 1
rueckert, d 1
ruparel, m 1
saffar, b 1
sahu, a ninan, t 1
senior, roxy 1
seto, wk 1
seto, wkw 1
sheehan, r 1
shen, l 1
shen, pch 1
shi, j 1
shi, ym 1
shing, mk 1
si, w 1
sidhu, h 1
sin, cf 1
singh, n 1
siu, chung wah 1
siu, wks 1
steinfort, d 1
stirrup, j 1
stone, e 1
stuckey, c 1
su, shi 1
sun, h 1
suresh, ps 1
suresh, sp 1
szeto, matthew ho man 1
tai, wcs 1
tammemägi, mc 1
tan, dsw 1
tan, kv 1
tan, szk 1
tanaka, r 1
tang, hok shing 1
tang, t 1
taylor, a 1
teh, m 1
thomas, r 1
to, kkw 1
tong, daniel k.h. 1
tremblay, a 1
tscheikuna, j 1
tse, d 1
tse, h 1
tse, hf 1
tse, hung fat 1
tse, ky 1
tse, wan wai vivian 1
tsia, kkm 1
tso, wwy 1
tsougenis, ed 1
van, cc 1
vanden broeke, l 1
venkataranasimha, n 1
vivien shuen, wm 1
wai, akc 1
wan, eric yuk fai 1
wan, yfe 1
wang, f 1
wang, g 1
wang, haonan 1
wang, x 1
wang, xiaomei 1
wang, y 1
williams, mc 1
williams, mp 1
wintersperger, bj 1
wong, emf 1
wong, eyy 1
wong, hf 1
wong, kh 1
wong, kt 1
wong, mfe 1
wong, tiffany cho lam 1
wong, yc 1
wong, yci 1
wu, ed xuekui 1
wu, fm 1
wu, kla 1
wu, mei-zhen 1
wu, mz 1
wurnig, mc 1
xia, c 1
xiao, jiaren 1
xiao, linfang 1
xu, y 1
xu, zy 1
yan, at 1
yan, kk 1
yan, pingkun 1
yan, pinkun 1
yang, i 1
yang, pc 1
yap, ayh 1
yap, pui min 1
yee, j 1
yeung, awk 1
yeung, yc 1
yip, km 1
yiu, k-h 1
yiu, kai hang 1
yiu, nga ching 1
young, pht 1
young, tph 1
yu, eyt 1
yu, h 1
yu, hcj 1
yu, jml 1
yu, l 1
yu, plh 1
yu, sch 1
yu, sy 1
yu, y 1
yuan, r 1
yuen, rmf 1
yung, spf 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jh 1
zhang, s 1
zhao, d 1
zhao, xiaoxi 1
zhao, yujiao 1
zhen, z 1
zhou, w 1
zhou, y 1
ziea, et 1
zingan, valentin 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 18
deep learning 13
mri 13
covid-19 11
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 11
brain microstructure 10
cognition 10
diffusion kurtosis imaging 10
functional outcome 10
intracranial germ cell tumor 10
neurotoxicity 10
radiomics 10
adc 9
brain 9
chest x-ray 9
computed tomography 9
dce-mri 9
dw-mri 9
mrs 9
nomogram 9
prediction model 9
white cell count 9
4d flow 8
cardiovascular magnetic resonance 8
circulating neoplastic cell 8
circulating tumor dna 8
direct flow 8
hfpef 8
intraventricular flow 8
liquid biopsy 8
residual volume 8
alkaline phosphatase 7
biliary 7
cholangiogram 7
ketamine 7
machine learning 7
magnetic resonance cholangiography 7
substance abuse 7
survival 7
asymptomatic 6
half-life clearance 6
high cardiovascular risk 6
intensity-modulated radiation therapy 6
magnetic resonance imaging 6
magnetization transfer 6
neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy 6
plasma epstein–barr virus deoxyribonucleic acid 6
prognosis 6
prognostication 6
radiogenomic 6
screening 6
specific absorption rate 6
stress cardiac magnetic resonance 6
tissue contrast 6
type 2 diabetes 6
ultra-low-field 6
18f-fdg pet 5
artificial intelligence 5
cervical cancer 5
fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose 5
functional assessment 5
head and neck cancer 5
head and neck cancers 5
imbalanced datasets 5
intravoxel incoherent motion 5
knee osteoarthritis 5
multidisciplinary management 5
neoadjuvant therapy 5
npc 5
pain 5
positron-emission tomography 5
protocol 5
randomized controlled trial 5
re-sampling techniques 5
sham acupuncture 5
sinew acupuncture 5
therapeutic evaluation 5
treatment outcome 5
tumour board 5
bioinformatics 4
bone marrow 4
chest radiographs 4
curriculum 4
data mining 4
diffusion measurement 4
dimensionality reduction 4
extranodal extension 4
fat–water decomposition mri 4
hands-on training 4
hematological toxicity 4
medical students 4
nodal staging 4
outcome 4
pneumonia 4
point-of-care ultrasound 4
prostate cancer 4
quantitative mri analysis 4
radiation therapy 4
thigh muscle segmentation 4
ultrasound 4
18f-fdg pet/ct 3
b-values 3
coils 3
comparability 3
diffusion-weighted imaging 3
fabrication 3
fluorodeoxyglucose f 18 3
liver 3
lung cancer 3
measurement 3
ophthalmic specialty clinics 3
percist 3
prostate 3
public health care system 3
q-factor 3
relaxometry 3
response criteria 3
response evaluation 3
run length 3
texture analysis 3
triage 3
wireless communication 3
asia 2
capsulenet 2
chemoradiotherapy 2
classification 2
computational biology 2
convolution neural network 2
convolutional neural network 2
deep brain stimulation 2
diagnosis 2
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging 2
dropout 2
early detection 2
image acquisition 2
image segmentation 2
imaging 2
infections 2
joints 2
ldct screening 2
medical imaging 2
medical physics 2
medicine 2
memory 2
mr images classification 2
multi-parametric mri 2
neural network 2
neuromodulation 2
none 2
nonsmokers 2
observer variation 2
osteoarthritis 2
pi-rads classification 2
positron emission tomography with computed tomography 2
prognostic model 2
progression-free survival 2
radiotherapy 2
segmentation 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 2
systems biology 2
toxicity 2
transformer cnn 2
uterine cervical neoplasms 2
weakly supervised learning 2
abdominal ct 1
adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction 1
aging-related disease risk and mortality 1
asir 1
cervical lymphadenopathy 1
chest 1
chest ct 1
china 1
clinical feature 1
compressed sensing 1
computed tomography (ct) 1
computer applications-detection 1
conventional radiography 1
coronavirus disease 2019 1
coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) 1
correlation 1
ct 1
ct colonography 1
disease severity 1
drosophila 1
dxa (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) 1
endometrial ablation 1
entrainment 1
esophageal neoplasms 1
genomics 1
glucocorticoid 1
hand 1
head and neck oncology 1
image enhancement 1
image processing 1
image quality 1
image reconstruction 1
iterative reconstruction 1
kidney 1
kvp 1
large dataset 1
light 1
low dose 1
low dose ct 1
low-dose computed tomography (ct) 1
low-dose ct 1
low-dose ct abdomen 1
low-dose ct abdomen/pelvis 1
low-rank 1
lung nodule 1
material decomposition 1
mbir 1
menorrhagia 1
metabolic biomarkers 1
model-based 1
model-based iterative reconstruction 1
multi-energy computed tomography (multi-energy ct) 1
musculoskeletal sonography 1
nasopharyngeal region 1
noise index 1
npc nodal metastasis 1
nuclear magnetic resonance 1
opportunistic screening 1
osteoporosis 1
peripheral circadian clock 1
radiation dosage 1
radiogenomics 1
radiology 1
reconstruction algorithm 1
renal colic 1
review 1
sonography 1
sparse-view ct reconstruction 1
spectral computed tomography 1
tensile stress 1
tensor dictionary learning (tdl) 1
tensor gradient l₀-norm 1
thorax ct 1
transfer learning 1
tube current modulation 1
two-step regularization 1
urolithiasis 1
visceral adipose tissue 1
weighted total variation 1
wrist 1
x-ray imaging 1
zebrafish 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
hcc, ai , deep learning, microvascular invasion, medical imaging 8
11c-acetate, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, pet-ct, stereotactic body, tumour 7
carcinoma, chemoradiation, nasopharyngeal, pd-l1-positive, predicting, tumour 7
ai, ct, hcc, li-rads, liver cancer, machine learning 6
asymptomatic type 2 diabetics 6
asymptomatic, cardiac, diabetics, empagliflozin, myocardial, resonance 6
angiogram, artery, coronary, ct, disease, suspected 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular, liver, liver-specific contrast agents, mri 5
cardiac, free, mrt, patients, poor, sick 5
imaging guidance, magnetic resonance, robotic transoral surgery 5
radiomics, repeatability, test-retest 5
cardiac magnetic, diastolic dysfunction, heart failure with, strain, tissue tracking 4
magnetic resonance imaging, mri fingerprinting, prostate cancer 4
agent, contrast, free, liver, liver-specific, mri 3
aortic, implantation, stenosis, tomography, transcatheter, valve 3
artificial intelligence, clinical decision aid, colour retinal images, deep learning systems, ophthalmic referrals, triage 3
artificial intelligent, cancer, deep learning, lesion detection, prostate cancer, segmentation 3
flexible continuum robot, image-guided intervention, surgical robotics 3
machine learning, prediction, radiomics, texture 3
hepatocellular carcinoma, metastatic, previously untreated, immune checkpoint inhibitor, radioembolisation 3
cancer, free, mri, patients, prostate, suspected 2
cancer, patients, pet-ct, prostate, psma, scans 2
f18-psma, prostate cancer, repeatability 1
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