AuthorsNo. of Publications
lam, ko 24
lee, vhf 18
kwong, dlw 13
chiang, cl 11
choi, cw 11
lam, tc 11
chan, wlw 9
chan, sk 8
chan, sy 6
lee, wma 6
leung, tw 6
law, syk 5
choi, hcw 4
chan, chy 3
chiu, whk 3
chow, aym 3
kong, fp 3
luk, my 3
tong, cc 3
tsang, kc 3
wong, yhi 3
chan, clw 2
chan, jsm 2
chan, wl 2
chen, zj 2
choi, hh 2
chow, sf 2
feng, y 2
fung, yl 2
ho, pyp 2
ho, rth 2
khong, pl 2
kong, fm 2
kong, fms 2
lau, hp 2
lau, jo 2
law, btt 2
law, s 2
law, tt 2
lee, awm 2
lee, vh 2
li, s 2
lim, f 2
lo, awi 2
ng, cy 2
nyaw, sf 2
o'sullivan, b 2
shek, wh 2
tan, hy 2
tsang, mw 2
vardhanabhuti, v 2
wang, n 2
wong, c 2
wong, dfk 2
yu, ecl 2
au, kh 1
chan, ckw 1
chan, d 1
chan, fsy 1
chan, ft 1
chan, kk 1
chan, kkd 1
chan, s 1
chan, sya 1
chan, w 1
chan, ww 1
chang, at 1
chau, i 1
chau, sc 1
chau, tc 1
chen, bz 1
chen, h 1
cheng, nsy 1
chik, j 1
chil, j 1
chiu, k 1
cho, wcs 1
choi, h 1
choi, hc 1
chow, hc 1
chow, z 1
choy, ts 1
chu, km 1
davidson, m 1
fong, akh 1
fu, cc 1
guo, qj 1
guo, w 1
ho, i 1
ho, vwt 1
huang, sh 1
ip, wy 1
jiang, f 1
jin, jy 1
kwong, d 1
lai, v 1
lam, kc 1
lao, l 1
lao, l 1
lau, bhp 1
law, b 1
law, bt 1
law, lya 1
lee, aw 1
lee, aw 1
lee, ccy 1
lee, v 1
leung, dkc 1
li, js 1
li, l 1
li, sg 1
lim, fm 1
lim, pfm 1
lin, c 1
luk, phy 1
ma, ch 1
meng, w 1
mo, kf 1
mui, wh 1
ng, bfl 1
ng, tk 1
ng, wt 1
nicholls, jm 1
pan, jj 1
qin, z 1
sung, wwy 1
tam, myj 1
tang, g 1
tong, dkh 1
tong, dkh 1
wong, fkd 1
wong, h 1
wong, i 1
wong, iyh 1
wong, ls 1
wong, lyc 1
wu, j 1
xiu, d 1
yang, l 1
yang, z 1
yeo, w 1
yeung, fk 1
yu, hcj 1
yung, spf 1
zhang, zj 1
zheng, kyc 1
zhou, j 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
mind-body intervention 12
cancer 11
quality of life 11
chinese 10
cognitive behavioral therapy 10
family caregiver 10
lung cancer 10
randomized controlled trial 10
cognitive behavioural therapy 9
family caregivers 9
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 9
non-small cell lung cancer 9
plasma ebv dna 9
recursive partitioning analysis 9
stage classification 9
survival prediction 9
targeted therapy 9
chemoradiotherapy 8
neoadjuvant therapy 8
oesophageal cancer 8
oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma 8
oesophagectomy 8
chemotherapy 7
comparative effectiveness 6
family 6
herbal medicine 6
intervention research 6
lungquality of life 6
rct 6
traditional chinese medicine 6
aetiology 5
gastric cancer 5
immunotherapy 5
metastatic 5
palliative 5
radiation therapy 5
surgery 5
systemic treatment 5
cancer management 4
chinese medicine 4
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 4
immune checkpoint inhibitor 4
target therapy 4
aflibercept 3
breast cancer 3
chinese herbal medicine 3
colorectal neoplasms 3
hepatotoxicity 3
liver toxicity 3
meta-analysis 3
nephrotic syndrome 3
oncology 3
proteinuria 3
radiotherapy 3
rucam 3
side effect 3
abiraterone (aa) 2
acupuncture 2
apalutamide 2
artificial intelligence 2
cancer incidence 2
cancer mortality 2
cancer patient 2
cancer related symptoms 2
cancer survival 2
craniospinal irradiation 2
docetaxel 2
enzalutamide (enz) 2
image acquisition 2
image segmentation 2
intensity-modulated 2
lymphopenia 2
medical physics 2
palliative care 2
pneumocystis jiroveci 2
prostate cancer 2
prostatic neoplasms 1
therapeutics 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 26
clinical microbiology,cancer 5
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