AuthorsNo. of Publications
d'ariano, giacomo mauro 24
perinotti, paolo 21
yang, y 15
d'ariano, g. m. 11
yang, yuxiang 10
perinotti, p. 8
ebler, d 7
hayashi, m 7
bai, g 5
adesso, gerardo 4
bisio, alessandro 4
kristjánsson, h 4
sacchi, m. f. 4
scandolo, cm 4
wu, yd 4
bai, g 3
buscemi, francesco 3
hayashi, masahito 3
renner, renato 3
salek, s 3
schlingemann, dirk 3
wang, yx 3
zhu, y 3
bai, ge 2
banik, m 2
bhattacharya, ss 2
bisio, a. 2
d'ariano, giacomo m. 2
davidson, kenneth r 2
facchini, stefano 2
guha, t 2
guo, gc 2
guo, y 2
li, cf 2
liu, bh 2
macchiavello, chiara 2
maccone, lorenzo 2
milz, s 2
mo, y 2
paulsen, vern i 2
rahaman, mizanur 2
roetteler, martin 2
sacchi, massimiliano f. 2
wilson, m 2
zhao, x 2
abbott, aa 1
agrawal, s 1
alimuddin, m 1
allard guérin, pa 1
aurell, e 1
bagan, e 1
barrett, j 1
bavaresco, j 1
branciard, c 1
brukner, c 1
burgarth, d. 1
burniston, j 1
cabello, a 1
calsamiglia, j 1
cao, h 1
cerf, n. j. 1
chau, hf 1
chen, g 1
cui, jm 1
d'ariano, gm 1
dall'arno, michele 1
facchini, s. 1
gao, n 1
genkina, dina 1
giovannetti, v. 1
giovannetti, vittorio 1
gour, g 1
grabowecky, m 1
guha, tamal 1
han, yj 1
hardy, lucien 1
hou, zb 1
hu, q 1
hu, xm 1
huang, c 1
huang, yf 1
kar, g 1
kleinmann, m 1
le, t p 1
li, dt 1
li, gc 1
li, ty 1
liu, n 1
liu, z 1
liu, zx 1
maity, ag 1
mao, w 1
mauro d'ariano, giacomo 1
meng, f 1
mishra, a 1
modi, k 1
muñoz-tapia, r 1
müller, m 1
perinotti, p 1
pollock, f a 1
reitzner, d 1
renes, j 1
renner, r 1
roy, a 1
roy, saptarshi 1
rozema, la 1
rubino, g 1
saha, s 1
scandolo, c m 1
sedlák, m 1
sentis, g 1
shi, fei 1
simonov, k 1
spekkens, rw 1
toigo, alessandro 1
umanità, veronica 1
valiron, benoit 1
van der lugt, t 1
walther, p 1
wang, ds 1
werner, reinhard 1
wilson, matt 1
woods, m 1
wu, ya dong 1
xie, jinyu 1
xu, js 1
xuan, x 1
yan, jc 1
yang, m 1
yang, yx 1
yao, andrew chi chih 1
yin, p 1
yuan, xiao 1
yuasa, k. 1
yung, mh 1
zhang, wh 1
zhang, xiande 1
zhao, qi 1
zhao, xb 1
zhu, yan 1
ziman, m 1
zyczkowski, k 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
compression 5
identically prepared states 5
quantum cloning 5
quantum system 5
quantum clocks 4
identically prepared state 3
local asymptotic normality 3
population coding 3
purification 3
quantum channel 3
quantum channels 3
quantum information processing 3
continuous variable systems 2
data compression 2
energy requirement 2
entanglement 2
heisenberg limit 2
matrix product states 2
quantum autoencoders 2
quantum cloud computing 2
quantum communication 2
quantum computing 2
quantum data compression 2
quantum estimation 2
quantum fisher information 2
quantum gate 2
quantum information 2
quantum machine learning 2
quantum many-body systems 2
quantum metrology 2
quantum networks 2
quantum reference frames 2
quantum superreplication 2
quantum theory 2
quantum tomography 2
resource theory of asymmetry 2
reversible quantum operations 2
simulation of rotation gates 2
standard quantum limit 2
tensor networks 2
agent 1
axiomatization 1
bell inequality 1
bell state 1
causality 1
causally disordered processes 1
coherent superpositions 1
commuting subalgebras 1
conditional-min entropy 1
conservation of information 1
entanglement entropy 1
entanglement-thermodynamics duality 1
foundations of quantum mechanics 1
foundations of thermodynamics 1
general probabilistic theories 1
group covariance 1
group representations 1
group theory in quantum mechanics 1
high-fidelity 1
indefinite causal order 1
indefinite input-output direction 1
information erasure 1
information processing 1
information theory 1
information-theoretic axioms 1
intermediate node 1
local tomography 1
majorization 1
max relative entropy 1
microcanonical state 1
minimum error discrimination 1
non-markovianity 1
of quantum-information 1
operator system 1
optimal controlization of unitary gates 1
photonic systems 1
physical theory 1
positive linear maps 1
pure state 1
quantum bit commitment 1
quantum causal structure 1
quantum causal structures 1
quantum circuits 1
quantum combs 1
quantum entanglement 1
quantum formalism 1
quantum gate identification 1
quantum learning 1
quantum measurements 1
quantum net 1
quantum noncausal games 1
quantum process tomography 1
quantum protocols 1
quantum shannon theory 1
quantum supermaps 1
quantum switch 1
quantum thermodynamics 1
quantum time flip 1
query complexity 1
reconstruction 1
resource theories 1
semidefinite programming 1
side information 1
subsystem 1
superposition of channels 1
superposition of trajectories 1
unambiguous discrimination 1
unitary channels 1
vacuum extension 1
winning probability 1
works 1
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