AuthorsNo. of Publications
connell, sean d. 44
connell, sd 28
leung, jys 10
falkenberg, lj 8
hemraj, da 8
falkenberg, laura j. 7
nagelkerken, i 7
wernberg, thomas 7
kelaher, bp 6
minuti, jj 6
burnell, owen w. 5
harley, cdg 5
irving, andrew d. 5
williams, ga 5
byrne, m 4
coleman, ma 4
doubleday, za 4
fabricius, katharina e. 4
fordham, damien a. 4
hall-spencer, jason m. 4
helmuth, b 4
mellin, camille 4
thomsen, mads s. 4
bradshaw, corey j a 3
brook, barry w. 3
firth, lb 3
ghedini, g 3
gillanders, bm 3
hancock, b 3
mcskimming, c 3
tanner, je 3
alleway, hk 2
cheung, k 2
cheung, wy 2
degnan, b. m. 2
dong, y 2
dupont, s 2
ferreira, cm 2
foster, nr 2
garson, m. j. 2
ghedini, giulia 2
gillanders, bronwyn m. 2
gurgel, c. frederico d 2
gurgel, carlos f d 2
hall-spencer, jm 2
hamlyn, sb 2
harley, christopher d g 2
harvey, bp 2
hemraj, deevesh a 2
kline, d. i. 2
kline, david i. 2
kroeker, kristy j. 2
lau, scy 2
mieszkowska, nova 2
munday, pl 2
nash, m. c. 2
opdyke, b. n. 2
sara, g 2
sarà, g 2
shepherd, scoresby a. 2
skilleter, g. a. 2
thomas, m 2
thurstan, rh 2
troitzsch, u. 2
waters, jonathan m. 2
wernberg, t 2
widdicombe, stephen 2
abal, e 1
adam, paul 1
adey, w. h. 1
aiello-lammens, matthew e. 1
airoldi, laura 1
akçakaya, reşit h. 1
albright, r 1
allcock, al 1
anderson, k 1
anderson, kathryn m. 1
anderson, km 1
anthony, krn 1
anton, a 1
apostolaki, et 1
ardeshiri, ali 1
astudillo placencia, jc 1
atwood, tb 1
baird, m 1
baker, david m 1
baker, dm 1
baldantoni, d 1
baldock, j 1
ball, je 1
barry, james p. 1
barry, jp 1
beaumont, n 1
beeden, r 1
bellerby, rgj 1
bellino, a 1
bianchi, ts 1
bishop, melanie 1
bishop, mj 1
bone, e 1
botero, j 1
bradshaw, cja 1
brent, c. 1
brewer, peter 1
bridges, sm 1
bridges, susan m 1
brown, ne 1
brown, norah e. 1
brownlee, colin 1
bulleri, fabio 1
burnell, ow 1
caldeira, ken 1
caley, julian m. 1
campbell, alex 1
campbell, h 1
cardinale, m 1
carini, a 1
carreno, f 1
carstensen, jacob 1
caswell, ba 1
caves, jeremy k. 1
chai, aaron 1
chan, kh 1
chan, km 1
chan, ssw 1
chen, g 1
chen, rf 1
chen, weizhou 1
cheshire, anthony 1
chik, polly yy 1
chmura, gl 1
chu, kh 1
clark, r. j. 1
coffee, oi 1
coleman, melinda a. 1
collier, c 1
connolly, rm 1
corra, ca 1
davis, kl 1
degnan, bernard m. 1
diaz-pulido, g. 1
ding, mw 1
dixon, kr 1
dong, yw 1
dove, s 1
dove, sophie 1
duarte, cm 1
dunbar, robert b. 1
dupont, sam 1
dworjanyn, sa 1
dytnerski, jk 1
eero, m 1
elsdon, travis s. 1
endo, hikaru 1
engelhard, gh 1
eyre, bd 1
fabricius, k 1
fabricius, ke 1
fernandes, m 1
figueira, w 1
findlay, helen s. 1
fleming, le 1
fordham, da 1
fortibuoni, t 1
fourqurean, jw 1
friess, da 1
gaitan espitia, jd 1
gaitan-espitia, juan diego 1
gao, k 1
gao, xu 1
gardner, m. 1
garson, mary j. 1
gaylord, b 1
gaylord, brian 1
giraldo, aj 1
goldenberg, su 1
goodwin, al 1
gorman, daniel 1
gotama, r 1
gotama, rinaldi 1
graham, m 1
green, k. m. 1
greenfield, r 1
griffin, kj 1
grugel, fd 1
guibert, isis 1
han, g 1
hatton macdonald, darla 1
hawkins, sj 1
headley, kent 1
heldt, ka 1
helmuth, bs 1
hendriks, ie 1
hentati-sundberg, j 1
hiraoka, masanori 1
ho, ky 1
hoegh-guldberg, o 1
hoegh-guldberg, ove 1
hu, zi-min 1
huang, eyy 1
hui, j 1
hui, jhl 1
huxham, mark 1
irving, ad 1
ishimatsu, a 1
johnson, vivienne r. 1
jones, m. k. 1
jones, p 1
joyce, pws 1
kato, a. 1
kelleway, jj 1
kelly, rp 1
kendrick, gary a. 1
kennedy, h 1
kildea, timothy 1
kim, ju-hyoung 1
king, eh 1
kirkwood, bill j. 1
kittinger, jn 1
klein, es 1
klinger, t 1
klinger, terrie 1
knights, am 1
koseff, jeffrey r. 1
kotta, j 1
kraft, gerald t. 1
krause, g 1
krause-jensen, d 1
krause-jensen, dorte 1
kroeker, kj 1
kuwae, t 1
laffoley, d 1
lai, ws 1
lajus, dl 1
lajus, j 1
lavery, ps 1
law, sts 1
lemasson, aj 1
lescrauwaet, ak 1
leung, jessica sc 1
leung, jsc 1
leung, kmy 1
li, w 1
li, y 1
li, yuxiao 1
ling, scott d. 1
liu, m 1
lo, cts 1
lo, mmy 1
lough, j 1
lovelock, ce 1
lucas, ch 1
luisetti, t 1
mackenzie, br 1
macreadie, pi 1
man, l 1
mangano, mc 1
mannino, am 1
marbà , n 1
marker, malcolm 1
marshall, ke 1
martinez, b 1
marzinelli, em 1
masque, p 1
maycock, b 1
mayfield, stephen 1
mazzola, a 1
mcglathery, kj 1
mcilroy, se 1
mcilroy, shelby e 1
mckenzie, m 1
mcskimming, chloe 1
megonigal, jp 1
mertens, nl 1
miard, thomas 1
milazzo, m 1
milazzo, marco 1
miller, david 1
mitchell, b. greg 1
mohring, margaret b. 1
mongin, m 1
monismith, stephen g. 1
moore, pippa j. 1
muehllehner, nancy 1
mumby, pj 1
munday, philip l. 1
munguia, p 1
murdiyarso, d 1
nash, mc 1
nash, merinda 1
ng, jcy 1
nong, w 1
not, ca 1
not, christelle a 1
ojaveer, h 1
oka, naohiro 1
opdyke, brad 1
owen, s 1
panagiotou, i 1
pandolfi, jm 1
passarelli, claire a. 1
pears, rj 1
peltzer, edward 1
perkins, mj 1
poloczanska, elvira 1
poloczanska, elvira s. 1
posnett, nc 1
prichard, j. 1
provost, ej 1
radford, b 1
raicevich, s 1
raven, ja 1
rodgers, kl 1
rose, john m. 1
sanderson, craig 1
sanford, e 1
sanford, eric 1
santos, r 1
schneider, kenneth 1
schreiber, sebastian j. 1
serrano, o 1
seuront, l 1
shears, n 1
silliman, br 1
silverman, jack 1
skilleter, greg a. 1
smale, da 1
smale, daniel a. 1
steinberg, peter d. 1
stæhr, peter au 1
sullivan, fj 1
sunday, jennifer m. 1
sunday, jm 1
sundelöf, a 1
tait, karen 1
tanner, jason e. 1
teneva, lida 1
thiyagarajan, vengatesen 1
thompson, jo anne i 1
thomsen, ms 1
thorpe, rb 1
tilbrook, b 1
todd, pa 1
trafford, j. m. 1
turner, david j. 1
uthicke, sven 1
valetich, matthew 1
vaughan, megan l h 1
vaughan, mlh 1
vengatesen, t 1
verges, a 1
vizzini, s 1
wang, j 1
watanabe, k 1
watts, michael j. 1
west, john a. 1
widdicombe, s 1
widdicombe, steven 1
williams, gray a 1
wong, cf 1
wong, ht 1
wright, jeffrey t. 1
xie, y 1
xu, h 1
yip, hy 1
yip, wyv 1
yoshikawa, shinya 1
yotsukura, norishige 1
yu, y 1
yung, mnm 1
zhong, kai-le 1
zu ermgassen, pse 1
zu, ermgassen pse 1
zuccarello, giuseppe c. 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
eutrophication 5
ecosystem function 4
habitat loss 4
aquaculture 3
benthic community 3
biodiversity 3
bioinvasion 3
degraded habitats 3
ecological threats 3
ecosystem functioning 3
fishery management 3
marine biodiversity 3
microbial decomposition 3
reclamation 3
sea urchin grazing 3
sewage treatment 3
shoreline development 3
trophic structure 3
adaptation 2
amphibolis antarctica 2
anthropogenic climate change 2
artificial neural networks 2
authentic learning 2
calcification 2
carbon dioxide 2
climate change 2
co2 2
coastal development 2
consumption 2
coral reefs 2
design-based research 2
ecological models 2
ecological theories 2
elevated carbon dioxide 2
environmental threats 2
experiential learning 2
global environmental change 2
haliclona 2
herbivory 2
kelp 2
macroalgae 2
marine stressors 2
mobile tools 2
multiple stressors 2
nutrient 2
nutrients 2
ocean acidification 2
ocean warming 2
phase shift 2
phase-shift 2
range contraction 2
species interactions 2
sponges 2
abalone 1
abrasion 1
acidification 1
algae 1
algal canopy 1
algal turfs 1
amblypneustes pallidus 1
amelioration 1
animal behavior 1
anthropogenic 1
aragonite 1
australia 1
bathymetry 1
behavior 1
biofilm 1
biogeography 1
biomineralization 1
biotic interactions 1
blue carbon 1
boosted regression trees 1
bottom-up 1
brucite 1
calcifying herbivores 1
cambio de fase 1
canopy algae 1
canopy-forming algae 1
carbon sequestration 1
chemoreception 1
climate impacts 1
co-limitation 1
co2 vents 1
collection bias 1
community ecology 1
community structure 1
compensatory 1
competition 1
confirmatory path analysis 1
connectivity 1
conservation 1
coral reef 1
coralline algae 1
crustose coralline algae 1
demographic processes 1
dispersal 1
distribution 1
ecological niche model 1
ecosystem service 1
ecosystem services 1
ecosystem shift 1
ecotype 1
elevated nutrients 1
endofauna 1
energy allocation 1
environmental history 1
epiphytes 1
estuarine acidification 1
eutrofización 1
extinction risk 1
filamentous algae 1
filamentous epiphytes 1
fish 1
fisheries 1
fitness and survival 1
food web dynamics 1
foraging performance 1
functional redundancy 1
gastropod 1
generalized linear models 1
global change 1
global climate change 1
global stressors 1
global warming 1
grazers 1
grazing 1
great barrier reef 1
growth 1
habitat fragmentation 1
habitat resilience 1
habitat shift 1
habitat use 1
haliotis 1
heatwave 1
herbarium 1
herbarium data 1
heron reef 1
historical baseline 1
historical ecology 1
human health 1
human impact 1
hypoxia 1
indirect effects 1
inertia 1
infauna 1
isolation 1
kelp forest 1
kelp forests 1
lagoon systems 1
latent effects 1
light penetration 1
local stressors 1
malnutrition 1
management 1
marine biodiversity conservation 1
marine heatwave 1
marine heatwaves 1
marine infrastructure 1
marine policy 1
marine species distribution model 1
mechanistic model 1
meristem 1
mesograzer 1
metabolic function 1
metabolic regulation 1
metabolic theory 1
metapopulation dynamics 1
mitigation 1
momento crítico 1
monetary values 1
motile epifauna 1
multiple stressor 1
nassarius festivus 1
nematocysts 1
nitrogen 1
nonadaptive metabolic depression 1
nutrient enrichment 1
nutrientes 1
ocean acidification research 1
ocean climate change 1
oyster holobiont 1
oyster physiology 1
oyster recruitment 1
oyster reef 1
oyster reef restoration 1
performance curves 1
ph 1
phase shifts 1
phase-shifts 1
photosynthesis 1
physiological performance 1
physiological plasticity 1
physiological stress 1
physiology 1
phytobenthos 1
pollutants 1
population viability analysis 1
posidonia sinuosa 1
primary productivity 1
productivity and consumption 1
protected areas 1
pérdida de hábitat 1
range extension 1
range shift 1
recovery 1
recovery capacity 1
reef health 1
reefs 1
regime shift 1
ridge regression 1
scavenger 1
sea surface temperature 1
sea urchin 1
seafood 1
seagrass 1
seagrass restoration 1
seed plants 1
sewage 1
shade water flow 1
source-sink dynamics 1
south australia 1
south-east asia 1
spatial subsidy 1
species distribution modelling 1
species distribution models 1
species range shift 1
stability 1
stormwater 1
strategic planning 1
stressors 1
subtidal rocky habitat 1
survival 1
synergies 1
temperate and tropical coastal ecosystems 1
temperate reef 1
temperate reefs 1
temperature 1
terrestrial runoff 1
thermal history 1
thermal optima 1
thermal physiology 1
tipping point 1
top-down 1
trait-based ecology 1
trophic cascade 1
trophic interactions 1
trophic transfer 1
trophodynamics 1
turf 1
turf algae 1
turf-forming algae 1
turfs 1
ultraviolet radiation 1
ulva australis 1
urban coast 1
urban shores 1
warming 1
water quality 1
zoobenthos 1
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