Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hong kong 5
covid-19 4
interface ethnography 4
online ethnography 4
research access 4
research ethics 4
charisma 3
climate change adaptation 3
difference-in-differences 3
flood mitigation 3
green infrastructure 3
max weber 3
anti-extradition bill protests 2
collective violence 2
earth liberation front 2
leaderless resistance 2
legitimacy 2
marine emissions 2
narrative criminology 2
new visibility 2
pearl river delta 2
radical environmentalism 2
regression discontinuity design 2
shenzhen 2
terrorism 2
transboundary air pollution 2
al-qaeda 1
al-shabaab 1
altruism 1
anger 1
anti-globalization 1
asymmetrical struggle 1
charismatic authority 1
charismatic movement 1
cults and sects 1
cultural sociology 1
diasporas 1
donald trump 1
dramaturgy 1
earth first! 1
earth liberation front (elf) 1
eco-terrorism 1
eco-terrorism (ecoterrorism) 1
ecoterrorism 1
edgework 1
emotions 1
encana pipeline bombings 1
environmental ethics 1
environmentalism 1
european union 1
filicide 1
foreign fighters 1
gender 1
genre 1
goffman 1
homicide-suicide 1
hostility 1
imitation 1
institutions 1
lone actor violence 1
mariticide 1
moral entrepreneurs 1
moral panic 1
new religious movements 1
politics 1
populism 1
power 1
radicalization 1
rebellion 1
relational sociology 1
resilience 1
ressentiment 1
routinization 1
rudolph sohm 1
social constructionism 1
social movements 1
st. paul 1
symbolic interactionism 1
uxoricide 1
violence 1
wiebo ludwig 1
zelensky 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
sociology 1
sociology,public administration and political science 1
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