Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
tsang, lt | 2 |
tse, t | 2 |
chiu, stephen w k | 1 |
chiu, wks | 1 |
fan, l | 1 |
pun, n | 1 |
tse, thl | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
china | 3 |
global production networks | 3 |
labour agency | 3 |
migrant labour | 3 |
workers’ power | 3 |
actor–network theory | 2 |
arts management | 2 |
creative labour | 2 |
cultural and creative industries | 2 |
cultural industries | 2 |
cultural intermediaries | 2 |
cultural-economic mediation | 2 |
fashion | 2 |
multilevel analysis | 2 |
organisation model | 2 |
work and employment | 2 |
global distribution networks | 1 |
hollywood | 1 |
hong kong | 1 |
institutional change | 1 |
motion picture industry | 1 |
structure and agency | 1 |