AuthorsNo. of Publications
yang, x 14
lu, x 11
lu, x. x. 10
tian, m 10
yu, r 8
chan, cn 7
fang, n 7
lu, xixi 7
yang, xiankun 7
shi, h 6
liu, b 5
fang, nufang 4
hu, h 4
lauerwald, ronny 4
li, l 4
zhou, y 4
chan, chun ngai 3
chen, shuai 3
gao, guangyao 3
liu, boyi 3
liu, s 3
liu, shaoda 3
lu, xi xi 3
lv, x 3
maavara, taylor 3
raymond, peter 3
regnier, pierre 3
shi, z 3
su, y 3
tian, mingyang 3
wang, s 3
xin, z 3
yin, shihua 3
yue, r 3
zeng, yi 3
alcott, lewis 2
allen, george h 2
bastviken, david 2
begum, ms 2
bogard, mj 2
butman, de 2
chea, e 2
chen, s 2
cho, htf 2
deemer, bridget r 2
duvert, c 2
fu, bojie 2
han, jingtai 2
hartmann, j 2
hastie, adam 2
holgerson, meredith a 2
huang, y 2
johnson, matthew s 2
kumar, s 2
lehner, bernhard 2
li, dongfeng 2
li, s 2
lin, peirong 2
marzadri, alessandra 2
nayna, o 2
ni, lingshan 2
park, jh 2
shi, zhihua 2
shih, k 2
sun, huiguo 2
tian, hanqin 2
wang, xuhui 2
xie, x 2
xin, zhongbao 2
xu, y jun 2
yang, qianqian 2
yang, xiao 2
yao, yuanzhi 2
zhao, y 2
zhong, jun 2
battin, t 1
battin, tj 1
battin, tom j 1
begum, m 1
bernhardt, emily s 1
bertuzzo, enrico 1
cai, m 1
chen, dan 1
cheng, z 1
ciais, philippe 1
cohen, mj 1
dai, s. b. 1
dalmagro, hj 1
dinsmore, kj 1
drake, tw 1
duan, zheng 1
enrich-prast, a 1
fu, b 1
fu, bojie 1
gao, g 1
gao, yuanyi 1
geeraert, n 1
gener, lluís gómez 1
gong, c 1
gómez-gener, l 1
hall, robert o 1
han, j. 1
horgby, å 1
hotchkiss, erin r 1
huang, anqi 1
huang, h 1
huang, ling 1
huang, yilong 1
ip, yc 1
jian, jinshi 1
jiang, l. 1
jiang, t. 1
johnson, ms 1
keil, r 1
kirk, l 1
kong, q 1
lee, fys 1
li, lingyu 1
li, mengjie 1
li, ronghua 1
li, si-liang 1
li, siliang 1
li, si‐liang 1
li, w. t. 1
li, yanjiao 1
liao, s. 1
lin, n 1
liu, chun 1
liu, s. 1
liu, ting 1
liu, w 1
ma, fc 1
ma, fong ching 1
ma, y 1
machado-silva, f 1
marzolf, ns 1
mcdowell, mj 1
mcdowell, wh 1
meng, x 1
meng, xiangdong 1
miettinen, h 1
mostofa, khan m g 1
nawaz, muhammad 1
nayna, ok 1
ojala, ak 1
papa, fabrice 1
park, e 1
park, j 1
pavelsky, tamlin m 1
peng, y 1
peter, h 1
piao, shilong 1
piao, shilong 1
pumpanen, j 1
qi, junyu 1
qin, y 1
qiu, j 1
regnier, pierre 1
richey, j 1
richey, j. e. 1
richey, je 1
riveros-iregui, da 1
rocher-ros, g 1
rosentreter, judith a 1
sang, yf 1
santos, ir 1
sarma, v 1
shen, h 1
shi, c 1
shi, zhihua 1
six, j 1
sponseller, ra 1
stanley, eh 1
su, t 1
sun, h. 1
tang, l 1
tareq, s 1
tareq, sm 1
tarolli , p 1
tsang, cl 1
turner, r eugene 1
wallin, mb 1
wang, bing 1
wang, c. 1
wang, j. j. 1
wang, l 1
wang, suiji 1
wang, w 1
wang, wanfa 1
wang, x 1
wang, xiaofeng 1
wang, y 1
wang, z 1
wang, zhen 1
wang, zhengang 1
wang, zifeng 1
white, sa 1
wong, tsan lok 1
xia, x 1
xia, xinghui 1
xin, z. 1
xu, jianchu 1
xu, s 1
xu, yi‐jun 1
xu, yj 1
xu, z 1
xuan, d 1
xuan, dt 1
yan, y 1
yan, yanzi 1
yan, z 1
yan, zelong 1
yan, zhifeng 1
yang, huan 1
yang, ping 1
yi, q. 1
yi, yuanbi 1
yin, s 1
yu, bing 1
yu, q 1
yu, qiang 1
yu, r. 1
yu, ruihong 1
yu, s 1
yuan, f 1
yue, chao 1
zeng, y 1
zhang, jianming 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, s. r. 1
zhang, shurong 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, yao 1
zhang, z 1
zhong, j 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
carbon cycle 2
check dam 2
china 2
chinese loess plateau 2
co2 emissions 2
greenhouse gas emissions 2
human impacts 2
remote sensing 2
soil erosion 2
soil organic carbon 2
aggregate 1
alluvial channel 1
anthropogenic impacts 1
aquatic photosynthesis 1
arid fluvial network 1
arid/semiarid rivers 1
autotrophy 1
basin-wide perspective 1
carbon budget 1
carbon dioxide 1
carbon export 1
ch4 1
channel cross-section 1
channel pattern 1
chinese loess plateauc 1
chinese rivers 1
climate change 1
co2 1
co2 degassing 1
co2 outgassing 1
co2 partial pressure (pco2) 1
dam construction 1
dam impoundment 1
dam operatione 1
dissolved inorganic carbon 1
dissolved organic carbon 1
f(co2) 1
floating chamber 1
floods 1
geomorphology 1
geomorphometric assessment 1
glaciers 1
global 1
grassland 1
greenhouse gas 1
headwater region of the yellow river 1
hong kong 1
human activities 1
human water consumption 1
hydrological extremes 1
hydrological process change 1
hydrology 1
hydropower dam 1
hydropower dams 1
inland water 1
inner 1
land carbon sink 1
land cover 1
land surface changes 1
land use 1
landsat 1
large rivers 1
liujiaxia 1
loess plateau 1
machine learning method 1
major ions 1
methane 1
migration ratevariations 1
mississippi river basin 1
mongolian reach 1
municipal solid waste (msw) 1
municipal solid waste charging 1
n2o 1
net primary production 1
north-south differentiation 1
nutrient fluxes 1
p(co2) 1
peatland 1
permafrost 1
plastic shopping bag charging 1
radiocarbon 1
recycling 1
reservoir 1
reservoirs 1
river channel 1
river chemistry 1
river co2 emission 1
river conservation 1
river disconnectivity 1
river hydraulics 1
river management 1
river regulation 1
riverine carbon cycle 1
runoff 1
sediment delivery ratio 1
sediment yield 1
sedimentation 1
small rivers 1
soil conservation 1
source apportionment 1
spatiotemporal variations 1
stable carbon isotope 1
streamflow and sediment load 1
stuarine evolution 1
subtropical rivers 1
synchronization probability 1
terrestrial-aquatic carbon transfer 1
the east river 1
the yellow river 1
unmanned aerial vehicle 1
waste management 1
water 1
water and sediment 1
water chemistry 1
water-sediment flux 1
wuding river catchment 1
yellow river 1
yellow river delta 1
二氧化碳交换(fco2) 1
二氧化碳分压 1
二氧化碳分压(pco2) 1
二氧化碳逸出通量 (evasion of carbon dioxide) 1
影响因素 (influencing factor) 1
时空变化 1
时空变化 (spatial-temporal variation) 1
水库 1
水气界面 1
碳逸出 1
窟野河 1
黄土高原 1
黄河头道拐 (toudaoguai gauging station of the yellow river) 1
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