Name Card
rp02230 picture

Dr Zhao, Yue 趙玥

Director, Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit
Honorary Assistant Professor


Contact Information
rp02230 picture

Dr Zhao, Yue 趙玥

Director, Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit
Honorary Assistant Professor


Maggie earned her doctorate in Psychometrics from the University of Massachusetts and Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and has obtained extensive experience in leading, teaching, research, and professional practice. Prior to joining HKU, Maggie worked as a psychometrician for Educational Testing Service (ETS) and contributed to several other assessment organizations in the United States and China. She has heavily engaged in various research projects in the advancement and application of quantitative methods in the education, social, behavioral and health sciences, and gained a substantive perspective in developing innovative solutions for assessment and evaluation. Her research interests lie broadly in the intersection of data science, learning sciences, and well-being science. Maggie actively serves on advisory boards, professional committees, and professional consultations in student learning, well-being, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, program evaluation, and quality assurance.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2019-01-01Honorary Advisor: Hong Kong Policy College
2018-03-01Professional Services Individual Award Finalist: The University of Hong Kong
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2023Program Advisory Council MemberGlobal Flourishing Conference, Templeton World Charity Foundation
2021-2023PresidentInternational Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) Education Division
11/2010 - 07/2011Secretary of the local organizing committeeThe 76th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society
2017 - 2023Focal point of T&LEMU as Institutional MemberThe Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP), UNESCO
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