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Professor Xu, Duoduo 許多多

Associate Director, Social Sciences Research Centre
Assistant Professor

Professional Qualifications

Duoduo Xu received her PhD in Social Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where she was also trained at the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research. She joined the HKU Department of Sociology as an Assistant Professor in July 2019. Before that, she was a Research Assistant Professor of Social Science and a Junior Fellow of Institute for Advanced Study at HKUST (2017-2019).

Xu’s research agenda focuses on migration/immigration, education, urban sociology, and quantitative methods. Her work is motivated by a theoretical interest in the production and reproduction of social inequalities. It aims to use empirical data and methods to understand how child and youth developmental outcomes are shaped by families, schools and neighborhoods, with a particular focus on migrant and immigrant populations in Greater China region.

Her current research aims to fill an important gap in existing inequality studies by bringing a socio-spatial perspective to the analysis. As part of this endeavor, her ongoing GRF project, “Socioeconomic Segregation, School Choice, and Geography of Educational Inequality in Hong Kong,” links datasets at community, school and household levels and employ GIS techniques to delineate the spatial patterns of educational inequality in Hong Kong.

Being a member of a research team on comparative urban studies led by Prof. Xiaogang Wu, Xu has been intensively participating in some large-scale data collection projects in major Chinese metropolises, including the Hong Kong Panel Study of Social Dynamics (HKPSSD), Shanghai Urban Neighborhood Survey (SUNS) and Beijing College Student Panel Survey (BCSPS).

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