Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
wang, pengfei | 5 |
benhabib, jess | 3 |
bleck, alexander | 2 |
mello, antonio s. | 2 |
antoniou, c | 1 |
li, fw | 1 |
subrahmanyam, a | 1 |
sun, c | 1 |
xu, sichuang | 1 |
yang, zhongchao | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
amplifications | 1 |
animal spirits | 1 |
asset specificity | 1 |
beauty contests | 1 |
collateral values | 1 |
coordination | 1 |
coordination risk | 1 |
corporate liquidity | 1 |
countercyclical uncertainty | 1 |
credit extensions | 1 |
creditor runs | 1 |
economic recoveries | 1 |
externality | 1 |
feedback | 1 |
financial intermediaries | 1 |
financial sector | 1 |
fragile capital structure | 1 |
information acquisition | 1 |
information asymmetry | 1 |
limits to arbitrage | 1 |
market liquidity | 1 |
resource misallocation | 1 |
self-fulfilling business cycles | 1 |
sentiment-driven fluctuations | 1 |
short-selling attacks | 1 |
speculation | 1 |
synchronization | 1 |
systemic crises | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
reference-dependent preference, asset pricing, sentiment-driven equilibrium , non-fundamental fluctuation | 1 |
Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
financeeconomics | 1 |