AuthorsNo. of Publications
wenham, c 8
morgan, r 7
smith, j 7
davies, se 6
law, mr 6
austin-evelyn, katherine 5
greeson, dana 5
harman, s 5
kruk, margaret e. 5
lee, k 5
mueller, v 5
worsnop, cz 5
herten-crabb, a 4
irwin, br 4
marion, s 4
sacks, emma 4
alcayna-stevens, l 3
atuyambe, lynn 3
fan, victoria y. 3
feng, s 3
gan, ccr 3
habyarimana, james 3
hategeka, c 3
hedt-gauthier, b 3
hung, yw 3
jack, william 3
law, michael r. 3
macwan'gi, mubiana 3
mugunga, jc 3
ottersen, trygve 3
piper, j 3
rabbani, a 3
reich, michael r. 3
sridhar, devi 3
vandan, n 3
abramowitz, s 2
al-rawi, a 2
berhe, atakilt 2
bharadwaj, prashant 2
boley, ej 2
bump, jesse b. 2
chakraborty, nirali m. 2
chan, osk 2
chen, lucy 2
clasen, thomas 2
crossett, erin 2
de foo, c 2
feng, h 2
feng, hy 2
fu, kw 2
fulcher, ir 2
gaju, erick 2
gul, xaher 2
hameed, waqas 2
helleringer, stéphane 2
henderson, klara 2
hoxha, k 2
hsu, ly 2
irwin, bridget r. 2
kamradt-scott, a 2
kyomba, g 2
legido-quigley, h 2
li, x 2
lurton, g 2
masvawure, tsitsi b. 2
mayaka, sm 2
mfura, leodomir 2
musabyimana, angele 2
ngenzi, joseph 2
norheim, ole frithjof 2
nzabonimana, emmanuel 2
pinkstaff, crossley beth 2
poirier, mathieu j.p. 2
poirier, mjp 2
rabkin, miriam 2
ruton, h 2
ruton, hinda 2
røttingen, john arne 2
sas trakinsky, b 2
schmidt, wolf peter 2
shen, gordon c. 2
singh, s 2
sinharoy, sheela s. 2
song, m 2
vail, daniel 2
varney, pf 2
wendt, ronald 2
wu, y 2
yue, rph 2
yung, kc 2
abiose, adenike 1
agostinis, g 1
agyepong, irene a. 1
ahmad, aria 1
aitsi-selmi, amina a. 1
akilimali, pz 1
ali, mohammed k. 1
alkenbrack, sarah 1
amporfu, eugenia 1
andom, at 1
anyango, s 1
aranda, a 1
aranda, z 1
aron, mb 1
asgari, n 1
aston, j 1
atuyambe, lm 1
atuyambe, lynn m. 1
babakazo, pg 1
baker, phillip 1
balarajan, yarlini 1
barnhart, da 1
barninghausen, t 1
bartos, m 1
basu, sanjay 1
bazley, s 1
bellows, b 1
bellows, ben 1
bellows, benjamin 1
bennett, sara 1
benyishay, ariel 1
berndt, ernst r. 1
berwick, dm 1
binde, t 1
bitton, asaf 1
blair, robert a. 1
bloomfield, gerald s. 1
boima, f 1
boisson, sophie 1
bollyky, thomas j. 1
bradley, sek 1
bukhman, gene 1
burns, j 1
busby, joshua 1
carter, s 1
carter, se 1
casella jean-baptiste, m 1
chakrabarti, averi 1
chakraborty, nm 1
chang, karen 1
chang, karen t. 1
chang, kt 1
chang, ldj 1
chao, david vai kiong 1
chen, catherine s. 1
cheng, ew 1
cheng, l 1
chenge, fm 1
choi, seemoon 1
chukwuma, a 1
chunara, r 1
claeson, mariam 1
clemence, zachary 1
clisbee, m 1
cockburn, iain m. 1
condo, jeanine 1
connolly, e 1
cook, ar 1
cowling, krycia 1
cox, kris 1
croke, kevin 1
cubaka, vk 1
da silva, joao 1
david williams, o 1
deng, z 1
deng, ziru 1
dieleman, joseph l. 1
dion, michelle l. 1
dionne, ky 1
dolan, carrie b. 1
dumbuya, i 1
duong, db 1
emery, eleanor 1
fan, victoria 1
feigl, andrea b. 1
fejfar, d 1
flaugh, r 1
fox, ashley 1
fox, ashley m. 1
fu, k-w 1
fukuda, k 1
fulcher, i 1
fung, ic-h 1
galea, sandro 1
george, asha 1
ghaffar, abdul 1
glazerman, s 1
gopaluni, a 1
gray, c 1
grignon, m 1
grignon, michel 1
grossman, guy 1
gul, ax 1
guo, bingqing 1
guéné, hjl 1
gómez-dantés, octavio 1
haakenstad, annie 1
haldane, v 1
hameed, w 1
hanvoravongchai, piya 1
harle, anton c. 1
harling, g 1
hategeka, celestin 1
heymann, dl 1
ho, tl 1
hodgkin, catherine 1
hole, arne risa 1
holmlund, m 1
hopkins, johns 1
hoxha, klesta 1
huffman, mark d. 1
humphreys, macartan 1
ip, mary sau man 1
irwin, bridget 1
janes, cr 1
jeune, ma 1
jones, stephen 1
jung, as 1
juárez, a 1
kajana, kiti 1
kalamar, am 1
kalamar, amanda 1
kalamar, amanda m. 1
kapanga, k 1
katanga, en 1
kates, jennifer 1
kazadi, dm 1
khandelwal, shweta 1
kibira, simon p.s. 1
kim, minah kang 1
kim, sunja 1
kim, sy 1
kimmel, april d. 1
king, aj 1
kishore, sandeep p. 1
kiyombo, gm 1
klugman, j 1
klugman, jeni 1
ko, welchie wai kit 1
kolappa, kavitha 1
konde, jnn 1
koroglu, mustafa 1
kulikowski, n 1
kyomba, gk 1
lam, cindy lo kuen 1
lam, wwt 1
lambert, w 1
lau, bhp 1
lau, chak sing 1
lau, kui kai 1
lavado, rouselle f. 1
leach-kemon, katherine 1
lee, kelley 1
lee, kl 1
lee, michael shing fung 1
lee, nm 1
liang, h 1
lim, jf 1
liu, chenhui 1
liu, ja 1
liu, p 1
liu, z 1
lokhandwala, naaznin 1
lui, id 1
lulebo, am 1
lundine, jamie 1
mafuta, em 1
mak, ivy lynn 1
mambu, ttm 1
mapatano, ma 1
marten, robert 1
marwah, vishal 1
masvawure, tsitsi beatrice 1
matsuda, yasuhiko 1
maweu, d 1
mawindo, b 1
mayaka, s 1
mayaka, smn 1
mccord, gordon c. 1
mckee, m 1
micah, angela e. 1
miranda, jj 1
molyneux, david h. 1
montagu, d 1
montagu, dominic 1
montano, m 1
moore, m 1
morgan, rosemary 1
morse, ben 1
mphande, i 1
msuya, m 1
mukanu, mulenga 1
murage, a 1
murray, christopher j.l. 1
murray, m 1
mvula, mg 1
mwamba, dk 1
mwatsama, modi 1
nagle, b 1
nass, s 1
navia, b 1
ndayizigiye, m 1
ng, carmen s. 1
ngo, db 1
ngunjiri, a 1
ngunjiri, asw 1
niyigena, a 1
novak, nicole 1
noymer, andrew 1
nundy, shantanu 1
ohiri, kelechi 1
olekhnovitch, r 1
or, nhk 1
oyekunle, a 1
papagaryfallou, i 1
papamichail, a 1
park, paul h. 1
perera, n 1
perez, cristina parsons 1
philippon, bernhard 1
phillips, c 1
pinkstaff, crossley b. 1
ponniah, jd 1
price, matthew r. 1
probandari, a 1
putri, nk 1
páez-bernal, c 1
quan, jianchao 1
ramazani, sy 1
rapkin, nikka 1
reed, v 1
remme, j. hans 1
rice, hester 1
rosa-dias, p 1
rosenbaum, m 1
rothery, f 1
rwabufigiri, bernard ngabo 1
sacks, emma rose 1
savedoff, william d. 1
schneider, matthew 1
scott moncrieff, i 1
seligman, ben 1
shah, sumit 1
shajarizadeh, a 1
shiffman, jeremy 1
shroff, zubin cyrus 1
siddiqi, m 1
sie, a 1
siegel, karen r. 1
simbaya, joseph 1
singini, d 1
strange, austin 1
stuckler, david 1
sun, p 1
syahansyah, rj 1
tadikonda, a 1
tandon, ajay 1
tang, sydney chi wai 1
tanner, jeffery c. 1
tashman, k 1
teh, bcg 1
teo, t 1
teo, yy 1
thai, tt 1
the cross-site covid-19 syndromic surveillance working group 1
thylefors, bjorn 1
trad, nk 1
traore, mamadou 1
tsai, lily 1
tsakalos, golsum 1
tun, hm 1
vamey, pf 1
van kleef, e 1
vanlerberghe, v 1
vedanthan, rajesh 1
venkatachalam, i 1
vera-hernandez, m 1
vogt, f 1
wan, eric yuk fai 1
wang, q 1
we, ss 1
wernli, d 1
wheeler, david c. 1
wild, leni 1
wong, ian chi kei 1
wong, joseph 1
worsnop, c 1
wu, junjie 1
wu, yn 1
wulandari, rd 1
xiao, yh 1
yam, ely 1
youn, hin moi 1
yu, esther yee tak 1
yuen, s 1
yuen, swh 1
zaidi, shehla 1
zaman, justin 1
zhao, yingxi 1
zhou, xd 1
zhu, y 1
zlavog, bianca s. 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 16
public health 12
health economics 11
primary care 11
global health 4
china 3
gender 3
global health policy 3
health services research 3
malaria 3
politics 3
social media 3
africa 2
awareness 2
comparative politics 2
coronavirus 2
demographic and health surveys 2
developing countries 2
east asia 2
equity 2
health communication 2
health policy 2
health systems research 2
infectious diseases 2
low- and middle-income countries 2
maternal health 2
migration 2
ophthalmology 2
overseas development assistance 2
pandemic preparedness 2
priority setting 2
public administration 2
systematic review 2
weibo 2
access 1
aid 1
aid effectiveness 1
antenatal care 1
asia 1
bilateral donors 1
border management 1
burkina faso 1
bypassing 1
child mortality 1
community health 1
community participation 1
control strategies 1
coronavirus disease 2019 1
country ownership 1
critical interpretive synthesis 1
cross-border health measures 1
development assistance for health 1
diarrhoea 1
discrete choice 1
disease monitoring 1
diseases 1
disorders 1
district 1
drinking water 1
drug offsets 1
elderly vaccination 1
electricity 1
electricity, power outage 1
electrification 1
epidemiology 1
facility delivery 1
feminist 1
fertility 1
financial protection 1
foreign aid 1
foreign domestic workers 1
gavi 1
global fund 1
global health data 1
global health initiative 1
government regulation 1
health care costs 1
health expenditures 1
health financing 1
health inequalities 1
health information systems 1
health insurance 1
health management information system (hmis) 1
health politics 1
health service delivery 1
health system 1
health systems 1
health workers 1
hispaniola 1
hiv/aids 1
hong kong 1
household asset index 1
human 1
human resources for health 1
in-kind goods 1
india 1
inequality 1
infectious disease 1
institutional delivery 1
integration 1
ir scholarship 1
kenya 1
labour requirements 1
local adaptation 1
low- and middle-income countries (lmics) 1
mama kits 1
maternal and child health 1
maternal education 1
migrant 1
missing data 1
multilateral donors 1
multiple imputation 1
multiple streams framework 1
national indices 1
natural experiment 1
neoliberalism 1
neonatal health 1
non-pharmaceutical interventions 1
nutrition 1
oaxaca decomposition 1
obstetric emergencies 1
other infection, disease, disorder, or injury 1
out-of-pocket health expenditures 1
pandemic 1
patient generated health data 1
penalties 1
perceptions 1
policy 1
policy analysis 1
political economy 1
politics of service coverage 1
poverty 1
power 1
power outages 1
prescription drugs 1
principal components analysis 1
provider incentives 1
public discourses 1
public health informatics 1
public reporting of healthcare data 1
public-private partnerships 1
randomized controlled trial 1
returns to education 1
routine health information systems 1
routine health information systems (rhis) 1
sanitation 1
society 1
socio-ecological model of health 1
socioeconomic status 1
south-south cooperation 1
stunting 1
sub-saharan africa 1
surveillance systems 1
sustainable development goals 1
syndromic surveillance 1
time series modelling 1
trade measures 1
traditional leader 1
transnational analysis 1
transport 1
travel 1
travel measures 1
twitter 1
uganda 1
universal health coverage 1
viral haemorrhagic fevers 1
wealth index 1
women 1
zambia 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 11
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