Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
gao, han | 1 |
gu, shijun | 1 |
heathcote, jonathan | 1 |
perri, fabrizio | 1 |
violante, giovanni l | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
consumption | 1 |
income | 1 |
recessions | 1 |
redistribution | 1 |
wages | 1 |
wealth | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
economic growth, heterogeneous agent model, human capital investment, inequality, intergenerational mobility | 1 |
entrepreneurship, gender inequality | 1 |
entrepreneurship, optimal income taxation, bayesian learning, , | 1 |