Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
anusha, chandana | 1 |
omer, ayesha | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
bombay | 1 |
delhi | 1 |
eminent domain | 1 |
environments | 1 |
forests | 1 |
infrastructure | 1 |
land acquisition | 1 |
logistics | 1 |
malabar | 1 |
monopoly | 1 |
port | 1 |
ports | 1 |
property | 1 |
public works | 1 |
railways | 1 |
sacred spaces | 1 |
shipbuilding | 1 |
south asia | 1 |
state-making | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
modern south asia, environmental history, infrastructure, colonial capitalism, princely states | 1 |