AuthorsNo. of Publications
ho, edmond s.l. 19
shum, hubert p.h. 16
leung, howard 13
holden, daniel 12
rachmadi, muhammad febrian 10
saito, jun 10
lau, rynson w.h. 9
nagano, akinori 9
shinagawa, yoshihisa 9
wang, he 8
hoyet, ludovic 7
multon, franck 7
fukashiro, senshi 6
kudoh, shunsuke 6
long, xiaoxiao 6
valdés-hernández, maria del c. 6
wang, wenping 6
kunii, tosiyasu l. 5
lin, cheng 5
liu, yuan 5
sandilands, peter 5
vijayakumar, sethu 5
wang, peng 5
wang, wp 5
chitalu, floyd m. 4
choi, myung geol 4
kulpa, richard 4
liu, lingjie 4
starke, sebastian 4
yamazaki, shuntaro 4
yang, l 4
zhao, xi 4
zhong, yueqi 4
agan, maria leonora fatimah 3
chan, jacky c.p. 3
dubach, christophe 3
duh, kevin 3
habibie, ikhsanul 3
henry, joseph 3
hu, pengpeng 3
ikeuchi, katsushi 3
ivan, vladimir 3
li, duan 3
li, frederick w.b. 3
li, zhibin 3
matsumoto, yuji 3
siu, becky 3
tang, jeff k.t. 3
theobalt, christian 3
wang, wenping 3
wu, ge 3
yang, chuanyu 3
yung, frances 3
boulic, ronan 2
del c. valdés-hernández, maria 2
dou, z 2
dou, zhiyang 2
hu, peng peng 2
hu, ruizhen 2
kuffner, james 2
kuroda, atsushi 2
lam, beta 2
lam, wai chun 2
lecuyer, anatole 2
lin, ming c. 2
makin, stephen 2
mitchell, kenny 2
peng, qunsheng 2
qin, dafei 2
schwarz, jonathan 2
shiratori, t 2
shiratori, takaaki 2
shum, hubert 2
starke, s 2
subr, kartic 2
toussaint, marc 2
wang, jiepeng 2
wang, meng 2
wardlaw, joanna 2
wen, yilin 2
yang, lei 2
yang, xinyu 2
yuan, kai 2
zarubin, dmitry 2
zhang, he 2
aberman, k 1
aigerman, noam 1
al-ashqar, rami 1
al-ashqar, rami ali 1
al-asqhar, rami ali 1
allbeck, jan m. 1
andrews, sheldon 1
aristidou, a 1
aslam, nauman 1
baciu, george 1
bai, xiuxiu 1
barnett, adam 1
bilen, h. 1
cai, zhongang 1
chan, chung ho 1
chan, jacky 1
chen, b 1
chen, xuelin 1
chen, zhaoxi 1
chitalu, fm 1
choi, m. g. 1
chrysanthou, yiorgos 1
chu, k 1
cohen-or, d 1
cohen-or, daniel 1
di perri, carol 1
egges, arjan 1
f, l 1
faloutsos, petros 1
fan, l 1
fan, qingnan 1
fan, y 1
fan, yingruo 1
fan, yuling 1
fazhi, he 1
gaciu, george 1
ge, yongtao 1
groueix, thibault 1
guerrero, paul 1
guerrero, ricardo 1
guo, shihui 1
habekost, j 1
habekost, julian 1
he, dongjian 1
he, fazhi 1
heng, shuai 1
hilaga, masaki 1
himeno, ryutaro 1
hir-aga, masaki 1
howard, leung 1
hu, r 1
huang, hui 1
huang, j 1
huang, jiawei 1
huerta, ivan 1
igarashi, takeo 1
jacky, chan 1
jeong, yunhee 1
jiang, t 1
jing, shuxu 1
joyce, thomas 1
ju, ming 1
kitamura, y 1
kitarmura, yoshifumi 1
kry, paul 1
kudoh, s. 1
kuroda, a. 1
kusajima, ikuo 1
l, c 1
l, z 1
lan, tai chiew 1
lau, manfred 1
lau, rynson 1
lee, jehee 1
lever, jake 1
li, frederick 1
li, hongwei 1
li, xy 1
liao, minghong 1
lin, c 1
lin, huancheng 1
lin, j 1
lischinski, d 1
liu, haisong 1
liu, l 1
liu, y 1
liu, ziwei 1
lyu, geng 1
m, i 1
maekawa, yoshinori 1
majumder, aditi 1
manocha, dinesh 1
mansard, nicolas 1
mason, i. 1
mason, m 1
mei, haiyi 1
meijboom, rozanna 1
merkt, wolfgang 1
miao, qinghai 1
miller, mark 1
mitra, niloy 1
nakaoka, shin'ichiro 1
nie, zhengang 1
noh, seung tak 1
oda, takuya 1
overmars, mark 1
pan, h 1
pan, hao 1
pan, j 1
pan, jia 1
pang, k 1
pang, kunkun 1
peng, sida 1
pettré, julien 1
pérez malla, carlos uziel 1
ramamoorthy, subramanian 1
roland, geraerts 1
rueckert, daniel 1
s, j 1
s, s 1
shen, chunhua 1
shen, xukun 1
shen, yijun 1
shi, m 1
shinag-awa, yoshihisa 1
shinagawa, y. 1
shiraishi, masashi 1
shuxu, jing 1
sidorov, kirill a. 1
sigal, leonid 1
starke, paul 1
starke, s. 1
steinicke, frank 1
su, zhenqiang 1
sugawara, r 1
sugawara, ryo 1
sun, qingping 1
tai, chiew lan 1
takagi, shu 1
takashima, kazuki 1
tang, kai tai 1
teng, lijun 1
theobalt, c 1
tonneau, steve 1
valdes-hernandez, maria del c. 1
valdés hernández, maria del c. 1
waldman, adam 1
wan, w 1
wang, hao 1
wang, l 1
wang, m 1
wang, meili 1
wang, p 1
wang, wenjia 1
wang, wp 1
wang, yanjun 1
wang, z 1
wang, zimeng 1
wardlaw, joanna m. 1
wei, m 1
wen, yl 1
wiseman, stewart 1
wu, j 1
xiang, n 1
xin, s 1
xin, shiqing 1
xu, r 1
xu, rui 1
xu, wei wei 1
yadav, pranjul 1
yamagishi, junichi 1
yang, huijun 1
yang, x 1
ye, lele 1
ye, y 1
yearsley, joe 1
yin, kangxue 1
yoshioka, shinsuke 1
yu, hongchuan 1
yuan, xiaoming 1
zaman, kazi 1
zeng, gaoxiang 1
zhang, b 1
zhang, dongliang 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, h. 1
zhang, hao 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jian j. 1
zhang, jianguo 1
zhao, jianmin 1
zhao, x 1
zhao, x. 1
zhao, y 1
zhao, yiwei 1
zhu, jihua 1
zhu, li 1
zinno, f 1
zou, feng 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
ccs concepts 5
animation 3
• computing methodologies → shape analysis 3
arap 2
brittle fracture 2
bsp 2
bvh 2
cauchy-green invariants 2
character animation 2
character control 2
character interactions 2
collision detection 2
computer vision 2
corotational methods 2
deep learning 2
geometry optimization 2
gpu 2
human motion 2
inverse kinematics 2
kinematics 2
material point method 2
mesh geometry models 2
motion control 2
multiview reconstruction 2
neural rendering 2
neural representation 2
parallel computing 2
physical simulation 2
second-order methods 2
• computing methodologies → collision detection 2
• computing methodologies → physical simulation 2
3d game 1
3d garment reconstruction 1
3d garment vector field (3dgvf) 1
3d human motion capture 1
3d human motion similarity 1
3d mannequin 1
3d scanning 1
3d scene 1
3d search 1
3d user interface 1
6-dof object pose estimation 1
6d pose estimation 1
adaptive motion synthesis 1
adaptive motion transmission 1
adaptive prior 1
add-image 1
alzheimer's disease 1
animation rig 1
apparel customization 1
approximate inference 1
approximation 1
ar 1
augmented reality 1
autoencoder 1
autoencoding 1
automatic motion analysis 1
automultiscopic displays 1
balance maintenance 1
bas-relief modelling 1
bipedal gait 1
body–clothes interaction 1
boxing punch recognition 1
braid theory 1
brain mri 1
camera pose estimation 1
categories and subject descriptors (according to acm ccs) 1
character interaction 1
characterisation of wmh and ms lesions 1
classification 1
close interaction 1
close interactions 1
closely interacting 3d human poses 1
cloth animation 1
cloth control 1
comic processing 1
compensation 1
compliance 1
computer 1
computer animation 1
computer games 1
computer graphics 1
computer puppetry 1
computer simulation 1
computer uses in education 1
content-based retrieval 1
context-based retrieval 1
control systems 1
controller interpolation 1
conventional machine learning 1
convolutional neural network 1
convolutional neural networks 1
coordinates 1
crowd simulation 1
curve skeleton 1
cyclic and acyclic patterns 1
data generation and augmentation 1
data glove 1
data mining 1
data-driven 1
data-driven animation 1
deactivation 1
decoder 1
deep learning in robotics and automation 1
deep neural network 1
deep neural networks 1
deepmedic 1
dementia 1
dep generative adversarial network (dep-gan) 1
dep u-residual network (dep-uresnet) 1
dep-gan 1
detail transfer 1
digitap 1
dilated convolution 1
dimensionality reduction 1
discourse connectives 1
disease evolution predictor (dep) models 1
disease progression 1
disentanglement 1
dressed character 1
dynamic air gap thickness 1
dynamic clothing fit 1
dynamic obstacles 1
dynamics 1
dynamics simulation 1
e-learning 1
educational technology 1
emotion data 1
end effectors 1
enhanced features 1
environment interactions 1
evolution of wmh 1
facial animation 1
facial modeling 1
filter 1
fire animation 1
fluid simulation 1
gaming 1
garment sliding 1
generalisation 1
geometry preservation 1
global spatial information 1
graphics 1
hair animation 1
hair design 1
handheld augmented reality 1
handheld devices 1
handwriting analysis 1
hbao 1
hd 1
head-mounted displays 1
hierarchy 1
hmds 1
human animation 1
human motion analysis 1
human motions 1
human perception 1
human performance 1
human simulation 1
human strength calculation 1
human strength visualization 1
humanoid and bipedal locomotion 1
humans 1
hyperintensities detection 1
i.3.7 [computer graphics]: three-dimensional graphics and realism—animation 1
i.3.7[computer graphics]: three-dimensional graphics and realism–animation 1
image analysis 1
image segmentation 1
image-based normal decomposition 1
indoor reconstruction 1
information visualization 1
input devices and strategies 1
interaction 1
interaction completion 1
interactive 3d graphics 1
interactive games 1
interactive web contents 1
interactivity 1
inverse dynamics 1
inverse problem 1
irregular texture detection 1
irregularity age map 1
irregularity map 1
ischaemic stroke 1
jumping 1
kinectfusion 1
learning from demonstration 1
lightfields 1
linear programming 1
localization 1
locomotion 1
machine learning 1
manifold learning 1
martial arts 1
mcmc sampling 1
medical image analysis 1
mesh symmetry 1
mice 1
mild cognitive impairment 1
modeling 1
monocular video 1
motion adaptation 1
motion analysis 1
motion blending 1
motion capture 1
motion capture required for proceedings 1
motion conversion 1
motion data 1
motion editing 1
motion generation 1
motion graph 1
motion planning 1
motion retargeting 1
motion synthesis 1
mpeg-2 1
mri 1
multiple sclerosis (ms) lesion 1
muscle 1
muscle force 1
muscle-based model 1
musculoskeletal model 1
musculoskeletal system 1
musculotendon 1
neural networks 1
neural networks; motion capture 1
neural volume rendering 1
noisy text images 1
normal transfer 1
optimal control 1
panel extraction 1
parameterization 1
pattern discovery 1
pattern recognition 1
penumbra of brain's lesion 1
perception in vr 1
perception-based approach 1
physics 1
point cloud similarity 1
pose interpolation 1
posture optimization 1
preparation behavior 1
psycholinguistics 1
punch segmentation 1
quick release 1
rational speech acts model 1
re-entanglement 1
real-time 1
real-time animation 1
real-time controller design 1
real-time motion synthesis 1
reconstruction 1
reduced-memory 1
regression 1
reinforcement learning 1
relationship descriptors 1
relationship templates 1
repeated patterns 1
repetitive pattern 1
representations 1
retargeting 1
rig 1
saliency u-net 1
scalability 1
scene analysis 1
scene synthesis 1
screen space ambient occlusion 1
segmentation 1
sensing glove 1
sensor 1
shape recognition 1
sim-to-real 1
simulation 1
skeleton detection 1
small vessel disease (svd) 1
space technology 1
spacetime con-straints 1
sparse views 1
spatial relationship 1
spatial relationships 1
sports application 1
ssao 1
static optimization 1
stretch shortening 1
style transfer 1
supervised learning 1
surface reconstruction 1
symmetry ambiguity 1
synthetic data 1
tendon 1
textile texture 1
texture synthesis 1
three-dimensional 1
three-dimensional graphics and realism 1
topology 1
traditional arts 1
training tools 1
transformer 1
uniform information density 1
unsupervised detection 1
unsupervised lesion segmentation 1
usability assessment 1
ve 1
video games 1
video visual quality 1
virtual environments 1
virtual human 1
virtual partner 1
virtual reality 1
virtual sports 1
virtual sports training 1
virtual teaching 1
virtual training 1
volume rendering 1
vr 1
web-based learning 1
web-based training 1
white matter hyperintensities 1
white matter hyperintensities (wmh) 1
wmh evolution 1
•computing methodologies → animation 1
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