Stone Sweet, A


Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
constitutionalization 2
echr 2
european court of justice 2
governance 2
integration 2
integration theory 2
judicialization 2
rights 2
absolute rights 1
agency 1
agency theory 1
air transport 1
arbitration 1
balancing 1
case studies 1
china 1
chinese judicial review 1
chinese legal sysetm 1
civil code 1
clo 1
conflict of laws 1
constitutional court 1
constitutional law 1
constitutional pluralism 1
constitutionalization of private law 1
contract law 1
cosmopolitan legal order 1
cosmopolitanism 1
court politics 1
courts 1
delegation 1
democracy 1
dynamics 1
ecj 1
environmental protection 1
eu 1
eu institutions 1
eu law 1
eu legal system 1
eu politics 1
european convention on human rights 1
european court of human rights 1
european integration 1
european law 1
european law and politics 1
european legal system 1
european legislation 1
european policy 1
european union 1
europeanization 1
europeanization of the law 1
expansionism 1
free movement of goods 1
institutional change in the european union 1
institutionalization 1
integration methodology 1
intergovernmentalism 1
international center for the settlement of investment disputes (icsid) 1
investor-state arbitration 1
investors' rights 1
judicial empowerment 1
judicial politics 1
judicial precedents 1
judicial review 1
judiciary 1
kant 1
kantian constitutional theory 1
labour law 1
law 1
law merchant 1
legal integration 1
legislature 1
legitimacy 1
liberalization 1
methodology 1
multi-level governance 1
national administration 1
national justice 1
national legal order 1
neo-functionalism 1
neofunctionalism 1
non-discrimination 1
p-a models 1
path dependence and precedent 1
political development 1
politics 1
precedent 1
preliminary references 1
principal-agent framework 1
principal-agent models 1
private contracts 1
proportionality 1
public interest litigation 1
qualified rights 1
regional integration theory 1
rights revolution 1
rulemaking 1
separation of power 1
sex equality 1
standing to sue 1
supranational governance 1
supranationalism 1
supremacy 1
transnational processes 1
transnational society 1
treaty of rome 1
trusteeship 1
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