AuthorsNo. of Publications
han, jian 32
najafabadi, r. 31
mendelev, m. i. 22
anderson, m. p. 21
lesar, r. 20
xiang, yang 18
grest, g. s. 16
rickman, j. m. 16
sridhar, n. 14
wu, zhaoxuan 14
rollett, a. d. 12
zhang, yong wei 12
zhang, y. w. 11
branicio, paulo s. 10
butler, j. e. 10
pao, chun wei 10
smith, j. r. 10
battaile, c. c. 9
grest, gary s. 9
lazar, emanuel a. 9
safran, s. a. 9
zhang, hao 9
du, danxu 8
krishnamurthy, r. 8
macpherson, robert d. 8
rabkin, eugen 8
thomas, spencer l. 8
wang, h. y. 8
zhou, songsong 8
ahluwalia, rajeev 7
bao, weizhu 7
dai, shuyang 7
egami, t. 7
gottstein, g. 7
hong, t. 7
jiang, wei 7
shvindlerman, l. s. 7
upmanyu, m. 7
berry, joel 6
bukiet, b. g. 6
car, roberto 6
cha, pil ryung 6
chen, s. p. 6
haataja, m. 6
haataja, mikko 6
holm, e. a. 6
mason, jeremy k. 6
mazor, a. 6
shilkrot, l. e. 6
smith, john r. 6
smith, richard w. 6
song, jun 6
vitek, v. 6
zacharopoulos, n. 6
zepeda-ruiz, luis a. 6
car, r. 5
carpick, robert w. 5
chen, kongtao 5
doherty, r. d. 5
greer, julia r. 5
han, j 5
han, s. 5
hassold, g. n. 5
luton, m. j. 5
mendelev, mikhail i. 5
ng, nathaniel 5
quek, siu sin 5
rappe, andrew m. 5
rottler, jörg 5
sahni, p. s. 5
wen, tongqi 5
wu, z. x. 5
zhao, l. 5
ackland, graeme j. 4
anderson, michael p. 4
atzmon, m. 4
chen, shuai 4
eykholt, r. 4
gu, yejun 4
haataja, mikko p. 4
hagan, p. s. 4
han, seungwu 4
hirth, j. p. 4
jhon, mark h. 4
pan, xiaoqing 4
pattamatta, subrahmanyam 4
smith, r. w. 4
tenne, r. 4
voter, a. f. 4
wang, yan 4
yu, zhi gen 4
zhang, h. 4
zhang, luchan 4
ackland, g. j. 3
aitken, zachary h. 3
aitken, zh 3
asta, m. 3
battaile, c. 3
battaile, corbett c. 3
bouville, m. 3
bouville, mathieu 3
branicio, p. s. 3
chen, s 3
chen, zi 3
chi, d. z. 3
deo, c. s. 3
dong, l. 3
dong, liang 3
douglas, jack f. 3
feng, y. p. 3
floro, jerrold a. 3
gan, c. k. 3
gan, chee kwan 3
gu, x. wendy 3
hassold, gregory n. 3
jhon, m. h. 3
karma, a. 3
kim, ji hee 3
klinger, l. 3
lei, dangyuan 3
liaw, peter k. 3
liaw, pk 3
lomdahl, p. s. 3
majidi, c. 3
majidi, carmel 3
mordehai, dan 3
nam, ho seok 3
oleinik, i. i. 3
paritosh 3
peng, zhiwei 3
petkovic-luton, r. 3
pettifor, d. g. 3
quek, s. s. 3
ramanarayan, h. 3
ramanarayanan, t. a. 3
raynolds, j. e. 3
roddick, e. r. 3
salvalaglio, marco 3
sullivan, michael b. 3
sun, d. y. 3
sun, jianwei 3
sutton, a. p. 3
swaminarayan, s. 3
tersoff, j. 3
wang, rui 3
warren, james a. 3
wei, chaozhen 3
xiang, y. 3
yang, fan 3
yu, zg 3
zhang, j. y. 3
zhang, yw 3
zhao, quan 3
adams, c. d. 2
ahluwalia, r. 2
bai, kewu 2
banerjee, rajarshi 2
barnett, d. m. 2
beale, paul d. 2
bi, yutong 2
bocarsly, andrew b. 2
cahn, j. w. 2
cai, w. 2
chen, david z. 2
chen, i‐wei ‐w 2
chen, wenzhe 2
chen, z. 2
chi, dongzhi 2
cho, yigil 2
cox, b. n. 2
foiles, stephen m. 2
fortini, andrea 2
gao, zhaoli 2
gayda, j. 2
gong, xiaoguo 2
guan, zhizi 2
guo, qiaohang 2
hack, j. e. 2
harris, s. j. 2
hong, tao 2
hoyt, j. j. 2
huan, a. c.h. 2
jafary-zadeh, mehdi 2
kornev, konstantin g. 2
krishnamurthy, ramanathan 2
kumar, aakash 2
kunin, valentin 2
lesar, r. a. 2
levin, l. 2
lim, a. t. 2
lobkovsky, a. e. 2
maeda, k. 2
najafabadi, reza 2
nam, h. s. 2
ng, n. 2
pan, x 2
parkin, william m. 2
pattamatta, asl subrahmanyam 2
pattamatta, s 2
pei, qing xiang 2
peng, g. w. 2
petkovic-luton, r. a. 2
qi, yubo 2
qiu, caihao 2
rabkin, e. 2
sahni, paramdeep s. 2
salvalaglio, m 2
schnitker, jurgen 2
scott, j. f. 2
sha, zhen dong 2
shilkrot, l. 2
sorkin, v. 2
sorkin, viacheslav 2
sukumar, n. 2
thompson, carl v. 2
tian, yuan 2
vanderlick, t. kyle 2
vitek, vaclav 2
wang, han 2
wang, y. 2
was, g. s. 2
webb, edmund b. 2
winning, m. 2
wirth, b. d. 2
wu, david t. 2
wu, z 2
wu, zx 2
xu, m 2
xu, mingjie 2
yang, jing 2
yang, liu 2
yang, shu 2
yang, w. 2
yang, w. h. 2
yee, albert f. 2
ying, feng 2
yoon, jong kyu 2
zandbergen, henny w. 2
zepeda-ruiz, l. a. 2
zhang, linfeng 2
zhang, qicheng 2
zhang, yong-wei 2
zhao, g. l. 2
zhu, lingyu 2
adams, g. g. 1
adibi, sara 1
aitken, zachary h 1
allameh, s. m. 1
an, ki seok 1
apykhtina, i. v. 1
archibald, w. e. 1
arya, gaurav 1
asaro, robert j. 1
asensio, maria c. 1
atwater, harry 1
avila, jose 1
azam, ashraful 1
backes, björn 1
bai, lichun 1
baker, t. j. 1
banerjee, r 1
barashev, a. v. 1
barda, hagit 1
barmak, k. 1
basu, a. 1
becker, c. a. 1
beke 1
bhaskaran, madhu 1
bhatia, m. a. 1
bhattacharya, pallab k. 1
bilello, j. c. 1
bokstein 1
bokstein, b. s. 1
boland, john j. 1
boltynjuk, evgeniy 1
boyd, richard h. 1
brakke, kenneth a. 1
briesmeister, r. a. 1
bulatov, v. v. 1
bulatov, vasily v. 1
buldyrev, s. 1
buldyrev, sergey 1
buldyrev, sergey v. 1
butler, james e. 1
cai, wei 1
cai, y. q. 1
cammarata, r. c. 1
cammarata, robert c. 1
cao, guang 1
carter, w. c. 1
chaikin, paul m. 1
chandra, premala 1
chang, chien cheng 1
chang, h. 1
chang, kevin h. 1
chason, eric 1
chen, chaoyu 1
chen, ha 1
chen, k 1
chen, kan 1
chen, long qing 1
chen, m 1
chen, xiaolin 1
chen, yingbin 1
cheng, l. t. 1
cheng, li tien 1
cheng, y. t. 1
chi, dong zhi 1
chidambaram, p. 1
choi, in suk 1
chooi, zheng hoe 1
chu, kevin t. 1
chua, s. j. 1
ciocys, samuel t. 1
citrin, michael a. 1
coltrin, michael e. 1
costa, avelino 1
cubuk, ekin d. 1
d'evelyn, m. p. 1
dandy, d. s. 1
dandy, david s. 1
davis, s. h. 1
de boer, maarten p. 1
de oliveira, alan barros 1
decuzzi, paolo 1
deng, c. 1
deng, hailin 1
deo, chaitanya s. 1
deymier, pierre 1
ding, zy 1
divinski 1
doelling, christopher m. 1
drndic, marija 1
drndić, marija 1
drummond, t. j. 1
du, d. 1
durham, daniel b. 1
dutton, robert w. 1
e, we 1
e, weinan 1
eid, h. 1
el-awady, jaafar a. 1
estrada, leonardo velasco 1
estrada, lv 1
evans, d. m. 1
fan, c 1
fan, ll 1
fan, yulong 1
farkas, d. 1
feldman, y. 1
feng, yuan ping 1
finnis, michael w. 1
floro, j. a. 1
fortini, a. 1
fuller, edwin r. 1
gajewski, g. 1
gao, huajian 1
gao, wenpei 1
gay, j. g. 1
gazit, nimrod 1
gebhardt, julian 1
ghosh, a. k. 1
gibala, r. 1
gilbala, ronald 1
glazier, james a. 1
glickman 1
goddard, william a. 1
goldiner, m. g. 1
goldiner, max g. 1
gona, ram s. 1
gray, jeremy 1
greer, j. r. 1
gregg, j. m. 1
gruber, jason 1
gulluoglu, a. n. 1
guo, y 1
gusak 1
hahn, h 1
hahn, horst 1
hammond, robert 1
han, heung nam 1
han, j. 1
han, jiang 1
han, x 1
harper, james 1
haxhimali, tomorr 1
hayes, r. w. 1
he, qf 1
he, z 1
ho, d 1
ho, derek 1
holm, elizabeth a. 1
homyonfer, m. 1
hu, shenyang 1
hu, y 1
huan, alfred c.h. 1
huang, x 1
hurtado-parra, sebastian 1
hwang, nong moon 1
iavarone, maria 1
jansen, j. 1
jeon, seokwoo 1
johnson, a. t.charlie 1
johnson, alan t.charlie 1
joshi, shailendra p. 1
kalantar-zadeh, kourosh 1
karapetrov, goran 1
kaufman, t 1
kazakevich, michael 1
kazaryan, a. 1
kehayias, christopher e. 1
kessler, d. a. 1
kevrekidis, ioannis g. 1
kikkawa, james m. 1
kim, c. s. 1
kim, j. 1
kim, k. c. 1
kim, kc 1
kim, tae ann 1
kinderlehrer, d. 1
king, alexander h. 1
klinger 1
klinger, leonid 1
ko, kyung jun 1
kong, d 1
koss, d. a. 1
kotula, p. g. 1
krlshnamurthy, r. 1
krohn, b. j. 1
kudin, k. 1
kudin, k. n. 1
kumar, ashok 1
kyle vanderlick, t. 1
lazar, e. a. 1
lee, gwan hyoung 1
lee, minhe 1
lee, pooi see 1
lee, seok woo 1
lee, su yeon 1
lee, sukbin 1
lee, sun sook 1
leipold, hannes 1
li, fang cheng 1
li, ju 1
li, junwen 1
li, kang 1
li, m. 1
li, minghua 1
li, wanghui 1
li, x. 1
li, xide 1
li, xingquan 1
li, zhuoyuan 1
liang, d. 1
liang, wuwei 1
liaw, peter k 1
lim, a. 1
liontas, rachel 1
litton, m. j. 1
liu, andrea j. 1
liu, anwen 1
liu, aw 1
liu, ct 1
liu, p 1
liu, ping 1
liu, te huan 1
lordi, vincenzo 1
loria, e. a. 1
loynachan, colleen n. 1
lu, c. 1
luan, jh 1
luo, zhengtang 1
luskin, m. 1
ly, th 1
ma, e 1
ma, e. 1
ma, xiaoxiao 1
ma, z. 1
macpherson, r. d. 1
magnusen, p. e. 1
malyi, o. 1
man, p 1
man, z. y. 1
mangelinck, d. 1
mansfield, john f. 1
mason, d. p. 1
mason, j. k. 1
matias, vladimir 1
mc gruer, n. e. 1
mcclimon, john brandon 1
mcquaid, r. g.p. 1
mendelev 1
miodownik, m. a. 1
mitchell, arnan 1
mitchell, christine c. 1
molodov, d. a. 1
morris, james r. 1
naylor, carl h. 1
ngan, alfonso h.w. 1
nguyen, thach g. 1
nieh, simon k. 1
ning, jinliang 1
nix, w. d. 1
nix, william d. 1
novak, travis g. 1
orme, christine 1
ostrovskii, a. s. 1
pan, x. q. 1
panagiotopoulos, athanassios z. 1
pang, andrew li jian 1
pao, c. w. 1
pao, cw 1
paritosh, f. 1
park, jiwoong 1
pattamatta, asls 1
pattamatta, s 1
patton, b. 1
pei, q. x. 1
pei, qingxiang 1
pelletier, jm 1
peteline, a. l. 1
pey, kin leong 1
philpott, michael r. 1
plombon, john j. 1
portavoce 1
prévost, j. h. 1
purohit, prashant k. 1
qian, tiezheng 1
qiao, jc 1
qiao, qiao 1
rabkin 1
rajagopalan, m. 1
ramanujan, r. v. 1
raynolds, j. 1
raynolds, james e. 1
ren, y 1
richter, r. 1
rickman, jeffrey m. 1
ristić, simeon 1
rodin 1
rodine, a. o. 1
rohrer, g. s. 1
rollett, a. r. 1
rollett, anthony d. 1
rottler, j. 1
russo, giovanni 1
rühle, manfred 1
sanchez, juan m. 1
savino, e. j. 1
scandolo, sandro 1
schilling, a. 1
schmitz 1
schoenholz, samuel s. 1
schuh, c. a. 1
scott, james f. 1
seel, s. c. 1
sensoy, mehmet gokhan 1
setter, nava 1
sha, z. d. 1
sharma, amit 1
sharp, tristan a. 1
shenoy, vivek b. 1
sherwin, m. e. 1
shi, luping 1
shin, joong ho 1
shukla, s. 1
simpson, g. 1
sintay, stephen 1
smereka, p. 1
smereka, peter 1
soboyejo, w. o. 1
solanki, k. n. 1
son, won joon 1
song, b. 1
song, j. 1
song, wendong 1
sridhar, narayanaswamy 1
srikanth, narasimalu 1
sriram, sharath 1
stolwijk 1
streller, frank 1
sun, h. p. 1
suo, z. 1
sutton, adrian p. 1
ta'asan, s. 1
tagantsev, alexander k. 1
takeuchi, s. 1
tan, eu jin 1
tan, liang z. 1
tao, jing 1
tavakoli, rouhollah 1
teng, j 1
thompson, c. v. 1
tian, y 1
tichelaar, f. d. 1
tieu, p 1
ting, z 1
tiwari, anand p. 1
tiwari, r. k. 1
trimble, t. m. 1
trugman, s. a. 1
tschopp, m. a. 1
tung, chih hang 1
upmanyu, moneesh 1
uyar, fatma 1
van aken, d. c. 1
vastola, guglielmo 1
wabiszewski, graham e. 1
wang 1
wang, feng 1
wang, h 1
wang, hailong 1
wang, hongfei 1
wang, hw 1
wang, jg 1
wang, jiangwei 1
wang, l 1
wang, q 1
wang, r 1
wang, sheng 1
wang, siqi 1
wang, weijie 1
wang, wen 1
wang, xu 1
wang, zhaowei 1
warren, j. a. 1
wasserman, e. 1
weinan, e. 1
wen, t 1
wen, tq 1
wilson, seth r. 1
wilson, william d. 1
wirth, brian d. 1
wolfer, wilhelm g. 1
wu, cheng lun 1
wu, d. t. 1
wu, lijun 1
wu, ping 1
xiang, y 1
xiong, lh 1
xu, j 1
xu, jiangang 1
xu, yunkun 1
yalisove, s. m. 1
yang, g 1
yang, heng 1
yang, jiarui 1
yang, wuhua 1
yang, y 1
yao, h. b. 1
ye, f 1
yi, hemian 1
yin, b 1
yoon, y. g. 1
yoon, yeoheung 1
yoon, young gui 1
yu, jinxin 1
yudin, petr 1
zandbergen, h. w. 1
ze, z 1
zeng, qs 1
zhang, l 1
zhang, lf 1
zhang, lz 1
zhang, xiaopu 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, ze 1
zhao, by l. 1
zhao, jiong 1
zhao, meng qiang 1
zhao, q. 1
zhao, rong 1
zheng, jian wei 1
zheng, jin cheng 1
zheng, quanshui 1
zheng, z 1
zhou, h 1
zhou, hailong 1
zhou, haofei 1
zhou, kun 1
zhou, lang 1
zhou, min 1
zhou, zq 1
zhu, qi 1
zhu, yichao 1
zhu, yimei 1
zimmerman, jonathan 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
dislocations 4
grain boundaries 4
molecular dynamics 4
adhesion 3
dislocation dynamics 3
short-range ordering 3
simulation 3
twinning 3
alloy design 2
anisotropy 2
atomistic simulation 2
bcc transition metals 2
buckling 2
contact mechanics 2
continuum modeling 2
copper nanowire 2
crack tip plasticity 2
crystal plasticity 2
defects 2
density-functional theory calculations 2
diffusion 2
disconnections 2
dislocation nucleation 2
dislocation propagation 2
faceting 2
grain boundary 2
grain boundary energy 2
grain boundary migration 2
grain boundary wetting 2
grain growth 2
grain rotation 2
interface migration 2
interface stiffness 2
interfaces 2
materials science 2
mechanical properties 2
mesoscale plasticity simulation 2
metallic glasses 2
metallic material 2
microstructure 2
mobility 2
modelling 2
molecular dynamics simulation 2
molecular dynamics simulations 2
nanoindentation 2
phase field model 2
phase transformations 2
plastic deformation 2
refractory high-entropy alloys 2
screw dislocation cores 2
size effects 2
theory 2
thermodynamics 2
thin film 2
thin films 2
2d materials 1
a1. crystal morphology 1
a1. diffusion 1
a1. growth models 1
a1. interfaces 1
a3. metalorganic chemical vapor deposition 1
abnormal grain growth 1
acoustic band gaps 1
adatom interactions 1
adsorbates 1
al 1
al-ga 1
alloys 1
aluminum 1
analytical methods 1
anisotropic elasticity 1
anisotropic grain boundary energy 1
anisotropic grain boundary mobility 1
anisotropic surface energy 1
annealing twin 1
asperity contact 1
atomic force microscopy 1
atomic plasticity 1
atomic systems visualization 1
atomistic mechanism 1
atomistic simulations 1
atomistic structure 1
au (100) terraces 1
auxetics 1
bifunctional 1
boundary energy anisotropy 1
boundary mobility 1
brittle 1
brittle shear failure 1
brittle-to-ductile transition 1
bulk diffusion 1
c 1
cahn-hilliard equation 1
cauchy stress 1
cell structures 1
chemical vapor deposition 1
chemical vapor deposition (cvd) 1
cluster statistics 1
coatings 1
coherent 1
compression test 1
computer simulation 1
computers 1
conductance 1
contact adhesion 1
contact line migration 1
continuum modelling 1
convergence 1
core–shell structures 1
corrosion product 1
cosine pseudospectral method 1
crack discontinuity 1
creep 1
cross-slip 1
crystal growth 1
curvature-driven grain boundary migration 1
curved disconnection 1
cvd 1
deformability 1
delaunay triangulation 1
density functional calculations 1
density functional theory 1
density functional theory calculations 1
detachment force 1
diamond films 1
differentiation 1
diffusive 1
disclination 1
disclinations 1
disconnection 1
disconnection mechanism 1
discrete dislocation dynamics 1
dislocation 1
dislocation boundaries 1
dislocation climb 1
dislocation dynamics simulation 1
dislocation interaction 1
dislocation loop 1
dislocation mobility 1
dislocation network 1
drag effect 1
drift 1
ductile 1
ductile necking 1
dynamic phenomena 1
dynamically programmable materials 1
edges 1
elastic analysis 1
electric field enhancement 1
electrical and electronic properties 1
electromigration 1
electronic structure 1
energy methods 1
enhancement factor 1
exact results 1
expandability 1
extended finite element method 1
faceting–defaceting transition 1
failure mechanisms 1
ferroelectric domains 1
film 1
finite element 1
first principles calculation 1
first-principles electronic structure calculations 1
five-fold twins 1
flaw sensitivity 1
flexibility 1
fluctuations 1
focused ion beam 1
folding structure 1
fracture 1
fracture and fracture toughness 1
fracture mechanism 1
free energy 1
front-tracking method 1
generalized winterbottom construction 1
glass formation 1
gold nanoparticles 1
gold surface dislocation 1
gpu 1
grain annihilation 1
grain boundary diffusion 1
grain boundary dynamics 1
grain boundary excess volume 1
grain boundary mobility 1
grain boundary penetration 1
grain boundary pinning 1
grain boundary sliding 1
grain boundary structure 1
grain boundary tilting 1
grain boundary transport 1
grain size effect 1
grain-boundary energy 1
grain-boundary kinetics 1
grain-boundary migration 1
grain-boundary mobility 1
grain-boundary properties 1
graphene nano-ribbon 1
graphene structure 1
green's function 1
grian boundary migration 1
growth 1
growth kinetics 1
growth stresses 1
heteroepitaxy 1
heterophase interface 1
heterostructure 1
high strain rates 1
high strength ceramics 1
high-entropy alloys 1
impurities 1
impurity drag 1
impurity effects 1
in situ tem 1
in situ transmission electron microscopy (tem) 1
interface diffusion 1
interface driving force 1
interface instability 1
interface mobility 1
interstitial 1
intrinsic stress 1
inverse hall-petch 1
ion irradiation 1
irradiation 1
ising model 1
kinetic monte carlo 1
kinetic monte carlo method 1
kinetics 1
kinetics self-organization and patterning 1
large scale molecular dynamics 1
lattice defects 1
lattice defects-dislocations 1
lattice reorientation 1
lattice strain 1
lattice-defects 1
length effect 1
lennard-jones potential 1
level-set method 1
liquid alloys and liquid metals 1
liquid grooving 1
liquid metal embrittlement 1
liquid metal embrittlement (lme) 1
local stress 1
localization function 1
long-range effect 1
low-angle grain boundary 1
machine learning 1
materials strength 1
mc simulation 1
md-simulations 1
mean width 1
mechanical milling 1
mechanical twinning 1
mechanochemistry 1
meshing micro-structures 1
metal/ceramic bonding 1
metal/ceramic interface 1
metallic glass 1
metals 1
metastability 1
micromechanical continuum model 1
micromechanical modeling 1
micromechanisms 1
microstructure evolution 1
microstructures category 1
migration 1
model 1
modeling and simulation 1
molecular statics simulation 1
monolayer 1
monolayer molybdenum disulfide 1
monte carlo 1
monte carlo simulation 1
monte-carlo 1
morphology 1
morphology engineering 1
mos2 1
mos2 dendrite 1
moving contact line 1
multi-cycle contact 1
multilayers 1
multiple stable equilibrium 1
multiscale modeling 1
nanocrystalline 1
nanocrystalline material 1
nanoelectromechanical switches 1
nanomaterials 1
nanomechanics 1
nanoscale 1
nanoscale friction 1
nanostructure 1
nanostructure deformation 1
nanostructure effect 1
nanostructured ceramics 1
nanostructures 1
nanowires 1
nems switch 1
networks 1
neutron diffraction/scattering 1
ni-fe alloy 1
nickel 1
non-equilibrium processes 1
notch sensitivity 1
nucleation 1
onsager's variational principle 1
orientation space 1
oxidation 1
oxygen electrocatalysis 1
partition of unity 1
patterning 1
peg 1
peierls-nabarro model 1
phase engineering 1
phase field 1
phase field microelasticity 1
phase field simulations 1
phase transition 1
phase transitions 1
phase-field models 1
phase-field simulation 1
phononic crystals 1
physical vapor deposition 1
piezoelectric thin films 1
piezoelectricity 1
piezoresponse 1
pinch-off phenomena 1
pipe diffusion 1
plastic deformations 1
plastic flow 1
platinum silicide 1
point defects 1
polycrystalline materials 1
polycrystalline microstructure 1
polycrystals 1
portevin-lechatelier effects 1
potts grain growth model 1
precipitate 1
precipitation kinetics 1
pseudoelasticity 1
quantum mechanical computations 1
quantum mechanics 1
random graphs 1
random/ordered microstructures (theory) 1
reaction layer 1
recrystallization 1
relative entropy 1
residual stress 1
residual stresses 1
review 1
rod theory 1
roughness 1
scaling 1
segregation 1
self-assembly 1
semi-coherent 1
shape memory effect 1
shear coupling 1
shear-coupling 1
shock load 1
shock waves 1
shrinking instability 1
silicon 1
silicon carbide 1
single asperity contact 1
sink efficiency 1
sintering 1
size effect 1
solid state dewetting 1
solid-state dewetting 1
spin coupled 1
stability 1
stiction 1
stochastic processes (theory) 1
strain aging 1
strain-induced structural transformations 1
stresses 1
string-like collective motion 1
strong discontinuity 1
structural unit model 1
structure classification 1
superplasticity 1
surface diffusion 1
surface energy 1
surface energy anisotropy 1
surface free energy 1
surface roughness 1
surface stress 1
surface structure 1
surface tension 1
surfaces 1
surfaces and interfaces 1
t1 process 1
t3 process 1
temperature effect 1
tensile ductility 1
theory & modeling - surfaces 1
theory and modeling 1
theory and modeling (kinetics, transport, diffusion) 1
thermal barrier coatings 1
thermochemical analysis 1
thermodynamic variation 1
thin-film growth 1
three dimensions 1
tilt boundaries 1
transition metal dichalcogenides 1
tribopolymer 1
triple junction 1
triple junction angle 1
triple junction motion 1
triple junctions 1
tunable elastic properties 1
twins 1
twist boundary energy 1
twist boundary structure 1
twisted bilayer 1
two-dimensional crack propagation 1
two-dimensional materials 1
ultrahigh strength 1
universal behavior 1
vacancy generation 1
vanadium 1
variational onsager principle 1
virial stress 1
volmer-weber growth 1
von neumann-mullins theory 1
voronoi topology 1
winterbottom construction 1
wulff construction 1
yield 1
yield phenomena 1
zinc-oxide 1
zno 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
ngan, alfonso hing wan 1
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