Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
epasinghe, dj | 4 |
jung, hs | 4 |
jiang, rulang | 3 |
lan, yu | 3 |
green, dw | 2 |
green, dw | 2 |
jung, han sung | 2 |
liu, han | 2 |
cheung, m | 1 |
harada, h | 1 |
he, j | 1 |
hu, yc | 1 |
hu, yueh chiang | 1 |
imamura, toru | 1 |
iyyanar, paul p.r. | 1 |
iyyanar, ppr | 1 |
jiang, r | 1 |
jung, h. s. | 1 |
jung, hs | 1 |
jung, seo yoon | 1 |
kim, e. j. | 1 |
kim, ef | 1 |
kim, ej | 1 |
kim, eun jung | 1 |
kwon, h. j.e. | 1 |
lan, y | 1 |
laosuwan, k | 1 |
lee, mj | 1 |
leung, wk | 1 |
li, l | 1 |
li, l. | 1 |
oki, s | 1 |
rao, y | 1 |
tang, q. | 1 |
tong, ehy | 1 |
yoon, ks | 1 |
yue, minghui | 1 |
zhang, s | 1 |
zhang, sushan | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
morphogenesis | 5 |
tooth development | 4 |
craniofacial development | 3 |
enamel knot | 3 |
neural crest | 3 |
planar cell polarity | 3 |
tooth | 3 |
vangl2 | 3 |
cell biology | 2 |
cell proliferation | 2 |
cis-regulatory elements | 2 |
claudin10 | 2 |
dental morphology | 2 |
developmental biology | 2 |
enhancer | 2 |
evolution | 2 |
facial development | 2 |
gene expression | 2 |
immortalized | 2 |
laminin5 | 2 |
mouse dental papilla cells | 2 |
robustness | 2 |
six1 | 2 |
skull - abnormalities - genetic aspects | 2 |
sox2 | 2 |
successional dental lamina | 2 |
alx1 | 1 |
bone | 1 |
cleft palate | 1 |
conditional gene knockout | 1 |
cre/loxp | 1 |
crispr | 1 |
frontonasal dysplasia | 1 |
hair loss | 1 |
microphthalmia | 1 |
mouse | 1 |
orofacial cleft | 1 |
parietal foramina | 1 |
periocular mesenchyme | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
lee, angeline hui cheng | 2 |
zhang, chengfei | 2 |
wang, junwen john | 1 |
zhang, gao | 1 |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
pulpal inflammation, irreversible pulpitis, pulpotomy, prognostic biomarkers, single-cell rna sequencing | 5 |
cell survival, microalgae, o2 generation, pulp regeneration, vascularization | 3 |
Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
dentistrymolecular diagnostics | 5 |
dentistryregenerative medicine | 3 |