Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hong kong 8
subjective poverty 6
elderly 4
exchange pattern 4
intergenerational support 4
life satisfaction 4
logistic regression 4
poverty determinants 4
poverty spectrum 4
quantile regression 4
compensation hypothesis 3
containment policies 3
covid-19 3
daughter–parent relation 3
determinants 3
determinants of poverty 3
discrepancies in poverty status 3
economic inequality 3
education 3
gender difference 3
health policies 3
higher education 3
housing status 3
intergenerational earnings mobility 3
intergenerational relations 3
latent class analysis 3
objective poverty 3
patterns of multidimensional poverty 3
returns to education 3
self-rated health 3
social policies 3
son–parent relation 3
welfare interventions 3
cluster analysis 2
consumption patterns 2
coverage 2
decentralization 2
discrepancy in poverty 2
east asia 2
economic poverty 2
generosity 2
intergenerational interactions 2
mental health 2
model family 2
motives for giving 2
negative life events 2
neighbourhood services 2
old-age allowance 2
policy diffusion 2
poverty 2
poverty - china - hong kong 2
poverty transitions 2
public space 2
redistribution 2
serial multiple mediation 2
social assistance programme 2
social support 2
social welfare transfers 2
urban rural inequality 2
work incentives 2
china 1
hukou 1
intergenerational mobility 1
migrant population 1
migrant selection 1
migration policy 1
reference group 1
social comparison 1
social welfare 1
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