AuthorsNo. of Publications
li, wen 30
yan, shuicheng 28
ouyang, wanli 22
li, xuelong 21
lin, stephen 21
luo, jiebo 20
tsang, ivor w. 20
duan, lixin 19
nie, feiping 14
tao, dacheng 12
chang, shih fu 11
lu, guo 10
zhang, hong jiang 10
chen, lin 9
niu, li 9
tang, xiaoou 9
xu, xinxing 9
guo, jinyang 8
han, junwei 8
tsang, ivor wai hung 8
yang, yi 8
zhang, lei 8
fu, huazhu 7
huang, yi 7
liu, jiang 7
liu, zhengkai 7
shan, shiguang 7
sheng, lu 7
chen, xilin 6
liu, jiaheng 6
su, rui 6
xiao, shijie 6
xu, yanwu 6
zhang, dingwen 6
zhuang, yueting 6
gao, zhiyong 5
zhang, weichen 5
zhang, xiaoyun 5
boll, susanne 4
cai, jianfei 4
gu, shuhang 4
han, jungong 4
hoi, steven c.h. 4
huang, thomas s. 4
kan, meina 4
shao, ling 4
tan, mingkui 4
wong, damon wing kee 4
wong, tien yin 4
zeng, zinan 4
zhang, benyu 4
zhang, changshui 4
zhou, luping 4
aung, tin 3
cao, xianbin 3
cham, tat jen 3
chen, li 3
cheng, gong 3
cheung, carol y. 3
cong, gao 3
hsu, winston 3
jiang, wei 3
jin, rong 3
kennedy, lyndon 3
king, irwin 3
liu, bo 3
liu, yiming 3
shotton, jamie 3
van gool, luc 3
wang, gang 3
wei, shikui 3
wu, xinxiao 3
yanagawa, akira 3
yang, qiang 3
yu, qian 3
yuan, yuan 3
zavesky, eric 3
zhang, jing 3
brown, michael s. 2
cai, chunlei 2
cao, xiaochun 2
chan, tsung han 2
chellappa, rama 2
chen, zhenghao 2
cheng, jun 2
cui, zhen 2
dai, dengxin 2
ho, anthony t.s. 2
hu, zhihao 2
hua, xian sheng 2
huang, qingming 2
jia, kui 2
kompatsiaris, yiannis 2
li, changsheng 2
lin, weisi 2
liu, jianzhuang 2
liu, jun 2
liu, nian 2
liu, qingshan 2
liu, zheng kai 2
maybank, stephen j. 2
maybank, steve 2
pan, yunhe 2
shahroudy, amir 2
van zwol, roelof 2
wang, guoren 2
wang, kaisiyuan 2
xu, min 2
xu, xiangmin 2
xu, zheng 2
yan, shengye 2
yang, le 2
yuan, ye 2
zeng, yifeng 2
zhang, bao 2
zhang, zhiwang 2
zhao, lichen 2
zhao, yao 2
agustina 1
bouwmans, thierry 1
cai, daigang 1
celebi, m. emre 1
chang, xiaojun 1
change, shih fu 1
chee, yeow meng 1
chen, chang wen 1
chen, ken 1
cheng, bowen 1
cheng, ching yu 1
cheng, de 1
cheng, qiansheng 1
chia, liang tien 1
chua, tat seng 1
dai, qionghai 1
darrell, trevor 1
daumé, hal 1
de la torre, fernando 1
dong, zhao yang 1
doulamis, anastasios 1
ebadollahi, shahram 1
elgammal, ahmed 1
fan, deng ping 1
fan, hehe 1
feng, dagan 1
feng, jiashi 1
feng, xiaoxu 1
fu, yun 1
gao, chenqiang 1
gao, junbin 1
gao, shenghua 1
gao, wen 1
gao, xinting 1
gool, luc van 1
guo, kailing 1
han, tony x. 1
han, yahong 1
harada, tatsuya 1
hauptmann, alexander g. 1
he, jingwen 1
hu, qinghua 1
hu, yuxiao 1
huang, dong 1
huang, helen 1
huang, thomas 1
jacovi, michal 1
jain, ramesh 1
ji, xiangyang 1
jia, yunde 1
jiang, hongxu 1
jiang, xiaolong 1
jin, xiaojie 1
kot, alex c. 1
kwoh, chee keong 1
li, chuming 1
li, guanbin 1
li, jia 1
li, liang 1
li, mingjing 1
li, rongqing 1
li, stan 1
li, wanqing 1
li, yan 1
liang, feng 1
liao, yue 1
lin, chen 1
lin, steve 1
liu, huiying 1
liu, jie 1
liu, liu 1
liu, si 1
liu, tongliang 1
liu, wu 1
lu, jian 1
lu, jiwen 1
ma, handong 1
ma, weiying 1
ma, yi 1
meng, deyu 1
meng, lei 1
ni, bingbing 1
ogunbona, philip 1
qing, chunmei 1
qiu, suo 1
que, zizheng 1
raban, daphne 1
rao, tianrong 1
scheinberg, katya 1
schonfeld, dan 1
shao, lin 1
shen, jiayi 1
shi, qinfeng 1
shi, shaoshuai 1
shuai, bing 1
shum, heung yeung 1
smith, john r. 1
su, yu 1
sun, chengzheng 1
sun, ming 1
sun, ming ting 1
sun, weiqi 1
sun, xiaoyan 1
tan, ah hwee 1
tan, chuanqi 1
tan, ngan meng 1
tang, dai 1
tang, zongheng 1
tao, daocheng 1
tham, yih chung 1
tian, jiayi 1
tserpes, konstantinos 1
van den hengel, anton 1
varior, rahul rama 1
varvarigou, theodora 1
vasconcelos, nuno 1
wang, dongang 1
wang, feiyu 1
wang, haixian 1
wang, haochen 1
wang, huan 1
wang, yisen 1
wang, zhiyong 1
ward, rabab kreidieh 1
wu, fei 1
wu, feng 1
wu, jianxin 1
wu, yichao 1
xiang, shiming 1
xie, lexing 1
xie, yuan 1
xiong, zhiwei 1
xu, changsheng 1
yan, junjie 1
yan, xu 1
yan, yan 1
yang, ming 1
yang, shu 1
yang, yandan 1
yang, yang 1
yao, xiwen 1
yao, zehui 1
yin, fengshou 1
yu, jun 1
yuan, quan 1
zhang, boyan 1
zhang, changqing 1
zhang, chao 1
zhang, hongjiang 1
zhang, jian 1
zhang, shengping 1
zhang, weigang 1
zhang, yongbing 1
zhang, yu 1
zhang, yulun 1
zhang, zhuo 1
zhou, huiyu 1
zhou, jun 1
zhou, peicheng 1
zhou, shunfeng 1
zhu, xinge 1
zhuge, mingchen 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
&ell graph 1 1
2-d lda 1
2-d pca 1
2dlda 1
2dmfa 1
3d action recognition 1
3d motion data retrieval 1
3d object detection 1
3d shape reconstruction 1
accuracy-efficiency trade-off 1
action localization 1
action recognition 1
action-scene interaction 1
active learning 1
adaptation models 1
adapted classifier 1
adaptive discriminant analysis 1
adaptive mkl 1
adaptive regularization 1
adversarial learning 1
affinity matrix 1
aligned space-time pyramid matching 1
ambiguous learning 1
annotation-free 1
annotations 1
asymmetric similarity measure 1
attention 1
augmented features 1
bag-based image reranking 1
bag-of-words (bow) 1
bilinear subspace learning 1
biometrics 1
block-sparsity 1
bow 1
brain-computer interfaces 1
capsule network 1
caption-based face naming 1
cartoon clip synthesis 1
cartoon gesture recognition 1
cartoon image 1
cast shadow 1
categorization 1
channel pruning 1
clustering 1
co-segmentation 1
co-training 1
coarse to fine 1
collaborative representation cascade (crc) 1
common object segmentation 1
common spatial patterns (csp) 1
comprehensive learning 1
compression artifact reduction 1
computational complexity 1
computational modeling 1
computer vision 1
concept ontology 1
concurrency control 1
concurrent subspaces analysis (csa) 1
consistency maintenance 1
content identification 1
content-based cartoon image retrieval 1
content-based copy detection 1
content-based image retrieval 1
content-based image retrieval (cbir) 1
content-based multimedia retrieval 1
content-based video retrieval 1
context modeling 1
contextual dependency 1
convolutional neural networks 1
copy detection 1
correntropy 1
coupled subspaces analysis (csa) 1
cross domain learning 1
cross-dataset recognition 1
cross-domain learning 1
cross-granularity cooperation 1
cross-media analysis 1
cross-media retrieval 1
cross-scene classification 1
cross-stream cooperation 1
data reconstruction 1
dataset 1
deep learning 1
deep neural network 1
deep neural networks 1
dense video captioning 1
dependency conflict resolution 1
depth image 1
dimension reduction 1
dimensionality reduction 1
discriminant analysis with tensor representation (dater) 1
distance metric learning 1
dividing and aggregating network 1
document imaging processing 1
domain adaptation 1
domain adaptation machine 1
domain generalization 1
domain-dependent regularizer 1
dual-layer markov random field (mrf) 1
duplex focal loss 1
dynamic point cloud sequences 1
earth mover's distance 1
efficient deep learning 1
electron tubes 1
element rearrangement 1
embedding method 1
end-to-end optimization 1
event recognition 1
exemplar svms 1
exemplar-svms 1
face clustering 1
face recognition 1
face tracking 1
face verification 1
face verification in the wild 1
factor graph 1
feature augmentation 1
feature correspondence 1
feature extraction 1
feature space 1
fine-grained visual categorization 1
finite element analysis 1
fisher discrimination criterion 1
fisher vector 1
flexible semi-supervised discriminant analysis 1
frame fusion 1
gait recognition 1
gaussian mixture model 1
gaussian mixture model (gmm) 1
gaze shift 1
gender recognition 1
generalized multi-instance (gmi) learning 1
generative adversarial networks 1
geometry 1
godec 1
graph convolutional network 1
graph embedding framework 1
grounding 1
group multiple kernel learning 1
group-based refinement 1
hashing 1
heterogeneous data co-clustering 1
heterogeneous domain adaptation 1
hidden markov model 1
hierarchical attention mechanism 1
high effectiveness 1
high efficiency 1
histogram contextualization 1
hmm 1
human action recognition 1
human gait recognition 1
human re-identification 1
hyper-spectral image compression 1
hyperspectral image (hsi) 1
ieee multimedia 1
image classification 1
image compression 1
image edge detection 1
image generation 1
image recognition 1
image retrieval 1
image-text joint modeling 1
image-to-class distance 1
imbalance data 1
influence maximization 1
influence spreading path 1
information fusion 1
initialization independent clustering 1
ink-bleed reduction 1
input-output kernel learning 1
insignificant shadow detection 1
integrity learning 1
k-means clustering 1
kalman model 1
kernel design 1
kernel hyperplane learning 1
kernel machine 1
kernel methods 1
kernel selection 1
key moving objects extraction 1
kinect sensor 1
label ambiguity 1
label propagation 1
label regression 1
laplacian embedding 1
laplacian regularized least squares (laprls) 1
large scale 1
large scale image search 1
large scale semi-supervised learning 1
large-scale action recognition 1
large-scale machine learning 1
large-scale web data 1
latent domain discovery 1
latent domains 1
latent representation 1
latent structural svm 1
layer segmentation 1
lda 1
learning to rank 1
learning using privileged information 1
learning using privileged information (lupi) 1
levy flight 1
linear discriminant analysis (lda) 1
linearity regularization 1
local discriminant model 1
location awareness 1
long short-term memory 1
long-short term memory 1
low rank 1
low rank and sparse matrix decomposition 1
low rank representation 1
low-level vision 1
low-rank representation (lrr) 1
manifold embedding 1
manifold learning 1
manifold regularization 1
marginal fisher analysis (mfa) 1
matrix sketching 1
medical image compression 1
message passing 1
mfa 1
mid-level feature representation 1
model compression 1
motion segmentation 1
multi-instance learning 1
multi-instance learning (mil) 1
multi-modality learning 1
multi-state selection graph 1
multi-step fusion 1
multi-view action recognition 1
multi-view clustering 1
multi-view learning 1
multiframe integration 1
multilevel features 1
multilinear algebra 1
multimedia 1
multimedia and graphics 1
multimedia content understanding 1
multimedia data mining 1
multimedia document 1
multiple foreground 1
multiple foregrounds 1
multiple kernel learning 1
multiple kernel learning (mkl) 1
multiple motion video 1
multiple object segmentation 1
multiple source domain adaptation 1
multiview face recognition 1
near duplicate detection 1
near duplicate retrieval 1
neural network 1
neural networks 1
news video 1
null space lda 1
object detection 1
object recognition 1
object reconstruction 1
object representation 1
object segmentation 1
object-based segmentation 1
operational transformation 1
optic disc detection 1
optical coherence tomography 1
out-of-sample clustering 1
over-segmentation 1
parametric distribution 1
part classification network 1
part localization network 1
partial permutation 1
partial permutation matrix 1
partitioned k-means clustering 1
patch distribution feature (pdf) 1
pedestrian detection 1
performance evaluation 1
person re-identification 1
picture in picture news video 1
point cloud 1
point cloud compression 1
point cloud sequence 1
point cloud upsampling 1
predictive models 1
principal component analysis (pca) 1
principal components analysis 1
principal components analysis (pca) 1
proposals 1
prototype hyperplane learning 1
query expansion 1
ranking algorithm 1
real-time collaborative 3d design systems 1
recognition: detection 1
recurrent neural networks 1
recursive filtering 1
region growing 1
regularized trace ratio discriminant analysis 1
relative outlier detection 1
relevance feedback 1
retrieval 1
rgb-d 1
rgbd segmentation 1
rgbd video saliency 1
riemannian manifold 1
rotation invariance 1
saliency 1
saliency detection 1
salient object detection 1
scalable 1
self-paced learning 1
self-supervised learning 1
self-training 1
semantic mining 1
semantics 1
semi-supervised dimension reduction 1
semi-supervised learning 1
semisupervised dimension reduction 1
semisupervised hashing 1
semisupervised learning 1
sentence summarization 1
siamese architecture 1
single sample per person 1
skeleton sequence 1
sliding window 1
slow motion 1
social media 1
social media data 1
social network 1
social web and social network 1
solid modeling 1
source data-free 1
sparse representation (sr) 1
spatial misalignments 1
spatial pyramid 1
spatial structure 1
spatial-temporal aggregation 1
spatially aligned pyramid matching 1
spatially constrained earth mover's distance (semd) 1
spatio-temporal action localization 1
spatio-temporal analysis 1
spatio-temporal exploration 1
spatio-temporal grounding 1
spatiotemporal refinement 1
spectral clustering 1
spectral clustering (sc) 1
spectral embedded 1
spectral embedded clustering 1
sports 1
statistical learning 1
structure preserving 1
subspace analysis 1
subspace clustering 1
subspace learning 1
sudden pedestrian crossing 1
super-resolution 1
superpixels 1
supervision synthesis 1
supervoxels 1
support vector machine 1
support vector machine (svm) with augmented features (afsvm) 1
support vector machines. 1
tag-based image retrieval 1
target recognition 1
task analysis 1
tbir 1
temporal action localization 1
temporal multi-resolution information 1
temporally aligned pyramid matching 1
tensor representation 1
text based photo retrieval 1
text-based image retrieval 1
text-based image retrieval (tbir) 1
textual query based consumer photo retrieval 1
textual query-based consumer photo retrieval 1
three-dimensional displays 1
threshold balance 1
time constrained 1
trace ratio 1
training 1
transfer learning 1
transformer 1
transformers 1
tree traversal 1
trust gate 1
two stream fusion 1
two-stream 1
two-stream cooperation 1
unsupervised active learning 1
unsupervised domain adaptation 1
video analytics 1
video co-segmentation 1
video compression 1
video compression artifact reduction 1
video indexing 1
video object localization 1
video restoration 1
video segmentation 1
videos 1
viewpoint estimation 1
vision applications and systems 1
visual saliency 1
visual search 1
visual surveillance 1
visualization 1
viterbi-like algorithm 1
volumetric image compression 1
weakly labeled learning 1
weakly labeled videos 1
weakly supervised learning 1
weakly supervised semantic segmentation 1
weakly supervised temporal action localization 1
weakly-supervised learning 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
visionsignal and image processing 1
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