AuthorsNo. of Publications
merilä, juha 10
fang, bohao 5
stow, adam 5
jokinen, henri 4
robbins, william d. 4
van herwerden, lynne 4
heimann, kirsten 3
horne, john b. 3
jaiteh, vanessa flora 3
merilae, jkk 3
newman, stephen j. 3
blair, david 2
bonnin, lucas 2
boussarie, germain 2
fang, b 2
fauvelot, cécile 2
feng, xueyun 2
harcourt, robert 2
kemppainen, p 2
kemppainen, petri 2
kiszka, jeremy j. 2
manel, stéphanie 2
mouillot, david 2
sparrow, leanne 2
vigliola, laurent 2
welch, david j. 2
alexandre, carlos m. 1
amézquita, adolfo 1
anggoro, aji wahyu 1
aro, eero 1
asmyhr, maria 1
astarini, ida ayu 1
auvinen, petri 1
baker, allan j. 1
barzaghi, benedetta 1
boissin, e 1
bombi, pierluigi 1
borgatti, danilo 1
braun, c d 1
cahyani, ni kadek dita 1
calboli, federico 1
carosi, a 1
clua, e e 1
cornu, jean françois 1
da cunha bitar, youszef oliveira 1
dahms, c 1
dalpasso, andrea 1
de avila-pires, teresa c.sauer 1
denys, gaël p.j. 1
di canio, viola 1
dietz, rune 1
dudaniec, rachael y. 1
edmunds, richard c. 1
fabricius, k. e. 1
falaschi, mattia 1
ferguson, steve h 1
ficetola, gentile francesco 1
florin, ab 1
florin, ann britt 1
fraimout, antoine 1
fu, chao 1
gambioli, benedetta 1
gardner, michael 1
gautama, dwi ariyoga 1
given, andrew d. 1
grant, w. stewart 1
guo, baocheng 1
hansen, rikke guldborg 1
harcourt, r. 1
harcourt, rob 1
hillersøy, grethe 1
holland, david m 1
hoogmoed, marinus s. 1
jaiteh, v. 1
jernvall, jukka 1
kaefer, igor l. 1
kahilainen, kk 1
kammonen, juhana 1
kovacs, kit m 1
kravchenko, alexandra 1
li, zitong 1
lima, albertina p. 1
liu, shang-yin vanson 1
lydersen, christian 1
löytynoja, ari 1
mahardika, g. n. 1
mahardika, gusti ngurah 1
malik, muhammad danie al 1
manenti, raoul 1
marta, silvio 1
matschiner, michael 1
merilä , j 1
merilä, j 1
mills, james a. 1
muraro, martina 1
murray, shauna 1
nanni, veronica 1
norkko, alf 1
o’hare, jessica a. 1
pardo, claudio 1
parrino, elia lo 1
pertiwi, ni putu dian 1
planes, s 1
raftos, david a. 1
ribeiro, filipe 1
rigét, frank farsø 1
robbins, w. d. 1
rojas, diana 1
rosing‐asvid, aqqalu 1
russ, garry r. 1
sacchi, roberto 1
salvi, daniele 1
scali, stefano 1
scharff‐olsen, camilla hjorth 1
sembiring, a. 1
sembiring, andrianus 1
sherpa, stéphanie 1
shikano, takahito 1
simões, pedro ivo 1
speed, conrad 1
storniolo, federico 1
stow, a. 1
stow, adam j. 1
tange olsen, morten 1
thorrold, s r 1
townsend, robert 1
uthicke, s. 1
uthicke, sven 1
valtonen, mia 1
vignoli, leonardo 1
walsh, cameron a.j. 1
wang, cui 1
wei, shichao 1
wu, hua 1
yusmalinda, ni luh astria 1
zanella, d 1
zanella, ln 1
zhou, y 1
zuffi, marco a l 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
adaptation 3
demographic modeling 3
gene flow 3
genetic diversity 3
parallel evolution 3
secondary contact 3
admixture mapping 2
allele frequency spectrum 2
baltic sea 2
biogeography 2
climate change 2
climatic fluctuations 2
coalescent 2
coregonus lavaretus 2
cryptic species 2
ecological speciation 2
eutrophication 2
evolution 2
fishery 2
flounder 2
gasterosteidae 2
gasterosteus 2
gasterosteus aculeatus 2
genomics 2
gonad weight 2
introgression 2
isolation by distance 2
isolation with migration 2
mixed-stock 2
mixed-stock fishery 2
multispecies coalescent 2
natural selection 2
otolith 2
phylogenomics 2
phylogeography 2
platichthys flesus 2
platichthys solemdali 2
pleuronectidae 2
population differentiation 2
population divergence 2
rad-seq 2
rapid speciation 2
snp 2
stickleback 2
three-spine stickleback 2
threespine stickleback 2
unobserved diversity 2
whitefish 2
approximate bayesian computation 1
arctic 1
australia 1
captive breeding 1
carcharhinus amblyrhynchos 1
ciguatera 1
circuit theory 1
connectivity 1
conservation 1
coral bleaching 1
coral reef 1
coral reefs 1
corridors 1
cr-mtdna 1
demographic modelling 1
diversity 1
elasmobranch 1
environmental drivers 1
foraminifera 1
gambierdiscus 1
genetic analysis 1
genetic drift 1
great barrier reef 1
grey reef sharks 1
hermaphroditism 1
hybridization 1
indigenous knowledge 1
indo-pacfic 1
introns 1
isolation-by-resistance 1
iucn 1
keywords snaggletooth shark 1
ldh-b 1
local adaptation 1
marine mammal 1
marine reserves 1
metapopulation 1
microsatellite 1
microsatellites 1
mirnas 1
mitochondrial introgression 1
multiple paternity 1
ostreopsis 1
pelagic larvae 1
phylogenetics 1
plectropomus laevis 1
plectropomus leopardus 1
polydactylus macrochir 1
polynemidae 1
population genetic 1
population genetics 1
prorocentrum 1
recruitment cohorts 1
reef sharks 1
sand tiger shark 1
seascape genomics 1
self-recruitment 1
shark 1
shark fisheries 1
ssrs 1
stock structure 1
symbiodinium 1
symbiosis 1
temperature 1
threatened 1
traditional fishery distribution 1
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