AuthorsNo. of Publications
marlow, neil 19
wolke, dieter 16
johnson, samantha 15
baumann, nicole 5
beckmann, joanne 5
hurst, john r. 5
bernardi, marialivia 4
fahy, amanda 4
lancaster, rebecca 4
larsen, jennifer 4
suonpera, emmi 4
trickett, jayne 4
evensen, kari anne i. 3
guo, lan 3
hesketh, therese 3
indredavik, marit s. 3
mendonça, marina 3
morris, joan k. 3
o'reilly, helen 3
anderson, peter j. 2
bartmann, peter 2
darlow, brian a. 2
doyle, lex w. 2
eves, robert 2
heinonen, kati 2
horwood, john 2
hovi, petteri 2
jiang, weiqing 2
kajantie, eero 2
li, leah 2
lu, ciyong 2
o’reilly, helen 2
petrou, stavros 2
raikkonen, katri 2
wang, wanxin 2
yang, yuwei 2
zeitlin, jennifer 2
zhou, xudong 2
achana, felix 1
aden, ulrika 1
ancel, pierre yves 1
bakker, leonhard a. 1
bakoy, hannah 1
barros, henrique 1
benhammou, valérie 1
bilsteen, josephine funck 1
bishai, david m 1
boerch, klaus 1
bolbocean, corneliu 1
bolton, charlotte e. 1
cheong, jeanie 1
cheong, jeanie l.y. 1
chow, mathew sc 1
cockcroft, john r. 1
cowling, benjamin j 1
croci, ileana 1
cuttini, marina 1
deng, xueqing 1
draper, elizabeth 1
flores, francis p 1
gandhi, rashmi 1
gong, jianhua 1
halvorsen, thomas 1
han, xue 1
hayixibayi, alimila 1
he, yitong 1
hua, yilin 1
jain, saurabh 1
khan, kamran 1
källén, karin 1
lam, hugh s 1
land, tuuli 1
lebeer, jo 1
lehtonen, liisa 1
leung, gabriel m 1
li, li 1
li, weidong 1
li, wenyan 1
lin, sheng-hsuan 1
liu, qianyu 1
liu, yifeng 1
lun, phyllis 1
maier, rolf f. 1
mceniery, carmel m. 1
mo, weijian 1
morgan, andrei 1
morris, joan 1
ni, michael y 1
ning, ke 1
nosarti, chiara 1
rtimi, anass 1
räikkönen, katri 1
sarrechia, iemke 1
sentenac, mariane 1
sim, peng yong 1
tian, linwei 1
tikanmaki, marjaana 1
uddin, nabil 1
unwin, bronia 1
van buuren, stef 1
van der pal, sylvia 1
varendi, heili 1
verrips, erik 1
vollsaeter, maria 1
wen, zihao 1
woodward, lianne 1
woodward, lianne j. 1
xiao, di 1
xu, ke 1
yang, li 1
ylijoki, milla 1
zhang, jinxin 1
zhang, wei hong 1
zhao, jing 1
zuo, liandong 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
children 5
covid-19 vaccine 5
epidemiology 5
longitudinal 5
registry 5
school vaccination policy 5
vaccine pass 5
vaccine refusal 5
academic attainment 1
adhd 1
adult outcomes 1
adulthood 1
adverse adulthood experience 1
adverse childhood experience 1
attention 1
autism spectrum disorder 1
autistic traits 1
behavioural problems 1
broader autism phenotype 1
bullying 1
bullying victimisation 1
cardiovascular diseases 1
cardiovascular function 1
child abuse 1
child abusers 1
child development 1
child health 1
child maltreatment 1
childhood 1
china 1
cognition 1
cohort 1
cohort studies 1
cohort study 1
congenital anomalies 1
congenital heart disease 1
costs 1
cultural contexts 1
early adulthood 1
economic 1
emotional problems 1
extreme prematurity 1
extremely preterm 1
growth 1
growth trajectories 1
handedness 1
health utilities 1
health-related quality of life 1
intelligence 1
interpregnancy interval 1
iq 1
laterality 1
longitudinal study 1
lung function 1
maternal age;perinatal 1
maternal education 1
mediation 1
mental health 1
mental illness 1
neonatology 1
neurology 1
new-onset cardiovascular disease 1
parental aggressive tendency 1
parental history of childhood maltreatment 1
perceptions of domestic violence 1
preterm 1
preterm birth 1
processing speed 1
prospective reports 1
psychology 1
refugees 1
retrospective recall 1
sleep 1
social participation 1
trajectory 1
very-preterm births 1
visuospatial processing 1
witnessing domestic violence 1
working memory 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
ni, michael yuxuan 1
wong, corine sau man 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 3
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