Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
lu, yi | 4 |
liu, tracy xiao | 2 |
song, hong | 2 |
tang, jie | 2 |
cai, xiqian | 1 |
chen, roy | 1 |
fu, qiang | 1 |
gong, jie | 1 |
lu, yi | 1 |
pan, j | 1 |
png, i. p.l. | 1 |
png, ipl | 1 |
qiu, jiezhong | 1 |
sun, ang | 1 |
weic, zhichao | 1 |
xie, huihua | 1 |
xue, yufei | 1 |
zhang, chenhui | 1 |
zhang, qian | 1 |
zhong, songfa | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
emotion | 2 |
health | 2 |
labor supply | 2 |
marginal treatment effects | 2 |
productivity | 2 |
reference dependence | 2 |
teenage adversity | 2 |
work interruption | 2 |
corporate social responsibility | 1 |
field experiment | 1 |
group formation | 1 |
job assignment | 1 |
law | 1 |
long-run career outcomes | 1 |
moocs | 1 |
on-the-job experience | 1 |
online engagement | 1 |
online platform design | 1 |
outsourcing | 1 |
predictive model | 1 |
self selection | 1 |
teamwork | 1 |
user behavior | 1 |
vertical integration | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
human vs machine, automation, productivity, non-routine tasks | 1 |
Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
economicsoperations management | 1 |