Wong, Jessica Yuen-ting


AuthorsNo. of Publications
cowling, bj 54
wu, p 41
lau, ehy 37
leung, gm 24
gao, h 13
adam, dc 12
wu, jtk 12
ali, st 11
peiris, jsm 11
chen, d 9
ho, f 9
ip, dkm 9
cowling, benjamin j. 8
nishiura, h 8
wu, peng 8
xiao, j 8
fang, j 7
lau, yc 7
lim, ww 7
tsang, klt 7
bond, hs 6
goldstein, e 6
shiu, eyc 6
tsang, tk 6
yeung, a 6
fang, vj 5
chan, kh 4
chuang, sk 4
du, z 4
fang, vicky j. 4
kelly, h 4
lin, y 4
ng, s 4
perera, rapm 4
yang, b 4
yang, l 4
bond, helen s. 3
cauchemez, st 3
cowling, benjamin j 3
feng, l 3
fong, mw 3
hao, x 3
li, l 3
liao, q 3
ryu, s 3
so, hc 3
sullivan, sg 3
wai, w 3
wu, y 3
chen, y 2
cheng, cky 2
cheung, justin k 2
cheung, justin k. 2
cheung, khj 2
deng, x 2
freeman, g 2
gao, huizhi 2
he, x 2
he, y 2
jiang, h 2
lau, eric h.y. 2
lau, eric h.y. 2
lau, yiu chung 2
leung, gabriel m 2
leung, gabriel m. 2
li, f 2
lim, wey wen 2
lin, yun 2
ma, esk 2
martin sanchez, m 2
ng, tw 2
peng, z 2
shan, s 2
tian, l 2
tsang, kl 2
tsang, t 2
tsang, thf 2
tsang, tim k 2
wang, j 2
wang, l 2
wang, x 2
wu, jt 2
xin, hualei 2
xu, x-k 2
yang, bingyi 2
yang, j 2
yang, r 2
yu, h 2
zhang, q 2
zheng, j 2
zhong, m 2
aali, a. 1
abaab, f. 1
aboulker, j. p. 1
abrams, e. j. 1
abreu, t. 1
acevedo-flores, m. 1
akleh, s. 1
alchediak, t. 1
alecsandru, l. 1
alexandre-castor, g. 1
alford, t. 1
alvarez, a. 1
ananworanich, j. 1
andré, e. 1
angeli, l. 1
archer, p. 1
arias, j. 1
babiker, abdel 1
badolato, r. 1
ball, c. 1
ball, g. 1
ball, l. 1
bane, j. 1
barnes, r 1
barr, ig 1
barrett, l. 1
batra, j. 1
belfrage, e. 1
belger, t. 1
bellert, s. 1
belmega, c. 1
benabadji, z. 1
beniken, d. 1
bennato, v. 1
bernardi, s. 1
bertulli, c. 1
berzi, a. 1
bhatt, samir 1
biggerstaff, m 1
blanche, s. 1
blyth, cc 1
boddy, g. 1
bohlin, a. b. 1
bologna, r. 1
borkowsky, w. 1
borne, c. 1
boudjoudi, n. 1
bowen, g. 1
bradford, s. 1
britto, p. 1
brody, b. 1
brouwers, p. 1
brownstein, js 1
brusati, m. 1
bryson, y. 1
bucholz, b. 1
buck, l. 1
buckberry, k. 1
buckton, a. 1
burger, d. 1
burke, m. 1
buskirk, s. 1
butler, k. 1
butler, m. 1
butler, p. 1
byrne, m. 1
cagwin, e. 1
calo, d. 1
campbell, s. 1
carreira, h. 1
casey, d. 1
castelli gattinara, g. 1
castelli-gattinara, g. 1
castro, hannah 1
cauchemez, s 1
cauchemez, simon 1
cerracchio, l. 1
cervi, m. c. 1
chadwick, e. 1
chaix, m. l. 1
champion, s. 1
chang, a. l. 1
chang, z 1
chen, c 1
chen, dongxuan 1
chen, q 1
chen, t 1
chen, t. 1
chen, tao 1
chen, w 1
chen, weilie 1
chen, yanqing 1
cheng, a. 1
cheung, chung mei m. 1
cheung, cm 1
cheung, dh 1
cheung, jk 1
chiu, ss 1
chiu, sss 1
chu, kw 1
church, j. a. 1
clapson, m. 1
clayden, p. 1
cleto, s. 1
cobey, s 1
cohen, j. 1
collins, d. 1
collinson, a. 1
colombo, i. 1
compagnucci, alexandra 1
concato, c. 1
contello, k. a. 1
cook, ar 1
costa, s. 1
costello, d. 1
cottalorda, j. 1
courcoux, m. f. 1
cowling, b 1
cowling, bj 1
croteau, r. 1
cucunubá, zm 1
daghofer, e. 1
damond, f. 1
darbyshire, j. 1
darbyshire, j. h. 1
de bortoli, c. 1
de groot, r. 1
de rossi, a. 1
de souza, c. b.s.s. 1
debré, m. 1
dehache, l. 1
dehée, a. 1
delgado garcia, r. 1
della negra, m. 1
delommois, g. 1
deluchi, g. 1
deng, xilong 1
deng, z 1
denon, m. 1
depala, m. 1
dersimonian, r. 1
deveikis, a. 1
deveikis, l. 1
deville, j. 1
deygoo, s. 1
dieudonne, a. 1
dinh, l 1
diniz, a. 1
diniz, m. 1
discenza, s. 1
dodge, j. 1
doerholt, k. 1
dollfus, c. 1
donaghy, s. 1
dong, t. 1
donnelly, christl a 1
donohoe, m. 1
doshi, s. 1
doyle, a. 1
draghicenoiu, r. 1
duiculescu, d. 1
dunaway, t. 1
dunn, m. 1
elkins, k. 1
eloby-childress, s. 1
emmanuel, p. j. 1
evangelista, l. 1
fabregas, l. 1
fairlie, l 1
falconi, i. 1
fanning, j. 1
farias, i. 1
farmer, c. 1
farrelly, l. 1
faye, a. 1
febo, i. l. 1
feiterna-sperling, c. 1
feng, luzhao 1
feng, s 1
feng, shuo 1
feng, z 1
ferguson, e. 1
ferguson, nm 1
fernandes, i. 1
fernandez, a. d. 1
fernandez, m. 1
ferrari, j. m. 1
ferraro, d. m. 1
ferreira, a. 1
ferreira, f. 1
fidler, k. 1
fielding, r 1
filisetti, m. 1
fineanganofo, i. 1
finn, a. 1
firtion, g. 1
fiscus, susan 1
fleming, t. 1
floch, c. 1
florea, c. 1
flynn, j. 1
flynn, p. 1
foca, m. 1
forcat, s. 1
foster, c. 1
frenkel, l. 1
frere, m. 1
frillici, c. 1
furcas, a. 1
gabaldi, j. c. 1
galimand, j. 1
galvez, c. 1
gao, gf 1
garcia lopez, m. 1
garcia mellado, i. 1
garcía torre, a. 1
garrovillo, l. 1
gaur, s. 1
gershon, a. 1
giacomet, v. 1
giaquinto, carlo 1
gibb, d. 1
gibb, diana m. 1
glass, ge 1
goldstein, edward 1
gomez, m. p. 1
gonzalez tomé, m. i. 1
gonzalez, m. 1
goode, m. 1
gordon, a. 1
gostic, k 1
gould, susan 1
graisbery, c. 1
grosch-wörner, i. 1
guan, x 1
guan, y 1
guan, yujuan 1
gudowius, s. 1
guzman-cottrill, j. 1
guérin, c. 1
hadjou, g. 1
haley, h. 1
hamadache, d. 1
handelsman, e. 1
hao, xinxin 1
haque, u 1
harper, lynda 1
harrison, linda 1
hastings, t. 1
hawkins, s. 1
hayes, c. 1
hayes, e. 1
he, d 1
he, xi 1
he, yangni 1
hichou, h. 1
hill, c. 1
hill, v 1
ho, faith 1
ho, lm 1
hobbs, j. 1
hodge, j. 1
hoffman, f. 1
holz, w. 1
homans, j. 1
hongjie, y 1
horton, j. 1
hu, f 1
hu, fengyu 1
hu, w 1
huck, k. 1
hughes, michael 1
hutchison, e. 1
hyland, e. 1
ilie, m. 1
ilmet, t. 1
imai, n 1
ip, d 1
ip, dennis k.m. 1
issac, m. l. 1
jackson alvarez, j. 1
jacobsen, m. 1
jeffries, k. 1
jennings, c. 1
jervis, m. 1
jiang, hui 1
jimenez nacher, i. 1
jimenez, j. l. 1
jin, l 1
jit, mark 1
johansson, ma 1
johnson, d. 1
johnson, j. 1
johnson, m. 1
johnson, s. 1
jungmann, e. 1
jurgrau, a. 1
kabat, k. 1
kada, s 1
kahn, r 1
kakehasi, f. 1
kamara, a 1
kamara, p. 1
kargbo, b 1
kaye, s. 1
kelly, m. a. 1
kelso, j 1
kennedy-shaffer, l 1
keuth, m. 1
kim, k. m. 1
king, j. 1
klein, n. 1
kline, m. 1
kovacs, a. 1
krivine, a. 1
kudesia, g. 1
kwok, ko 1
kwolfe, d. 1
lachassinne, e. 1
lajeunesse, m. 1
lakshman, r. 1
lallemant, m. 1
lam, ehy 1
lam, tty 1
lambert, j. 1
lau, ehy 1
lau, eric h y 1
lau, eric hy 1
lau, msy 1
lau, y 1
laverty, s. 1
lawrence, r. 1
laws, h. j. 1
le gueyades, n. 1
le moal, i. 1
le pelletier, a. 1
leleu, j. 1
lepage, p. 1
leung, g 1
leung, gabriel m. 1
leung, gm 1
leung, ksm 1
leung, ksm 1
leung, nhl 1
leung, vky 1
levy, j. 1
lewis, b 1
lewis, g. 1
li, c 1
li, d 1
li, fang 1
li, h 1
li, li 1
li, mingwei 1
li, q 1
li, s 1
li, y 1
li, z 1
lian, y. c. 1
liao, b 1
liao, baolin 1
liao, q 1
liebeschuetz, s. 1
lira, l. m. 1
liu, b 1
liu, c 1
liu, chang 1
liu, f 1
liu, h 1
liu, m 1
liu, shiwei 1
liu, t 1
liu, y 1
liu, yunning 1
lobato, v. 1
loeffler, h. 1
lugo, l. 1
lujan-zimmerman, j. 1
luo, y 1
luzuriaga, k. 1
lyall, h. 1
léonardo, s. 1
ma, z 1
mahmoudi, s. 1
malheiro, a. 1
malik peiris, j. s. 1
mangano, a. 1
marczynska, m. 1
mardarescu, m. 1
marino, s. 1
marion, a. 1
marks, s. 1
martin fontelos, p. 1
martinez-allier, n. 1
martino, a. 1
martins, l. 1
marty, l. 1
martín-sánchez, mario 1
matsubara, t. c. 1
matusa, r. 1
mazhude, c. 1
mazza, a. 1
mazzei, a. 1
mc menamin, me 1
mcdonagy, s. 1
mckinney, ross 1
mcmaster, p. 1
mcmullen-jackson, c. 1
mcneil, p. 1
mecikovsky, d. 1
mekaru, sr 1
mellado pena, m. j. 1
mellul, s. 1
melo, m. f. 1
melvin, ann 1
melvin, d. 1
menon, a. 1
mesfin, ym 1
meyers, t 1
michalik, d. 1
mills, cathal 1
milne, gj 1
mirza, a. 1
mo, x 1
mo, xiaoneng 1
modlin, j. 1
mofenson, lynne 1
mohan, k. 1
monpoux, f. 1
monrose, c. 1
moore, hc 1
moore, s. 1
morgan, o 1
moshal, k. 1
moultrie, h 1
muir, d. 1
murante, b. 1
murphy, c 1
murphy, caitriona 1
mussi-pinhata, m. m. 1
muñoz fernandez, m. a. 1
méchinaud, f. 1
méritet, j. f. 1
müller, c. 1
nachman, s. 1
nadal, d. 1
navarante, l. 1
navarra, j. 1
nayagam, d. 1
nealon, jap 1
nealon, joshua 1
neely, m. 1
negrini, b. v.m. 1
nelson, j. 1
nesel, c. 1
netescu, silvia 1
neubauer, r. 1
neubert, j. 1
newbould, c. 1
ng, twy 1
nganzali, f. 1
nguyen, k. 1
ni, kaiwen 1
ni, my 1
nickel, r. 1
niehues, t. 1
norgeux, c. 1
notheis, g. 1
novelli, v. 1
oliveira, r. h. 1
oprea, c. 1
orendi, j. 1
ortwin, a. 1
otelea, d. 1
o’connell, m. 1
o’connell, r. 1
o’connor, k. 1
o’connor, m. 1
o’sullivan, n. 1
pabst, b. 1
pacola, d. p. 1
painter, d. 1
pala, a. 1
palm, j. 1
palma, p. 1
palumbo, p. 1
pastore y piontti, a 1
patel, d. 1
patel, n. 1
paul, m. e. 1
peckham, c. 1
peiser, c. 1
peng, y. 1
peng, zhibin 1
penin, m. 1
perera, ranawaka a.p.m. 1
pfurtscheller, k. 1
picard, d. 1
piening, t. 1
pillay, d. 1
pineda, n. 1
pineiro perez, r. 1
pinillos, f 1
pinto, j. 1
poalelungi, d. 1
pollard, a. 1
polonsky, ja 1
pontrelli, g. 1
pourrat, m. 1
powell, c. 1
poziak, a. 1
prasad, pv 1
puga, a. 1
qi, jinlei 1
qin, y 1
qin, ying 1
quan, j 1
quandelacy, tm 1
queiroz, w. 1
rambaut, a 1
ramos amador, j. t. 1
rampon, o. 1
rana, s. 1
rathore, m. h. 1
reed, c. 1
rein, m. 1
reliquet, v. 1
ren, r 1
riault, y. 1
rice, p. 1
riley, s 1
rivaux, d. 1
rivers, c 1
roa, j. 1
robb, m. 1
rochford, a. 1
rodallec, a. 1
rodier, c. 1
rodriguez lozano, y. 1
rodriguez, c. 1
rojo conejo, p. 1
romeiro, j. 1
rosado, l. 1
rossetti, g. 1
rosso, r. 1
rouzioux, c. 1
rudin, c. 1
rugina, s. 1
ryan, c. 1
sanders, s 1
santos, r. 1
sapia, m. c. 1
sawry, s 1
saïdi, y. 1
scherpbier, h. 1
schmitz, t. 1
schneider, l. 1
schnuriger, a. 1
schumacher, f. 1
scott, d. 1
scott, s. 1
segal, s. 1
sellers, r. 1
sellier, m. 1
sen, l. 1
seto, wing hong 1
seyboldt, s. 1
shackley, f. 1
shah, v. 1
shah, z. 1
shao, g 1
sharland, m. 1
shearer, w. t. 1
shenton, j. 1
shi, g 1
shingadia, d. 1
shiu, eunice y. 1
shu, y 1
silio, m. 1
silva, g. 1
sloper, k. 1
smidt, e. 1
smith, j. 1
smith, m. elizabeth 1
smyth, a. 1
snelling, m. 1
so, hau chi 1
so, t 1
sodiende, b. 1
sorlini, a. 1
spector, s. 1
spencer, l. 1
spinelli, e. 1
sprenger, h. 1
stevanovic, m. 1
stiehm, e. 1
storey, s. 1
stringari, g. 1
stroobant, j. 1
sullivan, j. 1
sullivan, s 1
swaby, k. 1
swaminathan, k. 1
swan, j. 1
tabone, m. d. 1
talero, g. 1
tan, x 1
tan, xinghua 1
tao, z 1
tappero, jw 1
tardei, g. 1
tatum, g. 1
taylor, c. 1
tchidjou, h. 1
thorne, c. 1
tomosada, w. 1
tong, y 1
tournier, v. 1
tovo, p. a. 1
toye, m. 1
trabattoni, d. 1
tsang, tim k. 1
tsang, tk 1
tu, w 1
tudor-williams, gareth 1
tutko, j. 1
usher, j. 1
valentin, p. 1
valerius, n. 1
van dyke, r. 1
vandemaele, ka 1
vasquez bonilla, s. 1
vaudre, g. 1
vella, s. 1
vespignani, a 1
viganò, a. 1
vladau, l. 1
voicu, e. 1
walker, a. sarah 1
walsh, a. 1
walters, s. 1
wang, jian 1
wang, lijun 1
wang, q 1
wang, r 1
wang, xiling 1
ward, b. 1
warmbrod, kl 1
warncke, g. 1
warshaw, m. 1
waters, a. 1
wei, wi 1
weinberg, g. a. 1
weiner, l. 1
welch, s. 1
wells, c. 1
werthmann, a. 1
whyms, i. 1
wigger, m. 1
wintergerst, u. 1
wong, irene ol 1
wong, s. 1
wu, j 1
wu, p 1
wu, yanrong 1
xiang, n 1
xiao, jingyi 1
xie, yanmy 1
xin, h 1
xing, x 1
xiong, weijia 1
yang, b 1
yang, jing 1
yang, juan 1
yang, y 1
yeadon, s. 1
yeagley, e. 1
yeung, s. 1
yogev, r. 1
yu, hongjie 1
yu, j 1
zanchetta, m. 1
zenz, w. 1
zhang, f 1
zhang, fuchun 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, juanjuan 1
zhang, qing 1
zhang, ru 1
zhang, w 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, jing 1
zhao, l 1
zhao, lingzhai 1
zheng, jiandong 1
zhong, mingqiu 1
zhou, jiayi 1
zhou, l 1
zhou, maigeng 1
zhou, s 1
zoccano, a. 1
zyl, gv 1
zöhrer, b. 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 22
disease burden 16
public health 13
influenza virus 12
death 11
human influenza 11
vaccination 11
disparities 10
intervention 10
sars-cov-2 10
socioeconomic 10
surveillance 10
work from home 10
hospitalization 9
mass testing 9
severity 9
transmission dynamics 9
immunity 8
impact 8
incidence rates 8
influenza 8
2009 h1n1 influenza 7
adolescent 7
antibody titer 7
child 7
incubation period 7
influenza vaccine 7
control 6
epidemiological monitoring 6
epidemiology 6
generation time 6
h7n9 subtype 6
humidity 6
infectious disease outbreak 6
influenza a 6
influenza a virus 6
interventions 6
line list 6
pandemic preparedness 6
pandemic responses 6
prediction 6
reproduction number 6
seasonality 6
seriousness 6
transmissibility 6
controlled study 5
coronavirus disease 2019 5
disease control 5
disease severity 5
disease transmission 5
medical sciences 5
epidemiologic methods 4
excess mortality 4
in-hospital mortality 4
influenza‐like illness 4
mortality 4
out-of-hospital mortality 4
systematic review 4
systematic reviews 4
age factors 3
aircraft 3
antimicrobial resistance 3
asia-pacific 3
coronavirus 3
ebola virus 3
hospitalisation 3
influenza, human - epidemiology - prevention and control 3
key words influenza 3
methicillin resistance 3
mrsa 3
pandemics 3
staphylococcus aureus 3
travel 3
2019 novel coronavirus disease 2
breathing disorder 2
care homes 2
china 2
classification 2
communicable disease 2
coughing 2
disease surveillance 2
education 2
environmental protection 2
epidemiological parameters 2
hand washing 2
human 2
infection control 2
influenza - mathematical models 2
influenza - mathematical models. 2
influenza a (h1n1) 2
influenza viruses 2
lockdown 2
mathematical modeling 2
nonhealthcare settings 2
nonhuman 2
nonpharmaceutical measures 2
pandemic 2
public health surveillance - mathematical models 2
public health surveillance - mathematical models. 2
schools 2
social distancing 2
transmission 2
children 1
hiv 1
lopinavir/ritonavir 1
virologic failure 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 6
epidemiology,population health 3
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