AuthorsNo. of Publications
wen, jianguang 29
xiao, qing 25
liu, qinhuo 24
lin, xingwen 21
you, dongqin 20
hao, dalei 19
chen, bin 12
yin, gaofei 11
tang, yong 9
zeng, yelu 8
gong, peng 7
xu, baodong 7
xu, bing 7
li, jing 6
wang, j 6
wu, j 6
wu, xiaodan 6
chen, xiuzhi 5
song, yimeng 5
webster, chris 5
yan, kai 5
bian, zunjian 4
fan, weiliang 4
liu, liyang 4
su, yongxian 4
yan, z 4
yuan, wenping 4
cao, biao 3
chen, b 3
ciais, philippe 3
du, yongming 3
gong, fanxi 3
guo, z 3
li, hua 3
song, g 3
song, guangqin 3
wu, jin 3
zhao, wei 3
an, jiafu 2
bao, yunfei 2
chen, min 2
chen, y 2
cheng, juan 2
dai, yuhang 2
fan, lei 2
gastellu-etchegorry, jean philippe 2
gong, baochang 2
gong, p 2
han, yuan 2
he, min 2
jin, yufang 2
lafortezza, raffaele 2
lee, kfc 2
li, ainong 2
lin, chen 2
lin, z 2
lin, ziyu 2
liu, guoxiang 2
liu, l 2
liu, qiang 2
lu, haibo 2
nelson, bw 2
rogers, a 2
song, y 2
su, y 2
venevsky, sergey 2
wang, jing 2
webster, cj 2
wei, hong 2
wu, chao 2
wu, jianping 2
wu, y 2
xu, b 2
yang, bin 2
yang, d 2
yang, xueqin 2
yin, tiangang 2
zhang, chaoqun 2
zhang, hailong 2
zhao, y 2
zhu, x 2
araujo, raquel fernandes 1
asrar, ghassem r. 1
badgley, grayson 1
bao, fangwen 1
bell, michelle l 1
berry, joseph a. 1
bian, jinhu 1
bogonovich, m 1
bogonovich, marc 1
bogonovich, md 1
bohlman, stephanie 1
bonal, damien 1
cao, r 1
chen, guixing 1
chen, jing m. 1
chen, m 1
chen, rui 1
chen, s 1
chen, shuli 1
chen, tingting 1
chen, x 1
chen, xidong 1
cheng, peter chuen yan 1
christen, andreas 1
chrysoulakis, nektarios 1
crawford, ben 1
cushman, katherine 1
dai, g 1
damm, alexander 1
deng, m 1
detto, m 1
dou, baocheng 1
ely, kim s. 1
ely, ks 1
fan, tengyuan 1
fortuniak, krzysztof 1
geng, jun 1
gentine, pierre 1
gong, zhangrong 1
grimmond, sue 1
gu, y 1
guan, k 1
hao, da lei 1
he, chao 1
hong, je woo 1
hong, jinkyu 1
hong, song 1
hu, guoqing 1
hu, ronghai 1
huang, chaoqing 1
huang, huaguo 1
huang, kai 1
huang, yufei 1
huete, alfredo r. 1
irvine, mark 1
jin, huaan 1
jin, y 1
johnson, jennifer 1
kong, fanxi 1
krieger, vera 1
lafortezza, r 1
lang, wei 1
lee, calvin k.f. 1
lee, calvin ka fai 1
lee, ka fai calvin 1
li, j 1
li, miao 1
li, qian 1
lin, x 1
lin, xinwen 1
lipson, mathew 1
liu, hui 1
liu, q 1
liu, shouyang 1
liu, yaling 1
lv, chunguang 1
ma, lei 1
ma, q 1
maignan, fabienne 1
masson, valéry 1
meng, lei 1
mu, xihan 1
muller-landau, helene 1
nelson, bruce w. 1
ng, kp 1
ng, michael k. 1
ng, michael kwok po 1
nguyen, minh thu 1
parlow, eberhard 1
pawlak, wlodzimierz 1
peng, jian 1
piao, shilong 1
qi, jianbo 1
qi, yongdong 1
qiu, han 1
rascher, uwe 1
rogers, alistair 1
roth, matthias 1
roujean, jean louis 1
roujean, jl 1
ryu, youngryel 1
saleska, s 1
saleska, scott 1
serbin, s 1
serbin, shawn p. 1
serbin, sp 1
shang, jiali 1
shen, ruoque 1
shi, hanyu 1
song, wanjuan 1
sun, chuanzhun 1
sun, qingling 1
sun, zounachuan 1
tapper, nigel 1
tian, qingjiu 1
tu, lili 1
tu, peiyue 1
tu, y 1
tu, ying 1
velasco, erik 1
verger, aleixandre 1
wang, b 1
wang, dan 1
wang, dandan 1
wang, h 1
wang, lei 1
wang, x 1
wang, yingping 1
wang, yuan 1
wang, yusheng 1
ward, helen claire 1
wen, j 1
wolfe, brett t. 1
wolfe, bt 1
wright, joseph 1
wright‬, s. joseph 1
wu, zhifeng 1
xiao, q 1
xiao, zhiqiang 1
xu, peng 1
xu, x 1
yang, daryl 1
yang, huan 1
yang, le 1
yang, ranran 1
yang, song 1
yang, x 1
yang, yanjun 1
yang, yuanzhi 1
yin, g 1
you, d 1
you, dongqing 1
you, donqin 1
yu, le 1
yu, wenbo 1
yuan, shuai 1
yuan, z 1
zhang, fangfang 1
zhang, haicheng 1
zhang, jing 1
zhang, junye 1
zhang, zhaoyang 1
zhang, zhenzhen 1
zhao, jing 1
zhao, jun 1
zhao, yingyi 1
zheng, yonghong 1
zhong, shouyi 1
zhou, chenghu 1
zhu, peng 1
zhu, xiaolin 1
zhu, z 1
zhu, zhe 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
modis 7
biophysical process 5
landsat 5
ndvi 5
phenocam 5
radiative forcing 5
surface albedo 5
urban environment 5
brdf correction 3
china 3
cropland loss 3
drone/uav 3
environmental kuznets curve 3
flower detection 3
flower fraction 3
green chromatic coordinate 3
land use change 3
leaf quality 3
leaf quantity 3
proximate remote sensing 3
residual networks 3
resnet50 3
semantic segmentation 3
tropical forests 3
tropical phenology 3
urbanization 3
aerodynamic resistance 2
air temperature 2
autogluon 2
bowen ratio 2
cloud and cloud shadow detection 2
cooling efficiency 2
data fusion 2
energy redistribution 2
environmental exposure 2
environmental injustice 2
forest biophysical effects 2
geoai 2
geospatial big data 2
heat anomalies 2
high-resolution satellite 2
human mobility 2
hyperparameter optimization 2
india 2
individual tree-crown 2
land cover types 2
machine-learning algorithms 2
multi-scale remote sensing 2
multi-scale satellite observations 2
multifaceted associations 2
net ecosystem productivity 2
pixel quality control 2
planetscope 2
population spatialization 2
population-weighted exposure 2
reflectance cross-calibration 2
remote sensing 2
social sensing 2
soil temperature 2
southeast asia 2
thermal comfort 2
thermal mitigation 2
tropical areas 2
understory microclimate 2
urban tree growth 2
3d computer model 1
a posteriori variance estimation 1
accuracy assessment 1
aerosol optical depth 1
albedo 1
albedo products 1
analytical model 1
angstrom exponent 1
angular normalization 1
anisotropic reflectance 1
bidirectional reflectance 1
bidirectional reflectance distribution function (brdf) 1
bidirectional reflectance distribution function (brdf) /bidirectional reflectance factor (brf) 1
black-sky albedo (bsa) 1
brdf 1
brdf/brf 1
canopy brf 1
canopy reflectance 1
canopy reflectance (cr) modeling 1
canopy structure 1
canopy variability 1
changting 1
clear-sky conditions 1
climate and phenology regime 1
climate change 1
climatic driver 1
clumping index 1
component spectra 1
composite slope 1
composite sloping terrain 1
consistent surface reflectance 1
cost function 1
dart 1
dart model 1
dendroclimatology 1
diffuse skylight 1
diffuse skylight (skyl) 1
digital elevation model 1
digital photography 1
directional anisotropies 1
directional anisotropy 1
downward surface shortwave radiation (dssr) 1
downward surface solar radiation (dssr) 1
drought 1
effective leaf area index (lai) 1
energy budget 1
energy factor 1
eos land validation core sites 1
equivalent slope 1
exclusion distance 1
explicit method (em) 1
flux tracing 1
forest 1
forest plantations 1
frt model 1
gap fraction 1
geolocation bias 1
geometric optical (go) 1
geometric-optical (go) modeling 1
geometrical optical model (gom) 1
global land surface satellite (glass) 1
ground measurement 1
himawari ahi 1
hot spot 1
hypergeometric model 1
hyperspectral remote sensing 1
image procession 1
implicit method (im) 1
inter-annual variations 1
kernel-driven 1
kernel-driven model 1
lambertian assumption 1
lambertian based model 1
land surface albedo 1
land surface albedo;multi-scale validation 1
land surface reflectance 1
land surface reflectance (sr) 1
land surface temperature 1
leaf abscission and productivity 1
leaf angle distribution (lad) 1
leaf area index 1
leaf functional traits 1
leaf inclination angle 1
leaf inclination distribution 1
leaf optical properties 1
leaf reflectance/transmittance 1
lst 1
mcd43a3 1
mcd43a3 c6 1
measurement 1
model inversion 1
mrt-basedmodel 1
near-infrared reflectance of vegetation (nirv) 1
near-surface remote sensing 1
non-lambertian model 1
normalized difference vegetation index (ndvi) 1
optical-thermal 1
optics remote sensing 1
ordinary least squares (ols) 1
path length correction 1
path length correction (plc) 1
photon recollision probability 1
pinus massoniana 1
plant adaptive strategy 1
quantitative remote sensing 1
radiative transfer 1
radiative transfer (rt) 1
radiosity 1
random forest 1
ray tracing 1
red edge 1
reflectance 1
remote sensing modeling 1
representativeness errors 1
rossthick-lisparse-reciprocal (rtlsr) 1
rtlsr 1
rugged sloped surface 1
rugged terrain 1
satellite remote sensing 1
scale correction 1
scale effect 1
scattering by arbitrarily inclined leaves (sail) 1
sentinel-2 1
shadow factor 1
singular value decomposition (svd) 1
sky-view factor 1
sloped surface 1
sloping forest 1
sloping sr (ssr) 1
sloping terrain 1
snow cover 1
snow-free albedo 1
soil and atmospheric water stresses 1
soil contamination 1
soil reflectance 1
solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (sif) 1
solo slope 1
south china sea 1
spatial mismatch 1
spectral invariant 1
spectral invariants theory 1
sst reconstruction 1
standardization 1
subtopography 1
sunlight availability 1
sunlit foliage component 1
surface heterogeneity 1
surface radiation 1
terrain 1
terrain parameter 1
tibetan plateau 1
topographic correction 1
topographic correction assessment 1
topographic effect 1
topographic effects 1
topographic normalization 1
topography 1
tropical evergreen forests 1
tropical forest 1
tropical leaf phenology 1
unimodal and bimodal phenology 1
upscaling 1
urban temperature 1
validation 1
vegetation 1
volumetric scattering kernel 1
white-sky albedo (wsa) 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
chen, bin 2
ren, chao 1
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