Name Card
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Dr Chan, Kit Yan 陳潔茵

Senior Lecturer

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Dr Chan, Kit Yan 陳潔茵

Senior Lecturer

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
Hong Kong Baptist UniversityPh.D.
Hong Kong Baptist UniversityMSc
The University of Hong KongBSc

Dr. Janet Chan is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. She also serves as the Program Coordinator and Chief Examiner for the Master of Science in Environmental Management program. Her research and teaching areas include environmental and climate education, waste management, environmental pollution, environmental health, and research methods. Dr. Chan's dedication to teaching and learning in higher education has been recognized through various accolades, including her appointment as an Inaugural Member of the HKU Teaching Academy and the Senior Fellowship of Advanced HE in 2022. She received the University's Outstanding Teaching Award in 2020 and the Science Faculty's Teaching Excellence Award in 2019. Additionally, she holds professional memberships in various environmental professional societies and is frequently sought after by government bodies, environmental organizations, and social NGOs for her expertise and advice.
Before joining HKU as an academic, Dr. Chan worked at the headquarters of an international social NGO in Geneva, Switzerland. There, she developed programs focused on the Millennium Development Goals (the predecessor to the UNSDGs) and was delegated as the organization's global focal point on climate change. Her work also centered around promoting youth empowerment.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2024-01-23Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant 2022-25 (experiential learning and AI), University Grants Committee, Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2024-01-19Gold Award, Higher Education Design Thinking Competition, Hong Kong Excellence Teaching Alliance
Teaching Accomplishment
2024-05-01Advance HE’s Global Impact Grants, UK
Teaching Accomplishment
Lau, FM
Tong, PL
Coates, GS
Kong, CHM
Leung, CY
2024-02-01HKU Teaching Development Grant Award
Teaching Accomplishment
2022-04-01Senior Fellowship: Advance HE (formerly named as "Higher Education Academy")
Teaching Accomplishment
2019-11-01Fellowship: Advance HE (formerly named as "Higher Education Academy")
Research Achievement
2020-11-01Outstanding Teaching Award: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2020-09-01Award for Teaching Excellence: Faculty of Science, HKU
Teaching Accomplishment
2011-08-01HKU 82' Green Fund: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2012-08-01HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2019-06-01The Award of Continuing Professional Development Grants: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2018-03-01The Award of Continuing Professional Development Grants: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2015-01-01Arts & Humanities Research Council Award, UK: Arts & Humanities Research Council, UK
Research Achievement
2022-11-01The Excellent Presentation Award: Korea Society of Waste Management
Research Achievement
Lau, FM
Liao, E
2024-10-09QS Quacquarelli Symonds, Shortlisted for Reimagine Education Awards -- Sustainability Education Action
Teaching Accomplishment
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2014 - PresentGeneral SecretaryEnvironmental Management Association of Hong Kong
2016 - PresentMemberHong Kong Waste Management Association
2015 - 2019Assessor and FacilitatorHong Kong Green School Award
2012 - 2017Committee MemberChinese YMCA of Hong Kong -- Service Development and Member Affairs Committee
2017 - PresentCommittee MemberChinese YMCA of Hong Kong -- Social Services Committee
2017 - PresentProfessional MemberHong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals
2024-2027Panel MemberResearch Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2026, University Grants Committee
2024Visiting Team Observer for the EdUHK Programme AccreditationHong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (HKIQEP) 香港合資格環保專業人員學會 (香港環專會)
2024Assessment Panel MemberHong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (HKIQEP) 香港合資格環保專業人員學會 (香港環專會)
2020 - PresentAdvisory MemberLantau Conservation Fund Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong SAR Government
2024MentorHong Kong Special Administrative Region Outstanding Students' Union
03/2019 - PresentExecutive Committee memberEnvironmental Management Association of Hong Kong Limited
03/2019-08/2021DirectorEnvironmental Management Association of Hong Kong Limited
09/2023 - PresentPanel MemberEnterprise Support Scheme (ESS) Assessment, HKSAR Government
2024Editorial Board MemberChina Scientist Awards
2022 - PresentMemberAFCD Mainland Fishermen Deckhands Scheme Working Group, HKSAR Government
2020Professional TrainerEnvironmental Management Association of Hong Kong:Refresher Course
2021Advisor《森林特工隊》-- A children storybook to learn waste reduction and recycling in Hong Kong
2023JudgeHong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC)
2021Advisor《港識回收》-- A board game on waste management in Hong Kong
2022 - PresentCommittee MemberChinese YMCA of Hong Kong -- Global Citizenship Committee
2024Technical Expert (Environmental Discipline), New Industrialisation and Technology Training ProgrammeVocational Training Council, Hong Kong
2021 - PresentMemberInternational Society of Sustainability Professionals
2024JudgeQS Reimagine Education Awards
09/2023 - PresentAdvisorFilm Censorship Authority, HKSAR Government
2022 - 2023Contract Researcher and ConsultantThe Environmental Association Limited -- A sustainable project report review work in Tap Mun
2022 - PresentMemberCentre for Food Safety Consumer Liaison Group, HKSAR Government
2022 - PresentSenior FellowHigher Education Academy
2019 - PresentFellowHigher Education Academy
2022JudgeYMCA Global Citizenship Competition (2021-22)
2022 - 2023Judging Panel MemberHong Kong Green Building Council “My Green Space” Student Competition
2020 - 2022MentorHong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP) – Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS)
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