Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
austria 1
bargaining models 1
bargaining success 1
bargaining, brexit 1
bharatiya janata party 1
bicameralism 1
bulgaria 1
campaigns 1
canada 1
climate policy 1
climate regime 1
co-decision 1
codecision 1
commissioners 1
committees 1
comparative party pledges project 1
compliance 1
consultations 1
council 1
council of ministers 1
council of the european union 1
dataset 1
decision making 1
democracy 1
deu dataset 1
discretion 1
do parties fulfill their election pledges 1
domestic interests 1
election campaigns 1
election pledges 1
election promises 1
electoral pledges 1
electricity supply 1
environmental policy 1
ep party groups 1
european commission 1
european integration 1
european parliament 1
european union 1
european union directives 1
expert survey 1
forecasting 1
germany 1
global negotiations 1
government capacity 1
identity politics 1
ideology 1
implementation 1
incentives to deviate 1
india 1
indian national congress 1
interdependence 1
interest groups 1
ireland 1
italy 1
legislation 1
legislative bargaining 1
legislative decision making 1
legislative decision-making 1
legislative politics 1
mandate 1
mandates 1
manifestos 1
measurement error 1
ministerial autonomy 1
multilevel governance 1
national representation 1
nationality 1
negotiations 1
netherlands 1
networks 1
paris agreement 1
parties 1
party cohesion 1
platforms 1
policy positions 1
policy themes 1
policy-making 1
political knowledge 1
political parties 1
populism 1
portugal 1
prediction 1
preferences 1
procedural models 1
program-to-policy-linkage 1
promissory representation 1
public opinion 1
public policies 1
public services 1
rapporteurs 1
representation 1
representative 1
simulation 1
spain 1
sweden 1
transposition 1
trust 1
uk 1
united kindom 1
united states 1
us 1
valence theory 1
voting behaviour 1
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