AuthorsNo. of Publications
nallanathan, arumugam 90
ding, zhiguo 70
mu, xidong 68
chen, yue 62
yi, wenqiang 52
qin, zhijin 35
elkashlan, maged 30
liu, xiao 29
zhang, tiankui 29
hanzo, lajos 22
yue, xinwei 21
al-dhahir, naofal 19
xu, jiaqi 19
hou, tianwei 17
guo, li 15
poor, h. vincent 15
sun, xin 15
li, xingwang 14
schober, robert 14
song, zhengyu 14
wang, zhaolin 14
chai, kok keong 13
lin, jiaru 13
yang, zhong 12
zhang, chao 12
zhong, ruikang 12
chen, jian 10
gao, xinyu 10
zuo, jiakuo 10
gao, yue 9
ni, wanli 9
tian, hui 9
cui, jingjing 8
dobre, octavia a. 8
song, lingyang 8
yuan, peijiang 8
zhao, jingjing 8
fan, pingzhi 7
kang, shaoli 7
li, geoffrey ye 7
ouyang, chongjun 7
zou, yixuan 7
duong, trung q. 6
han, zhu 6
li, xuehua 6
wu, chenyu 6
xu, wenjun 6
xu, xiaodong 6
xu, yu 6
yang, dingcheng 6
yang, zhaohui 6
zhang, zheng 6
basar, ertugrul 5
chen, dongdong 5
chen, xiaogang 5
deng, yansha 5
fang, xinyuan 5
fayaz, muhammad 5
karagiannidis, george k. 5
lin, minqing 5
liu, rongke 5
shen, xuemin 5
shi, zhiyuan 5
wang, lifeng 5
wang, ziduan 5
wu, qingqing 5
wu, xuanli 5
xie, ziyi 5
xu, xiaoxia 5
yang, hongwen 5
you, changsheng 5
zeng, zhimin 5
zhang, di 5
zhang, ping 5
zhou, joey tianyi 5
ahsan, waleed 4
cai, yunlong 4
chen, qimei 4
li, jingjing 4
liu, ruiqi 4
liu, yue 4
lv, lu 4
shi, zhenyun 4
tao, meixia 4
xiao, lin 4
yao, yuanyuan 4
zheng, xiaohu 4
zhong, zhangdui 4
chen, zhixiong 3
cheng, yanyu 3
di renzo, marco 3
eldar, yonina c. 3
fan, congshan 3
fan, dian 3
fang, xifeng 3
feng, chunyan 3
gu, feng 3
gu, xuemai 3
hao, yanling 3
hossain, ekram 3
jia, jie 3
jian, mengnan 3
jiao, lei 3
lei, jiayi 3
li, kwok hung 3
li, lihua 3
mccann, julie a. 3
pan, cunhua 3
pei, yingjie 3
shen, chao 3
sun, yu 3
tang, zhiqing 3
teh, kah chan 3
wang, gongpu 3
wang, kaidi 3
wang, qiang 3
wang, qunshu 3
wang, tianmiao 3
wang, tongyue 3
wang, wei 3
wang, xianbin 3
wang, xingwei 3
wang, yi 3
wu, haibing 3
xing, hong 3
yang, long 3
zhang, jiankang 3
zhang, shuowen 3
ai, bo 2
alexandropoulos, george c. 2
alouini, mohamed slim 2
bashir, ali kashif 2
chen, jiacheng 2
chen, mingzhe 2
cui, shuguang 2
dai, linglong 2
dai, sheng 2
deng, chao 2
dong, chao 2
fang, fang 2
fu, yaru 2
gao, feifei 2
gomez, gerardo 2
guo, yiyu 2
han, kaifeng 2
he, bingtao 2
hou, jianjun 2
huang, chongwen 2
jiang, hao 2
leung, cyril 2
li, bokui 2
li, geng 2
li, na 2
li, tian 2
li, wen jing 2
li, yong 2
li, zhijun 2
liu, huiling 2
liu, meng 2
liu, peng fei 2
liu, xiaolan 2
lu, zhaoming 2
lv, suyu 2
mahmoodi, toktam 2
martin-vega, francisco j. 2
mehrpouyan, hani 2
menon, varun g. 2
mousavifar, s. ali 2
omslandseter, rebekka olsson 2
renzo, marco di 2
shi, shuo 2
shim, byonghyo 2
su, feng 2
su, xunqi 2
tao, xiaofeng 2
tsiftsis, theodoros a. 2
vaezi, mojtaba 2
vincent poor, h. 2
wang, hai feng 2
wang, ji 2
wang, luhan 2
wu, xue feng 2
xu, qinhuan 2
yang, hua gui 2
yang, liang 2
yuan, hai yang 2
yuen, chau 2
zaidi, syed ali raza 2
zeng, ming 2
zhang, jianhua 2
zhang, nannan 2
zhang, sichong 2
zhang, wenqi 2
zhang, xin yu 2
zhou, zhenyu 2
zhu, qiancheng 2
zuo, dunwen 2
agapitos, alexandros 1
aghdam, sina rezaei 1
aghvami, abdol hamid 1
aguayo-torres, mari carmen 1
al-basit, suhaib m. 1
alex, linss t. 1
alonso-zarate, jesus 1
arafa, ahmed 1
aruma baduge, gayan amarasuriya 1
arumugam, nallanathan 1
benevides da costa, daniel 1
bepari, dipen 1
bhatia, surbhi 1
bi, suzhi 1
bodanese, eliane 1
cai, kaiquan 1
cao, shuangqian 1
cao, yi 1
cao, yue 1
chandra, aniruddha 1
chen, chao 1
chen, jianchao 1
chen, li 1
chen, ming 1
chen, xing 1
chen, zhao 1
cheng, lei 1
chih-lin, i. 1
choi, jinho 1
dai, xiaoming 1
dang, shuping 1
dhillon, harpreet s. 1
di, boya 1
do, dinh thuan 1
dong, jie 1
dong, weiwei 1
duy, tran trung 1
eikashlan, maged 1
el-hajjar, mohammed 1
erol-kantarci, melike 1
fan, jiancun 1
fang, x. f. 1
foh, chuan heng 1
gao, qiling 1
ge, yao 1
gopal, srikanth 1
gu, f. 1
guizani, mohsen 1
guo, xiaolong 1
han, guojun 1
han, shuai 1
han, shujun 1
han, wei 1
han, xiao 1
han, yi 1
han, zhihao 1
hao, yang 1
hao, yuanyuan 1
hasna, mazen o. 1
he, suoju 1
heath, robert w. 1
hemadeh, ibrahim 1
holm, mark 1
hou, xiangwang 1
hu, p. 1
hu, zhirui 1
huang, aiping 1
huang, ao 1
huang, gaojian 1
huang, kaibin 1
huang, mengyan 1
jamalipour, abbas 1
javier lopez-martinez, f. 1
jia, min 1
jiang, tao 1
jiang, teng 1
jiang, zheng 1
john oommen, b. 1
kaiwartya, omprakash 1
kelly, james 1
khalily, mohsen 1
khowaja, sunder ali 1
kim, j. k. 1
kim, joongheon 1
krikidis, ioannis 1
lai, ting 1
lambotharan, sangarapillai 1
le, anh tu 1
lee, dong weon 1
lee, dongweon 1
lei, hongjiang 1
li, anna 1
li, dongbo 1
li, fei 1
li, meng 1
li, niannian 1
li, qingchao 1
li, shaosheng 1
li, xinwei 1
liang, wei 1
liang, ying chang 1
liang, yipeng 1
lin, xingqin 1
lin, yichuan 1
liu, william 1
liu, ye 1
liu, ying 1
liu, yingzhuang 1
liu, yujie 1
liu, ziwei 1
lloret, jaime 1
long, hui 1
luo, zhiqing 1
ma, fucun 1
ma, zheng 1
ma, ziye 1
mahmud, syed khurram 1
mao, fangxin 1
matthaiou, michail 1
miao, qunhua 1
mirmohseni, mahtab 1
mondal, soumen 1
ngo, hien quoc 1
ni, qiang 1
oommen, b. john 1
pan, gaofeng 1
paul, anand 1
peng, binbin 1
peng, mugen 1
popovski, petar 1
qi, yunzhe 1
qian, yu 1
quddus, atta ul 1
ren, hengfei 1
ross, jackson 1
sato, takuro 1
shen, huailong 1
shi, zheng 1
shikh-bahaei, mohammad 1
shojaeifard, arman 1
shukla, rajeev 1
song, meiqi 1
sultan-salem, ahmed 1
sun, chenghua 1
sun, qi 1
sun, yanshi 1
swindlehurst, a. lee 1
tafazolli, rahim 1
takis mathiopoulos, p. 1
tan, huajian 1
tan, huanjian 1
tong, y. h. 1
tsang, danny hin kwok 1
tyson, gareth 1
wang, chuan 1
wang, hao 1
wang, hong 1
wang, jingjing 1
wang, jun 1
wang, junping 1
wang, nanxin 1
wang, t. y. 1
wang, wenjie 1
wang, yafei 1
wang, yamin 1
wang, yue 1
wen, miaowen 1
wu, h. b. 1
wu, hongtao 1
wu, yiqun 1
xiao, jian 1
xie, jin 1
xie, wenwu 1
xie, yunhe 1
xin, yifei 1
xu, bingyu 1
xu, yun 1
xue, lei 1
xue, na 1
yang, hong chuan 1
yang, kun 1
yang, mengqi 1
ye, jia 1
yu, jiadong 1
yu, wenjuan 1
yuan, chaoying 1
yuan, jinhong 1
yuan, yi 1
zeng, shuhao 1
zeng, zhiming 1
zhai, xiongfei 1
zhang, changsen 1
zhang, dengyin 1
zhang, guangyang 1
zhang, hongliang 1
zhang, jun 1
zhang, junshan 1
zhang, meng 1
zhang, qian 1
zhang, qianyun 1
zhang, s. w. 1
zhang, shuo 1
zhang, tong 1
zhang, xingqi 1
zhao, boqun 1
zhao, cunzhuo 1
zhao, hui 1
zhao, mengle 1
zhao, minjian 1
zhao, peize 1
zhao, r. y. 1
zhao, ruoyu 1
zheng, jingheng 1
zheng, x. h. 1
zhong, caijun 1
zhou, fuhui 1
zhou, hao 1
zhou, hui 1
zhou, xiangwei 1
zhou, xu 1
zhu, chenming 1
zhu, minghui 1
zhu, minhui 1
zhu, yanbo 1
zhuang, yuan 1
zuo, d. w. 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
ergodic rate 2
fading channel 2
fairness 2
non-orthogonal multiple access 2
orthogonal multiple access 2
outage probability 2
parallel machine tools 2
simulation 2
1-bit coding 1
1-bit transmit/reflect array 1
3d spatiotemporal 1
3d trajectory planning 1
3gpp 1
5g 1
5g-advanced 1
6g 1
a unified framework 1
accuracy 1
active beamforming 1
active intelligent reflecting surface (irs) 1
active reconfigurable intelligent surface 1
active ris 1
agv 1
agv system 1
air-to-ground communications 1
ambient backscatter communication 1
ambient backscatter communications 1
amplify-and-forward relaying 1
analysis method 1
and communication (iscc) 1
antenna architecture 1
antenna array 1
antenna selection 1
approximate-pareto front 1
artificial noise 1
artificial noise (an) 1
asymptotic analysis 1
asynchronous federated learning (async-fl) 1
attitude adjustment 1
automatic ai design 1
autonomous driving 1
b5g 1
backscatter communication 1
bayesian learning automata (bla) 1
beam training 1
beamforcusing 1
beamformer design 1
beamforming 1
beamforming design 1
beamforming optimization 1
bearing capability 1
bending stiffness 1
beyond 5g 1
bisection algorithm 1
bit error rate 1
c-ran 1
cache 1
cache placement 1
caching 1
caching placement 1
capacity 1
capacity analysis. 1
capacity region 1
cellular networks 1
channel estimation 1
channel estimation error 1
channel model 1
channel modeling 1
channel modelling 1
ci 1
circuit-based reflection-refraction model 1
cluster-free sic 1
co reduction reaction 2 1
coalitional game 1
coefficient design 1
cognitive cellular networks 1
cognitive radio 1
cognitive radio (cr) 1
cognitive relay network 1
collision avoidance 1
commercialization 1
communication and computation resource allocation 1
communication rate 1
comp 1
complex networks 1
composition 1
compressive sensing 1
computation efficiency 1
computation offloading 1
computing 1
connected intelligence 1
constrained markov decision process (cmdp) 1
constrained markov decision-making process 1
content popularity prediction 1
content-centric networking 1
context awareness 1
convergence analysis 1
convex optimization 1
cooperation communication 1
cooperative caching architecture 1
cooperative communication 1
cooperative communications 1
cooperative networks 1
cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access 1
coordinated multi-point (comp) 1
coupled phase shifts 1
coupled phase-shift model 1
coverage and capacity optimization (cco) 1
coverage range 1
cramer-rao bound 1
crlb 1
crossbar parallel machine tool 1
d2d 1
d2d communication 1
d2d communications 1
d3qn algorithm 1
ddm 1
de 1
dead-end 1
decode-and-forward 1
decode-and-forward relay 1
decoding order 1
deep deterministic policy gradient 1
deep learning 1
deep learning (dl) 1
deep q-network 1
deep q-network (dqn) 1
deep reinforcement learning 1
deep reinforcement learning (drl) 1
deep sarsa-λ learning 1
deployment design 1
design 1
design knowledge 1
device scheduling 1
device-to-device (d2d) 1
device-to-device commun- ication 1
device-to-device communication 1
device-to-device communications 1
direct forward solution of the kinematics 1
discrete phase shift 1
distortion 1
distributed intelligence 1
distributed machine learning 1
distributed optimization 1
distribution 1
distributionally-robust reinforcement learning 1
diversity orde 1
diversity order 1
doa estimation 1
doppler shift estimation 1
double q learning 1
drilling end-effector 1
drilling experiment 1
dual-functional radar-communication system 1
dynamic movement 1
dynamic protocol 1
dynamic resource allocation 1
ea global optimization method 1
edge caching 1
edge computing 1
effective capacity 1
effective capacity (ec) 1
effective degrees of freedom 1
effective secrecy throughput (est) 1
electromagnetics 1
electromagnetism property 1
electronically beamforming 1
emergency communication 1
emergency communication networks 1
end-to-end communications 1
energy 1
energy cooperation 1
energy efficiency 1
energy harvesting 1
energy-constrained 1
ergodic capacity 1
ergodic radar estimation information rate 1
error 1
euler angles 1
externalities 1
extremely large-scale array (xl-array) 1
fading channels 1
federated learning 1
federated learning (fl) 1
fifth generation (5g) 1
finite blocklength (fbl) transmission 1
finite element method 1
flow field 1
fractional programming 1
fronthaul capacity constraints 1
fuel consumption 1
full duplex 1
full duplex (fd) 1
full-dimensional beamforming 1
full-duplex 1
full-duplex relaying 1
full/half-duplex 1
function 1
fundamental performance 1
fuzzy 1
ga 1
game theory 1
gaussian mixture model (gmm) 1
generalized-k fading channels 1
global dexterity index 1
grant-based 1
grant-free 1
grant-free noma 1
graph neural network (gnn) 1
graph theory 1
green's function method 1
grooved patterns 1
half-duplex 1
hand-eye calibration 1
hardware architecture 1
hardware design 1
hardware impairments 1
hardware impairments (hwi) 1
hardware modeling 1
hardware modelling 1
heterogeneous networks 1
heterogeneous networks (hetnets) 1
heterogeneous secrecy 1
hetnets 1
heuristics 1
hierarchical codebook 1
high snr slope 1
high-speed railway 1
holographic mimo 1
human action recognition 1
hybrid noma 1
iintelligent reflecting surface 1
imperfect channel state information (csi) 1
imperfect channel state information (icsi) 1
imperfect csi 1
imperfect sic 1
imperfect sic (ipsic) 1
imperfect successive interference cancelation 1
imperfect/perfect successive interference cancelation 1
imt-2020 1
imt-2030 1
in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance 1
index coding (ic) 1
index modulation 1
indoor path design 1
integrated sensing 1
integrated sensing and communication 1
integrated sensing and communication (isac) 1
integrated sensing and communications 1
integrated sensing and communications (isac) 1
intelligent omini-surface 1
intelligent omni-surface 1
intelligent reflecting surface 1
intelligent reflecting surface (irs) 1
intelligent reflecting surfaces 1
intelligent reflecting surfaces (irss) 1
intelligent reflective surface 1
intelligent reflective surfaces (irs) 1
intelligent robot 1
inter-lane v2v communications 1
interference cancellation 1
interference management 1
internal secrecy 1
internet of things 1
internet of things (iot) 1
internet of things (iot) networks 1
internet-of-things (iot) networks 1
irs 1
isac 1
itu 1
joint beamforming design 1
joint beamforming optimization 1
joint distance and angle estimation 1
joint maximum likelihood detection 1
k-best 1
kalman filter 1
karush-kuhn-tucker (kkt) 1
kinematics simulation 1
knowledge aggregation 1
knowledge management 1
knowledge modeling 1
lagrangian dual decomposition 1
large intelligent surfaces (liss) 1
large-scale network 1
latency 1
learning automata 1
learning automata based q-learning 1
learning-based distributed optimization 1
least square method 1
lie-algebras 1
limited backhaul 1
localization 1
lodrigues parameters 1
lora 1
low-power wide-area networks 1
lstm-arima algorithm 1
lubricant retention property 1
lyapunov 1
lyapunov drift theory 1
lyapunov optimization 1
machine learning 1
machine learning (ml) 1
machining accuracy 1
machining center 1
machining performance 1
madrl 1
many-to-many matching 1
many-to-one matching 1
massive machine type communication (mmtc) 1
massive mimo 1
matching game 1
matching theory 1
mathematical optimization 1
matlab/simulink 1
matrix completion 1
matérn hard-core process 1
mems 1
meta-learning 1
metalloid zn δ+ 1
metaverse 1
micro electroforming 1
micro finger 1
microstructure 1
millimeter wave 1
millimeter wave (mm-wave) 1
millimeter wave (mmwave) communications 1
millimeter wave communication 1
millimeter wave communications 1
millimeter-wave 1
mimo 1
mimo detection 1
mimo-noma 1
mixed free-space optical and radiofrequency (fso-rf) system. 1
mmse-sic 1
mmwave 1
mobile edge computing 1
mobile edge computing (mec) 1
mobile networks 1
mobile-edge computing (mec) 1
model-based methods 1
monotonic optimization 1
movement 1
msca 1
multi-agent deep reinforcement learning 1
multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (ma-drl) 1
multi-agent q-learning 1
multi-agent q-learning (maq-learning) 1
multi-agent reinforcement learning (marl) 1
multi-antenna noma 1
multi-antenna techniques 1
multi-armed bandits (mab) 1
multi-cell multicarrier non-orthogonal multiple access (mc-noma) 1
multi-cell networks 1
multi-cell noma 1
multi-cell non-orthogonal multiple access 1
multi-objective optimisation 1
multi-objective proximal policy optimization (mo-ppo) 1
multi-ris 1
multi-robot system 1
multi-scale attention 1
multi-sensor 1
multi-tier computing 1
multi-way relay 1
multi-winner auction 1
multiaccess edge computing (mec) 1
multicast-unicast communication 1
multipath fading 1
multiple access 1
multiple antennas 1
multiple primary user transceivers 1
multiple radio access 1
multiple time scales 1
multiple-input multiple-output 1
multiple-input multiple-output (mimo) 1
multiple-input single-output 1
multiple-input-multiple-output (mimo) 1
nakagami-m fading 1
nakagami-m fading channels 1
near field communication 1
near-field 1
near-field communications 1
neural networks 1
new jacobian matrix 1
newton iteration 1
next generation multiple access (ngma) 1
next-generation multiple access 1
next-generation multiple access (ngma) 1
ni-fe deposit 1
nnff selection 1
nnnf selection 1
noma 1
non-coaxial 1
non-orthogonal 1
non-orthogonal multiple access (noma) 1
non-regenerative relay assisted systems 1
nonlinear 1
nonlinear energy harvester 1
nonorthogonal multiple access 1
nonorthogonal multiple access (noma) 1
numerical simulation 1
object migration automata 1
object migration automaton 1
object partitioning 1
ofdm 1
offline programming 1
ontology 1
operando exafs 1
operating protocols 1
optimal deployment 1
optimal power control 1
optimisation process 1
optimization 1
orbital angular momentum 1
orientation workspace 1
osic 1
over-the-air computation 1
over-the-air computation (aircomp) 1
over-the-air federated learning (airfl) 1
paden-kahan 1
parallel kinematics machine tool 1
parallel machine tool 1
parallel mechanism 1
partial csi 1
partitioning algorithms 1
passive beamforming 1
passive beamforming design 1
path planning 1
performance analysis 1
performance optimization 1
perpendicularity 1
personalized federated learning 1
personalized fl 1
phase correlation 1
phase errors 1
phase shift optimization 1
physical layer channel model approximation 1
physical layer security 1
physical layer security (pls) 1
physical layer security. 1
physical layer techniques 1
physical-layer authentication 1
pilot reuse 1
pin diode 1
placement optimization 1
poisson cluster process 1
poisson cluster processes 1
poisson point process 1
postprocessor 1
power allocation 1
power control 1
power multiplexing 1
power region 1
prediction model 1
preferential rewiring 1
prototype 1
q-learning 1
quality of experience (qoe) 1
quality of service 1
queue stability 1
radio map 1
radio maps 1
random access 1
random blockage 1
rate region 1
rb assignment 1
reconfigurable intelligence surface 1
reconfigurable intelligence surface (ris) 1
reconfigurable intelligent surface 1
reconfigurable intelligent surface (ris) 1
reconfigurable intelligent surface. 1
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces 1
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (ris) 1
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (riss) 1
reinforcement learning 1
reinforcement learning (rl) 1
relay selection 1
residual stress 1
resource allocation 1
resource management 1
resource optimization 1
revering 1
rf-lens 1
rician fading 1
ris 1
rnrf selection 1
robot calibration 1
robot path planning 1
robotic drilling 1
rotation transformation 1
s-procedure 1
sac 1
safe driving 1
sarsa learning 1
satellite communications 1
scale-free 1
schnorr-euchner 1
secrecy beamforming design 1
secrecy outage probability 1
secure communication 1
semantic communication 1
semantic communications 1
semantic-versus-bit rate region 1
semi-grant-free 1
semi-grant-free noma 1
semi-integrated-sensing-and-communication 1
semi-supervised reinforcement learning 1
semidefinite programming (sdp) 1
sensing rate 1
sensing-communication rate region 1
sensor deployment 1
sequential convex programming 1
shadowed-rician fading 1
signal alignment 1
signal cancellation 1
signal fractions 1
simultaneous transmission and reflection 1
simultaneous transmission and reflection (star) 1
simultaneous transmitting and reflecting 1
simultaneous transmitting and reflecting (star) 1
simultaneous transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (star-riss) 1
simultaneous wireless information and power transfer 1
simultaneous wireless power transfer 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting intelligent surface (stars) 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (star-ris) 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (star-riss) 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting surface 1
simultaneously transmitting and reflecting surface (stars) 1
simultaneously wireless information and power transfer 1
smart radio environment 1
smart wireless environment 1
spectrum sensing 1
spectrum sharing 1
sphere decoding 1
split learning 1
ssecb 1
stable complexity 1
stackelberg game 1
standardization 1
star-ris 1
star-riss 1
static stiffness 1
statistical csi 1
stereo vision 1
stewart 1
stochastic game 1
stochastic games 1
stochastic geometry 1
stochastic geometry. 1
stochastic optimization 1
strain 1
strong duality 1
structural parameter optimization 1
sub-nyquist sampling 1
sub-problems 1
subchannel assignment 1
successive interference cancellation 1
successive interference cancellation (sic) 1
sum rate 1
superposition coding (sc) 1
supervised learning 1
surface 1
surface geometric microtexture 1
svc caching 1
task offloading 1
terahertz communications 1
terrestrial-satellite networks (tsns) 1
the branch and bound (bb) approach 1
the inverse solution of the kinematics 1
thermal expansion 1
three-dimensional (3d) matching 1
three-dimensional antenna pattern 1
three-dimensional deployment 1
three-dimensional matching 1
thz 1
time-slots pairing relay strategy 1
topology optimization 1
tracking control 1
trajectory design 1
trajectory optimization 1
trajectory tracking control 1
transfer learning (tl) 1
translational stiffness 1
twitter 1
two way non-orthogonal multiple access 1
two-timescale optimization 1
two-way relay 1
uav 1
uav communications 1
uav deployment 1
uav flight trajectory 1
uav mobile communication 1
uav networks 1
uav-to-everything 1
uct 1
ultra-dense networks (udn) 1
ultra-reliable low-latency communication 1
unicast and multicast communication 1
unmanned aerial vehicle 1
unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) 1
unmanned aerial vehicles 1
unmanned aerial vehicles (uav) 1
unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) 1
unreliable transmission 1
untrusted user 1
uplink noma 1
uplink transmission 1
urllc 1
user association 1
user association techniques 1
user barring 1
user clustering 1
user mobility prediction 1
user relaying 1
user scheduling 1
user selection 1
v2i communications 1
v2x 1
vector loop equation 1
vehicle communications 1
vehicle-to-everything networks 1
vehicular platoon systems 1
virtual cell 1
visible light communications 1
vision system 1
wideband beam split 1
wifi sensing 1
wireless communication 1
wireless cooperative caching 1
wireless networks 1
wireless power transfer 1
wireless-vision 1
workspace 1
xurllc 1
zinc pyrophosphate 1
zoutendijk direction method 1
α - μ fading channels 1
α-μ fading channels 1
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