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postgraduate thesis: The curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = 粵劇在香港中國語文的跨學科課程與評估

TitleThe curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = 粵劇在香港中國語文的跨學科課程與評估
The curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = Yue ju zai Xianggang Zhongguo yu wen de kua xue ke ke cheng yu ping gu
Advisor(s):Ng, FP
Issue Date2018
PublisherThe University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong)
Yeung, W. [楊慧思]. (2018). The curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = 粵劇在香港中國語文的跨學科課程與評估. (Thesis). University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR.
AbstractOn 2nd October 2009, Cantonese opera was named the first Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Hong Kong, encouraging secondary school students to understand local culture, develop language education, and inherit Chinese culture through Cantonese opera education. Cantonese opera education does not only boost students' creative thinking and artistic attainments, but also extends education limits and guides affection development. Cooperating interdisciplinary education with multiple intelligences allows students to study this unique culture systemetically, ultimately for enhancing language ability. Different aspects of language learning courses are applied for differential learning ability. Basic language knowledge can be acquired by script reading, and thereby enhancing students’ interests through singing, acting, dialogues and acrobatics performance. This study adopted qualitative research method by school-based case study, students’ assignments, assessments, questionnaires, interviews, observation reports, inspection reports and classroom study of Cantonese opera education in language courses and teaching materials for analysis and comparison. In opera script teaching (Princess Chang Ping, Purple Hairpin, The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom) phase one to three, various language objectives are involved including script learning, language proficiency: reading, writing, listening, speaking, characters and cultural learning. Students study story frameworks of scripts and solidate understanding by watching and analyzing their videos followed by group discussions and reports. This study adopts story schema analysis to analyze plots to digest the complex script content. In-depth understanding enhances students’ multiple intelligences. This study combines Chinese opera education and scripts, training students’ “generic skills” which help students master, construct and apply new knowledge for problem solving. Performance education incorporates students’ observation in scripts, opera stage techniques and actual performance. It also enriches students’ confidence, satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, and allows them to learn language comprehensively. They can respect Cantonese Opera by knowing its difficulties and limitations. Moreover, study place is switched from classroom to Bamboo Theatre so students learn outdoor by watching Cantonese opera upclose at theater, indulging in theater atmosphere. Basic understanding of script, characters and plot development is helpful for opera appreciation as they understand story flow more stereoscopically. Apart from this, the “West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre Visit” allows students to get close to the construction process of theatre and procedures of opera. Project-based learning allows students to master different research skills, thereby achieving interdisciplinary learning. In conclusion, education goal of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese Language Courses aims to focus on students’ development of multiple intelligences. Also, it aims to achieve goals of all-rounded development and lifelong learning, while inspiring students to appreciate local Cantonese opera culture. Opera education includes extensive contents like knowledge, ability, affection and other aspects. Education and assessment fulfills students' interests and abilities, while learning involves flexibility, inclusiveness and interactive cooperation. This study represents Chinese language course leading to a new direction, through merging Cantonese opera into Chinese language interdisciplinary curriculum, the quality and quantity of language education will be elevated. 粵劇於二零零九年十月二日,被聯合國列為人類非物質文化遺產,因而成功登入香港第一個世界非物質文化遺產。讓中學生認識本土文化,通過粵劇教育進一步深化語文學習,傳承中國文化及價值教育是語文教育的主要目標。 粵劇教學不但能拓闊學生的創意思維,打破傳統語文的學習空間,對於情意教育也有直接的指導作用。而且通過豐富的戲曲文詞,確能幫助學生體驗粵劇的藝術造詣。在中學中國語文學習範疇引入粵劇元素,通過跨學科學習及多元智能的配合,能讓學生更有系統地學習這種獨特的本土文化。本研究通過粵劇跨學科課程的實踐及評估,提升中學生對粵劇學習的興趣和能力;並且針對不同學習差異的學生,完成多個層面的語文教習過程。 本研究採用了質性研究的方法,以校本個案形式,從研究學校的學生習作、評估、問卷、訪談、觀察報告、考察報告等,結合粵劇融入語文的課堂研究及教學材料,進行分析及比對。 研究發現,第一到第三階段的粵劇劇本教學,能涵蓋語文訓練的各項內容。學習重點包括: 劇本教學(〈帝女花〉、〈紫釵記〉、〈再世紅梅記〉),語文能力,人物性格,文化學習。學生在語文學習的同時,藉著劇本研習、閱讀文本內容,瞭解粵劇劇本故事框架,聆聽分析及視像觀看粵劇,瞭解劇本內容,進而分組討論及報告。本研究以故事圖式分析法,讓學生根據劇本內容分析事件發生的背景、問題、解決方法及結果,有效地幫助學生解決複雜的劇本結構及人物角色。而且通過學生對粵劇劇本的深入瞭解,最終提升學生的創作能力。此外,通過粵劇劇本教學,發展學生的多元智能,特別是語文智能、音樂智能、肢體-動覺智能及人際智能。 本研究更以粵劇教習配合劇本內容,通過表演形式學習「唱」、「做」、「唸」、「打」及各項舞臺技巧,訓練學生的「共通能力」。根據教育局(中國語文教育學習領域課程指引)所述,共通能力旨在訓練及幫助學生掌握知識、同時建構知識和應用學到的知識以解決問題。粵劇演出教習集合了學生學習劇本的經驗、觀察,學習粵劇舞臺的基本技巧及劇本選段,最後作演出實踐。粵劇教習以學生的能力和趣味為主軸,設計適合他們能力的課堂練習,從基本功入手,讓他們瞭解舞臺上的「虛擬」動作。除了做手之外,「唱」和「唸」也是練習的主體。粵劇教習也是跨學科學習及多元智能的體現。演出教習令學生建立自信,滿足感和成就感,學生也明白到粵劇演出的困難和局限,日後對傳統文化藝術多了一份崇拜和尊敬,加強對中國文化的認同。 此外,本研究設計帶領學生走出課堂。其一,「劇場觀戲」令學生真正感受劇場的氣氛及接觸舞臺。通過眼睛的觀察,耳朵聆聽粵曲、唱詞、唸白,同學能全方位感受粵劇的精粹。劇場觀戲有助學生瞭解內容及角色特點,也能將平面的劇本故事立體化、形象化地活現眼前。其二,「西九戲棚考察」讓學生近距離接觸戲棚的製作建築及演出過程,認識及瞭解傳統粵劇文化。透過考察報告讓學生深入瞭解及透視粵劇文化內涵。通過「西九戲棚考察」專題研習活動,學生掌握實地考察、調查研習、訪問技巧、拍攝短片、製作學習檔案、口頭報告、設計報告等技能。專題研習過程中彼此互動,透過協商、共同發展解決問題的能力,學生更學會處理人際關係的技巧,以及涉獵其他學科的文化知識,如歷史、宗教和通識科,這正是跨學科的學習理念。除了知識的培養、能力的訓練、問題的探討、總結學習成果外,教學模式也由課室走出戲棚,最終培養學生的品德情意及正確價值觀。 總括而論,粵劇在中國語文跨學科課程的教學目標清晰。短期著重發展學生多元智慧,以應付生活和社會的要求;長期以達成全人發展及終身學習為目標,同時啟發學生關注和欣賞本土藝術。粵劇教學內容廣泛,兼顧知識、能力和情意等層面。教學和評估切合學生的興趣和能力,學習方法靈活多變,共融、協作、互動配合。本研究將成為中國語文課程的示範及新方向,通過粵劇融入中國語文跨學科課程,語文教育的質與量將得到更大提升。
DegreeDoctor of Philosophy
SubjectOperas, Chinese - China - Guangdong Sheng - Study and teaching (Secondary)
Operas, Chinese - Study and teaching (Secondary) - China - Hong Kong
Chinese language - Study and teaching (Secondary) - China - Hong Kong
Persistent Identifier


DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.advisorNg, FP-
dc.contributor.authorYeung, Wai-sze-
dc.identifier.citationYeung, W. [楊慧思]. (2018). The curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = 粵劇在香港中國語文的跨學科課程與評估. (Thesis). University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR.-
dc.description.abstractOn 2nd October 2009, Cantonese opera was named the first Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Hong Kong, encouraging secondary school students to understand local culture, develop language education, and inherit Chinese culture through Cantonese opera education. Cantonese opera education does not only boost students' creative thinking and artistic attainments, but also extends education limits and guides affection development. Cooperating interdisciplinary education with multiple intelligences allows students to study this unique culture systemetically, ultimately for enhancing language ability. Different aspects of language learning courses are applied for differential learning ability. Basic language knowledge can be acquired by script reading, and thereby enhancing students’ interests through singing, acting, dialogues and acrobatics performance. This study adopted qualitative research method by school-based case study, students’ assignments, assessments, questionnaires, interviews, observation reports, inspection reports and classroom study of Cantonese opera education in language courses and teaching materials for analysis and comparison. In opera script teaching (Princess Chang Ping, Purple Hairpin, The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom) phase one to three, various language objectives are involved including script learning, language proficiency: reading, writing, listening, speaking, characters and cultural learning. Students study story frameworks of scripts and solidate understanding by watching and analyzing their videos followed by group discussions and reports. This study adopts story schema analysis to analyze plots to digest the complex script content. In-depth understanding enhances students’ multiple intelligences. This study combines Chinese opera education and scripts, training students’ “generic skills” which help students master, construct and apply new knowledge for problem solving. Performance education incorporates students’ observation in scripts, opera stage techniques and actual performance. It also enriches students’ confidence, satisfaction, sense of accomplishment, and allows them to learn language comprehensively. They can respect Cantonese Opera by knowing its difficulties and limitations. Moreover, study place is switched from classroom to Bamboo Theatre so students learn outdoor by watching Cantonese opera upclose at theater, indulging in theater atmosphere. Basic understanding of script, characters and plot development is helpful for opera appreciation as they understand story flow more stereoscopically. Apart from this, the “West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre Visit” allows students to get close to the construction process of theatre and procedures of opera. Project-based learning allows students to master different research skills, thereby achieving interdisciplinary learning. In conclusion, education goal of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese Language Courses aims to focus on students’ development of multiple intelligences. Also, it aims to achieve goals of all-rounded development and lifelong learning, while inspiring students to appreciate local Cantonese opera culture. Opera education includes extensive contents like knowledge, ability, affection and other aspects. Education and assessment fulfills students' interests and abilities, while learning involves flexibility, inclusiveness and interactive cooperation. This study represents Chinese language course leading to a new direction, through merging Cantonese opera into Chinese language interdisciplinary curriculum, the quality and quantity of language education will be elevated. 粵劇於二零零九年十月二日,被聯合國列為人類非物質文化遺產,因而成功登入香港第一個世界非物質文化遺產。讓中學生認識本土文化,通過粵劇教育進一步深化語文學習,傳承中國文化及價值教育是語文教育的主要目標。 粵劇教學不但能拓闊學生的創意思維,打破傳統語文的學習空間,對於情意教育也有直接的指導作用。而且通過豐富的戲曲文詞,確能幫助學生體驗粵劇的藝術造詣。在中學中國語文學習範疇引入粵劇元素,通過跨學科學習及多元智能的配合,能讓學生更有系統地學習這種獨特的本土文化。本研究通過粵劇跨學科課程的實踐及評估,提升中學生對粵劇學習的興趣和能力;並且針對不同學習差異的學生,完成多個層面的語文教習過程。 本研究採用了質性研究的方法,以校本個案形式,從研究學校的學生習作、評估、問卷、訪談、觀察報告、考察報告等,結合粵劇融入語文的課堂研究及教學材料,進行分析及比對。 研究發現,第一到第三階段的粵劇劇本教學,能涵蓋語文訓練的各項內容。學習重點包括: 劇本教學(〈帝女花〉、〈紫釵記〉、〈再世紅梅記〉),語文能力,人物性格,文化學習。學生在語文學習的同時,藉著劇本研習、閱讀文本內容,瞭解粵劇劇本故事框架,聆聽分析及視像觀看粵劇,瞭解劇本內容,進而分組討論及報告。本研究以故事圖式分析法,讓學生根據劇本內容分析事件發生的背景、問題、解決方法及結果,有效地幫助學生解決複雜的劇本結構及人物角色。而且通過學生對粵劇劇本的深入瞭解,最終提升學生的創作能力。此外,通過粵劇劇本教學,發展學生的多元智能,特別是語文智能、音樂智能、肢體-動覺智能及人際智能。 本研究更以粵劇教習配合劇本內容,通過表演形式學習「唱」、「做」、「唸」、「打」及各項舞臺技巧,訓練學生的「共通能力」。根據教育局(中國語文教育學習領域課程指引)所述,共通能力旨在訓練及幫助學生掌握知識、同時建構知識和應用學到的知識以解決問題。粵劇演出教習集合了學生學習劇本的經驗、觀察,學習粵劇舞臺的基本技巧及劇本選段,最後作演出實踐。粵劇教習以學生的能力和趣味為主軸,設計適合他們能力的課堂練習,從基本功入手,讓他們瞭解舞臺上的「虛擬」動作。除了做手之外,「唱」和「唸」也是練習的主體。粵劇教習也是跨學科學習及多元智能的體現。演出教習令學生建立自信,滿足感和成就感,學生也明白到粵劇演出的困難和局限,日後對傳統文化藝術多了一份崇拜和尊敬,加強對中國文化的認同。 此外,本研究設計帶領學生走出課堂。其一,「劇場觀戲」令學生真正感受劇場的氣氛及接觸舞臺。通過眼睛的觀察,耳朵聆聽粵曲、唱詞、唸白,同學能全方位感受粵劇的精粹。劇場觀戲有助學生瞭解內容及角色特點,也能將平面的劇本故事立體化、形象化地活現眼前。其二,「西九戲棚考察」讓學生近距離接觸戲棚的製作建築及演出過程,認識及瞭解傳統粵劇文化。透過考察報告讓學生深入瞭解及透視粵劇文化內涵。通過「西九戲棚考察」專題研習活動,學生掌握實地考察、調查研習、訪問技巧、拍攝短片、製作學習檔案、口頭報告、設計報告等技能。專題研習過程中彼此互動,透過協商、共同發展解決問題的能力,學生更學會處理人際關係的技巧,以及涉獵其他學科的文化知識,如歷史、宗教和通識科,這正是跨學科的學習理念。除了知識的培養、能力的訓練、問題的探討、總結學習成果外,教學模式也由課室走出戲棚,最終培養學生的品德情意及正確價值觀。 總括而論,粵劇在中國語文跨學科課程的教學目標清晰。短期著重發展學生多元智慧,以應付生活和社會的要求;長期以達成全人發展及終身學習為目標,同時啟發學生關注和欣賞本土藝術。粵劇教學內容廣泛,兼顧知識、能力和情意等層面。教學和評估切合學生的興趣和能力,學習方法靈活多變,共融、協作、互動配合。本研究將成為中國語文課程的示範及新方向,通過粵劇融入中國語文跨學科課程,語文教育的質與量將得到更大提升。 -
dc.publisherThe University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong)-
dc.relation.ispartofHKU Theses Online (HKUTO)-
dc.rightsThe author retains all proprietary rights, (such as patent rights) and the right to use in future works.-
dc.rightsThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.-
dc.subject.lcshOperas, Chinese - China - Guangdong Sheng - Study and teaching (Secondary)-
dc.subject.lcshOperas, Chinese - Study and teaching (Secondary) - China - Hong Kong-
dc.subject.lcshChinese language - Study and teaching (Secondary) - China - Hong Kong-
dc.titleThe curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = 粵劇在香港中國語文的跨學科課程與評估-
dc.titleThe curriculum and assessment of Cantonese opera in interdisciplinary Chinese language education in Hong Kong = Yue ju zai Xianggang Zhongguo yu wen de kua xue ke ke cheng yu ping gu-
dc.description.thesisnameDoctor of Philosophy-

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