AuthorsNo. of Publications
chan, q 40
lau, gkk 32
chu, lw 29
khong, pl 29
chiu, pw 25
chan, kh 23
cheung, rtf 20
hui, sk 18
zhang, h 16
ho, sl 14
wong, yk 14
yau, kkw 14
kwan, skj 12
shea, yf 11
wong, ghy 11
xu, x 11
zhang, l 11
cao, p 10
leung, gkk 10
rothwell, pm 10
zhang, m 9
zhang, z 9
chan, rck 8
chiu, pkc 8
lee, tmc 8
li, l 8
liu, t 8
tsang, coa 8
wong, swh 8
xie, b 8
kwan, jsk 7
lau, wcs 7
lee, cy 7
qian, w 7
wu, ex 7
azman, r 6
cheung, efc 6
chua, se 6
hui, r 6
hung, ksy 6
liu, y 6
mok, tmy 6
sham, pc 6
so, k 6
xia, p 6
yao, n 6
chang, rcc 5
kuker, w 5
lau, cs 5
lau, kk 5
leong, tl 5
mcalonan, gm 5
teo, kc 5
wang, z 5
wong, a 5
xiao, l 5
zhao, y 5
abrigo, j 4
ambler, g 4
chabriat, h 4
chan, ks 4
chan, ys 4
chang, rsk 4
cheung, c 4
cheung, ywe 4
chiu, ssh 4
eppinger, s 4
gao, j 4
hu, y 4
huang, f 4
kai, g 4
kim, m 4
kim, yd 4
koga, m 4
kwong, dlw 4
lam, ksl 4
lee, kj 4
li, th 4
lim, js 4
lo, y 4
lui, ssy 4
mok, my 4
ng, b 4
qiu, d 4
shiozawa, m 4
song, tj 4
song, y 4
soo, y 4
teo, kc 4
tse, hf 4
tso, awk 4
wang, y 4
wilson, d 4
wong, ekm 4
wong, fkc 4
wong, ws 4
xu, a 4
yiu, kh 4
arsava, em 3
azman, rr 3
bae, hj 3
bao, y 3
barbato, c 3
bordet, r 3
browning, s 3
chan, cy 3
chan, hwf 3
chan, t 3
chang, hcc 3
chang, skr 3
chau, acm 3
cheung, cf 3
cheung, rhk 3
chow, ws 3
christ, n 3
chu, w 3
chung, twh 3
coutts, sb 3
cui, j 3
engelter, st 3
fluri, f 3
gattringer, t 3
gunkel, s 3
gyanwali, b 3
hallevi, h 3
har, wya 3
hara, h 3
hennerici, m 3
heo, jh 3
hilal, s 3
horstmann, s 3
huang, j 3
hui, e 3
hui, esk 3
inamura, s 3
ip, i 3
ip, msm 3
jouvent, e 3
kwan, jsk 3
lai, v 3
lam, byk 3
lau, kk 3
lemmens, r 3
leung, t 3
li, lsw 3
lip, gyh 3
lovelock, c 3
lovelock, ce 3
luk, kdk 3
mak, kc 3
mak, sf 3
mak, w 3
marti-fabregas, j 3
mcalonan, g 3
mendyk, am 3
mok, v 3
ngan, ssc 3
nishihara, m 3
orken, dn 3
pan, y 3
pang, syy 3
poon, ws 3
purrucker, j 3
schulz, u 3
simister, r 3
simoni, m 3
sridhar, s 3
suckling, j 3
tanaka, j 3
toyoda, k 3
tsang, aco 3
uysal, e 3
weekes, bs 3
wen, c 3
yakushiji, y 3
yau, c 3
yoshifuji, k 3
yuen, ky 3
zamboni, g 3
zhu, xl 3
abutalebi, j 2
al-shahi salman, r 2
algra, a 2
aman, rrar 2
ay, h 2
bao, yw 2
barkhof, f 2
ben assayag, e 2
best, jg 2
bornstein, nm 2
calvet, d 2
camps-renom, p 2
cao, peng 2
chan, bpl 2
chan, dtm 2
chan, kh 2
chan, ol 2
chan, tt 2
chan, y 2
chappell, f 2
chau, cm 2
chen, c 2
chen, s 2
cheng, vcc 2
cheung, cf 2
chiang, mf 2
chiu, kcp 2
chiu, yk 2
chu, axw 2
chua, bj 2
de leeuw, fe 2
delmaire, c 2
demirelli, ds 2
deng, y 2
el-koussy, m 2
fazekas, f 2
feng, st 2
fong, chy 2
gomez-anson, b 2
gu, j 2
guisado-alonso, d 2
hayden, d 2
hendrikse, j 2
herrup, k 2
ho, dty 2
ho, sl 2
ho, wy 2
hoi, cp 2
huang, b 2
hung, fni 2
hung, ifn 2
hung, kn 2
imaizumi, t 2
jung, s 2
jäger, hr 2
kandiah, n 2
karayiannis, c 2
kelly, pj 2
kwa, vih 2
kwong, yl 2
köhler, s 2
lam, dcl 2
lam, jcm 2
lam, kc 2
lau, k 2
legrand, l 2
leung, h 2
leung, iyh 2
leung, tw 2
leung, wcy 2
li, dth 2
li, oy 2
li, yl 2
li, z 2
liu, t 2
lo, kt 2
lou, m 2
lui, mms 2
lum, tys 2
lyrer, p 2
maaijwee, n 2
mak, chk 2
mak, jcw 2
makin, s 2
martínez-domeño, a 2
mas, jl 2
molad, j 2
ng, a 2
ong, lhy 2
ooi, cgc 2
ooi, gc 2
peters, n 2
phan, t 2
polymeris, a 2
polymeris, aa 2
prats-sanchez, l 2
seiffge, d 2
seiffge, dj 2
smith, ee 2
song, yq 2
srikanth, v 2
staals, j 2
tam, ar 2
tanriverdi, z 2
thijs, v 2
tsang, sf 2
tse, my 2
van oostenbrugge, r 2
vardhanabhuti, v 2
veltkamp, r 2
wagner, b 2
wang, lu 2
wang, s 2
wat, nms 2
wiegertjes, k 2
williams, dj 2
wong, e 2
wong, ks 2
wong, whs 2
woo, pym 2
xu, c 2
yatawara, c 2
yau, kk 2
yu, k 2
yu, sch 2
yung, awy 2
zhang, hq 2
zhou, y 2
aghoram, p 1
akijian, l 1
ambalavanan, a 1
anthony, m 1
anthony, mp 1
anwar, i 1
armitage, p 1
assayag, eb 1
au, sk 1
au, wy 1
auyeung, km 1
auyeung, pkm 1
bakker, s 1
banerjee, g 1
bao, s 1
barry, a 1
beigneux, y 1
berntsen, p 1
birns, j 1
bonati, l 1
bornstein, n 1
borsa, v 1
bracoub, l 1
brouwers, p 1
brown, m 1
bryant, mg 1
bryant, so 1
buchner, ej 1
burger, i 1
burn, m 1
cai, w 1
cai, xl 1
caine, s 1
cao, w 1
carty, f 1
chadha, d 1
chan, a 1
chan, ahy 1
chan, cch 1
chan, cw 1
chan, dcp 1
chan, dt 1
chan, gcf 1
chan, hya 1
chan, j 1
chan, jcy 1
chan, jfw 1
chan, jkc 1
chan, kh 1
chan, koon-ho 1
chan, kwy 1
chan, lk 1
chan, mkc 1
chan, ph 1
chan, rw 1
chan, s 1
chan, sherry k.w. 1
chan, sol 1
chan, tkt 1
chan, vs 1
chan, wc 1
chan, wks 1
chan, wp 1
chan, yk 1
chan, yl 1
chandra, r 1
chang, r 1
chang, rs 1
chang, w. c. 1
charidimou, a 1
chau, a 1
chau, cy 1
chen, csp 1
chen, eric y.h. 1
chen, eyh 1
chen, lp 1
chen, r 1
chen, sirong 1
chen, yan 1
chen, z 1
cheng, c 1
cheng, calvin p.w. 1
cheng, ccv 1
cheng, js 1
cheng, pw 1
cheung, c 1
cheung, eyw 1
cheung, km 1
cheung, r 1
cheung, tommy 1
chim, james c s 1
ching, asc 1
chiu, c 1
chiu, p 1
chiu, pk 1
chiu, pwc 1
chiu, ss 1
choy, l 1
chu, acy 1
chu, j 1
chu, jp 1
chu, lkw 1
chu, wn 1
chua, bryan j 1
chua, s 1
chui, wwh 1
chung, ho yin 1
chung, wht 1
cohen, d 1
cohen, h 1
collet, r 1
cooper, m 1
corrigan, j 1
coyle, j 1
cullen, c 1
dani, k 1
darawil, k 1
datta, p 1
davis, m 1
dazzan, p 1
de schryver, e 1
delgado-mederos, r 1
dennis, m 1
dillon, wp 1
doherty, i 1
douste-blazy, my 1
douven, e 1
eby, sa 1
edden, rae 1
elmarim, a 1
emsley, h 1
england, t 1
esisi, b 1
et al 1
fan, y 1
fan, yw 1
feng, zt 1
fischer, u 1
fladt, j 1
flossman, e 1
flossmann, e 1
fong, wc 1
fratacci, md 1
fujita, k 1
fung, g 1
gao, j 1
gao, jl 1
gao, pp 1
gass, a 1
gattringer, s 1
gensicke, h 1
giallombardo, e 1
gill, harinder 1
goeldlin, m 1
golay, x 1
gomez-anson, bm 1
gratz, p 1
guasch-jimenez, m 1
guevarra, ac 1
guevarra, c 1
gunathilagan, g 1
guo, hy 1
gutnikov, s 1
guyler, p 1
han, mk 1
han, sh 1
hao, q 1
har, a 1
hargroves, d 1
harkness, k 1
harrington, f 1
hassan, a 1
hennerici, mg 1
hernández, mv 1
hert, l 1
hertzberger, l 1
heye, a 1
ho, cl 1
ho, garrett c.l. 1
ho, jmk 1
ho, kkh 1
ho, km 1
ho, pak leung 1
hon, fks 1
honer, william g. 1
houlden, h 1
howes, oliver d. 1
hu, pp 1
huang, fan 1
huang, j 1
huang, s 1
hui, christy l.m. 1
hui, edward s 1
hui, es 1
hui, es 1
hui, esk 1
hui, h 1
ide, t 1
iida, k 1
ikeda, s 1
ip, aky 1
ip, hl 1
irie, h 1
ismail, z 1
ispoglou, s 1
jager, hr 1
jane, j jr 1
jang, ms 1
jia, y 1
jian, j 1
johnston, sc 1
josephson, sa 1
jung, sm 1
jöbsis, j 1
kaiwing yau, k 1
kan, anc 1
kan, pk 1
kang, j 1
kappelle, j 1
kappelle, lj 1
karayiannis, cc 1
kelly, d 1
khong, pek lan 1
kim, bj 1
kliper, e 1
knapp, m 1
ko, e 1
kong, l 1
kooi, me 1
korczyn, a 1
koudstaal, p 1
krishnamurthy, v 1
ku, pkm 1
kwan, p 1
kwok, cch 1
kwok, henry k h 1
kwok, hh 1
kwok, spf 1
kwong, ask 1
kwong, yok lam 1
lai, jhc 1
lai, sw 1
lam, cck 1
lam, cld 1
lam, jky 1
lam, jm 1
lam, kf 1
lam, kf 1
lam, pl 1
lam, tc 1
lam, w 1
lau, chak sing 1
lau, cp 1
lau, dss 1
lau, gk 1
lau, kui kai 1
lau, rlk 1
law, lsc 1
law, mwm 1
lawrence, e 1
leach, s 1
lee, edwin h.m. 1
lee, jacky chi-yan 1
lee, jcw 1
lee, mwy 1
lee, r 1
lee, sc 1
leff, a 1
leung, cy 1
leung, eric y.l. 1
leung, kl 1
leung, kt 1
leung, m 1
leung, mk 1
leung, twh 1
leung, yl 1
li, cw 1
li, hl 1
li, j 1
li, jch 1
li, lf 1
li, m 1
li, r 1
li, s 1
li, sh 1
li, x 1
li, y 1
li, zp 1
lin, mf 1
linn, c 1
liu, j 1
liu, ju hua 1
liu, p 1
liu, wy 1
liu, x 1
lo, gladys goh 1
lo, y 1
loong, hhf 1
lu, h 1
luder, r 1
lui, lcy 1
lui, sy 1
lui, sys 1
lui, wm 1
luo, h 1
ly, j 1
lyrer, pa 1
ma, h 1
ma, jkf 1
ma, k 1
ma, sh 1
ma, x 1
maeder, p 1
mahawish, k 1
mak, v 1
mak, vsf 1
mamun, m 1
manawadu, d 1
mangion, d 1
manoj, a 1
mansoor, s 1
marsh, r 1
martinez-domeno, a 1
marín, r 1
mattle, hp 1
mccormick, m 1
mckenna, peter j. 1
medanta, jm 1
medrano-martorell, s 1
meenakishundaram, s 1
meng, qf 1
merino, e 1
mess, w 1
mess, wh 1
microbleeds international collaborative network, - 1
mitchell, j 1
miwa, k 1
mohd nor, a 1
mok, ctv 1
mok, moy 1
mok, myt 1
mok, vct 1
molad, ja 1
moran, c 1
mu, n 1
muir, k 1
murphy, s 1
muñoz-maniega, s 1
myint, pk 1
møller, a 1
nachev, p 1
nallasivam, a 1
nederkoorn, p 1
nederkoorn, pj 1
ng, hk 1
ng, ks 1
ng, ming yen 1
ng, my 1
ng, pw 1
nuñez, f 1
o'connell, j 1
o'mahony, p 1
okwera, j 1
oldfield, e 1
ooi, c 1
ozkan, h 1
pachai, c 1
pak, mw 1
pang, pkm 1
pang, s 1
panos, l 1
panos, ld 1
parry, a 1
parry-jones, a 1
pasco, k 1
patterson, c 1
peng, zp 1
perry, r 1
peters, nils 1
petersen, e 1
phan, tg 1
pomarol-clotet, edith 1
poonlap chan, b 1
power, m 1
prabhakaran, m 1
prats-sánchez, l 1
price, c 1
proschel, h 1
pu, ksj 1
putterill, j 1
qian, fw 1
ramos, l 1
ramos-pachon, a 1
ramsden, db 1
randall, m 1
roffe, c 1
rogaeva, e 1
roos, y 1
rouleau, ga 1
rowe, j 1
saastamoinen, k 1
sajid, m 1
sakka, e 1
salman, ra 1
sato, s 1
schembri, m 1
schoonewille, w 1
schrooten, m 1
scott, j 1
sekaran, l 1
shakeshaft, c 1
sham, p. c. 1
sharma, p 1
shaw, l 1
sheehan, j 1
shih, kc 1
silva, m 1
simonetti, aw 1
simoni, s 1
singhal, ab 1
singhal, s 1
siu, cw 1
slater, la 1
smith, e 1
smith, m 1
smith, ws 1
smyth, n 1
soares, smp 1
soo, yoy 1
soufan, c 1
sprigg, n 1
srikanth, vk 1
st george-hyslop, p 1
stam, j 1
suen, y. n. 1
suman, a 1
sun, ch 1
sun, d 1
sword, j 1
tan, tc 1
teo, kay cheong 1
thilemann, s 1
thornton, j 1
thrippleton, m 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
tong, e 1
tong, l 1
traenka, c 1
trendell-smith, nl 1
tsang, j 1
tse, hung fat 1
tse, tpk 1
tuladhar, am 1
vahidassr, d 1
van dam-nolen, dhk 1
van der lugt, a 1
van der sande, j 1
van gemert, m 1
van hasselt, ca 1
vance, ml 1
venketasubramanian, n 1
verbiest, h 1
veronese, mattia 1
vicaut, e 1
wan, vhl 1
wang, b 1
wang, j 1
wang, k 1
wang, sl 1
wang, ym 1
wang, zj 1
wang, zuojun 1
warburton, e 1
ward, n 1
wardlaw, j 1
wardlaw, jm 1
wei, h 1
werring, d 1
werring, dj 1
werring, j 1
white, m 1
wilkinson, p 1
wintermark, m 1
wong, charlotte w.c. 1
wong, cw 1
wong, dyk 1
wong, gkc 1
wong, ick 1
wong, jkt 1
wong, kcw 1
wong, kk 1
wong, l 1
wong, lks 1
wong, rws 1
wong, sm 1
wong, stephanie m.y. 1
wong, tyy 1
wong, vcn 1
wong, wm 1
wong, wwy 1
xi, ch 1
xia, peng 1
xie, bj 1
xoe, b 1
xu, j 1
xu, s 1
yang, mcq 1
yang, mh 1
yang, w 1
yau, k 1
yau, kx 1
yau, s 1
yeung, ck 1
yeung, dcy 1
yeung, dkw 1
yeung, dwc 1
yeung, paul 1
yeung, r 1
yeung, rwl 1
yiu, b 1
yiu, kai hang 1
yousry, t 1
yu, h 1
yu, han 1
yu, kkk 1
yu, s 1
yu, z 1
yuen, tk 1
zerna, c 1
zhang, hui-qin 1
zhang, huiqin 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, jx 1
zhang, mm 1
zhang, q 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, y 1
zhen, zhe 1
zheng, j 1
zheng, w 1
zhou, hy 1
zhou, iy 1
zhou, s 1
zhou, x 1
zhu, j 1
zietz, a 1
zou, yuan 1
öngür, d 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
atherosclerosis 19
humans 19
adult 17
male 17
middle aged 17
diffusion tensor imaging 15
rheumatoid arthritis 14
female 13
dementia 12
magnetic resonance imaging 12
anisotropy 11
brain - pathology 11
delusional disorder 10
f-dopa 10
first-episode psychosis 10
negative symptoms 10
positron emission tomography 10
schizophrenia 10
striatal dopamine capacity synthesis 10
alzheimer's disease 9
olfactory dysfunction 9
resting-state fmri 9
vitamin a 9
aerosolised 8
anosmia 8
cardiovascular diseases 8
case-control studies 8
functional brain network 8
imaging 8
long covid 8
multi-detector computed tomography 8
neuromyelitis optica 8
olfactory training 8
prevalence 8
quantitative susceptibility mapping 8
risk factors 8
smell loss 8
aging 7
diffusion tensor imaging - methods 7
epidemiology 7
hong kong 7
medical sciences 7
parkinson's disease 7
public health 7
tomography, spiral computed 7
aging - pathology 6
alff 6
alzheimer disease - pathology 6
aorta, thoracic - pathology - radiography 6
aortic diseases - epidemiology - radiography 6
arterial calcification 6
arthritis, rheumatoid - complications 6
atherosclerosis - epidemiology - physiopathology - radiography 6
atherosclerosis - epidemiology - radiography 6
biological markers - analysis 6
body mass index 6
c-reactive protein 6
c-reactive protein - analysis 6
calcinosis - complications - epidemiology - radiography 6
calcinosis - epidemiology - physiopathology - radiography 6
calcinosis - etiology - radiography 6
cardiovascular diseases - epidemiology - physiopathology - radiography 6
cardiovascular system - pathology - physiopathology - radiography 6
carotid arteries - pathology - radiography 6
carotid artery diseases - epidemiology - radiography 6
carotid artery, common - radiography 6
cerebral microbleeds 6
cerebral small vessel disease 6
computer tomography 6
coronary artery disease 6
coronary artery disease - etiology - radiography 6
coronary vessels - pathology 6
diffusivity 6
dti 6
fiber tracking 6
functional connectivity 6
functional mri 6
intra-abdominal fat 6
ischemic stroke 6
logistic models 6
lupus erythematosus, systemic - complications - physiopathology 6
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 6
multimodal 6
nerve fibers, myelinated - pathology 6
obesity 6
obstructive sleep apnea 6
regression analysis 6
resting state 6
retrogenesis 6
scleroderma, systemic - complications - radiography 6
sensitivity and specificity 6
sleep apnea, obstructive - metabolism 6
systemic lupus erythematosus 6
vascular calcification 6
visceral fat 6
visual hallucinations 6
visual spatial memory 6
waist circumference 6
white matter integrity 6
aged 5
amygdala 5
calcinosis - pathology - radiography 5
cerebral microbleed 5
cervical spinal cord 5
chronic kidney disease 5
coronary angiography 5
coronary artery disease - complications - radiography 5
covid-19 5
hippocampus 5
intracerebral hemorrhage 5
iron deposition 5
magnetic 5
multiple sclerosis 5
neuromyelitis optica - diagnosis - pathology 5
renal impairment 5
resonance imaging 5
scleroderma, systemic - complications - pathology 5
smell training 5
spinal cord - pathology 5
statistics, nonparametric 5
adrenal cortex hormones - therapeutic use 4
aged, 80 and over 4
anterior cingulate cortex 4
apoe ɛ4-negative 4
apoe4 4
arterial spin labeling 4
diffusional kurtosis imaging 4
functional magnetic resonance imaging 4
glutamatergic system 4
late-onset alzheimer's disease 4
low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol 4
mlkl 4
normal-appearing brain tissues 4
positron-emission tomography - methods 4
predictive value of tests 4
prognosis 4
prospective cohort study 4
retrospective studies 4
stroke 4
whole exome sequencing 4
american joint committee on cancer stages 3
amyloidosis - diagnosis - etiology - pathology - radionuclide imaging 3
basal ganglia 3
biomarker 3
brainstem atrophy 3
brainstem regional volume 3
calcinosis - etiology - radionuclide imaging 3
carcinoma - radiotherapy 3
cerebral blood flow 3
cerebral infarction 3
cerebral perfusion 3
computed tomography 3
corpus callosum 3
cyclegan 3
cyclophosphamide - therapeutic use 3
deep learning 3
diagnostic errors 3
diffusion-weighted imaging 3
disability 3
discriminant analysis 3
first-episode schizophrenia 3
fluorodeoxyglucose f18 - pharmacology 3
gamma-aminobutyric acid 3
germinoma 3
glutamate 3
immunoglobulin lambda-chains - analysis 3
immunosuppressive agents 3
incidence 3
lupus nephritis - diagnosis 3
lymph nodes - pathology - radionuclide imaging 3
lymphatic diseases - etiology - pathology - radionuclide imaging 3
machine learning 3
magnetic resonance imaging (mri) 3
multiple sclerosis (ms) 3
myelin 3
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - metabolism - radiotherapy 3
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders 3
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (nmosd) 3
neuropsychological assessment 3
observer variation 3
paraproteinemias - complications - diagnosis 3
paraproteins - analysis 3
positron emission tomography-computed tomography 3
positron-emission tomography and computed tomography 3
prospective studies 3
proteinuria - drug therapy - etiology 3
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy 3
psychiatry and neurology gerontology and geriatrics 3
psychosis 3
random forest 3
relayed nuclear overhauser effect (rnoe) 3
resnet 3
severity of illness index 3
silent lacunes 3
single-blind method 3
sjogren's syndrome - diagnosis - etiology - pathology 3
standardized uptake value 3
stroke - epidemiology 3
tomography 3
tomography, x-ray computed 3
tomography, x-ray computed - methods 3
total lesion glycolysis 3
v-net 3
vascular cognitive impairment 3
white matter hyperintensities 3
absolute quantification 2
acute disease 2
altitude 2
altitude sickness 2
analysis 2
analysis of variance 2
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 2
apparent diffusion coefficient 2
arteriovenous anastomosis - pathology 2
arteriovenous malformation 2
asian continental ancestry group 2
astrocytoma 2
awake 2
blood-brain barrier 2
body burden 2
body water 2
brain cortex 2
brain edema 2
brain injuries - pathology 2
brain ischemia - diagnosis - etiology 2
brain ischemia - drug therapy - epidemiology - radiography 2
brain ischemia - epidemiology 2
brain malformation 2
brain mapping 2
brain neoplasms - blood supply - metabolism - pathology - secondary 2
brain network 2
brain tumor 2
calcinosis - epidemiology - ethnology - radiography 2
cancer risk 2
capillary permeability 2
carcinoma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology - secondary 2
cauda equina 2
cerebral arteries - pathology - physiopathology - radiography 2
child 2
child, preschool 2
clinical outcome 2
cognition disorders 2
cohort studies 2
comprehension - physiology 2
coronary angiography - methods - statistics & numerical data 2
cranioplasty 2
ct coronary angiography 2
decompressive craniectomy 2
diffusion 2
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging - methods 2
disease progression 2
dynamic contrast-enhanced mri 2
electrocardiography - methods 2
emission-computed 2
epilepsy - diagnosis - pathology - radionuclide imaging 2
extracellular matrix - pathology 2
faux pas 2
filum termniale 2
fluorodeoxyglucose f18 2
frontal lesions 2
frontal lobe - pathology - physiopathology 2
functional prediction 2
general anaesthesia 2
glioblastoma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 2
glioma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 2
heart 2
heart rate 2
hemangioblastoma 2
hemangioblastoma - blood supply - pathology - surgery 2
hippocampal volumetry 2
hong kong - epidemiology 2
infarction, middle cerebral artery - drug therapy - epidemiology - radiography 2
intracranial arteriosclerosis - epidemiology - ethnology - radiography 2
intracranial atherosclerosis 2
ischemia - pathology 2
ischemic attack, transient - drug therapy - epidemiology - radiography 2
ischemic attack, transient - epidemiology 2
lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - diagnosis 2
magnetic resonance imaging - methods 2
medial frontal region 2
medial temporal atrophy 2
meningeal neoplasms - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 2
meningioma - blood supply - metabolism - pathology 2
mental state 2
mental status schedule 2
mentalizing 2
meta& 2
mild behavioural impairment 2
mild cognitive impairment 2
mixed dementia 2
models, cardiovascular 2
motor cortical mapping 2
mr perfusion 2
neoplasms, radiation-induced - epidemiology 2
neuronal hypertrophy 2
neuropsychological tests 2
pediatric imaging 2
perfusion 2
peripheral nervous system neoplasms - blood supply - pathology - surgery 2
perivascular spaces 2
permeability 2
phantoms, imaging 2
positron-emission tomography 2
posterior cingulate cortex 2
radiation dosage 2
radiation dose 2
reproducibility of results 2
rich-club organization 2
risk assessment 2
single-photon 2
skin neoplasms - diagnosis 2
small vessel disease 2
social perception 2
spinal avf 2
stroke - diagnosis - etiology 2
stroke recovery 2
structural network 2
subjective cognitive decline 2
theory of mind - physiology 2
thinking 2
thrombolysis 2
thrombolytic therapy 2
tia 2
tibet 2
time factors 2
tomography, emission-computed, single-photon/methods 2
transient ischemic attack 2
tumor microenvironment 2
type 2 diabetes mellitus 2
united states - epidemiology 2
vascular dementia 2
x-ray computed 2
18f-flutemetamol 1
1h mrs 1
3.0 tesla 1
adenocarcinoma - blood supply - metabolism - radiography 1
adolescent 1
alzheimer&apos 1
alzheimer’s disease 1
amyloid 1
analyze 7.0 software 1
angiography - methods 1
angiography, digital subtraction 1
arterial blood volume 1
arterial transit time 1
atypical 1
biological markers - blood 1
biopsy, needle 1
blood flow velocity 1
blood vessel prosthesis - statistics & numerical data 1
blood volume 1
brain 1
brain ischemia - radiography 1
brain neoplasms - complications - secondary 1
brain stem - pathology 1
brainstem 1
carotid artery, internal - radiography 1
carotid stenosis - radiography 1
cerebral angiography 1
cerebral infarction - epidemiology 1
cerebrovascular circulation - drug effects 1
china - epidemiology 1
clinical trials as topic 1
cognitively normal older adults 1
colorectal neoplasm 1
colorectal neoplasms - blood supply - metabolism - radiography 1
comorbidity 1
contraceptives, oral, hormonal - adverse effects 1
diagnostic imaging 1
dura mater - pathology 1
early-onset alzheimer’s disease 1
endosonography - methods 1
epidemiologic factors 1
gamma knife radiosurgery 1
gastrointestinal hemorrhage - diagnosis - ultrasonography 1
gastrointestinal stromal tumors - diagnosis - ultrasonography 1
gonadal steroid hormones - physiology 1
human immunodeficiency virus 1
image processing, computer-assisted 1
immunohistochemistry 1
intracranial arteriosclerosis - epidemiology - surgery 1
ischemic attack, transient - radiography 1
lung neoplasms - complications 1
manual hippocampal volumetry 1
mass screening 1
memory clinic 1
microvessel density 1
microvessels - pathology 1
mri 1
neovascularization, pathologic - radiography 1
neurosyphilis 1
perfusion imaging 1
pituitary adenoma 1
posterior leucoencephalopathy 1
posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome - chemically induced - pathology - radiography 1
postoperative complications - epidemiology 1
proto-oncogene proteins c-kit - blood 1
quantitative medicine 1
quasar 1
reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome 1
risk assessment - methods 1
s disease 1
spm5 software with dartel registration 1
stents - statistics & numerical data 1
stroke - radiography 1
therapeutic time window 1
tumor control 1
vascular endothelial growth factor 1
vascular endothelial growth factor a - metabolism 1
vasoconstriction - drug effects 1
vbm 1
vocal cord paralysis - etiology 1
vocal fold paralysis 1
voxel-based morphometry 1
young adult 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
molecular imaging, positron emission tomography, pre-clinical, radiotracer 16
mri, population-based, psychosis, psychotic experiences, subclinical psychotic symptoms, youth 9
alzheimer's disease, herbal medicine, modulate systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, wolfberry 7
cognitive impairment, diffusion kurtosis imaging, diffusion mri imaging, duchenne msucular dystrophy, neurodisabilities, neuropsychology 7
1h-mrs, at-risk mental state, clinical high risk, glutamate, psychosis prediction 6
dopamine, late-onset, psychosocial stressors, schizophrenia 6
functionaml magnetic, magnetic resonance, schizophrenia, treatment resistant, ultra resistant, visual stress 6
mri compatible cycle ergometer 6
schizophrenia, spectroscopy, treatment resistant 6
brain connectivity, effective connectivity, multivariate signal modeling, neuroimaging, simultaneous eeg/fmri 5
cerebral aneurysms, fluid-structure interaction 5
impairment, perspective, plausible, underpinning, vessel, wiring 4
cognitive dysfunctions, laparotomy, neuroinflammation, pkr, systemic inflammation 3
cognitive processes, glutamate, normal aging, proton mr spectroscopy, task-based bold-fmri 3
demyelination, lesion detection, mri, ms, multiple sclerosis, neurological disease 3
detect silent brain, elderly, novel cardiac imaging technique, subsequent vascular dementia 3
ischemic stroke, magnetic resonance imaging (mri), queen mary hospital, transient ischemic attack 3
blood pressure, cerebral small vessel disease, stroke 2
brain volume loss, diffusion kurtosis, magnetic resonance, multiple sclerosis, myo-inositol, neuromyelitis optica 2
comprehensive, ischemic stroke, magnetic resonance imaging, mri, transient ischemic attack 2
executive functions, frontal cortex, hippocampus, lycium barbarum, parkinson's disease, water maze 2
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