AuthorsNo. of Publications
fung, s 39
beling, cd 38
anwand, w 20
brauer, g 20
skorupa, w 14
djurišić, ab 9
gong, m 9
weng, hm 9
chen, xd 7
cheung, ck 7
wagner, a 7
chen, x 6
su, s 6
deng, ah 5
chan, wk 4
fung, shy 4
gu, q 4
gu, ql 4
luo, c 4
shan, yy 4
wang, z 4
zhu, cy 4
djurisic, a 3
ge, wk 3
grambole, d 3
hsu, yf 3
kuriplach, j 3
lam, ch 3
li, s 3
lu, lw 3
lui, mk 3
ong, hc 3
schmidt, m 3
su, sc 3
tam, kh 3
wang, hy 3
wang, sp 3
younas, m 3
zhang, jd 3
zhong, zq 3
au, hl 2
betterling, m 2
cheng, cc 2
djurisic, ab 2
ellguth, m 2
fan, ym 2
grundmann, m 2
han, rd 2
hu, yf 2
hui, ip 2
kuznetsov, a 2
leung, yh 2
lu, ym 2
luo, jm 2
luo, yl 2
nadeem, m 2
nahid, f 2
ng, amc 2
panda, bk 2
pickenhain, r 2
reuther, h 2
so, ck 2
v wenckstern, h 2
wang, jn 2
wong, ks 2
xu, sj 2
yang, b 2
yang, cl 2
zhao, yw 2
zhou, xy 2
auret, fd 1
beinik, i 1
chau, t 1
chawanda, a 1
cheah, kw 1
chen, aq 1
cheng, ck 1
cheung, sh 1
chin, hy 1
chu, pk 1
chung, cy 1
cizmar, e 1
cui, x 1
czekalla, c 1
dai, xm 1
das, agm 1
desheng, h 1
diale, m 1
ding, g 1
ding, l 1
djurisić, ab 1
du, jf 1
egger, w 1
fan, jc 1
feng, qj 1
fleischer, s 1
fu, rky 1
fung, mk 1
gao, g 1
gao, y 1
ge, w 1
grenzer, j 1
han, r 1
han, w 1
hang, ds 1
hang, hs 1
hao, jh 1
harfouche, m 1
helm, m 1
henkel, t 1
ho, lp 1
huang, ap 1
huang, d 1
huang, y 1
hui, cw 1
hui, yp 1
huimin, w 1
janse van rensburg, pj 1
karsthof, r 1
kentsch, u 1
khan, rta 1
ki, d 1
ki, dk 1
klimm, d 1
kobayashi, n 1
kuznestov, a 1
kwan, py 1
kwok, wm 1
kwong, c 1
lam, cwh 1
lam, tw 1
lang, j 1
lee, hn 1
lee, tc 1
leung, cw 1
li, cj 1
li, kf 1
li, sh 1
li, yx 1
liang, hw 1
liao, c 1
lin, j 1
lin, t 1
lin, tx 1
ling, cd 1
liu, h 1
liu, jy 1
liu, y 1
liu, zf 1
lortz, r 1
lu, l 1
luo, cq 1
luo, j 1
ma, cg 1
ma, sk 1
mei, t 1
mei, yf 1
mei, yy 1
meyer, we 1
mtangi, w 1
mui, wk 1
naik, ps 1
nel, jm 1
ng, ck 1
ng, mh 1
niu, b 1
pak, cm 1
pan, dz 1
pan, z 1
panda, s 1
phillips, dl 1
phillips, m 1
pramanik, c 1
procházka, i 1
rahman, ma 1
rao, q 1
rashid, r 1
reddy, cv 1
ru, q 1
saha, h 1
sarkar, ck 1
schulz, d 1
shati, k 1
shek, yf 1
shi, y 1
shih, k 1
siu, gg 1
sperr, p 1
sun, nf 1
sun, s 1
sun, tn 1
tam, hw 1
tanoue, h 1
tao, pc 1
teichert, c 1
to, ck 1
ton-that, c 1
w ding, g 1
wang, h 1
wang, j 1
wang, l 1
wang, o 1
wang, rx 1
wang, xh 1
wang, y 1
wang, yy 1
wei, ct 1
wei, l 1
weng, h 1
wu, dx 1
wu, yy 1
xi, yy 1
xiao, k 1
xie, z 1
xu, c 1
xu, j 1
xu, s 1
yan, ss 1
yang, h 1
yang, yq 1
ye, bj 1
yie, bj 1
yu, j 1
yu, tf 1
zhang, hy 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, t 1
zhang, zd 1
zhao, d 1
zhao, lz 1
zheng, m 1
zheng, z 1
zhong, y 1
zhong, yc 1
zhou, s 1
zhou, sq 1
zhou, tj 1
zhu, c 1
zhu, dl 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, j 1
zhu, sc 1
zviagin, s 1
čížek, j 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
zno 8
dlts 6
nanorod 5
pas 5
pl 5
schottky contact 5
xps 5
4h-silicon carbide 4
contamination 4
deep level transient spectroscopy 4
defects 4
field assisted moderator 4
ohmic contacts 4
positron annihilation spectroscopy 4
positron mobility 4
semi-insulating 4
x ray photoelectron spectroscopy 4
annealing 3
breakdown 3
buffer layer 3
channel electron multiplier 3
chemical vapour deposition 3
compensation defects 3
conversion efficiency 3
deep level 3
deep level spectroscopy 3
defect 3
electrical and optical property 3
ferroelectric response 3
gan 3
high-density polyethylene 3
hydrothermal treatments 3
lec-grown inp 3
low temperature 3
martensitic transformation 3
maximum entropy 3
melt 3
metastability 3
monte carlo 3
morphology 3
n-nanorods 3
nanostructures 3
optical cross-section 3
oxides 3
photoluminsescence 3
physics engineering 3
polarity control 3
positron annihilation 3
positron beam 3
positron emission 3
positron lifetime 3
positron lifetime spectroscopy 3
positron moderation 3
positronium 3
pulsed laser deposition 3
raman spectroscopy 3
scanning electron microscopy 3
second harmonic generation 3
shape memory alloy 3
si-gaas 3
sic 3
slow positron re-emission 3
surface etching 3
trapped electrons 3
tungsten mesh 3
vacancy sensing 3
zinc oxide 3
γ-in2se3 3
acceptor complex 2
alphabet lines 2
electron irradiation 2
formation process 2
hydrogen impurity 2
low substrate temperature 2
n-type conductivity 2
opto-electronics 2
p type zno 2
p-type doping 2
photoluminescence 2
secondary ion mass spectroscopy 2
silicon carbide 2
silicon compounds 2
6h silicon carbide 1
a. a-zno 1
a. c-p-mbe 1
a. znmgo 1
as-implantation 1
capacitance-voltage spectra 1
deep levels 1
doppler broadening 1
electron beam cured (ebc) coating 1
epoxy-acrylates resin 1
ferromagnetism 1
hard carbon 1
monte carlo simulation 1
polyimide 1
sb-doped zno 1
sbpo4 1
semiconductor 1
slow positron beam 1
sodium ion batteries 1
squid 1
vacancy 1
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