AuthorsNo. of Publications
wong, sk 127
lai, lwc 61
ho, dcw 60
yiu, cy 43
yau, y 29
leung, hf 21
lau, ssy 15
cheung, akc 13
cheung, kc 13
newell, g 13
pretorius, fih 13
lorne, ft 12
walker, a 12
lu, w 11
liang, j 10
mckinnell, kg 10
newell, gj 10
wong, kc 10
davies, sng 8
yang, l 8
wong, ws 7
zou, g 7
li, rym 6
liu, h 6
ng, ff 6
ong, se 6
wang, ys 6
chen, y 5
choy, htl 5
lung, dpy 5
chua, mh 4
deng, kk 4
ganesan, s 4
ho, wko 4
lam, hm 4
lin, yy 4
wang, y 4
ye, m 4
cheung, cw 3
cheung, ks 3
chin, tl 3
choy, ht 3
choy, lht 3
choy, lht 3
chua, mhy 3
deng, k 3
hamer, am 3
hsu, bfc 3
karato, k 3
lam, clk 3
li, lh 3
ma, sm 3
ma, vsm 3
ng, ml 3
tse, mks 3
wang, x 3
wei, q 3
wong, ws 3
wu, y 3
yiu, cy 3
yu, mkw 3
zheng, x 3
arner, dw 2
baharuddin 2
chan, aty 2
chan, pck 2
chen, k 2
ching, st 2
cui, x 2
deng, y 2
flanagan, r 2
fu, q 2
huang, w 2
hui, ecm 2
jayantha, wm 2
jin, z 2
kei, ws 2
kwong, jwy 2
lai, lwc 2
lam, sk 2
lau, ssy 2
leung, dkc 2
leung, km 2
li, l 2
lin, vyy 2
man, kf 2
mckinnell, k 2
ng, ff 2
niu, y 2
pan, w 2
poon, sw 2
pretorius, f 2
pu, l 2
ren, r 2
schwann, gm 2
shen, j 2
shen, l 2
shen, qp 2
shimisu, c 2
so, wm 2
wang, h 2
webster, cj 2
wong, ryc 2
wu, m 2
ye, am 2
yiu, ecy 2
yu, ck 2
yu, yte 2
zhang, y 2
zheng, l 2
zou, g. l. 2
zou, gl 2
acheampong, p 1
amato, a 1
arner, d 1
baharuddin, b 1
bao, hxh 1
bao, z 1
brown, gr 1
chan, a 1
chan, at 1
chan, pkc 1
chan, pyl 1
chan, sh 1
chan, vnh 1
chan, yee shan isabelle 1
chang, c-o 1
chen, jd 1
chen, x 1
chen, yang 1
ching, kst 1
chiu, sm 1
choy, ht 1
choy, lennon h t 1
chu, x 1
chui, lht 1
chui, lth 1
cunningham, c 1
dy, kenneth bicol 1
frank, l 1
garcia, r 1
giridharan, r 1
green, r 1
grunder, p 1
han, q 1
haran, m 1
he, s 1
he, y 1
hiang, lk 1
ho, cwd 1
ho, dcw 1
ho, eck 1
ho, ms 1
hong, s 1
huang, z 1
hui, e.c.m. 1
hung, cwy 1
hung, ect 1
hungfai ng, c 1
huo, d 1
javed, aa 1
juchau, r 1
kanitpun, r 1
kee, t 1
kee, tris 1
kingchung cheung, a 1
koo, r 1
kwan, locinda 1
kwong, wy 1
la grange, ar 1
lam, bym 1
lam, g 1
lam, gc 1
lam, gcc 1
lam, k 1
lam, kw 1
lam, sf 1
lau, sst 1
lau, wy 1
lee, ckk 1
lee, hy 1
lee, wyw 1
lennon, htc 1
leung, ayt 1
leung, nth 1
leung, th 1
li, cw 1
li, fm 1
li, kc 1
li, ym 1
liu, j 1
liu, y 1
liusman, e 1
lo, d 1
lokuen lam, c 1
lu, ll 1
lu, weisheng wilson 1
lu, y 1
macgregor, bd 1
matsuda, n 1
mccluskey, w 1
mccord, m 1
meng, f 1
ng, hf 1
ng-mak, hml 1
pau, sh 1
pretorius, p 1
pu, lf 1
raftery, j 1
renganathan, g 1
shen, ly 1
shimatsu, y 1
shimizu, c 1
shuai, c 1
shuai, cy 1
siuyu lau, s 1
skitmore, m 1
soultanidis, na 1
szeto, wy 1
tai, j 1
tang, b 1
tang, gwk 1
tang, lcm 1
tang, wk 1
teng, h-j 1
tse, ks 1
tse, ksm 1
tse, m 1
wadu mesthrige, j 1
wadu, mj 1
waichung lai, l 1
wang, dr 1
wang, k 1
wang, s 1
wang, st 1
webb, j 1
webb, jr 1
webster, christopher john 1
wong, kc 1
wong, ks 1
wong, ksk 1
wong, kt 1
wong, wg 1
wu, cl 1
xiong, b 1
xu, n 1
yang, l 1
yang, l 1
yang, linchuan 1
yang, t 1
yeung, akc 1
yu, rkk 1
yung, ehk 1
zeng, ff 1
zhan, w 1
zhang, jh 1
zhang, m 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, xiaoling 1
zhao, r 1
zhao, ya 1
zheng, y 1
zhou, yq 1
zhu, r 1
zhu, rd 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hong kong 15
health 9
transaction cost 9
sustainable development 8
buildings 7
health and safety 7
housing 7
hygiene 7
performance measurement (quality) 7
safety 7
building quality indices 6
design variables 6
information asymmetry 6
performance assessment 6
real estate 6
residential property 6
assessment tools 5
building quality 5
daylight illuminance 5
daylight simulation 5
environmental quality 5
hedonic price model 5
hedonic pricing model 5
height to floor area 5
high-rise and high-density residential developments 5
high-rise housing 5
information flow 5
institutions 5
kitchens 5
land auction 5
market responses 5
national cultures 5
people's republic of china 5
performance measurement 5
preferences 5
price signals 5
property management 5
property rights 5
rooms 5
sky view factor 5
socialization 5
structural design 5
surface albedo 5
urban geometry 5
urban heat island effect 5
building specifications 4
corporate financial performance 4
corporate social performance 4
corporate social responsibility 4
dd lots 4
developer 4
engineering 4
externality 4
forward contract 4
garch model 4
heritage conservation 4
land market 4
land readjustment 4
land value 4
letter a/b 4
portfolio diversification 4
pre-sale 4
price volatility 4
pricing 4
transaction costs 4
tso/tong land 4
urban renewal 4
age effects 3
apartment properties 3
aquaculture 3
auction 3
balcony 3
bidding outcome 3
bivariate garch 3
building labelling 3
building performance 3
built environment 3
built-heritage 3
carbon trading 3
china 3
chopsticks 3
comprehensive development area zone 3
corporate social performance-corporate financial performance relationship 3
critical review 3
culture 3
curvilinear relationship 3
delay 3
delay in development 3
depreciation 3
discount rate 3
duration 3
environmental effect 3
environmental management 3
extensions (buildings) 3
green buildings 3
greenbelt 3
high density city 3
hoarding 3
housing price 3
housing supply 3
informal housing 3
innovations 3
institutional analysis 3
institutional changes 3
institutional innovations 3
international construction 3
land tenure 3
liquidity 3
lot boundaries 3
market efficiency 3
market sentiments 3
market-oriented urban redevelopment 3
marketing 3
master layout plan 3
modelling 3
models 3
moral hazard 3
multicollinearity 3
natural disasters 3
neighborhood 3
noise trader 3
panel data 3
planning market 3
price discovery 3
price dispersion 3
prices 3
pricing mechanism 3
public sector 3
qianhai 3
real estate forward sales 3
real option 3
reclamation 3
refurbishment 3
refurbishment costing 3
repeat-sales index 3
repeat-sales model 3
reputation 3
schumpeterian experimentation 3
small property right housing 3
social cost 3
spatial dependence 3
subsidy 3
sustainable design 3
taste 3
thailand 3
tidal waves 3
trading volume 3
transfer of development rights 3
turnover 3
uncertainties 3
unintended policy consequence 3
unseco world heritage 3
urban areas 3
urban conservation 3
urban design 3
urban development 3
urban housing 3
urban planning 3
urban rehabilitation 3
vertical integration 3
volatility spillover 3
winner's curse 3
zones(planning) 3
zoning 3
zoning system 3
accessibility by transit 2
accessibility to transit 2
adaptive reuse 2
age effect 2
agency cost hypothesis 2
agency problems 2
air pollution 2
apartment buildings 2
architecture 2
asia 2
asia reits 2
austrian economics 2
behavioural economics 2
betterment 2
building density 2
building height 2
building information modeling 2
building naming 2
building safety 2
building safety policy 2
bus garages 2
capital structure 2
carbon emission 2
catching-up process 2
civil engineering 2
co-operative society 2
coase 2
coase theorem 2
commercial real estate 2
compassion 2
conservation 2
construction accidents 2
construction firms 2
construction industry 2
construction productivity 2
corporate memory 2
corporate social responsibility (csr) 2
court cases 2
currency board 2
data envelopment analysis 2
decision making 2
decoupling analysis 2
developers 2
development control 2
development plans 2
discrimination 2
diversification 2
duration of land redevelopment approval 2
economic impact 2
emission characteristics 2
enemy heritage 2
entrepreneurial innovations 2
environmental kuznets curve (ekc) 2
environmental policy 2
evolution process 2
evolutionary game model 2
firb sector 2
firm age 2
firm size 2
floor level 2
forward planning 2
gender 2
geographically weighted regression 2
global financial crisis 2
glocalisation 2
governance 2
hedonic model 2
hong kong - reits 2
housing price movements 2
housing submarket 2
ifcs 2
industry development 2
information asymmetries 2
institutional change 2
inter-firm cooperation 2
international organizations 2
interventionism 2
investors 2
ipo 2
it facilities 2
kaya identity 2
labour productivity 2
land boundary 2
land reform 2
land registration 2
land supply 2
land surveying 2
land use 2
land use planning 2
layouts 2
leasehold land system 2
leases 2
libertarianism 2
lmdi model 2
local officials 2
location 2
locational specificity 2
lock-in effects 2
low carbon city 2
misallocation losses 2
moral hazards 2
mortgage prepayment 2
natural experiment 2
office 2
office space 2
olson's group theory 2
open access property 2
organizations 2
panel estimation 2
performance analysis 2
planning appeal 2
political circles 2
political promotion 2
portfolio investment 2
positive externalities 2
price deflator 2
price formation 2
price gradient 2
price index 2
principal–agent theory 2
probit modelling 2
process characteristic 2
productive efficiency 2
property 2
property price 2
property prices 2
property securities 2
public auction 2
quality 2
quasi-rational economics 2
real estate development 2
redevelopment option 2
relative labour productivity 2
rent 2
repeat sales 2
residential buildings 2
residential mortgages 2
risk assessment 2
risk-adjusted returns 2
rural planning 2
safety performance 2
sand 2
schumpeterian innovation 2
service firm 2
sign structure 2
signaling 2
similarity 2
skilled employees 2
social institution 2
social justice 2
spatial autocorrelation 2
spatial hedonic pricing model 2
spatial models 2
stakeholder management 2
state monopoly 2
storage 2
structure value 2
subcontracting 2
subsidiarity 2
subsidized homeownership 2
substitution 2
supply elasticity 2
sustainability 2
system-gmm 2
term structure 2
time window 2
total factor productivity 2
unauthorized appendages 2
unauthorized building works 2
underpricing 2
urban experimentation 2
urban regeneration 2
vacancy rate 2
variable-rate mortgages 2
virtuous cycle 2
academic discipline 1
accessibility 1
agrarian reform 1
ahp 1
appraisal smoothing 1
approval risk 1
arbitrage 1
artificial intelligence 1
artificial neural network 1
asset pricing test 1
attitude survey 1
auction theory 1
automated valuation 1
automl 1
behavioural finance 1
bidding strategy 1
bim 1
bon's proposition 1
box-cox transformation 1
break date 1
broad money 1
budget constraints 1
building cost models 1
building energy 1
bus rapid transit (brt) 1
catching-up hypothesis 1
co-movement 1
coal 1
cointegration 1
community use 1
compulsory purchase 1
construction 1
construction cost 1
construction management 1
construction safety 1
consumption 1
contractual informality 1
costs 1
crude oil 1
cultural betterment 1
cultured groupers 1
data envelopment analysis (dea) 1
dea 1
demand 1
dependence 1
digitalization 1
direct and indirect real estate 1
distance 1
economic development 1
economic growth 1
efficiency 1
efficient market hypothesis 1
elasticity 1
elasticity of substitution 1
energy efficiency 1
energy price 1
engle-granger test 1
epistemology 1
error-correction model 1
evidence-based practice 1
ex situ heritage 1
excess returns 1
exogeneity 1
filter rules 1
freehold 1
fuel price 1
geographic element 1
granger causality 1
granger causality test 1
heritage building 1
hong kong housing market 1
hong kong property cycle 1
house price 1
housing bubble 1
housing return 1
hydroelectricity 1
hydropower consumption 1
industrial value added 1
industrialization 1
inflation 1
information 1
information efficiency and confirmor transaction 1
input-output 1
international crude oil price 1
internet of things 1
interpretative approach 1
journal publishing 1
journals 1
kalman filter 1
land auctions 1
land redistribution 1
land use change 1
land value capture 1
leading indicators 1
leasehold 1
liquidity risk 1
listed real estate company 1
logistic regression 1
long-run elasticity 1
malmquist index 1
management strategy 1
market premium 1
market-led agrarian reform 1
mechanisation 1
metropolis 1
mobile apps 1
modular model 1
monte carlo simulation 1
mountain 1
museum 1
oil consumption 1
pedestrian roads 1
plan shape 1
planning applications 1
post-materialist value theory 1
prediction 1
presale 1
price control 1
price-volume relationship 1
pricing theory 1
principal-agent problem 1
probabilistic cost estimate 1
production efficiency 1
production function 1
productivity 1
property and facilities management 1
property cycle 1
property markets 1
prosperity hypothesis 1
pseudo r2 1
questions and answers 1
rainfall and runoff 1
real estate cycle 1
real estate investment 1
real estate sales 1
research methods 1
retail property market 1
retail property price 1
retail shop price 1
sales 1
scale economics 1
sentiment 1
shenzhen 1
singular spectrum analysis 1
smart cities 1
spectral analysis 1
spreadsheet 1
state-space model 1
structural break 1
sub-divided units 1
sub-market effect 1
sustainable house price 1
sustainable risk ranking 1
technical efficiency 1
technological progress 1
tenure security 1
time compression diseconomies 1
time series analysis 1
toda-yamamoto test 1
tourism development 1
tourism shopping 1
tourist shopper 1
trace correction 1
trace test 1
transaction volume 1
transfer station 1
transport cost 1
unexpected outcomes 1
urban housing market 1
urban rail transit accessibility 1
web 2.0 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
residential buildings 6
safety and conditions index 6
banks, real estate 4
bidding strategy, market sentiment, winner's curse 4
corporate governance, real estate 4
adverse selection, liquidity, real estate 3
analytical, empirical analysis, sustainable city development, urban planning 3
contruction projects 3
daylight, designers, perception 3
delay in development approval, innovations in building design, land hoarding, private residential development, strategic behaviour 3
discount rate, land tenure, property price, sustainability 3
disposition effect, prospect theory, real estate, transaction data 3
effects of socio-economic 3
financial systems 3
housing price, liquidity effect, spatial autocorrelation 3
office space requirements 3
price dispersion, price volatility, real estate, transaction tax 3
null 3
bus depots, franchised buses, government leases, implicit contract, lease modifications 2
china, exchange rate reform, fiscal reform, property price 2
construction, economy, property 2
externality, real option, unexpected outcome, urban renewal 2
hedonic price model, information asymmetry, law and economics analysis, repeat sales model 2
high-dense city, high-rise city, validation 2
liquidity, pricing, real options, subsidized housing 2
market power, property developers, property market 2
construction 1
construction industry 1
environmental consciousness, green building, green building premium, residential properties, sustainability 1
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