AuthorsNo. of Publications
wei, wi 29
ho, wk 23
chan, jyw 17
chan, yw 13
law, syk 11
chan, jyk 10
van hasselt, ca 10
holsinger, fc 9
vlantis, ac 9
chung, jck 8
to, vsh 8
chan, kmk 7
chan, sy 7
wong, ts 7
wong, yhi 7
tong, khd 6
wong, ewy 6
chan, kkd 5
ma, epm 5
wong, sts 5
yiu, eml 5
chen, gg 4
chung, ckj 4
gao, w 4
kwong, eyl 4
lang, hhb 4
law, tt 4
lee, vhf 4
li, nyk 4
lin, zx 4
ng, wt 4
to, kf 4
tong, mcf 4
wong, kp 4
wong, kt 4
woo, jks 4
ahuja, at 3
chan, abw 3
chan, dkk 3
chow, lyv 3
chow, vly 3
ferlito, a 3
ho, acw 3
kam, mkm 3
king, ad 3
kwong, dlw 3
lam, wk 3
lee, r 3
leung, gkk 3
leung, tw 3
lui, wm 3
poon, ws 3
rodrigo, jp 3
verdolini-abbott, k 3
yu, kh 3
azizian, m 2
chan, awh 2
chan, fsy 2
chan, jy 2
chan, jy 2
chan, pks 2
chiu, pwy 2
de bree, r 2
du, j 2
eisele, dw 2
fong, r 2
hao, sp 2
ho, sy 2
huang, dp 2
kwong, dl 2
kwong, yle 2
lam, jw 2
lam, jwk 2
lee, wma 2
lo, kw 2
lo, psy 2
loh, ks 2
mäkitie, aa 2
ng, ssm 2
ng, yw 2
quon, h 2
richmon, jd 2
rumbach, af 2
saba, nf 2
sorger, jm 2
starmer, hm 2
sun, n 2
tang, wwy 2
tay, jk 2
to, vs 2
tong, cc 2
tsang, aco 2
tsao, sw 2
tse, fw 2
tse, gm 2
tse, gmk 2
verdolini-abbot, k 2
ward, ec 2
weinstein, gs 2
wong, c 2
wong, ckh 2
wong, lyc 2
wong, shw 2
yu, bkh 2
yuen, ehy 2
yuen, mty 2
abdullah, v 1
adeoye, ja 1
adham, m 1
au, aky 1
bedi, n 1
beitler, jj 1
ben, kridis, w 1
bertrand, pp 1
bonfili, j 1
bossi, p 1
bree, rd 1
but, b 1
cai, jf 1
chai, r 1
chan, atc 1
chan, clr 1
chan, cy 1
chan, j 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kk 1
chan, km 1
chan, msm 1
chan, mwy 1
chan, sya 1
chan, wc 1
chan, wm 1
chan, ws 1
chang, ar 1
chang, kp 1
chang, ryk 1
charn, tze choong 1
chen, m 1
chen, my 1
chen, s 1
chen, zj 1
cheng, vcc 1
cheung, tt 1
chiang, rmf 1
chien, cy 1
chitapanarux, i 1
chiu, philip wy 1
choi, cw 1
choi, sw 1
chow, jch 1
chow, ltc 1
chu, c 1
chu, imt 1
chu, kk 1
chua, m 1
chung, hp 1
chung, twh 1
coca-pelaza, a 1
cock, charles 1
cohen, o 1
cook, ij 1
corry, j 1
damrose, ej 1
doeltgen, sh 1
duvvuri, u 1
eisbruch, a 1
eu, donovan kum chuen 1
fan, z 1
gary, tmk 1
goi, kyc 1
graham, p 1
gray, jw 1
gregoire, v 1
guan, xy 1
guntinas-lichius, o 1
hahn, e 1
hao, w 1
ho, ac 1
ho, c 1
ho, ctk 1
ho, cwa 1
ho, fwk 1
ho, gf 1
ho, rsl 1
ho, tsy 1
ho, wws 1
holsinger, cf 1
hong, ss 1
hong, ssy 1
howe to, vs 1
hsiang, jnk 1
huang, lilleen minyi 1
huang, sh 1
hui, aby 1
hui, ep 1
hung, ifn 1
hung, kwk 1
ian loh, chi yuan 1
jang, isabelle jia hui 1
kan, wk 1
kannarunimit, d 1
kearney, a 1
kiong, kl 1
kishimoto, y 1
kligerman, mp 1
ko, kl 1
koh, yw 1
kok, sy 1
koohi-moghadam, m 1
ku, p 1
kuo, wl 1
kwok, jyy 1
kwok, wt 1
kwong, j 1
lam, cny 1
lam, ko 1
lam, ko 1
lam, shy 1
lam, thomas y 1
lam, wkj 1
lang, bhh 1
lau, alan tl 1
lau, fty 1
lau, j 1
lau, jk 1
lau, ll 1
lau, wcs 1
law, s 1
law, sy 1
le, qt 1
lee, acy 1
lee, aw 1
lee, awm 1
lee, dly 1
lee, ny 1
lee, vh 1
lee, wy 1
leung, sm 1
leung, wk 1
li, ch 1
li, hl 1
li, lf 1
li, ph 1
li, z 1
liang, w 1
liang, x 1
licitra, l 1
lim, chwee ming 1
lim, cm 1
lim, dw 1
lim, ming yann 1
lin, jc 1
liu, rwm 1
liu, s 1
liu, zw 1
lo, wi 1
lo, wia 1
lopez, f 1
lou, pj 1
lu, z 1
lu, zq 1
lui, hk 1
lui, pcw 1
luk, sy 1
lung, kc 1
lv, kx 1
lópez, f 1
machiels, jp 1
maclean, j 1
magnuson, js 1
mai, hq 1
man, oy 1
mehta, n 1
mendenhall, wm 1
mesía, r 1
mohr, c 1
mok, jsw 1
mok, paul kan hwei 1
mok, vincent ct 1
moore, ej 1
ng, cwk 1
ng, hk 1
ng, jcw 1
ng, my 1
ng, rh 1
ng, wt 1
ngan, rk 1
nicolli, ea 1
nuyts, s 1
o'sullivan, b 1
omari, taher i 1
or, yyy 1
orosco, r 1
orosco, rk 1
o’malley jr,, bw 1
o’malley, bw 1
pace-asciak, p 1
patel, m 1
poon, ys 1
pu, d 1
rassekh, c 1
rassekh, ch 1
rinaldo, a 1
robbins, kt 1
rohwäder, e 1
see, a 1
sham, jst 1
silver, ce 1
simo, r 1
siu, pw 1
smee, r 1
sridhar, s 1
steinhagen, k 1
strojan, p 1
su, y 1
sugimoto, t 1
sun, hy 1
sun, nhy 1
sun, nikie hy 1
sung, joseph j 1
sunnwoo, jb 1
szczesniak, m 1
szczesniak, michal m 1
sze, ckh 1
takano, h 1
takes, rp 1
tam, jsl 1
tan, hk 1
tang, jw 1
tateya, i 1
teo, c 1
teo, neville wei yang 1
thomas, p 1
to, kkw 1
toh, song tar 1
tong, d 1
tong, dkh 1
tong, jhm 1
tsang, cm 1
tse, w 1
uozumi, r 1
van hasselt, a 1
van hasselt, ac 1
verdolini abbott, k 1
vukkadala, n 1
wai, tkh 1
wang, hm 1
wee, jia jia 1
wee, jt 1
wei, wi 1
wong, birgitta yee hang 1
wong, by 1
wong, cly 1
wong, dkk 1
wong, fkc 1
wong, gkc 1
wong, hlc 1
wong, iyh 1
wong, kp 1
wong, marc 1
wong, mmk 1
wong, ns 1
wong, pc 1
wong, yh 1
wu, akl 1
wu, justin cy 1
wu, p 1
wu, pa 1
wu, peter 1
wu, pi 1
xu, h 1
yang, sy 1
yeung ng, p 1
yeung, acm 1
yeung, kw 1
yiu, e 1
yu, s 1
yu, sch 1
yuan, gy 1
yue, kh 1
yuen, hy 1
yuen, ky 1
yuen, margaret ty 1
yuen, tym 1
zhang, aj 1
zhang, mj 1
zhang, r 1
zhang, t 1
zheng, l 1
zhou, rm 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 19
covid-19 11
anosmia 9
nasopharyngectomy 9
olfactory dysfunction 9
sars-cov-2 9
smell impairment 9
aged 7
cell growth processes - genetics 7
epigenetic regulation 7
gene expression regulation, neoplastic 7
head and neck cancer 7
let-7 7
micrornas 7
micrornas - genetics 7
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics - metabolism - pathology 7
neck dissection 7
proliferation 7
proto-oncogene proteins c-myc - biosynthesis - genetics 7
curcumin 6
migration 6
multidisciplinary 6
postradiation malignancies 6
prognostic factors 6
treatment outcomes 6
e-cadherin 5
epstein–barr virus 5
free jejunum 5
hypopharyngeal cancer 5
laryngopharyngectomy 5
lymphadenectomy 5
matrix metallopepetidase 10 5
nf-κb 5
nodal recurrence 5
radiotherapy 5
reconstruction 5
recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma 5
salvage surgery 5
squamous cell carcinoma 5
tongue 5
tors 5
transoral robotic surgery 5
alternative treatment 4
anti-inflammatory effect of acupuncture 4
antineoplastic agent 4
artificial intelligence 4
bone necrosis 4
cancer chemotherapy 4
cancer radiotherapy 4
carcinoma - mortality - pathology - surgery 4
circulating nucleic acid 4
clinical article 4
cytokine study 4
dna double-strand breaks 4
dysphonia 4
ebv dna 4
ebv‐encoded microrna 4
eif4ebp1 4
graft-versus-host disease 4
hematological malignancies 4
hnscc 4
humans 4
indocyanine green 4
laryngology 4
locoregional recurrence 4
machine learning 4
microrna-138-5p 4
near-infrared fluorescence imaging 4
neoplasm recurrence, local - surgery 4
oral cancer 4
oral leukoplakia 4
oral lichenoid lesions 4
radiation sensitivity 4
salvage therapy 4
second cancers 4
selective neck dissection 4
sentinel lymph node 4
therapy efficacy 4
tongue cancer 4
tongue neoplasms - mortality - pathology - surgery 4
voice problems 4
voice therapy 4
adult 3
aspiration 3
cancer surgery 3
complications 3
continuous intraoperative nerve monitoring 3
coughing 3
craniofacial resection 3
deglutition disorders 3
disease association 3
embolization 3
epistaxis 3
esophageal cancer 3
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 3
female 3
intensity-modulated radiotherapy 3
laryngectomy 3
male 3
maxillary swing 3
maxillary swing operation 3
metastasis 3
morbidities 3
nasoseptal flap 3
nerve monitoring 3
nodal 3
novel approach 3
prognosis 3
radiation dosage 3
recurrence 3
recurrent laryngeal nerve 3
salvage 3
salvage surgery maxillary swing operation 3
sars-cov-2 transmission 3
surgical salvage 3
thoracoscopic esophagectomy 3
trans-oral robotic surgery 3
vastus lateralis muscle flap 3
achalasia 2
adolescent 2
aged, 80 and over 2
ambulances 2
animals 2
cancer epidemiology 2
carotid artery pseudoaneurysm 2
carotid blowout 2
carotid blowout syndrome 2
cell line, tumor 2
chemicals and cas registry numbers 2
chicago classification 2
child 2
child, preschool 2
chromosome deletion 2
chromosomes, human, pair 11 - genetics 2
complication of radiotherapy 2
computer assisted tomography 2
covered stent 2
craniocerebral trauma - radiography - therapy 2
deglutition 2
dural cavernous angiomas 2
dysphagia 2
endovascular 2
endovascular treatment 2
epstein-barr virus 2
epstein-barr virus (ebv) 2
esophagus 2
extracerebral cavernous angiomas 2
gene amplification 2
genes, bcl-1 - genetics 2
glasgow coma scale 2
head -- surgery. 2
high-resolution manometry 2
hpv 2
infant 2
intracranial cavernous angiomas 2
mice 2
middle aged 2
motility 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - genetics 2
nasopharynx - cancer - surgery 2
neck -- surgery. 2
neurosurgery 2
nucleic acid hybridization 2
oral cavity cancer 2
pediatric cavernous angiomas 2
posterior fossa 2
prospective studies 2
radiation therapy 2
recurrent cancer 2
rna, small interfering - genetics 2
robot 2
robotic surgery 2
robotics in medicine 2
surgical robots. 2
surveillance 2
teleradiology 2
tomography, x-ray computed 2
transfection 2
transnasal endoscopic surgery 2
transoral brush biopsy 2
transplantation, heterologous 2
treatment outcome 2
vascular bypass 2
accelerated radiotherapy 1
acute renal failure 1
aerodigestive tract 1
aerosolization 1
age distribution 1
article 1
auditory tube hamartoma 1
augmented reality 1
bak 1
bcl-2 1
brachytherapy 1
bronchoscopy 1
cancer grading 1
cancer patient 1
cancer recurrence 1
cancer staging 1
cancer survival 1
carcinoma 1
carcinoma of temporal bone 1
case report 1
cervical lymph node 1
chinese 1
clinical trial 1
clinical trialtransoral 1
complications of radiotherapy 1
composite graft 1
computer-aided surgery 1
concurrent chemoradiotherapy 1
controlled study 1
covid‐19 1
cricopharyngeal dysfunction 1
cricopharyngeus 1
da vinci 1
da vinci sp 1
de-intensification 1
dextran 40 1
dilation 1
disease free survival 1
disease outbreaks 1
early antigen 1
ebv 1
ebv iga 1
electromagnetism 1
endoscopic skull base surgery 1
family history 1
field cancerization 1
flexible robot 1
gene expression 1
head and neck carcinoma 1
head and neck examination 1
head and neck squamous cell carcinomas 1
health services 1
high risk 1
hpv16 e7 1
human 1
human papillomavirus type 16 1
human tissue 1
hyperfractionated radiotherapy 1
hypopharynx 1
hypopharynx carcinoma 1
image guidance 1
immunohistochemistry 1
impedance 1
imrt 1
intensity modulated radiotherapy 1
jaw cancer 1
laryngeal cancer 1
laryngeal squamous cell 1
larynx 1
larynx carcinoma 1
lymph node 1
lymph node metastasis 1
major clinical study 1
manometry 1
maxilla sinus carcinoma 1
microcirculation 1
mouth carcinoma 1
mucocele 1
nasopharyngeal cancer 1
nasopharyngeal carcinoma screening 1
nasopharynx 1
neoadjuvant chemotherapy 1
nfκb 1
oesophagoscopy 1
operative 1
oro 1
oropharyngeal cancer 1
oropharyngeal carcinoma 1
oropharyngeal dysphagia 1
oropharynx 1
oropharynx carcinoma 1
otolaryngology 1
otological diseases 1
overall survival 1
p53 1
pandemic 1
paranasal sinuses 1
parapharyngeal space 1
parkinson’s disease 1
parotidectomy 1
pharynx 1
pleomorphic adenoma 1
practical guide 1
prediction 1
radiation associated malignancy 1
radical neck dissection 1
radical tonsillectomy 1
recurrent nasopharyngeal cancer 1
references (10) view in table layout 1
references (26) view in table layout 1
regional failure 1
replantation 1
retropharyngeal lymph node 1
salivary gland neoplasms 1
salvage treatment 1
screening 1
second primary cancers 1
sensitivity 1
severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 1
sex difference 1
single port 1
submandibulectomy 1
surgery 1
surgical navigation 1
survival 1
swallowing 1
swallowing function 1
swallowing treatment 1
synchronous cancer 1
synchronous malignancies 1
tongue carcinoma 1
tracheostomy 1
tradenames 1
trans-nasal flexible endoscopy 1
transoral 1
transoral endoscopic head and neck surgery 1
transoral robotic surgery (tors) 1
transoral robotic surgery, tors 1
transoral surgery 1
treatment 1
triple endoscopy 1
upper aerodigestive tract 1
vegf 1
virus capsid antigen 1
改良耳周切口 美容 1
改良面部除皱切口 1
腮腺手术 1
腮腺良性肿瘤 1
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