AuthorsNo. of Publications
chang, rcc 18
yu, ms 11
so, kf 9
wong, kky 9
ho, ys 7
huang, j 7
huang, y 7
lai, ko 6
cheung, yt 5
fan, r 5
he, h 5
ng, hll 5
zhao, j 5
gan, wb 4
kong, c 4
ren, yx 4
so, wl 4
tsia, kk 4
yuen, wh 4
chan, ys 3
fok, ahk 3
fok, hk 3
hung, chl 3
li, x 3
tsia, kkm 3
wei, x 3
yang, g 3
zhang, nq 3
zheng, q 3
bai, y 2
chan, hl 2
chan, ky 2
chan, rky 2
chen, k 2
cheung, th 2
fok, hka 2
hachmeister, h 2
han, l 2
hung, hlc 2
huser, t 2
lai, k-o 2
lau, cg 2
lau, wkw 2
li, w 2
lo, hyl 2
pilger, c 2
ren, c 2
ren, y 2
you, r 2
yung, wh 2
zee, sy 2
zhang, l 2
adler, a 1
an, p 1
an, pengying 1
baum, l 1
chai, a 1
chan, hlj 1
chan, jlh 1
chan, th 1
chan, y-s 1
chang, r 1
chao, j 1
chen, yj 1
cheng, sy 1
cheng, y 1
chiu, a 1
chung, sk 1
cichon, j 1
de villers-sidani, e 1
dong, cm 1
dong, x 1
fischbach, gd 1
fok, albert hiu ka 1
fok, hk 1
frank, m.g. 1
franke, tf 1
fénelon, k 1
gan, w.-b. 1
gao, m 1
geron, e 1
go, a 1
gogos, ja 1
he, hs 1
he, hua 1
ho, lc 1
hong, sj 1
hsu, pk 1
huang, jiandong 1
huang, x 1
huang, yh 1
huang, yuhua 1
hugon, j 1
huie, mj 1
jia, guoqiang 1
jiang, h 1
jiang, hh 1
karayiorgou, m 1
ko, h 1
kwan, p-y 1
kwan, py 1
lai, kwok on 1
lai, mh 1
lam, ey 1
lam, wh 1
lee, dhs 1
lee, np 1
li, a 1
li, h 1
li, q 1
li, xiaoyang 1
li, xy 1
lin, l 1
lin, zx 1
liu, hui 1
liu, q 1
lo, lhy 1
lyu, q 1
ma, l 1
macdermott, ab 1
markx, s 1
mukai, j 1
ng, hk 1
ouyang, h 1
preisler, j 1
qiao, t 1
schreiner, christoph e 1
shan, y 1
shan, ye 1
shen, x 1
shen, yang 1
shi, dd 1
so, beth wing lam 1
so, kf 1
stark, kl 1
sun, y 1
sun, yutian 1
tan, m 1
tan, xj 1
tang, b 1
tang, h 1
tse, chun sing carlos 1
wang, jie 1
wang, m 1
wang, xm 1
wang, y 1
wei, j 1
wong, kenneth kin yip 1
wu, ex 1
wu, weiwei 1
xu, b 1
yanagawa, y 1
yang, z 1
yeung, sc 1
yik, sy 1
zhang, f 1
zhang, g 1
zhang, j 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, zj 1
zheng, qiyu 1
zheng, y 1
zhou, m 1
zhou, x 1
zhou, xiaoming 1
zhou, y 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
rat 5
6-hydroxydopamine 4
balanced detection 4
biomedical problems 4
cell biology 4
chemobrain 4
clinical translation 4
coherent raman scattering 4
cp: neuroscience 4
cytokines 4
dendritic spine 4
environmentally sensitive 4
fear learning 4
fmrp 4
frontal association cortex 4
gephyrin 4
ginsenoside rg1 4
in vivo two-photon imaging 4
kif5b 4
kinesin-1 4
mouse 4
neuroinflammation 4
neuroplasticity 4
neuroprotection 4
neuroscience 4
psd95 4
synaptic protein translocation 4
1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium - toxicity 3
alkaline extraction 3
alzheimer disease - metabolism - prevention & control 3
alzheimer's disease 3
amyloid beta-peptides - chemistry - genetics - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - drug effects - metabolism 3
amyloid beta-peptides - toxicity 3
analysis of variance 3
animals 3
apoptosis 3
arabinogalactan-protein 3
autophagy 3
bessel beam 3
biological markers - analysis 3
caspase 3 - metabolism 3
catechin - administration and dosage - analogs and derivatives - chemistry - pharmacology 3
cell count 3
cell differentiation - drug effects 3
cell line, tumor 3
cells, cultured 3
central nervous system agents - administration and dosage - toxicity 3
cerebral cortex - cytology 3
computerized tomography 3
contrast enhancement 3
conventional methods 3
cytoskeleton 3
death associated protein kinase 3
differentiation 3
dose-response relationship, drug 3
drug interactions 3
drugs, chinese herbal - pharmacology 3
embryo, mammalian 3
endoplasmic reticulum 3
endoplasmic reticulum - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
extended depth of field 3
fast volumetric imaging 3
fructus lycii 3
ganoderma lucidum 3
green tea polyphenols/egcg 3
hippocampus - cytology 3
humans 3
image structures 3
indoles - diagnostic use 3
l-lactate dehydrogenase - metabolism 3
lateral resolution 3
lycium - chemistry 3
lycium barbarum 3
lysosomes - metabolism - ultrastructure 3
medicine, east asian traditional 3
mice 3
mice, transgenic 3
microtubules - metabolism 3
models, neurological 3
molecular weight 3
mpp+ 3
multiple orders 3
neurites - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
neuroblastoma 3
neuronal apoptosis 3
neurons - cytology - drug effects - metabolism 3
neurons - cytology - metabolism 3
neurons - drug effects 3
neurons - drug effects - metabolism - pathology 3
neuroprotective agents - administration and dosage - chemistry - pharmacology 3
neuroprotective agents - pharmacology 3
neurotoxicity 3
nocodazole - metabolism 3
oxidopamine - administration and dosage - toxicity 3
oxidopamine - toxicity 3
penetration ability 3
peptide fragments - toxicity 3
photons 3
prodrug/pegcg 3
propagation direction 3
rats 3
rats, sprague-dawley 3
reactive oxygen species - metabolism 3
recombinant fusion proteins - genetics - metabolism 3
reishi - chemistry 3
retinoic acid 3
side lobes 3
signal transduction 3
signal transduction - drug effects 3
synapses - drug effects - metabolism 3
synaptophysin 3
synaptophysin - drug effects - metabolism 3
synaptotoxicity 3
tretinoin - pharmacology 3
tubulin - metabolism 3
tubulin modulators - metabolism 3
two-photon microscopy 3
vacuoles - metabolism 3
volumetric imaging 3
β-amyloid 3
β-amyloid peptide 3
alzheimer's disease - chemotherapy. 2
amyloid beta-protein. 2
apoptosis. 2
double-stranded rna-dependent protein kinase 2
eukaryotic initiation factor 2α 2
eukaryotic initiation factor-2 2
ganoderma lucidum - therapeutic use. 2
medical sciences 2
microrna 2
neurodegenerative diseases - metabolism - pathology - physiopathology 2
neurons - physiology 2
neurons. 2
neuroprotective agents. 2
neurotoxicology. 2
protein biosynthesis - physiology 2
protein translation control 2
protein transport - physiology 2
psychiatry and neurology gerontology and geriatrics 2
signal transduction - physiology 2
verbenaceae - therapeutic use. 2
animal cell 1
animal experiment 1
animal tissue 1
association cortex 1
auditory cortex 1
auditory stimulation 1
auditory training 1
auditory-cued fear conditioning 1
behavior 1
conditioning, classical - physiology 1
dendritic spine clustering 1
dendritic spine plasticity 1
dendritic spines - physiology 1
digeorge syndrome - complications - genetics - pathology 1
extinction, psychological - physiology 1
fear - physiology 1
fear extinction 1
hippocampus-related memory 1
long-term potentiation - genetics 1
long-term synaptic depression - genetics 1
neuronal plasticity - physiology 1
neurons - pathology - physiology 1
plasticity 1
prefrontal cortex - pathology 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
brain connectivity, brain networks, functional mri, mri, optogenetics 7
1) magnetic resonance imaging 2) resting-state fmri 3) brain networks 4) optogenetics 5) neuromodulation 5
alternating bilateral stimulation, dendritic spine plasticity, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, fear conditioning, optogenetics, post-traumatic stress disorder 4
cholescystokinin, interneuron circuitry, parvalbumin, sensorimotor processing, somatostatin 3
circuitry plasticity, drug-induced neurogenesis, gabaergic signaling, pv neuron, spatial navigation 3
dendritic spine clustering, dendritic spine plasticity, learning and memory 3
dendritics spines, depression, in vivo imaging, interneurons, ketamine, synaptic plasticity 3
fiber lasers, optical engineering, ultradeep optical microscopy, ultrafast optical microscopy 3
auditory cortex, dendritic spine, fear learning, plasticity 2
calcium imaging, dendritic spine, in vivo imaging, sleep, targeted memory reactivation 2
chemobrain, chemotherapy, cognitive impairment, natural compounds 2
serotonergic neurons, medial prefrontal cortex, dendritic spine plasticity, fear conditioning & extinction, 2
auditory, beneficial, effects, learning, micro-circuitry, perceptual 1
dendritic spine plasticity, fear conditioning, memory consolidation, sleep 1
fear associative learning, interneuron, parvalbumin, schizophrenia, synaptic plasticity 1
1) intracellular transport 2) neuron 3) synapse 4) signal transduction 1
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