AuthorsNo. of Publications
lo, cm 292
cheung, tt 229
chan, acy 222
chan, sc 163
dai, wc 148
fan, st 112
fung, jyy 85
poon, rtp 79
sharr, ww 64
she, wh 54
ma, kw 53
wong, clt 40
ng, kkc 27
tsang, shy 27
sin, sl 21
wong, tcl 20
lai, cl 17
au, kp 16
chan, a 14
fung, j 14
sharr, w 14
yuen, wk 14
ng, iol 13
ng, kk 13
yau, tcc 13
ng, kck 12
tsang, hys 12
yuen, mf 11
yuen, rmf 10
ng, kkc 9
seto, wkw 9
lo, clr 8
chu, kkw 7
cui, tys 7
dai, jwc 7
poon, rt 7
chan, ac 6
chan, my 6
chu, fsk 6
dai, j 6
poon, r 6
seto, wk 6
tsang, sh 6
jenkins, cr 5
lau, h 5
law, wl 5
lo, rcl 5
wong, t 5
yau, t 5
cheung, cky 4
chu, km 4
fan, j 4
kwok, kf 4
lam, vwt 4
she, bwh 4
siriwardana, rc 4
tso, wk 4
tung, h 4
wong, ccl 4
wong, kky 4
yu, wc 4
yuen, j 4
chan, ks 3
chan, lk 3
chan, p 3
chu, kwk 3
ho, cl 3
ho, dwh 3
kwong, a 3
lee, vhf 3
leung, tw 3
man, k 3
ng, ktp 3
she, w 3
shing, bsy 3
agnes, s 2
avolio, aw 2
berloco, pb 2
chan, acy 2
chan, awh 2
chan, sc 2
chan, sl 2
chen, s 2
cheung, c 2
cheung, tt 2
chiang, cl 2
chu, skf 2
chung, hy 2
chung, phy 2
dai, jw 2
epstein, rj 2
fan, jkm 2
koh, ps 2
lai, q 2
lam, cm 2
lee, as 2
lee, fcw 2
leung, on 2
lim, fmy 2
lo, c 2
lo, ilo 2
lo, r 2
ma, k 2
mak, ly 2
manzia, tm 2
ng, k 2
ng, kc 2
rossi, m 2
sin, s 2
singh, g 2
suen, dtk 2
tam, pkh 2
tang, cn 2
tang, vwl 2
tisone, g 2
tong, ch 2
tsang, dsf 2
tsang, js 2
tsang, shh 2
tsui, ym 2
wong, cm 2
wong, khc 2
yap, yhd 2
yau, dtw 2
yip, vsk 2
abdi, zakee 1
abt, peter 1
adams, megan 1
ahn, chul soo 1
akamatsu, nobuhisa 1
alconchel, felipe 1
alradhawi, mohammad 1
aluvihare, varuna 1
andacoglu, oya 1
armstrong, matthew 1
arulrajan, sithhipratha 1
ascher, nancy 1
au yeung, khr 1
au, kin pan 1
au, twk 1
auzinger, georg 1
badenoch, adam 1
balci, deniz 1
balsarkar, dj 1
bao, mhr 1
barth, rolf 1
bartoszko, justyna 1
belghiti, jacques 1
berenguer, marina 1
berlakovich, gabriela 1
berzigotti, annalisa 1
bezinover, dmitri 1
bhangui, pooja 1
bhangui, prashant 1
bhat, mamatha 1
biancofiore, gianni 1
blakemore, timon 1
blasi, annabel 1
blumberg, emily 1
boehly, jennifer 1
bogan, stephanie 1
borakati, aditya 1
briggs, tim 1
broering, dieter 1
brombosz, elizabeth 1
brown, robert 1
brustia, raffaele 1
burra, patrizia 1
busuttil, ronald 1
but, ykd 1
caicedo, juan 1
campos-varela, isabel 1
cattral, mark 1
chadha, ryan 1
chan, a 1
chan, aac 1
chan, albert 1
chan, ck 1
chan, cyk 1
chan, dff 1
chan, fsy 1
chan, gcw 1
chan, kl 1
chan, kristy kwan shuen 1
chan, kw 1
chan, ky 1
chan, mmy 1
chan, mp 1
chan, sc 1
chan, sr 1
chan, swg 1
chan, tm 1
chaudhary, a 1
chaudhary, abhideep 1
cheah, yee lee 1
chen, y 1
cheng, ikp 1
cheng, kai chi 1
cheng, kc 1
cheng, lc 1
cherqui, daniel 1
cheung, chin cheung 1
cheung, cy 1
cheung, dlc 1
cheung, ety 1
cheung, ksm 1
cheung, t 1
cheung, tan-to 1
cheung, tf 1
chi, ml 1
chieh, alfred kow wei 1
chin, dwc 1
chinnakotla, srinath 1
chiu, dkc 1
chiu, eyt 1
chiu, keith wan hang 1
chiu, whk 1
chiu, wyj 1
chiu, yt 1
chong, ccn 1
chow, fc 1
chow, fcl 1
chow, lw 1
chow, wing sun 1
chu, f 1
chu, kfs 1
ciria, rubén 1
collins, rj 1
crespo, gonzalo 1
crouch, cara 1
cui, c 1
cui, ty 1
cui, yt 1
dassanayake, as 1
davidson, brian 1
de jonge, jeroen 1
de martin, eleonora 1
de santibañes, martin 1
de silva, ap 1
de silva, hj 1
denehy, linda 1
dewolf, andre 1
dharancy, sebastien 1
dimitrokallis, nikolaos 1
dominguez, beatriz 1
durand, francois 1
dutkowski, philipp 1
eason, james 1
egawa, h 1
egawa, hiroto 1
eghtesad, bijan 1
eguchi, susumu 1
elnagar, mohamed 1
emamaullee, juliet ann 1
emond, jean 1
enoch, mary anne 1
fan, ka hay 1
fan, ka siu 1
farrer, giselle 1
fernandez, thomas 1
findlay, james 1
florman, sander 1
fong, yk 1
forbes, stuart j. 1
forkin, katherine t. 1
fraser, kyra 1
friend, peter 1
fritche, dominic 1
frola, carlo 1
fung, ach 1
fung, j 1
fung, jf 1
fung, john 1
fung, jy 1
fung, jyy 1
gallagher, tk 1
genyk, y 1
genyk, yuri 1
ghani, shahi abdul 1
ghobrial, mark 1
giorgio, patricia 1
gitman, marina 1
goldaracena, nicholas 1
gorvin, lucy 1
guarrera, james 1
gunathilake, b 1
gustar, adrian 1
hannon, vivienne 1
healy, pamela 1
heimbach, julie 1
hernandez-alejandro, roberto 1
hessheimer, amelia 1
hidalgo, camila 1
hillingsø, jens g. 1
ho, chm 1
ho, daniel wai hung 1
ho, gcl 1
ho, kl 1
ho, wy 1
hogan, brian 1
hong, suk kyun 1
hu, rh 1
huda, fabia ferdousi 1
hui, jym 1
humar, abhinav 1
hung, fni 1
hwang, shin 1
ikegami, toru 1
imber, charles 1
imventarza, oscar 1
izzy, manhal 1
jackson, whitney 1
jafarian, ali 1
jalal, arif 1
jeilani, lelia 1
ji, r 1
kabacam, gokhan 1
kai, akl 1
kaldas, fady 1
kalisvaart, marit 1
kam, cs 1
kang, yoogoo 1
kasahara, mureo 1
kathirvel, manikandan 1
keskin, onur 1
khanal, pragalva 1
kim, dong sik 1
kirchner, varvara 1
klair, tarunjeet s. 1
klinck, john 1
klintmalm, goran 1
kong, hk 1
kostakis, ioannis 1
kotewall, cn 1
kotton, camille 1
krenn, claus 1
kronish, kate 1
krzanicki, dominik 1
kwan, c 1
kwan, m 1
kwok, hiu tat 1
kwon, choon hyuck david 1
kwon, yk 1
lai, ching lung 1
lai, jennifer 1
lai, rkh 1
lai, tak wing 1
lam, ahk 1
lam, b 1
lam, bky 1
lam, f 1
lam, s 1
lam, v 1
lam, walter 1
lang, hhb 1
lau, fl 1
lau, tw 1
lau, yt 1
law, ah 1
law, aly 1
lee, d 1
lee, f 1
lee, jmf 1
lee, kf 1
lee, kw 1
lee, kwang woong 1
lee, mf 1
lee, oj 1
lee, swm 1
lee, tkw 1
lee, yuk tong 1
leibold, j 1
lenti, lorenzo 1
lerut, j 1
lerut, jan 1
leung, b 1
leung, carmen oi ning 1
leung, kc 1
leung, rcy 1
leung, wk 1
levstik, mark 1
li, fk 1
li, gkh 1
li, iws 1
li, ws 1
liew, belle 1
lindsay, martine 1
liu, cl 1
liu, jh 1
liu, jiang 1
liu, ky 1
liu, linda 1
liu, shk 1
liying, sun 1
lo, awi 1
lo, cm 1
lo, ks 1
lo, regina cheuk lam 1
londoño, maria carlota 1
loong, f 1
lowe, sw 1
luk, my 1
lurje, georg 1
ma, ka wing 1
machairas, nikolaos 1
mahay, arun 1
mak, kw 1
makhdoom, shahroo 1
malik, ashish 1
maluf, daniel 1
man, n 1
man, nancy kwan 1
manser, tanja 1
mas, valeria 1
matins, paulo 1
mayr, andreas 1
mazzola, alessandra 1
mccaughan, geoffrey 1
mccluskey, stuart 1
mccormack, lucas 1
mckenna, gregory 1
merritt, william 1
mestre-costa, joao 1
milan, michele mazza 1
miller, charles 1
milliken, don 1
mina, daniel santa 1
mohamed, ahmed 1
mok, fpt 1
mok, vwk 1
monbaliu, diethard 1
montano-loza, aldo 1
montasser, iman 1
morare, nolitha 1
morkane, clare 1
mrzljak, anna 1
muiesan, paolo 1
mukhtar, ahmed 1
muller, elmi 1
munro, annalise 1
nadalin, silvio 1
nasralla, david 1
newsome, philip n. 1
ng, dsc 1
ng, irene oi lin 1
ng, kk 1
ng, sl 1
niemann, claus u. 1
niriella, ma 1
northup, patrick 1
o'farrell, bryan 1
olmos, andrea 1
olthoff, kim 1
orloff, susan 1
otti, vanessa 1
pai, sher lu 1
palli, graciela martinez 1
pan, terry 1
pang, li 1
parotto, matteo 1
patel, dhupal 1
patel, madhukar s. 1
patel, ms 1
peng, sk 1
pericleous, stephanos 1
petrowsky, henrik 1
pirenne, jacques 1
pittau, gabriella 1
planinsic, raymond 1
pollok, joerg m. 1
pomfret, elizabeth 1
pomposelli, james 1
poon, dmc 1
porte, robert 1
potts, jonathan 1
quintini, cristiano 1
rahman, suehana 1
rajakumar, akila 1
ramirez, alejandro 1
rammohan, ashwin 1
ramsay, michael 1
ramírez, maría amalia matamoros 1
rando, karina 1
raptis, da 1
raptis, dimitri a. 1
reichman, trevor 1
rela, mohamed 1
reyntjens, koen 1
rizkalla, nicole 1
roberts, john 1
rodríguez, gonzalo 1
roll, garrett 1
rothnie, alex 1
rubman, susan 1
rudow, dianne la pointe 1
ruffolo, luis 1
saliba, faouzi 1
samuel, didier 1
sapisochin, gonzalo 1
satish, pranav 1
scatton, olivier 1
schizas, dimitrios 1
schofield, nick 1
scott, aneya 1
sellers, daniel 1
selzner, markus 1
selzner, nazia 1
seto, wai-kay 1
settmacher, utz 1
shaker, tamer mahmoud 1
sharma, anika 1
shaw, conrad 1
she, b 1
she, bw 1
she, wong hoi 1
shetty, amol 1
sin, wc 1
siriwardena, rc 1
soejima, yuji 1
soin, arvinder singh 1
song, gi won 1
spiro, m 1
spiro, michael 1
suh, kyung suk 1
sze, kmf 1
tai, ayp 1
tam, hsc 1
tamir, noam 1
tanaka, tomohiro 1
tanaka, y 1
tandon, puneeta 1
tang, hna 1
tang, raymond shing-yan 1
tang, rsy 1
testa, giuliano 1
tinguely, pascale 1
tokat, yaman 1
tong, dkh 1
tong, sm 1
towey, jennifer 1
tsang, f 1
tsang, hh 1
tsang, j 1
tsang, s 1
tschuor, christoph 1
tse, apw 1
tse, hf 1
vailas, michail 1
van der laan, luc j.w. 1
victor, david 1
vij, v 1
vij, vivek 1
villamil, federico 1
vinaixa, carmen 1
vohra, vijay 1
wagener, gebhard 1
wai, kt 1
wang, x 1
wat, j 1
weiss, emmanuel 1
wells, gemma 1
wey, emmanuel 1
wong, carmen chak lui 1
wong, dkh 1
wong, fcs 1
wong, gtc 1
wong, h 1
wong, iyh 1
wong, kh 1
wong, py 1
wong, sy 1
wong, t 1
wong, tc 1
wong, tc 1
wong, tt 1
wong, y 1
wray, christopher 1
wu, c 1
xia, victor 1
xia, w 1
xu, imj 1
yagi, shintaro 1
yan, cheung tsz 1
yao, tj 1
yau, thomas 1
yeung, c 1
yeung, csy 1
yeung, oscar 1
yiu, kh 1
yiu, mk 1
yong, bh 1
yoon, uzung 1
yoon, young in 1
yuen, vwh 1
zachiotis, marinos 1
zanetto, alberto 1
zhang, w 1
zhen, z 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
hepatocellular carcinoma 38
liver transplantation 25
medical sciences 23
hepatectomy 20
surgery 20
transarterial chemoembolization 19
gastroenterology 17
gastroenterology medical sciences 17
cirrhosis 16
survival analysis 16
hcc 15
outcomes 14
liver transplant 13
survival 13
adult 12
liver resection 12
recurrence 12
acute flare 11
cancer staging 11
cancer survival 11
controlled study 11
decompensation 11
hepatitis 11
hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) 11
high-intensity focused ultrasound 11
liver failure 11
long-term outcome 11
meld 11
portal vein 11
ablation 10
alpps 10
bridging therapy 10
humans 10
liver cancer 10
living donor liver transplantation 10
molecular biology 10
molecular pathology 10
new technology 10
radiofrequency ablation 10
resection 10
signaling 10
sorafenib 10
11c-acetate 9
blood transfusion 9
cancer invasion 9
catheter ablation 9
contrast ct 9
hepatitis b 9
hifu 9
laparoscopic liver resection 9
male 9
milan criteria 9
morbidity 9
mortality 9
neoplasm recurrence, local - surgery 9
non-invasive treatment 9
pet/ct 9
prognosis 9
stereotactic body radiation therapy 9
acetic acid c 11 8
advanced cancer 8
advanced hepatocellular carcinoma 8
antiviral agents - adverse effects - therapeutic use 8
bile ducts - surgery 8
biliary anastomotic stricture 8
cadaver donor 8
cancer recurrence 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - therapy 8
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery - virology 8
cardiac function 8
chemoembolization, therapeutic - adverse effects - mortality 8
colorectal cancer 8
deceased donor liver transplantation 8
disease severity 8
elderly 8
endocrinology 8
fluorodeoxyglucose f 18 8
gene mutation 8
gist 8
guanine - adverse effects - analogs and derivatives - therapeutic use 8
hepatectomy - methods 8
hepatitis b infection 8
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - diagnosis - drug therapy - surgery 8
infusions, intra-arterial 8
liver 8
liver cirrhosis 8
liver cirrhosis - surgery - virology 8
liver disease 8
liver metastasis 8
liver neoplasms - complications/diagnosis - surgery 8
liver neoplasms - mortality - therapy 8
living donor 8
next-generation sequencing 8
prevention 8
rsk2 8
seroconversion (sc) 8
thrombosis - diagnosis - etiology - surgery 8
tki 8
tomography, x-ray computed 8
tyrosine-kinase inhibitor 8
unresectable 8
waiting list 8
abdominal abscess 7
abdominal bleeding 7
abdominal surgery 7
adjuvant therapy 7
advanced cirrhosis 7
american society of anaesthesiologists (asa) 7
anti-angiogenesis 7
biliary reconstruction 7
biomarkers 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 7
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - pathology - therapy 7
cardiac surgery 7
catheters, indwelling 7
child-pugh a 7
cholecystitis, acute - surgery 7
cholecystostomy - instrumentation - methods 7
cohort studies 7
combined modality therapy 7
combined resection 7
complication 7
cytology and histology 7
de novo hbv 7
de novo hepatocellular carcinoma 7
deceased-donor liver transplantation 7
domino liver transplant 7
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 7
entecavir 7
experience 7
extended criteria organ 7
general surgery 7
graft-to-recipient weight ratio 7
head of pancreas 7
hepatitis b vaccination 7
hepatorenal syndrome 7
high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation - methods 7
icc 7
indocyanine green clearance 7
limon 7
liver neoplasms - diagnosis - pathology - surgery 7
liver neoplasms - mortality - pathology - therapy 7
living donor liver transplant 7
long-term survival 7
medicine & public health 7
middle aged 7
model for end-stage liver disease 7
oncology medical sciences 7
palliative care 7
percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy (ptc) 7
portal vein resection 7
pulse spectrophotometry 7
radiology and nuclear medicine pharmacy and pharmacology biology 7
recurrent hcc 7
retransplantation 7
retrospective studies 7
right liver graft 7
right-lobe 7
small-for-size syndrome 7
survival outcomes 7
thalidomide 7
thoracic surgery 7
transthyretin 7
treatment outcome 7
usg-guided 7
val30ala 7
vascular surgery 7
whipple operation 7
acute pancreatitis 6
anastomosis, surgical 6
antiviral therapy 6
asian 6
bile leak 6
biliary complications 6
biliary stricture 6
breast cancer 6
cancer stem cells 6
carcinoma 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - epidemiology - surgery 6
carcinoma, hepatocellular - surgery 6
case-matched study 6
cdk1 inhibitor 6
cholangiocarcinoma 6
cholangiograms 6
cholestasis - etiology 6
close resection margin 6
complex liver resection 6
desmosplastic reaction 6
diagnostic imaging 6
donor hepatectomy 6
duct-to-duct anastomosis 6
ductal anomaly 6
en-bloc resection 6
end-stage liver disease 6
endoscopic retrograde cholangiography 6
endoscopic treatment 6
erc 6
family history 6
graft 6
graft survival 6
graft-weight-to-recipient-weight ratio 6
hepaticojejunostomy 6
hepatocellular 6
hepatocellullar carconoma 6
hepatocholangiocarcinoma 6
hong kong - epidemiology 6
inflow 6
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 6
invasion 6
jnk 6
keywords 6
laparoscopic resection 6
laparoscopy 6
ldlt 6
liver neoplasms - epidemiology - surgery 6
liver neoplasms - surgery 6
liver resection (lr) 6
liver transplantation (lt) 6
liver transplantation - adverse effects 6
liver transplantation - methods 6
liver transplantation - statistics and numerical data 6
living 6
living donors 6
living-donor liver transplantation 6
lung metastasis 6
metastases 6
modulation 6
nomogram 6
pdx models 6
pediatric donor 6
post-transplant recurrence 6
prediction 6
predictive model 6
ptbd 6
radiofrequency ablation (rfa) 6
right liver donation 6
right-liver 6
risk factor 6
ro3306 6
simultaneous resection 6
size 6
small-for-size grafts 6
stage resection 6
standard 6
stc1 6
synchronous colorectal liver metastasis 6
transplantation 6
tumour thrombus 6
adjuvant chemotherapy 5
aged 5
alagille syndrome 5
alpha-fetoprotein (afp) 5
amyloid neuropathies, familial - surgery 5
angioplasty - methods 5
animal experiment 5
animal model 5
anterior approach 5
apoptosis 5
augmented reality 5
bile duct atresia 5
bile duct obstruction 5
bile duct reconstruction 5
bile leakage 5
biliary obstruction 5
carcinoma, hepatocellular - mortality - surgery 5
catheter ablation - methods 5
cell proliferation 5
colorectal liver metastasis 5
complications 5
deceased-donor liver re-transplantation 5
double bypass 5
dual portal vein 5
endoscopic sphicterotomy 5
esomeprazole 5
female 5
follow-up studies 5
gastrointestinal hemorrhage 5
graft failure 5
hemostasis 5
hepatic artery thrombosis 5
hepatic malignancy 5
hepatic veins - surgery 5
hepatopancreatoduodenectomy 5
iatrogenic disease - prevention and control 5
laparoscopic hepatectomy 5
live donor liver transplantation 5
liver neoplasms - mortality - surgery 5
liver remnant 5
living-donor liver re-transplantation 5
lobectomy 5
logistic models 5
malignancy 5
meld score biliary atresia 5
meta-analysis 5
metachronous primary hcc 5
metal stent 5
multivariate analysis 5
neoplasms, second primary - mortality - surgery 5
oncological outcomes 5
outcome 5
pancreatic cancer 5
pancreaticojejunostomy 5
pancreatoduodenectomy 5
papillotomy 5
peld score 5
portal vein - anatomy and histology - surgery 5
portal vein reconstruction 5
post-hepatectomy 5
post-operative complication 5
predicting scoring system 5
radiography, abdominal 5
reconstructive surgical procedures - methods 5
remnant 5
renal transplantation 5
reoperation 5
residual 5
risk factors 5
segmentectomy 5
spleen - injuries - pathology - radiography - surgery 5
tissue and organ harvesting - methods 5
toce 5
vascular surgical procedures - methods 5
wedge resection 5
acute rejection 4
allergology and immunology 4
alpha-fetoprotein 4
antibody-mediated rejection 4
associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy 4
blood vessel prosthesis implantation 4
body mass index 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology 4
carcinoma, hepatocellular - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
cholesterol 4
clonorchis sinensis 4
colonic neoplasms - secondary - surgery 4
colonoscopy 4
dyslipidemia 4
emergencies 4
end stage liver disease - surgery - virology 4
fasting glucose 4
fatty change 4
fatty liver - pathology - radiography 4
gore-tex graft 4
graft occlusion, vascular - diagnosis - etiology - physiopathology - surgery 4
grafts 4
hepatic veins - physiopathology - radiography - surgery 4
hepatitis b, chronic - complications 4
immunosuppression 4
kidney transplantation 4
left lobe graft 4
lipoprotein 4
liver - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
liver circulation 4
liver graft 4
liver neoplasms - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
liver transplantation - adverse effects - methods 4
neoplasm invasiveness 4
orthotopic liver transplantation 4
phlebography - methods 4
pneumocystis jirovecii 4
pneumocystis pneumonia 4
portal vein - pathology - radiography - surgery 4
portal vein invasion 4
post-liver transplant 4
primary biliary cirrhosis 4
review 4
right lobe 4
right lobe graft 4
small for size liver graft 4
steatotic donor 4
surgery medical sciences 4
time factors 4
transplants 4
triglyceride 4
vein graft 4
vena cava, inferior - surgery 4
allograft 3
amyloidosis 3
chemotherapy 3
cholestasis 3
combined 3
erectile dysfunction 3
hbv 3
hcv 3
heart 3
hepatocellular cancer 3
heterogeneity 3
hypogonadism 3
living donation 3
multifocal hcc 3
pancreatic neoplasms 3
practice guideline 3
radiotherapy 3
salvage transplantation 3
sequential 3
sexual dysfunction 3
small for size syndrome 3
stemness 3
tumor recurrence 3
ambulatory surgical procedures 2
anamnesis 2
antineoplastic agents - therapeutic use 2
axillary dissection 2
bile duct 2
bile duct stricture 2
biliary complication 2
blood clotting 2
breast neoplasms - drug therapy - pathology - surgery 2
case report 2
cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 2
chronic hepatitis b 2
day surgery centre 2
end-stage liver diseases 2
estimated standard liver volume 2
false-negative rate 2
feasibility studies 2
hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma 2
hilar plate 2
laparoscopic cholecystectomy 2
lardiac stab injury 2
liver - transplantation - complications 2
liver transection 2
low-pressure pneumoperitoneum 2
lymphatic mapping 2
outcome assessment (health care) 2
percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage 2
pericardiocentesis 2
postoperative pain 2
propofol 2
reoperation - statistics and numerical data 2
resection margin 2
right lobe living donor liver transplantation 2
sentinel lymph node biopsy 2
standard-pressure pneumoperitoneum 2
subxiphoid pericardial window 2
thoracotomy 2
transoesophageal echocardiography 2
trisectionectomy 2
ventricular septal laceration 2
acute liver failure 1
associating liver partition and portal vein ligation in staged hepatectomy 1
clinical outcome 1
clinical outcomes 1
fulminant hepatitis 1
hepatic resection 1
hepatitis e 1
inflow modulation 1
laparoscopic donor hepatectomy 1
liver metastases 1
living donor liver transplantatio 1
mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor 1
minimally invasive surgery 1
neoadjuvant therapy 1
portal vein embolization 1
portal vein ligation 1
sarcopenia 1
surgical indication 1
surgical outcomes 1
targeted agent 1
targeted therapy 1
transarterial radioembolization 1
vascular invasion 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
chan, albert chi yan 1
cheung, tan to 1
lo, chung mau 1
wong, cho lam tiffany 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
transplantation,anaesthesia 5
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